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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Few questions from returning player

Fluffy Moe
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2017-05-18 19:04:11 UTC
Hi all

I have been gone for a long while and restarted a couple months ago, trained up for few things, worked up my factions, checked out some ships and fits, etc. and as I get closer to venturing out to start up on both PvP and PVE again I have some questions about specific game mechanics and whatnot which I hope I can get some answers to. So here goes:

1. Back when I played before, I was able to click on a target, and warp within 150km, 120km, 200km. I do not have this option now and I don't see in the game how to set it up. The game gives me options to warp only up to within 100km. I used a custom overview pack back then and its quite possible these were some settings from that, but now the game overview has improved to the point where I no longer need to use such packs, but I miss this option horribly and would like to have it back, especially before I start up on my PvP. Is there some setting somewhere I am overlooking in the game ? Or do I have to edit some xml or something to get this ? How do I get the option to warp within 150km ?

2. I'm an older player and the new sun and sun/fog effects are extremely bad for my eyes and too often make me squint really close to my screen or are way too bright. I found and tinkered the brightness settings and the disable settings for effect sets, but those affect the entire game. If I tone down the brightness to the point that the sunlight effects are tolerable then the rest of the game is just way too dark (thats where the squinting comes in) so I put it back up and now get blinded by it. Is there anyway to just tone down the sun effects and its "fog like effect" only, without messing up rest of the game ? If so, how ?

3. Command burst modules. Do these affect fleet members only or the player activating them as well ? I am unclear on the specific mechanics for these. Specifically, I am wondering about their worthiness for a duo, just 2 players in the fleet.

4. T3C skills. Specifically, I am training up Proteus (I know there are changes ahead but I still want to have it). Is the actual T3C skill itself only good for when I overheat stuff and otherwise worthless ? I tend to make my fits cap stable and without need for much overheating, so just wondering if I should go all out on the subsystems and not waste time / sp on the T3C skill itself.

5. Faction standing story missions. Back in the day, whenever my factions would go down, I'd pop back to highsec for a week or 2, run missions, get a lot of story missions (the ones that bump up your faction standing) for a while, and then go back to low/null. I used to get these a lot, sometimes 2-3 times a day (extended game session). But now, doing same missions, roughly same frequency, pattern, etc. I seem to be lucky to get 2-3 of them per week or 2 (depending how much I play). What has changed ? How can I get more of these story missions that up my faction standings now ? What are the exact mechanics for that ?

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help out with these.

ImperiaI Federation
Goonswarm Federation
#2 - 2017-05-18 19:58:18 UTC
While you have been gone a while. I'm pretty sure of the following:

1. Yeah, the customized warp ranges have been removed completely and as far as I can tell, there is simply no way around this.

2. You might want to look at your video card settings as well. Plus, there is generalized options area where you can select between, "Memory", "Performance", and one other that favors awesome graphics. Plus, they recently announced that they are setting up options for color blind players and you never know what they might bring up.

3. Think of it as a beneficial smartbomb. All players in fleet get the benefit so long as they are in range, but the benefit is timed so the burst has to be on fairly often.

4. Yes, the core T3 cruiser skill give a bonus to only overheating modules, but remember it is also one of the skills that could downgrade by one if you are killed in that ship. However, be warned, they are looking to overhaul T3 cruisers, so that could change.

5. I think that is still the case, but you can also buy faction now looting stuff off of low-sec rats. I haven't done it in a long time, but I think that is still an option.

He's not just famous, he's "IN" famous. - Ned Nederlander

Chainsaw Plankton
#3 - 2017-05-18 20:12:59 UTC
1. I don't think the warp to distances ever changed, I thought they were always 0 to 100km with some options in between, pretty sure you can also still set a custom warp to distance as long as it is 0 to 100km.

2. the post processing option turns down the sun glares and fogs and whatnot, I find them super annoying and have them off

3. command bursts give benefits to the ship using it and all fleet members inside the burst radius. With max skills I think the boosts can last for 2 mins and go out to a 50km or so radius.

4. I took them to 4, better to have the bonus and not need it than need it and not have it. also only having lv1 looks weird on a character sheet (minor detail).

