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Crime & Punishment

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The Sack of Romi

First post
From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#81 - 2017-05-18 14:56:36 UTC
Tora Bushido wrote:
Natural CloneKiller wrote:
I like how Tora tries to talk as if he has the upper hand lol when its completely the opposite. Marmite suffer heavy losses to use and get their stuff pushed in. Tora pretends as if he has some moral high ground. lol.
That's the difference between you and me m8. All I care about is Eve content. And even you admitted, we're getting good content this way. The blue donut has become so boring, it almost made me quit Eve. One day you'll see the light to m8. You're so Tora Bushido 2-3 years ago.

When you still have to proof yourself, like VMG, I understand all these things are important for you, but after you killed more than 33 trillion isks, it all becomes irrelevant and you realise killing another freighter is boring as ****.

Chaos is content, content is fun....

So now that we kicked your behind and your "poison" did not work at all, chaos is good. If I concentrate I can hear you saying :

-Yes please kick me in the mouth VMG I love it
-I love how you punch me in the stomach. Kick me in the balls now oooo that feels so good.

You are our eve content. We hunted and killed you and your own not the other way around. Don't try to hide behind the bullshit tree. It will not work.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#82 - 2017-05-18 14:56:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
Yaosus wrote:
Kindergarden logic at work :) You are as cunning as a sardine too :)

And ... It is the correct logic.
You can try and obfuscate the point all you like but it remains simple and true.
Valkin Mordirc
#83 - 2017-05-18 14:59:31 UTC
Yaosus wrote:

Kindergarden logic at work :) You are as cunning as a sardine too :)

Imma give you the same advice I gave Sol Epoch.

It's a really good idea to be quite. You are not doing yourself any sort of favors by speaking. You look like 12 year old who discovered Reddit.
From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#84 - 2017-05-18 15:00:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Yaosus
rex largo wrote:
Yaosus wrote:

Kindergarden logic at work :) You are as cunning as a sardine too :)

you are correct a child would have a better grasp on the concepts of honor and integrity then you seem to

The second Khrom or Natural or other person that I accepted as a leader will fail me, I will be on my way. That goes bothways I believe, but this is my position. So far these guys made my wallet isk fat and we're talking tens of bilions as a simple VMG member, I've had more fun than in any other eve group I've been and I have the confidence this will continue to happen.
rex largo
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#85 - 2017-05-18 15:03:16 UTC
Yaosus wrote:
rex largo wrote:
Kindergarden logic at work :) You are as cunning as a sardine too :)

you are correct a child would have a better grasp on the concepts of honor and integrity then you seem to

The second Khrom or Natural or other person that I accepted as a leader will fail me, I will be on my way. That goes bothways I believe, but this is my position. So far these guys made my wallet isk fat and we're talking tens of bilions as a simple VMG member, I've had more fun than in any other eve group I've been and I have the confidence this will continue to happen. [/quote]

so isk IS more important to you than integrity.... thank you for proving my point
Erin Davis
Sblo Panala Corporation
#86 - 2017-05-18 15:03:41 UTC
Being honest here, there is a LOT of pent up anger in this thread.

Lets all sit back, relax, and smoke a bowl.
From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#87 - 2017-05-18 15:18:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Yaosus
rex largo wrote:
Yaosus wrote:
rex largo wrote:
Yaosus wrote:

Kindergarden logic at work :) You are as cunning as a sardine too :)

you are correct a child would have a better grasp on the concepts of honor and integrity then you seem to

The second Khrom or Natural or other person that I accepted as a leader will fail me, I will be on my way. That goes bothways I believe, but this is my position. So far these guys made my wallet isk fat and we're talking tens of bilions as a simple VMG member, I've had more fun than in any other eve group I've been and I have the confidence this will continue to happen.

so isk IS more important to you than integrity.... thank you for proving my point

I am not running for the papal chair. You play eve because honor guides you right?

You turn your guns off to give your target a chance to escape, you always fight fairly... as I've seen in the video 80 vs 10 :) gtfo with your honor repertoire
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#88 - 2017-05-18 15:24:25 UTC
Yaosus wrote:
rex largo wrote:
Yaosus wrote:
rex largo wrote:
Yaosus wrote:

Kindergarden logic at work :) You are as cunning as a sardine too :)

you are correct a child would have a better grasp on the concepts of honor and integrity then you seem to

The second Khrom or Natural or other person that I accepted as a leader will fail me, I will be on my way. That goes bothways I believe, but this is my position. So far these guys made my wallet isk fat and we're talking tens of bilions as a simple VMG member, I've had more fun than in any other eve group I've been and I have the confidence this will continue to happen.

so isk IS more important to you than integrity.... thank you for proving my point

I am not running for the papal chair. You play eve because honor guides you right?

