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Scammed By Honeycomb, part of Goonswarm

Spartacus Baker
#1 - 2017-06-10 08:41:01 UTC
Before I begin, I want to say I take full responsibility for my loss & realise that it's due to my trust in other human's I have fallen victim to being scammed. I am a returning player after a long break (last played in 2015).

So 3 days ago I reached out on the recruitment chat channel asking for a nullsec corp to join as I want to give nullsec ratting a go.

I was approached by Ragnaris Romalan - member of the Honeycomb, part of the Goonswarm federation.

He sold it to me well, explaining how Delve is the best place in the game for me, and that I will love it there.

Being nieve & trusting, I was excited. The application was supposed to be quick, 5 minutes I was told.

An hour or so passed so I contacted my 'recruiter' again, who advised that I need to make a security deposit of 500m, due to me transferring large amounts of ISK between the character I am applying with, and my station trader who is an alt that just sits in a station, and trades.

I wasn't happy about handing over 500m but I was told I would get it back, it's just a 'security deposit', so I sent the ISK.

Surprise surprise, I didn't get in. 24 hours and dozens of emails later I keep getting told it's because the CEO isn't coming online & that he has to come on to accept the application as I am 'high risk' apparently.

The following day i was contacted by Mabel Honeycomb - Member of the honeycomb, part of the Goonswarm federation.

He proceeded to advise me that my 'recruiter' got it wrong, and that i was supposed to send over 1billion ISK not 500m.

My reaction at this point was anger, as I have already been led on, my money taken from me & still I am not in the corp.

To be fair to him, he managed to convince me that if I do pay the remainder, I will 100% be in the corp within the hour.

This never happened, and they are both now ignoring me.

Like I say I take full responsobility for my loss, and even say well played to them. You got me good.

Reason for this post is to hopefully make potential new & returning players aware of what has happened to me, to hopefully prevent players being turned away from the game because of these cowardly acts of scamming genuine, decent players.

Bleaux Duck
Tax Skippers
#2 - 2017-06-10 11:17:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Bleaux Duck
Everyone told you in help chat when you talked about this earlier that posting this was just going to open you to more ridicule. So preare your anus.

In other news water is wet. My main gets emails and convos from Honeycomb every so often with the best offers in the world, file 13.
Spartacus Baker
#3 - 2017-06-10 11:22:37 UTC
Bleaux Duck wrote:
Everyone told you in help chat when you talked about this earlier that posting this was just going to open you to more ridicule. So preare your anus.

In other news water is wet. My main gets emails and convos from Honeycomb every so often with the best offers in the world, file 13.

Like I say, I take full responsibility for my loss. Ridicule me all they like, I am aware of my own mistake.
#4 - 2017-06-10 11:47:09 UTC
I don't mind scamming in general. But recruitment scamming is just really low. Its like ganking newbro's in the startup systems.
Mabel Honeycomb
The Honeycomb
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2017-06-10 12:59:47 UTC

We at The Honeycomb would like to thank you for your feedback, we are sad to see you leave and close your application.
I hope you learned something for this, the 800M ISK was given a good use and we have many laughs from spending it by buying terrible ****-fit ships and cruising to Pandemic Horde space to blow them up.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Best Regards,

Mabel "SALT MINER" Honeycomb

P.S. To the guy above that complained about scamming new players, we almost always tell new players to go apply to some of our actual member corps, this guy was from 2013 and should have known better.
#6 - 2017-06-10 14:53:59 UTC
Lol, what complaint?
Spartacus Baker
#7 - 2017-06-10 14:56:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Spartacus Baker
'SALT MINER' wasn't exactly the term used in your mail to me.

Yes I did play in 2013 but like I said, I am coming back after a long break.. pretty much new to the game again.

It was also you guys who appoached me for what it's worth.
