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Please Remove 100% Target Jams From the Game.

Brigadine Ferathine
Presumed Dead Enterprises
Against ALL Authorities.
#81 - 2017-05-11 17:21:41 UTC
Asmodai Xodai wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

Oh look, another missile ship that couldn't spare 18m3 on 600 Auto Targeting heavy missiles. How dare anyone suggest the sacrifice of the precious and valuable 18m3 lol.

Edit, holy crap, what were you doing in low sec with that fit? ...

The point wasn't the missiles, nor the fit. The guy said he didn't believe non-bonused hulls could or would perma-jam anything, and he called some other guy a liar over it. Well, I know it's happened to me more than once, and I posted a particular case of when it did happen.

Dude ignore Jenn. Shes a known troll.
Asmodai Xodai
#82 - 2017-05-11 18:11:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Asmodai Xodai
Jenn aSide wrote:

What were you compensation skills at? The point is that if you don't know enough to properly fit a drake for low sec ratting, you probably neglected those skills as well.

Sure, I agree. I've "neglected" a lot of skills. I'm not a 10 year old bazillion SP character. I'm constantly training skills but still don't have even 1/10th of what I'd like to have. Also, I have not now, nor ever have, held myself up as some fitting guru, some high SP guy, some elite PvP'er, etc. If anyone cares to ask me how I rate myself at playing EvE, I'll gladly say "I suck."

But the question was whether an unbonused hull could or would perma-jam something, and whether that would mean hell just froze over and pigs are flying. I'd say "yes, unbonused hulls can and do perma-jam things, and when it happens, I don't see pigs flying when I look outside my window."
Asmodai Xodai
#83 - 2017-05-11 18:28:46 UTC
Buggs LeRoach wrote:

mail shows no ecm , does show launchers were cycling .. Shocked

Where can I go to get this information? I couldn't get zkill or whatever to show the fit of the attacker or what was cycling on that ship, but I can tell you I was perma-jammed and scrammed from the first second and could do nothing except sit there and watch.

and , what exactly does "perma-jammed" mean to you ?

"Perma-jammed" means the entire time I was sitting there during the encounter, I was jammed, and there wasn't a time where I wasn't jammed.


if it took you 20 seconds to lock him , and less than a minute to die . he'd only have needed to get lucky and jam you once , hardly "perma" anything ...

So we've gone from "nope, no way an unbonused hull is gonna jam anyone, anybody claiming otherwise is a liar, I fly hulls bonused for it and even I don't attempt it without max skills and bling fits blah blah" to "oh, he'd only need to have jammed you once to...." Nice.

Anyway, I don't know how long the encounter took, and I don't particularly care, but it seemed to take a while. In other words, I was bored just staring at my ship not being able to do anything while some a-hole leisurely orbited me and fired missiles, probably picking his nose, eating a slice of pizza, and watching TV while he was doing it.
Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#84 - 2017-05-11 18:57:05 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
Asmodai Xodai wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

Oh look, another missile ship that couldn't spare 18m3 on 600 Auto Targeting heavy missiles. How dare anyone suggest the sacrifice of the precious and valuable 18m3 lol.

Edit, holy crap, what were you doing in low sec with that fit? ...

The point wasn't the missiles, nor the fit. The guy said he didn't believe non-bonused hulls could or would perma-jam anything, and he called some other guy a liar over it. Well, I know it's happened to me more than once, and I posted a particular case of when it did happen.

Dude ignore Jenn. Shes a known troll.
pointing out your incompetence is not trolling. If you would learn the game and stop running to the forums everytime you make a mistake you wouldn't even know the name jenn, because competant players aren't irritating like the complaints chorus is.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#85 - 2017-05-11 19:04:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Asmodai Xodai wrote:
Buggs LeRoach wrote:

mail shows no ecm , does show launchers were cycling .. Shocked

Where can I go to get this information? I couldn't get zkill or whatever to show the fit of the attacker or what was cycling on that ship, but I can tell you I was perma-jammed and scrammed from the first second and could do nothing except sit there and watch.

and , what exactly does "perma-jammed" mean to you ?

