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119.5 - General Feedback

First post
Agent 5B
Venom and Bullet Corporation
Metropolis Defense
#101 - 2017-05-09 20:52:33 UTC
Duo Roman wrote:
nat longshot wrote:
6 plex used to cost 104.95 us

now 5 plex and 1/2 cost 99.99 us.

so now it cost more to plex then it use to.

Great job ccp i see a burn jita with a bigger scale coming.

Ccp yet another way to **** of the player base.

Learn to math:
2860 New plex = 5.72 old plex
Old price per plex: 104,95/6=17.49
New price per plex: 99.99/5.72=17.48

Technically, new plex is cheaper.

Not if you factor in the time it will take to figure out what is going on
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#102 - 2017-05-09 20:53:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Jahweh
Hello??? CCP???

A LOT of angry ppl here, aint it!!!

I hope this release backfires, because you deserve it.

Correct it and ppl might stick with it.

Might wanna fire a few CCP employees aswell.

119.16 next week plz.
Eternity INC.
Goonswarm Federation
#103 - 2017-05-09 21:13:59 UTC
Jahweh wrote:
Hello??? CCP???

A LOT of angry ppl here, aint it!!!

I hope this release backfires, because you deserve it.

Correct it and ppl might stick with it.

Might wanna fire a few CCP employees aswell.

119.16 next week plz.

Classic CCP. Let's just ignore the morons. After all if they had any brains they wouldn't be giving us money. Next week, even more annoying sounds that can't be turned off without muting the entire PC. To simplify sound management, of course.
Christina Carter
Moonfire Industries
#104 - 2017-05-09 21:24:18 UTC
It's not about the price going up on plex or the fact that plex can no longer be used to do character transfers. For me it is simply that CCP implemented these changes without notifying the Eve community. It was done in a disgustingly sneaky way which has broken the trust I had in CCP.

I'm a person that believes in being forthcoming and letting the chips fall where they may. Had CCP been as forthcoming and just gave us notice that these are the new changes to pricing and use of PLEX, I would be ok with it but now I have to act on principal. I have already unsubbed 2 of my 6 accts and I feel that our relationship has come to an end.

I remember that summer of rage. I was part of the protest. I remember how CCP admitted to making mistakes and going forward was going to have more open communication with the player base. However, it seems that CCP has fallen back into it's old ways of not caring about how we are affected or treating us with the respect the we, the players, deserve. Simply put, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

I have seen the changes that have been implemented over the years concerning CCP's business model for Eve and I can no longer support the actions of CCP. When a company takes actions that even look sneaky or dishonest towards it's player base, then I have reevaluate my continued participation in that business as a customer.

I have chosen to vote with my wallet and place my support elsewhere. I have to follow my principals and quite frankly, I no longer trust CCP.

Communications Closed!
Major Xadi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#105 - 2017-05-09 21:26:38 UTC

Me and my 4 subs say... Give Us The Sound Customization Back!!!

The suns look great. I'll trade the new graphics for the sound customization, however.
Mollie Mormon
#106 - 2017-05-09 21:27:08 UTC
Christina Carter wrote:
It's not about the price going up on plex or the fact that plex can no longer be used to do character transfers. For me it is simply that CCP implemented these changes without notifying the Eve community. It was done in a disgustingly sneaky way which has broken the trust I had in CCP.

I'm a person that believes in being forthcoming and letting the chips fall where they may. Had CCP been as forthcoming and just gave us notice that these are the new changes to pricing and use of PLEX, I would be ok with it but now I have to act on principal. I have already unsubbed 2 of my 6 accts and I feel that our relationship has come to an end.

I remember that summer of rage. I was part of the protest. I remember how CCP admitted to making mistakes and going forward was going to have more open communication with the player base. However, it seems that CCP has fallen back into it's old ways of not caring about how we are affected or treating us with the respect the we, the players, deserve. Simply put, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

I have seen the changes that have been implemented over the years concerning CCP's business model for Eve and I can no longer support the actions of CCP. When a company takes actions that even look sneaky or dishonest towards it's player base, then I have reevaluate my continued participation in that business as a customer.

I have chosen to vote with my wallet and place my support elsewhere. I have to follow my principals and quite frankly, I no longer trust CCP.

Communications Closed!

💖💖💖 Very well put. 💖💖💖
Jay BuHoBHy
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#107 - 2017-05-09 21:37:06 UTC
Christina Carter wrote:
It's not about the price going up on plex or the fact that plex can no longer be used to do character transfers. For me it is simply that CCP implemented these changes without notifying the Eve community. It was done in a disgustingly sneaky way which has broken the trust I had in CCP.

I'm a person that believes in being forthcoming and letting the chips fall where they may. Had CCP been as forthcoming and just gave us notice that these are the new changes to pricing and use of PLEX, I would be ok with it but now I have to act on principal. I have already unsubbed 2 of my 6 accts and I feel that our relationship has come to an end.

I remember that summer of rage. I was part of the protest. I remember how CCP admitted to making mistakes and going forward was going to have more open communication with the player base. However, it seems that CCP has fallen back into it's old ways of not caring about how we are affected or treating us with the respect the we, the players, deserve. Simply put, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

I have seen the changes that have been implemented over the years concerning CCP's business model for Eve and I can no longer support the actions of CCP. When a company takes actions that even look sneaky or dishonest towards it's player base, then I have reevaluate my continued participation in that business as a customer.

I have chosen to vote with my wallet and place my support elsewhere. I have to follow my principals and quite frankly, I no longer trust CCP.

Communications Closed!

Crouching Woman Hidden Cucumber
#108 - 2017-05-09 21:55:39 UTC
I'm not sure what everyone is complaining about.