5. you get a storyline every 16 normal missions of the same level, don't think that's ever changed. Some missions like recon are great as each part counts for a mission and you can run each one in a few mins.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Fluffy Moe
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2017-05-19 06:58:04 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
1. I don't think the warp to distances ever changed, I thought they were always 0 to 100km with some options in between, pretty sure you can also still set a custom warp to distance as long as it is 0 to 100km.

2. the post processing option turns down the sun glares and fogs and whatnot, I find them super annoying and have them off

3. command bursts give benefits to the ship using it and all fleet members inside the burst radius. With max skills I think the boosts can last for 2 mins and go out to a 50km or so radius.

4. I took them to 4, better to have the bonus and not need it than need it and not have it. also only having lv1 looks weird on a character sheet (minor detail).

5. you get a storyline every 16 normal missions of the same level, don't think that's ever changed. Some missions like recon are great as each part counts for a mission and you can run each one in a few mins.

OK, thanks, that clears up a lot.

So 16 missions of same level, regardless of what mission type ? And by recon missions, do you mean the ones that are 2 or 5 part ? I have not seen a "recon" category when looking at available mission types via Agent Finder I think.

2min, 50km, i'll have to look into it as it would be only for myself and my SO, so still trying to figure out the totals and the worthiness of skill investment.

Thanks for the "post processing" tip, I will most definetly try it out, maybe make a profile for Eve Online via my GPU driver suite and tone that down that way if the ingame option doesn't work out.

I'm also planning to take T3C skills up to 4, was just wondering about the 5s.

And yea, you were pretty much able to set the "warp within" to whatever distance you wanted. If the regular way is now limited to 100km, is there any other way in the game to be able to warp within 125 or 150km ?

#5 - 2017-05-19 11:16:39 UTC
regarding Recon and storylines.

Recon is a specific mission that is very quick to do ("Scout the deadspace area, blah, blah").

With storyline missions, as Chainsaw said, there has been no changes afaik for years. The game maintains a counter, by faction, by level. So you will have a counter (up to 16) for Amarr faction level 1 missions, Amarr faction level 2 missions, ... , Caldari faction level 3 missions, Caldari faction level 4 missions, and so on for all the factions, Amarr, Caldari, Minmatar, Gallente, Thukker, SSOE, etc.
Blade Darth
Room for Improvement
Good Sax
#6 - 2017-05-19 13:28:26 UTC
Hi there Fluffy

New suns are more "toned" compared to the old 100% white edgy blob that took half of the screen. What's missing is dynamic HDR (or whatever it's called), to average intensity of everything on screen. They are working on that. For now I'd suggest to dim down brightness/ contrast in game or on screen itself (good for eyes, everybody should do it....)

Burst affect your ship too. Viable for duo or even solo but your ship choice is limited.

T3 skill itself is only for OH. For now. No idea what's gonna happen to it after rework.

Fluffy Moe
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2017-05-19 19:06:37 UTC
voetius wrote:
regarding Recon and storylines.

Recon is a specific mission that is very quick to do ("Scout the deadspace area, blah, blah").

With storyline missions, as Chainsaw said, there has been no changes afaik for years. The game maintains a counter, by faction, by level. So you will have a counter (up to 16) for Amarr faction level 1 missions, Amarr faction level 2 missions, ... , Caldari faction level 3 missions, Caldari faction level 4 missions, and so on for all the factions, Amarr, Caldari, Minmatar, Gallente, Thukker, SSOE, etc.

Got it, the only thing I don't know is how do I get recon missions ? I think the only ones I ran into were when doing tutorial missions for my alts. I do not see them when using agent finder, when I select mission type I see distribution, security, mining, etc. but no recon. Even found the "event" distribution agents on couple factions during my wonderings, but no recon.

Also visited various agents from various factions, still do not see them. Is this something specific to FW perhaps ? or an area for example Low Sec ? or Null ? What am I missing here ?

Buoytender Bob
Ronin Exploration Mission and Mining
#8 - 2017-05-19 20:36:03 UTC
"Recon" is a specific security mission in 3 parts. Each part is a quick go there and report mission; 2-4 minutes to complete. Parts one and two have combat if you so choose, but most people just grind the three as fast as possible.

To buck the popular trend, I began to Rage Start instead of Rage Quit.

...and every time I get another piece of Carbon, I know exactly what CCP is getting this Christmas.