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[June] Fighter Damage Reduction

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Casidian Isu
Siren Heavy Industry Network
#1181 - 2017-06-10 13:23:24 UTC
I think a better change would be to make rats escalate to capitals just as if players would if a solo carrier were drop on them. Instead of nerfimg fighters, make NPCs 60% more likely to agrees them.

Sassy's Corporation
#1182 - 2017-06-10 13:36:36 UTC
Mariza vonAmdonen wrote:
Doomchinchilla wrote:
Aldent Arkanon wrote:
Mariza vonAmdonen wrote:
So, CCP shuts down your overpowered ISK printing machines and you start an upheaval. And you people want to co-direct this game.

Daily reminder that a decent sized part of us don't even rat and are pissed because they're trying to "balance" carriers and supers over PvE while screwing over PvP.

Yeah. I don't even rat. I just pvp.

you mean you dont have your alt down in delve ratting, while you pvp in your super?

I understand that some few might be pissed that this affects pvp too, and rightly so. Although, with the amounts of supers in existence, killing content, that might not be that bad. Still its the PvE loss that caused this big of outcry.

Supers are not killing content. CCP game mechanics are.
MItchell Jensen
The Black Widow Company.
#1183 - 2017-06-10 13:38:04 UTC
I seriously wonder if you guys still think that this is a good idea.

I'm not the 1%. Paying for my PVP will become significantly harder if this goes through.

CCP Dropbear: rofl

edit: ah crap, dev account. Oh well, official rofl at you sir.

Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1184 - 2017-06-10 13:41:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Arahabaki

Sexy Damsel
Caldari State
#1185 - 2017-06-10 13:45:07 UTC
So next step merf vindicator? I can get almost 40m a tick. Lol
Mr Hyde113
#1186 - 2017-06-10 13:46:26 UTC
Is this a typo? Should be frigate damage reduction not fighter.

*Fades back to the afterlife
Pentium 4
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1187 - 2017-06-10 13:50:55 UTC
The Carrier Ratting and Null mining do need the nerfs, agreed, it's broken and creating inflation. But, the approach taken is what is being criticised. Dont nerf PvP due to PvE.

Here is the simple solution:
- Put resistance on rats vs fighters
- Put max tick limit

The above will solve the problem without affecting Pvp.

After this, please focus on real issues, i.e
- Cancer-Sov
- Cancer-Citadel/Structure timers

Delay the Refinery release please. Moon goo is a good content driver, everything you guys touch gets messed since past year.

Fix Cancer-Sov and Cancer-Citadel and then we can go on to other things, create mechanics that enable huge fights between big groups in whatever sec.

corn holio
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1188 - 2017-06-10 13:54:48 UTC
The Grumble
#1189 - 2017-06-10 13:55:46 UTC
In terms of absolutely terrible ideas, I didn't think you guys would be able to top the dumbing-down of advanced audio. Guess that counts for something.
Sassy's Corporation
#1190 - 2017-06-10 14:01:40 UTC
TehHouse wrote:
In terms of absolutely terrible ideas, I didn't think you guys would be able to top the dumbing-down of advanced audio. Guess that counts for something.

Oh they did, by adding huge respawn timers to mining anoms which will have a worse impact on everyone in the game except the alliance that mines the most. For me the most terrible idea CCP have ever had is giving players a reason to log on and simply log back off again because their limited play time does not allow them to do the things they log on for.

Fixing rorquals and isk faucets in the worst possible ways, thank you CCP. Why aren't there more focus groups, like the T3's are getting? It's becoming clearer and clearer that the CSM don't really represent the average eve players. Why can't actual eve players help develop ideas that work and test them before more misguided broken crap gets introduced into the game?
Alia Nadasdy
Imperial's Capsulers
#1191 - 2017-06-10 14:13:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Alia Nadasdy
Shame on CCP if you surrender.
Good Nerf Blink
Return old characters in LORE Big smile
The game will play with new colors Blink
Empire Above All, Joke. Just good music.

"We are the Harbingers of hope, We are the Sword of the Righteous"

"We are a shadow of the former greatness of the Empire"

Purist Lord Admiral Victor

Aldent Arkanon
Vulture Enterprises
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1192 - 2017-06-10 14:18:59 UTC
Mariza vonAmdonen wrote:
Doomchinchilla wrote:
Aldent Arkanon wrote:
Mariza vonAmdonen wrote:
So, CCP shuts down your overpowered ISK printing machines and you start an upheaval. And you people want to co-direct this game.

Daily reminder that a decent sized part of us don't even rat and are pissed because they're trying to "balance" carriers and supers over PvE while screwing over PvP.

Yeah. I don't even rat. I just pvp.

you mean you dont have your alt down in delve ratting, while you pvp in your super?

I understand that some few might be pissed that this affects pvp too, and rightly so. Although, with the amounts of supers in existence, killing content, that might not be that bad. Still its the PvE loss that caused this big of outcry.