You turn your guns off to give your target a chance to escape, you always fight fairly... as I've seen in the video 80 vs 10 :) gtfo with your honor repertoire

LoL , thinly veiled paper tigers aside,
we honor our word.
That is the point.
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#89 - 2017-05-18 15:26:30 UTC
Just ask anyone who's ever paid me a ransom.
Oh wait, that doesn't show up on killboards.
You might have to do some legwork to get the answers....

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#90 - 2017-05-18 15:33:56 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Just ask anyone who's ever paid me a ransom.
Oh wait, that doesn't show up on killboards.
You might have to do some legwork to get the answers....

Eve is a sandbox mmorpg. This means anybody can do whatever the funk they want. What do you want to prove? You're just butthurt VMG decced you.

Well I trust the decisions of the VMG leadership because I've seen that they know how to take serious decisions and decisions seriously. And I will follow. No matter how much **** you throw on the forums, the truth will stand. VMG is a great alliance :) hate it or love it this is the naked truth :) at least for the time being...
rex largo
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#91 - 2017-05-18 15:36:16 UTC
Yaosus wrote:
rex largo wrote:
Yaosus wrote:
rex largo wrote:
Yaosus wrote:

Kindergarden logic at work :) You are as cunning as a sardine too :)

you are correct a child would have a better grasp on the concepts of honor and integrity then you seem to

The second Khrom or Natural or other person that I accepted as a leader will fail me, I will be on my way. That goes bothways I believe, but this is my position. So far these guys made my wallet isk fat and we're talking tens of bilions as a simple VMG member, I've had more fun than in any other eve group I've been and I have the confidence this will continue to happen.

so isk IS more important to you than integrity.... thank you for proving my point

I am not running for the papal chair. You play eve because honor guides you right?

You turn your guns off to give your target a chance to escape, you always fight fairly... as I've seen in the video 80 vs 10 :) gtfo with your honor repertoire

fights are not always fair .... that is war but I have often replaced ships of people who have shown balls in the face of overwhelming odds and devils has frequently taken new players that we have killed into our ranks and taught them how to play eve.

yes myself and devils as a whole plays this game with honor and integrity.

From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#92 - 2017-05-18 15:39:50 UTC
rex largo wrote:

fights are not always fair .... that is war but I have often replaced ships of people who have shown balls in the face of overwhelming odds and devils has frequently taken new players that we have killed into our ranks and taught them how to play eve.

yes myself and devils as a whole plays this game with honor and integrity.

Rias Bane
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#93 - 2017-05-18 15:41:16 UTC
This may be a bad idea but I shall wade in to this...discussion; for lack of a better term.

In response to the point raised in the initial post.

I have recently joined VMG and am in no way leadership but I have had the pleasure of inter alliance diplomacy both successfully and as a failure, and where I accept the hurt felt by devils (a group I hold respect and a little old grudge with...You killed my tengu, I'd had that tengu for 4 years :(, that tengu had been just like a tengu to me!) that does not exonerate your post.

Humour aside I take exception to the integrity of VMG being called in to question, be upset with the decision; yes, even feel rejected to a certain extent; yes, but call the integrity in to will not.

You're alliance was in hostility with an entity you knew was blue to us, knowing that we were blue to both parties you still approached us, knowing that in doing so we would be forced to make a choice, a choice that would affect our relationship with one or both parties, you had access to other assistance that was not at the mercy of our situation and yet you contacted us!

Your actions put VMG in a position where there was no right answer, it's like when a couple divorces and each of them asks a mutual friend to support their side in the argument, if you are that third party how do you maintain a relationship with both parties...the only answer is to stay out of the argument because if you do not you will lose one friend or potentially both.

You knew you had other options but you did this to us, this is not our making it is yours and in doing so you soured the relationship, you put us in an untenable, who could have got assistance and knew you had that assistance put us in a vice knowing what it would do to our standings and you have the gall to call our integrity in to question...I think you overstep yourself sir.

We said we would not intervene and we did not...That is integrity, not some rejection filled, bravado fueled, petulant slur on another's character when you made a decision that put this series of events in action.

If you truly held to the tenets you preach about you would never have contacted VMG, you would have gone to those not affiliated or actively blue to each party to get assistance (Which you had access to) and not put your blues in a position of this sort.

Integrity is doing what is right even when nobody is watching, ask yourself the question, could you have handled this situation without putting us in the position you have resulting the destruction of a positive relationship and an insult fueled indictment of our alliance and you will know the answer in your wronged us; not the other way round, dragged our name through the mud for doing what we said we would do...that is the saddest part of this whole debacle.

rex largo
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#94 - 2017-05-18 15:41:35 UTC
You turn your guns off to give your target a chance to escape, you always fight fairly... as I've seen in the video 80 vs 10 :) gtfo with your honor repertoire

what 80 vs 10 fight are you talking about?
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#95 - 2017-05-18 15:42:27 UTC
Yaosus wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
Just ask anyone who's ever paid me a ransom.
Oh wait, that doesn't show up on killboards.
You might have to do some legwork to get the answers....

