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Plex Pieces

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Spank mehard
Deadspace Depot
#1 - 2017-05-23 13:40:07 UTC
I just started playing again after around a year or so break.

When I saw the new plex system I wanted to be optimistic and hope there were changes that benefitted players but usually CCP only nerfs things which hurt players.

I have played since pre-apocrypha which is pretty dang long.

I had hoped by having a smaller system of plexes, a char like myself could activate say 5 pieces of a plex and play for a night at omega level.

( That means good ship and modules for the night )

Then if I didn't play for a week I didn't pay.

Yea I wont train skills but I have everything I want anyways.

This type of system also benefits people who mine ( plex your miners for your op and not just waste tons of time )

Based on current plex prices, a plex is now 1.5b which means if you mine you are literally a slave to the market just to try to pay for your mining accounts.

anyone have some thoughts on being able to use say 5 plex pieces at once?
ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#2 - 2017-05-23 13:59:05 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Max Trix
This has come up before and to paraphrase what CCP has said on the topic, it is unlikely if ever something like this would be implemented.

Personaly, I would not want this to happen. This is because it would seriously unbalance the game. Capital pilots would be able to plex solely for a fight, those who have month long subscriptions would gain no real benefit from it. In turn you would see the price for 1 NuPlex end up the same price as 1 OldPlex, which would defeat the purpose of the new PLEX system.

Edit: Having a bit of trouble with removing the lock on this thread.

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

Spank mehard
Deadspace Depot
#3 - 2017-05-23 14:42:01 UTC
Those who have month long subscriptions would greatly benefit because plex prices will go down.

A plex will last much longer.

It will help 90% of the game's playerbase

but CCP would make less money so I guess it wont happen huh.
Nasar Vyron
S0utherN Comfort
#4 - 2017-05-23 14:51:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Nasar Vyron
Spank mehard wrote:
Those who have month long subscriptions would greatly benefit because plex prices will go down.

A plex will last much longer.

It will help 90% of the game's playerbase

but CCP would make less money so I guess it wont happen huh.

Pretty sure plex would not go down. You're actually increasing demand by people like yourself (OP) who would otherwise remain alpha. Increasing granularity and fluidity makes demand goes up, not down. And please don't pull numbers out of thing air by saying it helps 90% of the playerbase. It would hurt far more than it would help by increased prices, and people picking and choosing when they want to "pay" for the game. Esp if they don't fix the omega->alpha training bug, I'm not going to elaborate on this as it's against forum rules, but this would help nobody.
Zanar Skwigelf
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#5 - 2017-05-23 15:00:06 UTC
Spank mehard wrote:
I had hoped by having a smaller system of plexes, a char like myself could activate say 5 pieces of a plex and play for a night at omega level.

This won't happen because it will allow people to avoid the restrictions of alpha play cloaking, PI setup, cyno alts, etc.) with no real consequence or cost.
Kristin Sabrioski
Caldari State
#6 - 2017-05-23 16:09:11 UTC
Spank mehard wrote:

I had hoped by having a smaller system of plexes, a char like myself could activate say 5 pieces of a plex and play for a night at omega level.

( That means good ship and modules for the night )

Then if I didn't play for a week I didn't pay.

That is exactly why they won't do it. The granularity was added in order to merge aurum and plex together into one "currency." Not to allow granularity in the form of subscriptions.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#7 - 2017-05-23 16:45:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
I buy PLEX on market in small batches now. But I noticed I will spend it on clothes more eagerly. Just this outfit costs 125 PLEX in the NEStore. I bought it there.

In my case, I paid CCP only once. Essentially, EVE could have been "Pay once to play forever" game for me all this time. Just like Guild Wars 2. Or GTA Online. I PLEXED it way ahead into the future.

Shiny PLEX is calling to me, I must go. Just one more.
Market JitaAlt
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#8 - 2017-05-23 16:56:44 UTC
Spank mehard wrote:

Based on current plex prices, a plex is now 1.5b which means if you mine you are literally a slave to the market just to try to pay for your mining accounts.

Just extract the skills trained in that month and you'll break even by selling those sp
Nalia White
#9 - 2017-05-23 17:16:04 UTC
do you want to have throwaway cyno alts??

because that's how you get them... would be bad.

Syndicate - K5-JRD

Home to few, graveyard for many

My biggest achievement

Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2017-05-23 19:41:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Matthias Ancaladron
ISD Max Trix wrote:
This has come up before and to paraphrase what CCP has said on the topic, it is unlikely if ever something like this would be implemented.

Personaly, I would not want this to happen. This is because it would seriously unbalance the game. Capital pilots would be able to plex solely for a fight, those who have month long subscriptions would gain no real benefit from it. In turn you would see the price for 1 NuPlex end up the same price as 1 OldPlex, which would defeat the purpose of the new PLEX system.

