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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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I don't know what to do

Jonny Flex
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2017-05-21 17:30:06 UTC
Hi all,

I've been playing this game for a few days now and I'm totally lost. It took me a few days to even find this forum! I got on this game and the Zoe Saldana looking chick was talking to me in the box and then the hologram looking chick was talking to me too and I flew over and shot something and picked up some people and then they said to do something else and now I'm stuck.

What do I do?

p.s. How do I get more spacecrafts? Mine looks ugly and I don't like it
Netan MalDoran
Shadow Cartel
#2 - 2017-05-21 17:35:12 UTC
You were most likely doing a mission from an agent, if completed you can get ISK, LP, and sometimes ships from it. Normally you would perform various activities (PvE missions, looting/salvaging, markets, mining) to gain ISK to then buy whatever you want from the market (or you can also build your own stuff, but thats a different conversation).

"Your security status has been lowered." - Hell yeah it was!

Falcon's truth

Ice Fire Warriors
#3 - 2017-05-21 18:01:16 UTC
Welcome to EVE!

So... please bear with me. Before I answer your questions directly., I want to go over a few concepts that will help you here in EVE.

- EVE is an "open ended" game. By this I mean, there are no true sets of goals or "end content" the way you will find in other contemporary games.
Here, you have to set your own goals and decide what YOU personally want to aim for.

- Operating "solo" is possible, but it will truly shine if you find and group together with other players like yourself (in terms of mentality, not age or chosen profession).
I know it is scary to interact with other players at first... but know that as long as you keep asking questions, have a willingness to learn and be proactive, earn people's trust, and take failure in stride... you will find that MANY players here are extremely friendly.

And yes... this applies even the ones who actively hunt you down and blow you up (hint: sometimes, PvP players can be the friendliest and most informative people you can find... if you are nice to them).

- Bigger and more expensive ships are not the end-all-be-all point of the game. Every ship is good at something, bad at others. Don't take ship size and equipment TOO SERIOUSLY. And laugh at those that do.
I say this because there are countless examples of frigate swarms dismantling larger, VASTLY more expensive ships in under a minute.

- PvE content will be boring... but that isn't the point. Everything in EVE is an exercise in competition against others. THAT is where you will get most of your thrills; competing and avoiding/fighting other players.
And no... mechanically there is no way to 100% avoid PvP in EVE. Not even in high-sec.
But with knowledge and experience, you can stack the odds in your favor and learn to effectively avoid it.

Okay... so all that said...

Jonny Flex wrote:
I got on this game and the Zoe Saldana looking chick was talking to me in the box and then the hologram looking chick was talking to me too and I flew over and shot something and picked up some people and then they said to do something else and now I'm stuck.

It sounds like you were doing a mission and picked up a mission item.

Go back to the station where you picked up the mission and double click the agent again. You should have the option to complete there.

Failing that, you can always make a petition using the F12 menu and a GM can "reset" the mission.

Note: If you do not know where the mission station is, look to the upper left of your screen while out in space. You should see something alluding to a mission up there. Fiddle with it until you find the station you need to go to.
And when in doubt, right-click things to pull up "option / action" menus.

Jonny Flex wrote:
How do I get more spacecrafts? Mine looks ugly and I don't like it

If you park in a station, there should be a toolbar on the left hand-side of the screen.

One of the icons on it should pop up a description saying "market."

You can then peruse the market window and the item trees to find ships and items you need.

BEAR IN MIND... items you buy from the market are "station specific."

By this I mean; some items are only for sale in certain stations. If you buy an item from a station you are not in, you will have to go to said station to retrieve it.

You can see where an item is located by clicking the specific item in the market window. To buy things from the station of your choice, right click the item and select buy.

Also bear in mind that all ships in the game has specific purposes. Your current ship may be ugly... but it may also be the best suited for what you wish to do.
Eleonora Crendraven
Global Communications AG
#4 - 2017-05-21 18:27:01 UTC
HI Jonny Flex

join in-game chat channels like English Help or Eve University ( Neocom Menu - Social -. Channels, select Help )

Eve University provides in-game classes about all kinds of "what can you do and how can you do it":

There is a good picture what acn I do in EVE, too:


Alaric Faelen
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5 - 2017-05-21 20:29:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Alaric Faelen
1) what attracted you to Eve in the first place? What is it that you saw yourself doing in your head when you made the decision to try Eve?

