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Reprocess or Market?

Vaani ShivaVishnu
#1 - 2017-06-08 22:35:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Vaani ShivaVishnu

I just started and am really enjoying this massive sandbox. I have a quick question, what should I do with all the little loot I gather from missions? For example, what if I get a hundred rounds of some random ammo? It doesn't seem like it would be worth it to sell on the Market because the profit margin doesn't really justify using an order slot. I suppose the best thing for me to do is reprocess it and sell the raw materials in large lots? Am I missing a another mechanic that I should pursue with all this junk?

Sara Starbuck
Adamantine Creations
#2 - 2017-06-08 23:42:50 UTC
Vaani ShivaVishnu wrote:

I just started and am really enjoying this massive sandbox. I have a quick question, what should I do with all the little loot I gather from missions? For example, what if I get a hundred rounds of some random ammo? It doesn't seem like it would be worth it to sell on the Market because the profit margin doesn't really justify using an order slot. I suppose the best thing for me to do is reprocess it and sell the raw materials in large lots? Am I missing a another mechanic that I should pursue with all this junk?


Most stuff just reprocess, meta4 weapons and some other especially good and high value items to market. The game has 90% semiuseless niche modules which you can just reprocess, learning takes while, the ingame value indicator can give clues.
Memphis Baas
#3 - 2017-06-09 02:50:56 UTC
We mostly reprocess, because the minerals have high demand, whereas junk doesn't have much demand. Accumulate junk for a week, and when you reprocess during the weekend, you:

a. get the better weekend market prices
b. get enough minerals to fill an industrial transport and so possibly transport them to a better priced market station

You should check prices and keep the stuff that's valuable, though, sell that individually. And, you can right-click to reprocess, but CANCEL out of the reprocess window once you've checked the prices at the bottom of it (value of items vs. value of minerals).
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2017-06-09 03:46:14 UTC
If you select all of the loot in question from your item hangar and get a reprocessing quote it should flag items potentially worth selling with an exclamation mark. It's not perfect but it's much better than nothing.

What to do with loot is an age old question and each player winds up having to decide for himself how to handle it. Some people just set up a public contract for all of it at a percentage below estimated market value, say for example 80% of estimated value, and usually some other player will buy it and worry about what to do with it.

Some people go through it all and pull out what they know to be worth selling. I used to price check everything and compare jita buy prices to reprocessing value. I only did that for long enough for me to get a feel for what was worth selling. Some people would consider that too much work but I am a loot whore and enjoyed that part of the game.

There used to be out of game apps that would pull your entire inventory from the API and show which items were worth more than the reprocessed mineral value. I've not even looked for apps like that since the reprocessing nerf several years ago so I can't say if those still exist.

My main point is that there is no one correct answer to this question and the best that we can do is offer you options that you can decide to use or not.

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Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#5 - 2017-06-09 08:27:24 UTC
Most player corporations have a loot buyback program where they will pay Jita buy order pricing less 10%. Saves you the hassle of sorting and hauling.

Reprocessing loot gets you 50% yield. Modules that have gone through tiercide (names like compact, enduring, restrained, etc...) are useful - even for experienced players who can fit T2, and most are worth more than their reprocessed minerals.

Salvage is used to make rigs and rigs for Upwell structures need a lot of it so it's quite valuable. I recommend that you train to salvage the wrecks in your missions. An MTU (mobile tractor unit) and salvage drones makes it easy.
Honrado deQuiros
Cartella Shipments and Storage
#6 - 2017-06-09 12:07:15 UTC
There are these bulk sell/buy lists that are still operating, I also think they have an ingame channel for listing contracts. These people buy everything in wholesale/bulk so all you have to do is price it reasonably and you won't have to worry about cherry picking modules, increasing your reprocess rates or whatever.

Check em out.
Chainsaw Plankton
#7 - 2017-06-10 22:47:19 UTC
buy a freight/station container and just throw it in there once it gets to a reasonable value select all and pick reprocess, go through and right click -> Remove item on anything with a ! over it, then reprocess and collect your minerals and either use them or sell them. the rest I'd go dump to jita buy orders most loot isn't in a high enough worth or volume to worry about buy orders. Multisell will tell you where you are getting ripped off.

in general loot just isn't worth the hassle and I don't pick much up. Typically there is more value in running another mission than going back to loot/salvage.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Marcus Binchiette
Federal Vanguard
#8 - 2017-06-11 02:51:22 UTC
Whether you reprocess or sell depends entierly on what the market value is worth compared to the value of minerals produced by reprocessing. This is easily determined by dragging all of the items into the reprocessing window and removing all items with a yellow exclamation mark over the icon.

