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Plex Pieces

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Missiles 'R' Us
#21 - 2017-05-29 19:35:39 UTC

Could i pretty please only pay full when i play?

I don't think so... Lol
ISD Stall
ISD Alliance
#22 - 2017-05-29 21:53:04 UTC
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
Disagree 100%,
The new Plex system was only implemented to reduce the number of alphas plexing their accounts

The big problem with your theory is that CCP makes more money through Plex than they do game time. Looking at my account management page at the time of this post and the prices are:

  • 30 Days of Omega Game time $14.99 USD
  • 500 Plex (used for 30 days of game time) $19.99 USD

Based on that alone, CCP makes an extra $5 USD a month when someone uses PLEX over the 'add game time' page on the account management website.

Even if a player buys PLEX in game, and uses that for their subscription someone else had to purchase it, therefore CCP still gets the extra $5 USD.
Ishido Attaka
Purity of the Iron Cold
#23 - 2017-05-30 08:07:23 UTC
The more ISK player gets from single PLEX, the less PLEXes he needs to seed. So CCP will lose real money on current PLEX price trends. Couple years ago CCP got 40 euro for each properly fitted BS. Now it gets less then 20.
Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#24 - 2017-05-30 10:16:53 UTC
Ishido Attaka wrote:
The more ISK player gets from single PLEX, the less PLEXes he needs to seed. So CCP will lose real money on current PLEX price trends. Couple years ago CCP got 40 euro for each properly fitted BS. Now it gets less then 20.

Yet the reality is that now people will still buy 2 BS worth of plex and have more fun whelping two instead of one and therefore be riskier and therefore more "fun" to others be it winning or losing in fights.

@OP Yeah no there are a lot of reasons I can think of this would be bad for the game if it happened. Ive weighed the pros and cons for some time in my head and though it sounds nice to have shorter periods of paid playing with the PvP nature of the game it would make it very bad for the rich in the game or the smart to abuse.

Im with Pugii that plex will go up to the 2bil mark soon enough, though I doubt it will be that fast unless we see a lot of market manipulation. But in the same way I wont try to time the real life markets I wont try to predict this one either. Ive seen PLEX increase a lot over the years. I remember thinking 450mil was SUPER EXPENSIVE OMG!! for a 90day GTC, thats 150mil per 30 days folks. Its now 10 times that amount and it will continue to go up in price still. The easier it is to make isk the faster the prices will increase.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

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