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pyfa v1.29.4 - The Python Fitting Assistant

Ebag Trescientas
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#401 - 2017-05-02 19:01:25 UTC
Tza Omi wrote:
I've found a possible bug in pyfa or maybe a game change I am ignorant of. I have a Kestrll fit that requires 59.4 pwr grid. I can fit it with 1 small ancillary current router I in EFT and all skills at V. In Pyfa the ship has the same base 45 pwr grid. the rig raises that by 10% but skills do not affect it. In EFT the grid is raised by 11.25 to 56.25 by setting the skills to all V. Adding the rig raises it 5.63 to 61.88 which makes my fit work. Is this a pyfa bug or has there been a game change that skills no longer affect pwr grid?

Can you post the EFT fits?

Want Pyfa, but with more features?

Tza Omi
Amarr Empire
#402 - 2017-05-02 19:15:45 UTC
For some reason it atarted working, I just lokked through the charater editor to make sure they were all set to 5's which they were. when I closed the editor everything looked right
Tza Omi
Amarr Empire
#403 - 2017-05-02 19:29:32 UTC
[Kestrel, aab]

400mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste

1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier
Warp Scrambler II

Rocket Launcher II, Scourge Rage Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Scourge Rage Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Scourge Rage Rocket
Rocket Launcher II, Scourge Rage Rocket

Small Anti-Explosive Pump I
Small Anti-Kinetic Pump I
Small Ancillary Current Router I
Ebag Trescientas
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#404 - 2017-05-03 17:13:47 UTC
Sometimes, especially if you're maxing out memory/CPU, Pyfa will stop responding properly. In those cases, usually closing it out and reopening takes care of it. Sounds like that's what happened here.

Want Pyfa, but with more features?

Very Italian People
The Initiative.
#405 - 2017-05-04 09:55:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Tetractys

Guessing how to change the font globally.

i found this in

self.font = wx.Font(fonts.NORMAL, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False)

seems you recall the default FontFamily.
In short, how to change the font globally? (don't care if the result is ugly, I'll return to the default in case).

Ebag Trescientas
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#406 - 2017-05-04 14:31:39 UTC
Tetractys wrote:

Guessing how to change the font globally.

i found this in

self.font = wx.Font(fonts.NORMAL, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False)

seems you recall the default FontFamily.
In short, how to change the font globally? (don't care if the result is ugly, I'll return to the default in case).


What is the goal? What are you trying to do?

Want Pyfa, but with more features?

Very Italian People
The Initiative.
#407 - 2017-05-04 15:30:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Tetractys
Ebag Trescientas wrote:
Tetractys wrote:

Guessing how to change the font globally.

i found this in

self.font = wx.Font(fonts.NORMAL, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False)

seems you recall the default FontFamily.
In short, how to change the font globally? (don't care if the result is ugly, I'll return to the default in case).


What is the goal? What are you trying to do?

The main goal is to harmonise (on Linux) the fonts with the global interface fonts I have set (sans serif family, anyway).
do you know what to modify, please?
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#408 - 2017-05-04 16:42:59 UTC
Tetractys wrote:
Ebag Trescientas wrote:
Tetractys wrote:

Guessing how to change the font globally.

i found this in

self.font = wx.Font(fonts.NORMAL, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False)

seems you recall the default FontFamily.
In short, how to change the font globally? (don't care if the result is ugly, I'll return to the default in case).


What is the goal? What are you trying to do?

The main goal is to harmonise (on Linux) the fonts with the global interface fonts I have set (sans serif family, anyway).
do you know what to modify, please?

I don't know off hand how to tweak the fonts - it's not something I've had to do much before. And there isn't a way currently to set fonts globally; to do so would mean many places in the ui would have to change, and i believe each platform renders fonts differently... I can look into this and see what wx supports and how they support it. If it's as simple as choosing between serif and sans serif, might be easy enough to do.

Which font are you currently using for your system?
Ebag Trescientas
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#409 - 2017-05-04 17:01:07 UTC
Tetractys wrote:
Ebag Trescientas wrote:
Tetractys wrote:

Guessing how to change the font globally.

i found this in

self.font = wx.Font(fonts.NORMAL, wx.SWISS, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL, False)

seems you recall the default FontFamily.
In short, how to change the font globally? (don't care if the result is ugly, I'll return to the default in case).


What is the goal? What are you trying to do?

The main goal is to harmonise (on Linux) the fonts with the global interface fonts I have set (sans serif family, anyway).
do you know what to modify, please?

I actually do.....