"Perma-jammed" means the entire time I was sitting there during the encounter, I was jammed, and there wasn't a time where I wasn't jammed.


if it took you 20 seconds to lock him , and less than a minute to die . he'd only have needed to get lucky and jam you once , hardly "perma" anything ...

So we've gone from "nope, no way an unbonused hull is gonna jam anyone, anybody claiming otherwise is a liar, I fly hulls bonused for it and even I don't attempt it without max skills and bling fits blah blah" to "oh, he'd only need to have jammed you once to...." Nice.

Anyway, I don't know how long the encounter took, and I don't particularly care, but it seemed to take a while. In other words, I was bored just staring at my ship not being able to do anything while some a-hole leisurely orbited me and fired missiles, probably picking his nose, eating a slice of pizza, and watching TV while he was doing it.
What he was probably doing was laughing manically at the drake that couod have easily squashed him if it had given up 18m3 of cargo space for fof missles.

You keep saying you couldn't do anything. The fact is you choose, by being ignorant of the game, to give him a kill he shouild have never had.

That's the point, you people keep screaming for
changes when the tools needed to help your self already exist in game. Ccp shouldnt change anything because people are lazy.
Keno Skir
#86 - 2017-05-11 20:26:03 UTC
Not much wrong with ECM in my opinion. Just my 2c.. Pirate

Been predominantly a solo hunter so far and while ECM makes the guy on one end feel bad, it works generally well in my experience.
Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#87 - 2017-05-11 20:38:13 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
It kills solo and small gang stuff man. The maximum number of targets should never be 0. Why even bother to try? This is like the mines that were removed from the game long ago.

So stupid. Video games are supposed to be fun. All this does it make people want to quit because there is literally no counter to it.

man your right that's so unfair, we do the same thing to the terrorist remote operated IEDs by blocking whole frequency bands that they have 0% chance to detonate killing soldiers, we should narrow down the bands so they have a better chance......

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Buggs LeRoach
#88 - 2017-05-11 22:09:58 UTC
Asmodai Xodai wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

What were you compensation skills at? The point is that if you don't know enough to properly fit a drake for low sec ratting, you probably neglected those skills as well.

Sure, I agree. I've "neglected" a lot of skills. I'm not a 10 year old bazillion SP character. I'm constantly training skills but still don't have even 1/10th of what I'd like to have. Also, I have not now, nor ever have, held myself up as some fitting guru, some high SP guy, some elite PvP'er, etc. If anyone cares to ask me how I rate myself at playing EvE, I'll gladly say "I suck."

But the question was whether an unbonused hull could or would perma-jam something, and whether that would mean hell just froze over and pigs are flying. I'd say "yes, unbonused hulls can and do perma-jam things, and when it happens, I don't see pigs flying when I look outside my window."

you came in this thread to defend your alt , who i called a liar . while i usually refrain from personal attacks , liars are so despicable that i made an exception . and with a bit of research , i can now state with no doubt :

Asmodai Xodai and Beast of Revelations are one and the same !!

so all you Beast fans , now know where to send those cards and letters !! Big smile

here's beast's first post :
complaining about losing a hauler in an 04 , to 3 cruisers . now , scoot on over to zkillboard , and look up Asmodai Xodai on the same day the post was made . he loses a hauler , in 04 , to 3 cruisers . coincidence ?? Big smile

sorry to out your alt , m8 . he had a good run and brightened many people's day with his wit and wisdom . he'll be missed ...

Asmodai Xodai
#89 - 2017-05-12 00:18:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Asmodai Xodai
Buggs LeRoach wrote:

sorry to out your alt , m8 . he had a good run and brightened many people's day with his wit and wisdom . he'll be missed ...

I have little concern for who you (or anyone) think my alt is.

