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Been away for awhile

Musashi IV
Off-World Mining
#1 - 2017-05-11 14:35:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Musashi IV
PirateIve been away for awhile. Now CCP has finally figured out how to raise the price of ISK so high that it will force players who want to play the actual REAL EVE to pay a monthly subscription. Five hundred PLEX will cost you aprox 2.5 billion ISK on the market or $20 in EVE'S store. But you say "I can play for free.' Yes you can play for free if you want to be cannon fodder for the REAL EVE PLAYERS!!! In one swift stroke EVE forced most players to pay a monthly fee or become CANNON FODDER!!!

Note: CCP tried this once before by making ICE mining so unproductive that players could not make large sums of ISK.
#2 - 2017-05-11 14:50:37 UTC
Musashi IV wrote:
PirateIve been away for awhile. Now CCP has finally figured out how to raise the price of ISK so high that it will force players who want to play the actual REAL EVE to pay a monthly subscription. Five hundred PLEX will cost you aprox 2.5 billion ISK on the market or $20 in EVE'S store. But you say "I can play for free.' Yes you can play for free if you want to be cannon fodder for the REAL EVE PLAYERS!!! In one swift stroke EVE forced most players to pay a monthly fee or become CANNON FODDER!!!

500 Plex for 2.5bill does seem expensive. PM me and we'll arrange a deal.
Krin Dessat
Far Runner
#3 - 2017-05-11 15:35:39 UTC
I can sell you 500 PLEX for 2 Bil. That's a 500 Million discount right there!
Bjorn Tyrson
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2017-05-11 15:41:31 UTC
I'll sell you 500 for 1.9bil
Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#5 - 2017-05-11 16:22:23 UTC
Jita cost for 1 plex: 2,583,000.00

500 plex = 1,291,500, 000.00

Maths is your friend.
Net 7
#6 - 2017-05-11 20:27:50 UTC
I was going to say, no idea where you are getting 2.9b...

And i'm the real Cannon.Fodder

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Musashi IV
Off-World Mining
#7 - 2017-05-12 06:48:48 UTC
I stand corrected. 500 plex only cost 1.25 billion credits. Gee that's much better. Im sure every player can afford this every month.
Falken Falcon
#8 - 2017-05-12 07:40:41 UTC
Musashi IV wrote:
I stand corrected. 500 plex only cost 1.25 billion credits. Gee that's much better. Im sure every player can afford this every month.

And why should they have to afford? And why in the world would CCP make effort towards everyone being able to afford plexing their accounts?

Aye, Sea Turtles

Neo T.E.C.H.
#9 - 2017-05-12 08:39:43 UTC
Musashi IV wrote:
I stand corrected. 500 plex only cost 1.25 billion credits. Gee that's much better. Im sure every player can afford this every month.
Players who don't understand Supply & Demand 101, don't really need more than an Alpha Clone, to enjoy EVE Big smile