I've already implemented a preference to set the font size for the stats pane. (There's an issue where 4k resolution gets *TINY* fonts, because for OSx Pyfa hard sets to small instead of normal font size.)

It shouldn't be difficult to also set the font type.

The hard part will be hunting down all the places that it's used. It's not a global setting per say, we'd literally have to have it set on every GUI interface, so that's dozens of changes. Not the end of the world, but a bit time consuming.

You can see how I set the font size here:

Want Pyfa, but with more features?

Ebag Trescientas
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#410 - 2017-05-04 21:20:13 UTC
Tetractys wrote:

The main goal is to harmonise (on Linux) the fonts with the global interface fonts I have set (sans serif family, anyway).
do you know what to modify, please?

I'm about 50% of the way through implementing customizable fonts, sizes, style, and weight.

The catch is, there's only a handful of fonts available in wxPython. 7 to be precise (and one of those is the default OS font).

While you *CAN* do custom fonts using OS fonts, that'd completely break the portability between platforms, and a bunch of custom work would have to be done for each OS. Difficult, to say the least.

Out of the 7 fonts there's not much variance in them, the differences is very slight. There are a few that are noticeably different (teltype, for example, which looks like an old console font), but at least under Windows I doubt most people would notice the difference.

I can pretty much guarantee you that you won't be able to get exactly the same font. One of the built in options MIGHT get you closer though.

As for changing it, you'd have to do a lot of custom coding, it's not a quick and easy thing.

Want Pyfa, but with more features?

Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#411 - 2017-05-10 01:49:17 UTC
Greetings all!

v1.29.0 is out with the new Blood Raider capitals and CONCORD ships, along with many other changes and fixes!

I should note that this release contains a new error handler which will notify the user whenever something breaks. It used to be that a lot of things broke silently and we didn't know about it, but now it's more in your face. I expect a few folks will run into this - please report any breakage either here or on the GitHub issues page.

As always, thanks for the feature requests, bug reports, and support. :D
BSTheo Aldent
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#412 - 2017-05-10 05:19:38 UTC

I was trying to delete a fit and I received this error report. It keeps popping up repeatedly, for a total of 6-8 times. Same report. I am getting the same report for any fit I try to delete. The only way to stop the error report popup is to shutdown pyfa. But it does delete the fit when I restart. But I really like pyfa! Keep up the good work!

OS version: Windows-8-6.2.9200
Python: 2.7.10
SQLAlchemy: 1.0.5
Logbook: 1.0.0
pyfa version: 1.29.0 Stable - YC119.5 1.0
pyfa root: C:\Program Files (x86)\pyfa
save path: C:\Users\Ted\.pyfa
fs encoding: mbcs

EXCEPTION: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'projectedFits'

File "C:\Program Files (x86)\pyfa\\gui\", line 318, in OnLeftUp
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\pyfa\\gui\", line 2006, in Refresh
fit = sFit.getFit(activeFit)
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\pyfa\\service\", line 253, in getFit
for fitP in fit.projectedFits:
Zerb Erusius
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#413 - 2017-05-10 08:02:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Zerb Erusius
Can confirm this, deleting a fit you have open brings up an error.
Its deleting the fit but does not close the fitting tab and refresh the fitting list.

OS version: Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1
Python: 2.7.10
SQLAlchemy: 1.0.5
Logbook: 1.0.0
pyfa version: 1.29.0 Stable - YC119.5 1.0
fs encoding: mbcs

EXCEPTION: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'projectedFits'

File "F:\pyfa\\gui\", line 318, in OnLeftUp
File "F:\pyfa\\gui\", line 2006, in Refresh
fit = sFit.getFit(activeFit)
File "F:\pyfa\\service\", line 253, in getFit
for fitP in fit.projectedFits:

And after that dont go with the mouse over the still open fitting tab, you get a ton of error popups.
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#414 - 2017-05-10 23:09:36 UTC
Thanks for the error reports guys. The new error window is definitely having the effect we wanted. :)

That has a link to an updated build that fixes the fit delete bug, I'm currently investigating other issues that have popped up with this release before I make a determination on when to release a point release. :)
Ebag Trescientas
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#415 - 2017-05-10 23:11:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Ebag Trescientas
Sable Blitzmann wrote:
Thanks for the error reports guys. The new error window is definitely having the effect we wanted. :)

That has a link to an updated build that fixes the fit delete bug, I'm currently investigating other issues that have popped up with this release before I make a determination on when to release a point release. :)

You may want to have a chat with me. Most of these issues (and a bunch that haven't been reported but will come up) have already been solved.....fixed in my fork.....