With level 4 missions it is usually worth your time salvaging. Provided you have a specialised ship (aka. Noctis) for doing the job. Looting the wrecks is easily acomplished with a Mobile Tractor Unit (MTU). Simply anchor the MTU in each room and bookmark it's location. After the mission return in your Noctis and clean up the site. The combined value of loot and salvage can often be well in excess of ISK rewards from bounties and mission completion. So it is worth doing.

As for selling on market. It is only worth creating a sell order if the market values are significantly lower than what they should be, the item is in demand, and you have a reasonable number of them stockpiled. Otherwise, just put them all up for immediate sale. This often comes with a 10% to 30% discount, but, you don't pay broker fees, you're not tying up your market order count, and most importantly you get the ISK in your wallet immediately.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#9 - 2017-06-13 07:02:18 UTC
Here's my suggestion.

Can you afford a mobile tractor unit? They are destructible (but resilient) items, about 7 million ISK for the basic one, that hoover up wrecks for you and loot them automatically. NPCs will not shoot them, but players (like me) will.

If you can, drop one (this means right click it in cargo, then select 'Deploy For Self') when you start a room in mission, complex or anomoly. Then when you complete the room, access the MTU and use the loot filters to hide all items valued under 250000 ISK.

Loot just the good stuff, then pick your MTU back up and fly off, allowing the rest of the loot to rot.

Just a warning: Basic MTUs are very easy for hostile players to probe down with Combat Scanner Probes, about as easy to scan as a shield-tanked battleship. If you are doing PVE in hostile space (lowsec, nullsec, WH space), the MTU is almost a beacon shouting your location. The very expensive (~300m) Magpie MTU is six times harder to scan than the basic one.

Even in highsec hostile players (like me) can and sometimes will probe down your MTU and shoot it, giving you a choice - flee without your MTU (in which case I will kill it and loot it), or run to the MTU and scoop it, or counterattack me (which is usually what I want you to do).


If 7m is too much to spend on a (fairly resilient) consumable, I would instead advise you to salvage without looting, making an exception for extremely tough rats such as frigates with bounties that exceed 30000 ISK, cruisers with bounties over 125000, and any ship with a million plus bounty.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Kathern Aurilen
#10 - 2017-06-14 00:56:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Kathern Aurilen
I have been saving all my crap loot for one big day when I finally get that dang Scrap skill and awful requirements finally trained. Every thing under 5k or ripoff buy orders gets thrown in the crap-scrap pile.

It's another one like the ice skill and its requirements... Ugh

No cuts, no butts, no coconuts!

Forum alt, unskilled in the ways of pewpew!

Memphis Baas
#11 - 2017-06-14 01:12:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Memphis Baas
The scrap processing skill is an OCD detector; 2-8% gain for a month of training prerequisites is NOT WORTH IT. Seriously, you're processing the scrap once a week for what, 8% gain on some 400k worth of minerals? That's 32k ISK per week. You throw that away on taxes or fees daily.

EVE skills are configured so you have to stop yourself at "good enough", otherwise you'll be training for YEARS.
Kathern Aurilen
#12 - 2017-06-14 01:15:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Kathern Aurilen
Memphis Baas wrote:
The scrap processing skill is an OCD detector; 2-8% gain for a month of training prerequisites is NOT WORTH IT.

EVE skills are configured so you have to stop yourself at "good enough", otherwise you'll be training for YEARS.

Ain't that the truth. At least scrap skill requirements go with some of the R+D skill I want to learn.

No cuts, no butts, no coconuts!

Forum alt, unskilled in the ways of pewpew!

Pino Liuzzi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2017-06-14 01:16:44 UTC
I'm very new to this game and I noticed that when clicking on loot to reprocess it, apparently almost 50% of materials get lost in the process... Is that normal?
Chainsaw Plankton
#14 - 2017-06-14 01:20:02 UTC
Memphis Baas wrote:
The scrap processing skill is an OCD detector; 2-8% gain for a month of training prerequisites is NOT WORTH IT. Seriously, you're processing the scrap once a week for what, 8% gain on some 400k worth of minerals? That's 32k ISK per week. You throw that away on taxes or fees daily.