119.5 Looks really good, obviously there are still a lot features that are missing / broken but even the most cursory of unit tests should pick that up. I suggest we tidy up and in a few weeks this should be good to pass to QA.
Charley Varrick
State War Academy
Caldari State
#109 - 2017-05-09 21:56:33 UTC
Christina Carter wrote:
It's not about the price going up on plex or the fact that plex can no longer be used to do character transfers. For me it is simply that CCP implemented these changes without notifying the Eve community. It was done in a disgustingly sneaky way which has broken the trust I had in CCP.

I'm a person that believes in being forthcoming and letting the chips fall where they may. Had CCP been as forthcoming and just gave us notice that these are the new changes to pricing and use of PLEX, I would be ok with it but now I have to act on principal. I have already unsubbed 2 of my 6 accts and I feel that our relationship has come to an end.

I remember that summer of rage. I was part of the protest. I remember how CCP admitted to making mistakes and going forward was going to have more open communication with the player base. However, it seems that CCP has fallen back into it's old ways of not caring about how we are affected or treating us with the respect the we, the players, deserve. Simply put, don't bite the hand that feeds you.

I have seen the changes that have been implemented over the years concerning CCP's business model for Eve and I can no longer support the actions of CCP. When a company takes actions that even look sneaky or dishonest towards it's player base, then I have reevaluate my continued participation in that business as a customer.

I have chosen to vote with my wallet and place my support elsewhere. I have to follow my principals and quite frankly, I no longer trust CCP.

Communications Closed!

Speaking with your wallet is the only language they will understand. Unfortunately it will take a couple months of cancelled subscriptions before they will get a clue.
LeQuint Dickey
Task Force 20
#110 - 2017-05-09 22:08:19 UTC
I have a question. I like cold Coors light.
Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#111 - 2017-05-09 22:11:22 UTC
I love the new suns CCP very nice! I don't think I'll get to run any of the new Blood Raiders content anytime soon. Only other thing and it's my one complaint - the PLEX vault should be somewhere like the wallet instead of the inventory screen. Thanks for everything you do! Smile


Milla Goodpussy
Garoun Investment Bank
#112 - 2017-05-09 22:15:02 UTC
these moans and groans although very valid will do nothing.
ccp isn't changing a thing.
you are not going anywhere
matter of fact they're laughing at you

so pay and just shush

Ebanezer Scrooge
#113 - 2017-05-09 22:27:31 UTC
just logged and seen the update.
500 plex is what it takes to add game time.
They selling you 440 +60 free for 19.99 unfortunately to me this smells, and really bad to boot.
I see people calling it a scam, it looks closer to what might be considered something else.
Drigo Segvian
Black Fox Marauders
Pen Is Out
#114 - 2017-05-09 22:30:36 UTC
Everyone should just cool down. I just checked prices and by my calc it is fairly the same as before. Roll

Nuka-Cola Addict
Grognak Mining and Logistics
#115 - 2017-05-09 22:33:31 UTC
Drigo Segvian wrote:
Everyone should just cool down. I just checked prices and by my calc it is fairly the same as before. Roll

Working As Intended. Lol
Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#116 - 2017-05-09 22:44:12 UTC
Andre Iv wrote:
Terrible patch.
That annoying "clicking" mouse sound back with no ability to deactivate it without turninng off all interface sound
CPU usage grew up. Played last year with 4 character with no problem with all accounts online, after patch even with two windows my notebook is heating to 80C (even on minimal)
The only useful change is contracts time rised to 4 weeks.

I have the same problem!

On my old laptop, Win10 x64 Home, 4 EVE clients running
Before the patch: CPU usage 40-50%
After the patch: CPU usage 80-90%
The graphics settings have not changed.

Also, why would you remove options from the audio tab??? Has anyone ever complained that there are too many options?

Also, the launcher keeps forgeting accounts again.
Jasmin Pearl
The Initiative.
#117 - 2017-05-09 23:00:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Jasmin Pearl
holy fk CCP you guys suck , you removed perfectly good scanning system, have both if some dont like the new one like my self, but removing sound options, OMFG you guys

i will never eve ever sub my accounts with you guys ever
rather spend the cash on beer and tacos!
Duo Roman
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#118 - 2017-05-09 23:11:37 UTC
Agent 5B wrote:

Not if you factor in the time it will take to figure out what is going on

Yeah, multiply and divide numbers like these takes days
Mona Me
#119 - 2017-05-09 23:13:40 UTC
It seems to me there is a bigger problem than this latest patch. I have a simple question. Around 2010, the log on numbers were around 50k acct's online on a weekend. What happened to the game that it has not achieved those numbers again till the launch/patch of the alpha acct's and even that was short lived? Something both CCP and the player base should be asking before anyone quits. (again)

Or is it just meQuestion
Karina Shiar
#120 - 2017-05-09 23:15:11 UTC
I am not entirely certain why people is saying the price went up?

Before this, if I bought 1 plex from CCP's homepage it cost me 19,99 Euro
If I buy 1 plex now from their homepage it cost me 19,99 euro.

But If I bought from a 3rd part retailer I could either buy 1 plex for 19,99 USD or 2 plex for 34,99 USD(17,49 USD each)

But like everyone else I am annoyed they removed paying transfer cost with plex. This means I will not sell characters over the bazaar any longer.

In addition to the players. HOLY HELL. Are you insane with new plex prices. I could buy 1 month for 1-1,1b(2m-2,2m isk/plex) before this patch. Now they go for 1,35b(2,7m isk/plex)

Basically, mean I go back to paying 14,95 euro per month instead until price drops.