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MarketBot - A Discord bot for fetching the best item prices

Ionaru Otsada
Shadows Of Saturn
#1 - 2017-04-19 20:06:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Ionaru Otsada
Ladies and gentlepilots, allow me to introduce to you...


A bot for Discord that will give you the best price for an item in your region, among other market data. It uses a combination of the EVE-Central API, the EVE Swagger Interface and the Static Data Export provided by CCP.

MarketBot will respond to the following commands:

  • /price item-name [/r region-name] - Fetch the lowest and average prices for an item, both buy and sell orders.
  • /sell item-name [/r region-name] [/l limit] - Fetch the cheapest market sell orders for an item.
  • /buy item-name [/r region-name] [/l limit] - Fetch the highest market buy orders for an item.
  • /data - Show the top searched items
  • /info - Print a message with usage information

The item name does not have to be 100% accurate, MarketBot can "guess" which item you meant from part of the word. For example:
(First part of the word) "trit" -> Tritanium
(Last part of the word) "fessor" -> Confessor
(Some parts of the word) "cane fleet" -> Hurricane Fleet Issue
(Spelling mistakes) "backinbaw" -> Mackinaw

Click here to add this bot to your Discord server.

More information can be found on the bot's GitHub page:

Does some stuff with code on GitHub:

MarketBot A Discord bot for fetching the best item prices and other market data.

Ionaru Otsada
Shadows Of Saturn
#2 - 2017-05-10 11:32:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Ionaru Otsada
MarketBot has been upgraded!

New features include:
- Updated for release 119.5.
- The /buy command - Fetch the best buy orders in a region.
- The /data command - View some bot statistics!
- Item shortcuts! Tired of having to type "Vexor Navy Issue" each time? Now you can just type "vni"!

Other item shortcuts are: bcs, dc, dda, dni, fnc, hfi, mni, mlu, mtu and rni.
Suggestions on additional shortcuts are welcome!

Does some stuff with code on GitHub:

MarketBot A Discord bot for fetching the best item prices and other market data.

IceBlade Rage
Immortalis Silens
#3 - 2017-05-14 20:08:01 UTC
Any thoughts of porting this to possibly hubot or something similar?

Love the concept, but would like to run it on Rocket.Chat.
Ionaru Otsada
Shadows Of Saturn
#4 - 2017-05-17 22:53:40 UTC
IceBlade Rage wrote:
Any thoughts of porting this to possibly hubot or something similar?

Love the concept, but would like to run it on Rocket.Chat.

Thank you for your suggestion, lately I've been considering porting the bot to other chat systems (mainly to Slack). But I'll have to change a few of the internals around first to be able to easily port it. I'll keep you updated.

Does some stuff with code on GitHub:

MarketBot A Discord bot for fetching the best item prices and other market data.

Starchaser Industries
#5 - 2017-07-05 13:24:39 UTC
This tool is great. Thanks for writing it.