EVE skills are configured so you have to stop yourself at "good enough", otherwise you'll be training for YEARS.

if you put up enough buy orders below mineral value it makes sense, if you are only doing your own loot it's far less important. I trained it on my alt back before they nerfed t1 loot drops and made reprocessing 50% of base minerals.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Chainsaw Plankton
#15 - 2017-06-14 01:22:09 UTC
Pino Liuzzi wrote:
I'm very new to this game and I noticed that when clicking on loot to reprocess it, apparently almost 50% of materials get lost in the process... Is that normal?

yes, it is designed that way. before people would build t1 items like 425mm railguns and jump freighter them to 0.0 and reprocess them to move minerals, at a 50% refine rate it is not very economical to do. They have also introduced compressed ore and most null has better access to roids than back then. It also makes a lot of meta items that aren't widely used to be valued at the mineral cost because the best thing to do with them is reprocess them.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Memphis Baas
#16 - 2017-06-14 02:14:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Memphis Baas
Pino Liuzzi wrote:
I'm very new to this game and I noticed that when clicking on loot to reprocess it, apparently almost 50% of materials get lost in the process... Is that normal?

Yeah, CCP made it that way on purpose. Because:

1. A LOT of people do missions or kill NPC pirates in 0.0 space and get junk loot. They get enough junk loot that they reprocess to minerals, that almost nobody needed to mine. Also because mining is boring. So CCP is trying to make us mine more and reprocess the junk less.

2. As Chainsaw Plankton explained, 100k people playing on the same server will find unintended ways to play the game. This wasn't an exploit, but still, you manufacture 5000 battleship railguns (using minerals), and they don't take much space, so you transport them across the map, then you reprocess them and get your minerals back (minerals take more space than the guns). Enough people did this that CCP was kinda forced to introduce "ore compression", otherwise we'd keep doing "railgun compression."

So now you get half the minerals when you reprocess an item. That disables "gun compression" and reduces the amount of "mining" the NPC loot. At the same time they introduced a line of new ships (mining barges), and revamped the asteroid yields to be better. Control how we play the game with the stick, AND the carrot.

CCP stands for "Crowd Control Productions" by the way. Gives you insight of how they think of themselves.
Pino Liuzzi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2017-06-14 04:17:17 UTC
Memphis Baas wrote:
Pino Liuzzi wrote:
I'm very new to this game and I noticed that when clicking on loot to reprocess it, apparently almost 50% of materials get lost in the process... Is that normal?

Yeah, CCP made it that way on purpose. Because:

1. A LOT of people do missions or kill NPC pirates in 0.0 space and get junk loot. They get enough junk loot that they reprocess to minerals, that almost nobody needed to mine. Also because mining is boring. So CCP is trying to make us mine more and reprocess the junk less.

2. As Chainsaw Plankton explained, 100k people playing on the same server will find unintended ways to play the game. This wasn't an exploit, but still, you manufacture 5000 battleship railguns (using minerals), and they don't take much space, so you transport them across the map, then you reprocess them and get your minerals back (minerals take more space than the guns). Enough people did this that CCP was kinda forced to introduce "ore compression", otherwise we'd keep doing "railgun compression."

So now you get half the minerals when you reprocess an item. That disables "gun compression" and reduces the amount of "mining" the NPC loot. At the same time they introduced a line of new ships (mining barges), and revamped the asteroid yields to be better. Control how we play the game with the stick, AND the carrot.

CCP stands for "Crowd Control Productions" by the way. Gives you insight of how they think of themselves.

I see, thanks for the explanation
Netan MalDoran
Shadow Cartel
#18 - 2017-06-17 17:38:53 UTC
Vaani ShivaVishnu wrote:

It doesn't seem like it would be worth it to sell on the Market because the profit margin doesn't really justify using an order slot. I suppose the best thing for me to do is reprocess it and sell the raw materials in large lots?

When you sell something you dont have to use an order slot, you can also insta sell it to someones buy order.
You usually only setup sell orders on expensive items you may find, or if you are trying to get the absolute best market margins if you are a market focused player.

"Your security status has been lowered." - Hell yeah it was!

Falcon's truth

Kathern Aurilen
#19 - 2017-06-19 05:45:12 UTC
Have 5k in scrap metal just piled up from back in the day

No cuts, no butts, no coconuts!

Forum alt, unskilled in the ways of pewpew!

Francis Raven
The Initiative.
#20 - 2017-06-19 12:25:22 UTC
Netan MalDoran wrote:
Vaani ShivaVishnu wrote:

It doesn't seem like it would be worth it to sell on the Market because the profit margin doesn't really justify using an order slot. I suppose the best thing for me to do is reprocess it and sell the raw materials in large lots?

When you sell something you dont have to use an order slot, you can also insta sell it to someones buy order.
You usually only setup sell orders on expensive items you may find, or if you are trying to get the absolute best market margins if you are a market focused player.

I've trained the trading skills SOLELY to have more market slots. I absolutely hate insta-selling. Its like throwing away isk for items that are higher-turnover.

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