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Pew Pew - the untold story

#1 - 2017-06-02 08:59:02 UTC
Ever find yourself looking at a killmail and thinking how exactly that heron killed that vagabond or record of those two Deacons uncloaking when you engage that destroyer in a small plex or more so having an awesome fight which ends in no killmail?

While cyno kills (it’s the law when at non-public citadels or stations), ganks (purging of the stupid) and smartbombing pods (there is always one) makes it on to the killboard, so many fights and the details are missed.

We have enough information recorded by the system surely…. Total Tank, Damage (per Hit), Rep (Raw), Distances from damage calc, Pilot commands from direction click, orbit, approach, Overload from damage calc, Module effect - Scram/Neut, etc. Surely if this information was released, maybe more, some awesome techy dude could process into a simple simulation?

I think this would be awesome to remember all the good times unrecorded and also understand what peeps did during the fight and how you can improve yourself.

Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#2 - 2017-06-03 15:20:59 UTC
Two people recording the same fight from opposing perspectives is probably the only best and easiest way to do this. Just gotta have the guts to share footage. Hardly do pilots do everything 'right' and both walk away from a gf with no kill mail.
Master Sergeant MacRobert
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#3 - 2017-06-03 18:12:22 UTC
Kill reports have far more potential than is currently realised for story telling.

It's great that people can tell the story but info about the fights could easily be enriched by enhanced kill reports and a new evolution of killboards.

Time of first aggression for each combatant on the killmail.
Duration of warp disruptor / warp scram held.
Remote repairs HP value (-ve damage perhaps?)
Local repairs HP value
Boosters & link affects active on the aggressors and the victim

"Remedy this situation or you shall live out the rest of your life in a pain amplifier"

SoE Roughriders
Electus Matari
#4 - 2017-06-03 19:25:03 UTC
What I want the most, is the history of remote effects to be on killmails. No reason logistics ships or remote sebo ships shouldn't show up if they repped someone who killed someone else within 15 minutes.
Yang Aurilen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5 - 2017-06-04 10:53:32 UTC
Imagine the TiDi though as we spam even more stuff into CCP's servers. What CCP needs to fix is the number cap of pilots on a single killmail.

Post with your NPC alt main and not your main main alt!

Master Sergeant MacRobert
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#6 - 2017-06-04 11:55:46 UTC
Yang Aurilen wrote:
Imagine the TiDi though as we spam even more stuff into CCP's servers. What CCP needs to fix is the number cap of pilots on a single killmail.

The information is already on the servers. It's in all the logs.

The only thing they might have to do is delay the kill reports rather than giving them instantly.

I'm all for freeing up server performance. I'd even accept Delay to the processing of kill reports until people involved were docked up or some other reasonable trigger such as just after leaving the system of the engagement before a request to process is submitted.

"Remedy this situation or you shall live out the rest of your life in a pain amplifier"

Enderr Wigginn01
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2017-06-05 18:34:00 UTC