Eve is a sandbox mmorpg. This means anybody can do whatever the funk they want. What do you want to prove? You're just butthurt VMG decced you.

Well I trust the decisions of the VMG leadership because I've seen that they know how to take serious decisions and decisions seriously. And I will follow. No matter how much **** you throw on the forums, the truth will stand. VMG is a great alliance :) hate it or love it this is the naked truth :) at least for the time being...

Unless VMG has managed to bring Veers back to the game I sincerely doubt the lot of you have the capacity to get me butthurt. I've lived, thrived in a target rich environment for years.
Takes a certain level of ego to believe that YOUR war is going to be any scarier than any of the other wars I've fapped my way through before.
Please... do go on.
I'm almost at half mast here. Excite me, spunkmonkey.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#96 - 2017-05-18 15:43:10 UTC
Yaosus wrote:
We hunted and killed you ..
You have no idea how wrong this comment is in so many ways.... P


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

rex largo
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#97 - 2017-05-18 15:47:11 UTC
Rias Bane wrote:
This may be a bad idea but I shall wade in to this...discussion; for lack of a better term.

In response to the point raised in the initial post.

I have recently joined VMG and am in no way leadership but I have had the pleasure of inter alliance diplomacy both successfully and as a failure, and where I accept the hurt felt by devils (a group I hold respect and a little old grudge with...You killed my tengu, I'd had that tengu for 4 years :(, that tengu had been just like a tengu to me!) that does not exonerate your post.

Humour aside I take exception to the integrity of VMG being called in to question, be upset with the decision; yes, even feel rejected to a certain extent; yes, but call the integrity in to will not.

You're alliance was in hostility with an entity you knew was blue to us, knowing that we were blue to both parties you still approached us, knowing that in doing so we would be forced to make a choice, a choice that would affect our relationship with one or both parties, you had access to other assistance that was not at the mercy of our situation and yet you contacted us!

Your actions put VMG in a position where there was no right answer, it's like when a couple divorces and each of them asks a mutual friend to support their side in the argument, if you are that third party how do you maintain a relationship with both parties...the only answer is to stay out of the argument because if you do not you will lose one friend or potentially both.

You knew you had other options but you did this to us, this is not our making it is yours and in doing so you soured the relationship, you put us in an untenable, who could have got assistance and knew you had that assistance put us in a vice knowing what it would do to our standings and you have the gall to call our integrity in to question...I think you overstep yourself sir.

We said we would not intervene and we did not...That is integrity, not some rejection filled, bravado fueled, petulant slur on another's character when you made a decision that put this series of events in action.

If you truly held to the tenets you preach about you would never have contacted VMG, you would have gone to those not affiliated or actively blue to each party to get assistance (Which you had access to) and not put your blues in a position of this sort.

Integrity is doing what is right even when nobody is watching, ask yourself the question, could you have handled this situation without putting us in the position you have resulting the destruction of a positive relationship and an insult fueled indictment of our alliance and you will know the answer in your wronged us; not the other way round, dragged our name through the mud for doing what we said we would do...that is the saddest part of this whole debacle.


first let me thank you for a well spoken and thought out reply.

we came to your alliance because you where blue to us and as such should not have let another of your blues attack us in the first place. we feel as this is the breach in integrity.
rex largo
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#98 - 2017-05-18 15:49:08 UTC
Yaosus wrote:
rex largo wrote:

fights are not always fair .... that is war but I have often replaced ships of people who have shown balls in the face of overwhelming odds and devils has frequently taken new players that we have killed into our ranks and taught them how to play eve.

yes myself and devils as a whole plays this game with honor and integrity.


hahahahahahah devils isn't starving and even if it was would never stoop to your level to survive
Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#99 - 2017-05-18 15:49:36 UTC
Yaosus wrote:
How do you think they did survive this long? Exactly.... honor and reliability... Blink


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.

Rias Bane
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#100 - 2017-05-18 16:16:13 UTC
rex largo wrote:

first let me thank you for a well spoken and thought out reply.

we came to your alliance because you where blue to us and as such should not have let another of your blues attack us in the first place. we feel as this is the breach in integrity.

Thank you.

I accept your statement but I would refute the inference that you sought a passive outcome from the discussion, nobody contacts VMG for diplomatic assistance.

Any contact with VMG implies that we should lay weight on a party to force an outcome sought by the requester or apply military force to achieve the same end...this is not diplomacy.

Our name has been dragged through the mud here based on actions that were beyond our control, there was no positive outcome for us in this situation rather than be impartial...that is what we said we would do and what we did, where is the compromise of integrity on our part...there was none, I'm sorry if you do not see that way and I understand why you don't...but we are not accountable for the actions of others.