I thought this thread was about ECM. You claimed it was essentially impossible for an unbonused hull to jam anyone. I posted and said it happened to me, and I posted the kill where it happened. You then went on a personal attack where you "outed my alt" or whatever.

Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#90 - 2017-05-12 01:03:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Alasdan Helminthauge
Beast of Revelations wrote:
Your point? He didn't need ANY tank if I couldn't shoot at him.

If he has no tank, he can easily perish to some other ships, like a griffin and a catalyst. So unless he was only there to hunt you down, he would definitely not fit his ship like that. And if he was, then the problem is that you made yourself a target instead of ECMs.

Also Jenn, you called somebody saying thanks to you stupid. I would not like it.

Asmodai Xodai wrote:
I have little concern for who you (or anyone) think my alt is.

Confirmed. This attitude is really like Beast.
Swamp Panthers
#91 - 2017-05-12 01:35:52 UTC
Asmodai Xodai wrote:

This wasn't directed at me, but I myself have been perma-jammed by unbonused hulls as well. Here's one of my deaths:

I never got a shot off.

Are you sure that you weren't jammed by the rats. Guristas rats can jam you and perhaps the person that killed you took advantage of it and was not jamming you himself.
Asmodai Xodai
#92 - 2017-05-12 01:46:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Asmodai Xodai
Algathas wrote:

Are you sure that you weren't jammed by the rats. Guristas rats can jam you and perhaps the person that killed you took advantage of it and was not jamming you himself.

That's actually a good point, although I think there was only one low-quality rat in the system when the Jackdaw came in. Also, I engaged the Jackdaw in conversation after the kill. I could have sworn he admitted he jammed me out.

I guess there's no way to get the fit from the killing ship, only the killed ship?

Can Gurista jammer rats spawn in any system? From my recollection, it was like a 0.3 system - in other words a 'joke' as far as difficulty. It wasn't even a haven or DED or whatever. It was, quite simply, an asteroid field. Not even one spawned from a signature. Just a regular old asteroid field.
Swamp Panthers
#93 - 2017-05-12 02:10:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Algathas
Asmodai Xodai wrote:
Algathas wrote:

Are you sure that you weren't jammed by the rats. Guristas rats can jam you and perhaps the person that killed you took advantage of it and was not jamming you himself.

That's actually a good point, although I think there was only one low-quality rat in the system when the Jackdaw came in. Also, I engaged the Jackdaw in conversation after the kill. I could have sworn he admitted he jammed me out.

I guess there's no way to get the fit from the killing ship, only the killed ship?

Can Gurista jammer rats spawn in any system? From my recollection, it was like a 0.3 system - in other words a 'joke' as far as difficulty. It wasn't even a haven or DED or whatever. It was, quite simply, an asteroid field. Not even one spawned from a signature. Just a regular old asteroid field.

All we can see from the kill mail is the Jackdaw used rockets and your drake had a terrible fit. Even if you weren't jammed odds are he would have still likely killed you pretty easily. Also, that T1 cloak makes your lock time terrible (50% worse) and has a long sensor recalibration time (30 seconds). So did you try to cloak before he engaged you? Just that might have been enough for him to kill you without you locking him back.

On top of that you may have been jammed by a rat as guristas belt rats can jam you. Even if the person said he jammed you he may have been BSing you just for LULZ.
Mr Mieyli
#94 - 2017-05-12 03:28:46 UTC
Just go play world of tanks or warships OP, pvp in this game is not the typical second by second (outside of frigates) heart pounding action of other multiplayer games. You won't find people siding with you that not being able to take part in a fight is boring, so don't waste your time.

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

#95 - 2017-05-12 03:35:16 UTC
It'd be pretty fair if gravimetric jammers reduced your locking ability for Caldari ships and their gravimetric powerplants.

Scenario: I have a ship with 10 points of grav strength. Someone jams me for 5 points of grav strength. It now takes twice as long to lock a Caldari ship. If I have 1 point, it takes 10 times as long. If I have 0 points, then I can't lock any a Caldari ships, even friendly ones. Ability to lock onto Minmatar iron oxide signatures unaffected.