Edit: Having a bit of trouble with removing the lock on this thread.

Disagree 100%,
The new Plex system was only implemented to reduce the number of alphas plexing their accounts
By artificially raising the prices 50-100% to force subscriptions. CCP is trying to raise subscription numbers but theyre actually just pushing new players away who can't afford to subscribe or Plex now. People who can actually afford to subscribe are already subscribed, new and returning players are back because it was supposed to be cheaper to play and go directly to Plex.

Old Plex system was much cheaper and intuitive for everyone involved,
Plus a broken down chunk of time for one day let's say would mean your still not training for 29 days. Assuming I was going to queue up a 14 day skill it would take me over a year if I only bought one day per month to play as omega with 0 impact on the market.
Chainsaw Plankton
#11 - 2017-05-23 20:41:03 UTC
Spank mehard wrote:
Based on current plex prices, a plex is now 1.5b which means if you mine you are literally a slave to the market just to try to pay for your mining accounts.

lol, mining accounts have been slave status for as long as I've been playing, aside from a brief period of rorqual overlords.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2017-05-23 22:30:00 UTC
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
ISD Max Trix wrote:
This has come up before and to paraphrase what CCP has said on the topic, it is unlikely if ever something like this would be implemented.

Personaly, I would not want this to happen. This is because it would seriously unbalance the game. Capital pilots would be able to plex solely for a fight, those who have month long subscriptions would gain no real benefit from it. In turn you would see the price for 1 NuPlex end up the same price as 1 OldPlex, which would defeat the purpose of the new PLEX system.

Edit: Having a bit of trouble with removing the lock on this thread.

Disagree 100%,
The new Plex system was only implemented to reduce the number of alphas plexing their accounts
By artificially raising the prices 50-100% to force subscriptions. CCP is trying to raise subscription numbers but theyre actually just pushing new players away who can't afford to subscribe or Plex now. People who can actually afford to subscribe are already subscribed, new and returning players are back because it was supposed to be cheaper to play and go directly to Plex.

Old Plex system was much cheaper and intuitive for everyone involved,
Plus a broken down chunk of time for one day let's say would mean your still not training for 29 days. Assuming I was going to queue up a 14 day skill it would take me over a year if I only bought one day per month to play as omega with 0 impact on the market.

You know ccp makes more money from plex than subs right?
Why would ccp be trying to push something that looses them money?
Litla Sundlaugin
#13 - 2017-05-23 22:35:52 UTC
Plex prices should reach 2 billion sometime in the summer, mostly because plex is now used to buy skins and other stuff, people will buy plex thinking they will plex their account over time as they buy in increments only to get tired of the chase after playing hamster in a wheel, eventually things will settle down to about 1.7 billion (im pulling this number out of the air), only way to get it to die down is to stop buying the plex off the market...but that's like telling folks to stop buying up .22 ammo, yet people just kerp buying like they are arming for battle, humans Roll
Earnest Emu
Cosmic Cohorts
Short Bus Syndicate
#14 - 2017-05-23 23:12:31 UTC
So what you want is to only pay when online and hence only train when online.
Being able to train whIle not online is what makes eve standout and I can honestly say the cheapest mmo I play
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#15 - 2017-05-24 00:15:32 UTC
Spank mehard wrote:
Those who have month long subscriptions would greatly benefit because plex prices will go down.

A plex will last much longer.

It will help 90% of the game's playerbase

but CCP would make less money so I guess it wont happen huh.

You have it precisely backwards. Letting plex be used for a small increment of OMEGA time will increase demand. Thus prices will go up, not down.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#16 - 2017-05-24 00:16:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
How did I get a double post...? Oh well, trembling hand equilibrium I guess.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#17 - 2017-05-24 00:39:09 UTC
Bjorn Tyrson wrote:
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
ISD Max Trix wrote:
This has come up before and to paraphrase what CCP has said on the topic, it is unlikely if ever something like this would be implemented.

Personaly, I would not want this to happen. This is because it would seriously unbalance the game. Capital pilots would be able to plex solely for a fight, those who have month long subscriptions would gain no real benefit from it. In turn you would see the price for 1 NuPlex end up the same price as 1 OldPlex, which would defeat the purpose of the new PLEX system.

Edit: Having a bit of trouble with removing the lock on this thread.

Disagree 100%,
The new Plex system was only implemented to reduce the number of alphas plexing their accounts
By artificially raising the prices 50-100% to force subscriptions. CCP is trying to raise subscription numbers but theyre actually just pushing new players away who can't afford to subscribe or Plex now. People who can actually afford to subscribe are already subscribed, new and returning players are back because it was supposed to be cheaper to play and go directly to Plex.