--Whatever it was, most likely you can do it in New Eden.

Finding other people that do what it is you want to do is not hard. There are chat channels in the game that cover most aspects of gameplay- and usually offer more dedicated links to follow. For example the Incursions public channel directs you to specific groups that run Incursions. From there you will find things like 3rd party websites that they use to communicate, set doctrine, etc...

You just need to think of what sounds interesting to try. Remember, you can train everything.

2) you are not limited to choosing one thing or another. It might slow down your skill progression to bounce around content, but you can certainly do it. And you can do most things in the game without having to be 'All V' just to check it out. For example you might need really good skills scan down high end exploration sites in null sec, but to give it a go in high or low sec doesn't require much more than the wherewithal to undock and go do it.

I usually suggest the large null sec coalitions. They offer pretty much every form of content from front line sov warfare PvP to non-stop carebearing in a renter alliance.

But again, you are never limited to doing just that one thing. When I was part of the one of the game's top coalitions there was never less than a dozen fleets in the finder, doing anything from high sec ganking, mining, ratting, etc. And if I formed a fleet to do something, people would join.
Whatever you do in Eve, do it with other people. Seriously- I learned more in one good low sec roam with experienced players than I did in months by myself. All these questions you have....they will be answered in ungodly detail by some nerd that already does whatever it is you want to do in the game.
Mark O'Helm
Fam. Zimin von Reizgenschwendt
#6 - 2017-05-21 21:42:58 UTC
This might help.

"Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen. Aber Frauen wollen keine Frauenversteher. Weil Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen." (Ein Single)

"Wirklich coolen Leuten ist es egal, ob sie cool sind." (Einer, dem es egal ist)

Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#7 - 2017-05-22 08:10:15 UTC
Welcome to Eve.

You find yourself in a player driven sandbox where you're expected to entertain yourself rather than a developer guided theme park designed to entertain you. In Eve you are the cast - not the audience.

Your first hour in the game will be spent running the Inception tutorial. Aura will guide you step by step. If you get stuck the icon to the left of the Operations Info Panel will let you reset.

CCP has created a series of tutorial videos you can access in game. Press F12 and select the tutorial video tab.

Eve University is the go to place for learning about Eve

Anything you want to know about the game, their wiki probably has an article and they also offer instructor led classes. See the sticky at the top of this forum.

You are not going to master Eve in a few weeks or months - I'm still learning after 3 years.

Good luck!

Rexxar Santaro
Forex Corp
#8 - 2017-05-22 14:52:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Rexxar Santaro
Just do little and read more,
Before your assets will gone more.
This forum contains all,
To save your capsuleer from a fall.

P.S. Iโ€™m sorry Do Little for a tautology ๐Ÿ˜Š
I just noticed a unique case. I respect your skills.
Blade Darth
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#9 - 2017-05-22 16:22:54 UTC
Jonny Flex wrote:
I don't know what to do
Keep making troll accounts on forum, that post was funny.

It's better than couple years ago when all you got was a rookie ship and a "gtfo". Now the game actually has a tutorial but without watching 20+ videos and reading trough dozens of pages of player-made guides it's still like running into a wall when you coming from wow or candy crush.

If you are really a newbro best advice would be to socialize in the default npc corp, make some friends etc.
you will get answers faster and from more competent people than on forums. There is a lot 10+ year old player alts in those corps.
Sophs Monster
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2017-05-24 10:28:59 UTC
Blade Darth wrote:
Jonny Flex wrote:
I don't know what to do
Keep making troll accounts on forum, that post was funny.

It's better than couple years ago when all you got was a rookie ship and a "gtfo". Now the game actually has a tutorial but without watching 20+ videos and reading trough dozens of pages of player-made guides it's still like running into a wall when you coming from wow or candy crush.

If you are really a newbro best advice would be to socialize in the default npc corp, make some friends etc.
you will get answers faster and from more competent people than on forums. There is a lot 10+ year old player alts in those corps.

To be fair, I understand what he is going through. I started out in January and I'm still learning a lot of the basics. There are endless resources at your disposal to help you with this game. However, sometimes you feel like you just want a little nudge through some of the basics yet the response you get can feel like a huge multi volume encyclopaedia is dumped on your desk with a post it note attached saying "It's all in there! Read!".