Bonus: Anti-ECM modules now a factor to consider in many common doctrines, diverse logistics, etc.
Pepper Swift
Caldari State
#96 - 2017-05-12 03:36:34 UTC
where can i sign..

What I need most.. is a day between Saturday and Sunday...

If life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2017-05-12 04:03:03 UTC
Lienzo wrote:
It'd be pretty fair if gravimetric jammers reduced your locking ability for Caldari ships and their gravimetric powerplants.

Scenario: I have a ship with 10 points of grav strength. Someone jams me for 5 points of grav strength. It now takes twice as long to lock a Caldari ship. If I have 1 point, it takes 10 times as long. If I have 0 points, then I can't lock any a Caldari ships, even friendly ones. Ability to lock onto Minmatar iron oxide signatures unaffected.

Bonus: Anti-ECM modules now a factor to consider in many common doctrines, diverse logistics, etc.

Why don't we rename the module 'bad sensor dampener' whilst we are at it.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#98 - 2017-05-12 04:19:11 UTC
Buggs LeRoach wrote:
Asmodai Xodai wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

What were you compensation skills at? The point is that if you don't know enough to properly fit a drake for low sec ratting, you probably neglected those skills as well.

Sure, I agree. I've "neglected" a lot of skills. I'm not a 10 year old bazillion SP character. I'm constantly training skills but still don't have even 1/10th of what I'd like to have. Also, I have not now, nor ever have, held myself up as some fitting guru, some high SP guy, some elite PvP'er, etc. If anyone cares to ask me how I rate myself at playing EvE, I'll gladly say "I suck."

But the question was whether an unbonused hull could or would perma-jam something, and whether that would mean hell just froze over and pigs are flying. I'd say "yes, unbonused hulls can and do perma-jam things, and when it happens, I don't see pigs flying when I look outside my window."

you came in this thread to defend your alt , who i called a liar . while i usually refrain from personal attacks , liars are so despicable that i made an exception . and with a bit of research , i can now state with no doubt :

Asmodai Xodai and Beast of Revelations are one and the same !!

so all you Beast fans , now know where to send those cards and letters !! Big smile

here's beast's first post :
complaining about losing a hauler in an 04 , to 3 cruisers . now , scoot on over to zkillboard , and look up Asmodai Xodai on the same day the post was made . he loses a hauler , in 04 , to 3 cruisers . coincidence ?? Big smile

sorry to out your alt , m8 . he had a good run and brightened many people's day with his wit and wisdom . he'll be missed ...

Holy crap. Nice find, and it makes sense.

A few years ago a dude quit and in his quitting post he listed his alts and I immediately noticed that 3 or 4 of them were people I'd argued with on the forums. I couldn't believe it even though I should have been able to. I can't believe there are people who would stoop so low as to pretend to be multiple people to bolster their pretty nonsensical arguments. I mean damn, that's pitiful.

I figure that happens a lot on a forum like this that lets you post with whatever character you own. I do chuckle though when I think of the possibility that several of the people I dislike that frequent this forum might in some cases be one messed up in the head dude lol.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#99 - 2017-05-12 04:42:10 UTC
Keno Skir wrote:
Not much wrong with ECM in my opinion. Just my 2c.. Pirate

Been predominantly a solo hunter so far and while ECM makes the guy on one end feel bad, it works generally well in my experience.

And this is why there is a problem with ECM.
Fights should be enjoyed by both parties, not just the winner. It's certainly not the only mechanic in EVE that doesn't promote engagement & enjoyment on both sides, but anyone pretending that sitting there watching a timer tick down before you are allowed to interact with the game is a good idea..... Yeah, you are delusional.
Arkoth 24
#100 - 2017-05-12 05:10:51 UTC
Brigadine Ferathine wrote:
So stupid. Video games are supposed to be fun.

Your tears are fun.