Old Plex system was much cheaper and intuitive for everyone involved,
Plus a broken down chunk of time for one day let's say would mean your still not training for 29 days. Assuming I was going to queue up a 14 day skill it would take me over a year if I only bought one day per month to play as omega with 0 impact on the market.

You know ccp makes more money from plex than subs right?
Why would ccp be trying to push something that looses them money?

Two things:
1: A plex spent is a plex spent is a plex spent. The balance sheet doesn't care where. The more plex being spent, the better CCP's finances look, at least in the short term. In the longer term, if they manage to shut a lot of accounts out of plexing game time, the PCU suffers and they take another hard look at how we pay for the game.
2: Subscription requires valid payment information.

A signature :o

Obsidian Blacke
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2017-05-24 05:59:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Obsidian Blacke
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
ISD Max Trix wrote:
This has come up before and to paraphrase what CCP has said on the topic, it is unlikely if ever something like this would be implemented.

Personaly, I would not want this to happen. This is because it would seriously unbalance the game. Capital pilots would be able to plex solely for a fight, those who have month long subscriptions would gain no real benefit from it. In turn you would see the price for 1 NuPlex end up the same price as 1 OldPlex, which would defeat the purpose of the new PLEX system.

Edit: Having a bit of trouble with removing the lock on this thread.

Disagree 100%,
The new Plex system was only implemented to reduce the number of alphas plexing their accounts
By artificially raising the prices 50-100% to force subscriptions. CCP is trying to raise subscription numbers but theyre actually just pushing new players away who can't afford to subscribe or Plex now. People who can actually afford to subscribe are already subscribed, new and returning players are back because it was supposed to be cheaper to play and go directly to Plex.

Old Plex system was much cheaper and intuitive for everyone involved,
Plus a broken down chunk of time for one day let's say would mean your still not training for 29 days. Assuming I was going to queue up a 14 day skill it would take me over a year if I only bought one day per month to play as omega with 0 impact on the market.

There's no need for any conspiracy theories. The new Plex system was implemented to unify the Aurum Store with Plex to make it easier to use the store. CCPs been pretty honest about that fact. This obviously has many benefits for both players and CCP. For players, the new store is more accessible, more intuitive, and only requires you to purchase as much plex as you need for the item you want. I've already gone shopping for skins, which I never would have done in the old store. For CCP, it encourages players to spend Plex on store items which hopefully leads to more plex being purchased, makes their store sales more attractive, and allows them to easily introduce new microtransaction items to the store at a later date if they so choose.
Litla Sundlaugin
#19 - 2017-05-24 06:11:03 UTC
Again if you don't like the new plex system (I don't) , don't buy plex with isk, this supports the plex madness price, STOP BUYING IT WITH ISK, just sub your account and buy vanity items with isk, this stops the demand for plex, but by all means keep it up and watch the price go nuts.
Liberty Rogues
Aprilon Dynasty
#20 - 2017-05-29 10:16:32 UTC
Matthias Ancaladron wrote:
ISD Max Trix wrote:
This has come up before and to paraphrase what CCP has said on the topic, it is unlikely if ever something like this would be implemented.

Personaly, I would not want this to happen. This is because it would seriously unbalance the game. Capital pilots would be able to plex solely for a fight, those who have month long subscriptions would gain no real benefit from it. In turn you would see the price for 1 NuPlex end up the same price as 1 OldPlex, which would defeat the purpose of the new PLEX system.

Edit: Having a bit of trouble with removing the lock on this thread.

Disagree 100%,
The new Plex system was only implemented to reduce the number of alphas plexing their accounts
By artificially raising the prices 50-100% to force subscriptions. CCP is trying to raise subscription numbers but theyre actually just pushing new players away who can't afford to subscribe or Plex now. People who can actually afford to subscribe are already subscribed, new and returning players are back because it was supposed to be cheaper to play and go directly to Plex.

Old Plex system was much cheaper and intuitive for everyone involved,
Plus a broken down chunk of time for one day let's say would mean your still not training for 29 days. Assuming I was going to queue up a 14 day skill it would take me over a year if I only bought one day per month to play as omega with 0 impact on the market.

Well you're entitled to an opinion, even when its factually incorrect, PLEX and AURUM were merged, the combined mini PLEX can be used as either of these currencies without the need to exchange them, before you had to convert a PLEX in to aurum and there was, as far as i know, no way to turn it back in to a PLEX, now you get to skip all of that and just use PLEX to buy whatever you want, yes, as a result the price went up, can't say most of us didn't expect that, PLEXing an account is already more expensive than buying a subscription so it would make very little sense for CCP to discourage it, they want to sell the maximum number of PLEX as they make more money from it so making it harder for alphas to PLEX isn't the end goal here and was not the reason for the change, might want to loosen that tinfoil hat you're wearing :P
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