No, I don't. As I said, I don't rat.

I've seen quite a lot of people complaining about the PvP side, so its probably more than just a few of us.

Also lmfao if you think that supers are what is killing content, that couldn't be farther from the truth. The reason why there isn't content on a larger scale is because there is nothing to fight over.
Aldent Arkanon
Vulture Enterprises
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1193 - 2017-06-10 14:20:51 UTC
Alia Nadasdy wrote:
Shame on CCP if you surrender.
Good Nerf Blink

Yeah, god forbid that they listen to their playerbase.
Torrent Rage
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1194 - 2017-06-10 14:23:26 UTC
Not a big fan of these changes. Super is going into a keepstar and I unsubbed 5 accounts last night. If anyone wants to come play BDO in a guild made almost entirely of eve players just shoot me a message on discord at TorrentRage#4991.
Steve Rollard
bob marley and the wailers
#1195 - 2017-06-10 14:28:40 UTC
Such a massive blow to the PVP viability of carriers and supers, I feel more could be achieved by altering the anoms to have a better resistance to higher DPS boats or a simple minimum site respawn time for x mins after the first rat is popped.
Rah McGee
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1196 - 2017-06-10 14:31:05 UTC
Aldent Arkanon wrote:
Alia Nadasdy wrote:
Shame on CCP if you surrender.
Good Nerf Blink

Yeah, god forbid that they listen to their playerbase.

What is wrong with supers and carriers being nerfed. It is just a disgrace that they don't even need tackle to pvp against subcaps.
Shalashaska Adam
Snakes and Lasers
#1197 - 2017-06-10 14:31:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Shalashaska Adam
CCP Larrikin wrote:

Fighters are in such a dreadful state I honestly first read the OP as a 20% buff.

"Too strong for PvP", what?

Every change has been awful. The UI is awful, the application is awful, and now a further 20% nerf?

Why did your developers spend so much time making this content, for it to be so carelessly trashed.

Why is it that any half decent player could redesign this in a fair way in an afternoon and do it better.

Whats the most unbelievable is that it takes years to get a 5% heavy missile buff.

Yet this enormous 20% nerf has been pulled out of nowhere, with no thought as to a better way.
Joco Skljoco
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#1198 - 2017-06-10 14:34:05 UTC
CCP Quant recently wrote how supercarrier pilots have 260 million is a lie...For your information,because I see that u are incompetent or just a liar with intent,I must to say that possible average thick,for supers(depending on the type)between 90 and 120 mil....So it is not even close to 780 mils per hour that the CCP Quant stated....Multiboxing with Supers/Carriers is impossible...

Whole this nerf for Supers And Carriers is based on CCP Quant's famous 260 mil tick

This changes will hit all but not that top 1% of the top 1% about CCP Quant talking about (Another lie)...Multiboxers with 10+ Roqual accounts will generate to much isk smoothy....Ghoust farming manipulators intact.....

CCP told to me that I'm 1% of the top 1% trolololololo, with 90mil tick

U do not punishing exploiting....u are punishing regular players,who play by the rules and u are encourage this guys to do more exploiting
Capitals will become useless in pvp...Full PVP fited Archon now have about 800 dps,after nerf will be at level Battlecruiser.
Last 5 years u talking about dynamic of PVP...What quality content are made to encourage PVE players to switch to PVP???

CCP has lack of vision,excessive salaries and lazy developers...I'm sick of You
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1199 - 2017-06-10 14:37:37 UTC
PvP nerf for a PvE non-problem.

Line members make ISK and people like me who never PvE'd before are probably contributing more to your graphs than the mythical 750 mil supercarrier multiboxxer single ******* guy in the game.

Taking my accounts out.

Citadels, entosisin, plex changes for greater money and now this. I think CCP's managers are just trying to kill their game and cash out. **** em.

Goddess of the IGS

As strength goes.

Aldent Arkanon
Vulture Enterprises
Brotherhood of Spacers
#1200 - 2017-06-10 14:38:53 UTC
Rah McGee wrote:
Aldent Arkanon wrote:
Alia Nadasdy wrote:
Shame on CCP if you surrender.
Good Nerf Blink

Yeah, god forbid that they listen to their playerbase.

What is wrong with supers and carriers being nerfed. It is just a disgrace that they don't even need tackle to pvp against subcaps.

The damage reduction is significant. They're already really easy to jam out or defang, the balancing factor for that in the past was that they at least did respectable damage, now with that being nerfed hard its hard to justify using them at all. Also they do need tackle to PvP against subs unless the subcap pilot(s) are incredibly dumb and cant find the warp button. If a subcap or a subcap fleet isn't tackled they can just leave, its kinda simple. Not to mention that properly fitted 100mn nano cruisers can simply ignore fighters if they have the slightest idea as to how to pilot them properly.