Want Pyfa, but with more features?

Caitlyn Rempal
Stellar Winds Consortium
#416 - 2017-05-11 01:11:29 UTC
Been trying to delet some old characters from the character editor window -- blows up every time:

OS version: Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1
Python: 2.7.10
SQLAlchemy: 1.0.5
Logbook: 1.0.0
pyfa version: 1.29.0 Stable - YC119.5 1.0
pyfa root: C:\Program Files (x86)\pyfa
save path: C:\Users\AnthonyFalk\.pyfa
fs encoding: mbcs

EXCEPTION: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u03b1' in position 13: ordinal not in range(128)

File "C:\Program Files (x86)\pyfa\\gui\builtinViews\", line 142, in OnDelete
Caitlyn Rempal
Stellar Winds Consortium
#417 - 2017-05-11 01:12:23 UTC
Ebag Trescientas wrote:
Sable Blitzmann wrote:
Thanks for the error reports guys. The new error window is definitely having the effect we wanted. :)

That has a link to an updated build that fixes the fit delete bug, I'm currently investigating other issues that have popped up with this release before I make a determination on when to release a point release. :)

You may want to have a chat with me. Most of these issues (and a bunch that haven't been reported but will come up) have already been solved.....

SORRY for not scanning the last couple entries before adding this one -- off to patch!
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#418 - 2017-05-11 02:37:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Sable Blitzmann
Ebag Trescientas wrote:
You may want to have a chat with me. Most of these issues (and a bunch that haven't been reported but will come up) have already been solved.....

Convo'd on Slack :) Would be interested to hear what you've found out, as I'm coming up short x_x

Caitlyn Rempal wrote:
SORRY for not scanning the last couple entries before adding this one -- off to patch!

No worries, this particular issue wasn't known about or address yet... but I have

Hi there! There's a build that includes a fix here:
Sable Blitzmann
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#419 - 2017-05-11 05:21:30 UTC
Just FYI, I think I've fixed the major issues surrounding bugs that were introduced with 1.29.0. I hope to have a point release out tomorrow that includes these fixes, unless some other largish problem needs to be addressed between now and then.

Hang tight everyone :)
Lyta Alexander
Valor Evolved
Order of Allied Knights
#420 - 2017-05-11 10:13:08 UTC
Heya ty for your awesome program but I have found a issue! When doing a fit i activated mining drones and then tried to put it back to combat drones again and it came up with an error box. I then couldnt switch back to combat drones at all.

I worked out it was dropbox - as you can see below I am using the portable switch on W10 & I get I/O errors which caused the problem.
Soon as I turned dropbox off it worked fine - I guess installing pyfa onto dropbox isnt supported ? Cry
I really thought having two windows 10 installs and setting pyfa up on dropbox would work :(

Is there any way I could get this working? The aim would be to have 1x Pyfa database on the dropbox so I can use it on both my Eve machines? Maybe regular non-portable install and then is there a way to move the database ?

OS version: Windows-8-6.2.9200
Python: 2.7.10
SQLAlchemy: 1.0.5
Logbook: 1.0.0
pyfa version: 1.29.0 Stable - YC119.5 1.0
pyfa root: C:\Users\IT\Dropbox\INST\PyfaMay2017
save path: C:\Users\IT\Dropbox\INST\PyfaMay2017\saveddata
fs encoding: mbcs

EXCEPTION: (sqlite3.OperationalError) disk I/O error

File "C:\Users\IT\Dropbox\INST\PyfaMay2017\\gui\", line 238, in click
sFit.toggleDrone(fitID, self.original.index(drone))
File "C:\Users\IT\Dropbox\INST\PyfaMay2017\\service\", line 880, in toggleDrone
File "C:\Users\IT\Dropbox\INST\PyfaMay2017\\eos\db\saveddata\", line 542, in commit
File "C:\python-2.7.10\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 790, in commit
File "C:\python-2.7.10\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\orm\", line 396, in commit
File "C:\python-2.7.10\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\", line 1570, in commit
File "C:\python-2.7.10\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\", line 1601, in _do_commit
File "C:\python-2.7.10\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\", line 690, in _commit_impl
File "C:\python-2.7.10\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\", line 1341, in _handle_dbapi_exception
File "C:\python-2.7.10\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\util\", line 199, in raise_from_cause
File "C:\python-2.7.10\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\", line 688, in _commit_impl
File "C:\python-2.7.10\lib\site-packages\sqlalchemy\engine\", line 423, in do_commit