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119.5 - General Feedback

First post
Eddie Thatch
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2017-05-09 14:48:18 UTC
Axhind wrote:
Please revert the sound settings. The new ones are freaking terrible and considering how many sounds in eve are insanely high pitched it's necessary to be able to lower them individually.

+1 here - I LIKED being able to totally dampen station noises, as when i'm in station I'm trying to work out logistics, pricing etc, and the background noise is distracting. But having 'atmosphere' elsewhere (flying) is nice. Now I have to damped 'atmosphere' to get any thinking done in station & the rest of new eden is silent (no I don't play your music, sorry).

So, please give us an option to mute the station atmosphere separately from external.
Reyka Brennivin
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2017-05-09 14:48:45 UTC
Mollie Mormon wrote:
Reyka Brennivin wrote:
I must be seeing it wrong. The 30 day PLEX rate @ 14.99) is gone? I now only see the 19.99/30 days?

I think it's been $19.99 all along.

Been 14.99 according to records for ages. Going by the nitwits posting in GD (as opposed to here), I'm not the only one seeing weird things. Then again, might be something else going on. After all, transferring a character was technically no longer possible for Plex, but for the Tournament submission it was perfectly possible :P
Asarian Yahnid
The Sad Ravens
#23 - 2017-05-09 14:49:05 UTC
Really? Getting rid of Advanced sound settings because they aren't simple enough? Ahem.... advanced... ADVANCED... why simplify the advanced settings, its counterintuitive. Will be playing eve on mute until they are brought back. Cant stand the stupid D-scan noise. First patch in a while I honestly hate. Good job CCP.

On the plex note: we all see what you are doing by increasing the prices, it would've gone a lot better if you were honest with your player base about increasing prices and then just done it. You being sneaky about it made it pretty bad. So good luck with that! I know quite a few people who wont be purchasing anything anymore.

Revert sound settings plz. thanks.
Tsutomi Sakuma
#24 - 2017-05-09 14:49:33 UTC
Duo Roman wrote:
nat longshot wrote:
6 plex used to cost 104.95 us

now 5 plex and 1/2 cost 99.99 us.

so now it cost more to plex then it use to.

Great job ccp i see a burn jita with a bigger scale coming.

Ccp yet another way to **** of the player base.

Learn to math:
2860 New plex = 5.72 old plex
Old price per plex: 104,95/6=17.49
New price per plex: 99.99/5.72=17.48

Technically, new plex is cheaper.

Your math is sound.

But, the difference I see is that the economical choices do not begin at the $34.99 for 2 PLEX price point anymore (all packages of 2 PLEX and above were the same 'per PLEX' cost). Now, to maximize your dollar-to-ISK conversion, you have no choice but to spend $99.99.

In concept, not overly pleased - but working in the Middle East gives me more money than sense, so no real impact FOR ME. Lots of impact for Joe Bag'o'Donuts, though. (Did they release the new costs ahead of implementation, I wonder?)
Tsutomi Sakuma
#25 - 2017-05-09 14:52:51 UTC
Reyka Brennivin wrote:
Mollie Mormon wrote:
Reyka Brennivin wrote:
I must be seeing it wrong. The 30 day PLEX rate @ 14.99) is gone? I now only see the 19.99/30 days?

I think it's been $19.99 all along.

Been 14.99 according to records for ages. Going by the nitwits posting in GD (as opposed to here), I'm not the only one seeing weird things. Then again, might be something else going on. After all, transferring a character was technically no longer possible for Plex, but for the Tournament submission it was perfectly possible :P

Normal price for a PLEX prior to implementation of nuPLEX was not $14.99, as 2 of them cost $34.99. I'll wager a billion ISK on it.
Neod Rixhet
Domini Canos
Domini Canes
#26 - 2017-05-09 14:55:06 UTC
Down audio settings is dumb, only CCP like idea. back my audio settings
Vladya Blade
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2017-05-09 14:55:39 UTC
Where is the old option to transfer time (plex) to another character?
Reyka Brennivin
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2017-05-09 14:56:23 UTC
Vladya Blade wrote:
Where is the old option to transfer time (plex) to another character?

Good one ..
Duo Roman
The Dark Space Initiative
Scary Wormhole People
#29 - 2017-05-09 15:02:28 UTC
Reyka Brennivin wrote:
I must be seeing it wrong. The 30 day PLEX rate @ 14.99) is gone? I now only see the 19.99/30 days?

1 month game time is still 14.95.
Regular Old Plex was never 14.95.
Quay Industries
#30 - 2017-05-09 15:05:54 UTC
Whoevers idea it was to dumb down the sound options needs firing ASAP and the old sounds returning. Absolutely stupid idea.
Marek Kanenald
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2017-05-09 15:14:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Marek Kanenald
The real question is why they just didn't make aurum tradable on the market and prevent all this PLEX nonsense.
Sergey Hawk
The Sith Syndicate
#32 - 2017-05-09 15:17:06 UTC
Revert sound settings and ADD MORE sliders for Cricket, Wolf that howling in my scanner and other annoying crap.

Aura: "You need to be within range to execute this function."

Kimi Räikkönen: “Leave me alone, I know what I’m doing.”

Mollie Mormon
#33 - 2017-05-09 15:18:22 UTC

Starting a petition to have ccp show how much money they brought in on the first day of this campaign compared to the day before.
Sarah Flynt
Red Cross Mercenaries
Silent Infinity
#34 - 2017-05-09 15:22:52 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
"Move PLEX to vault" option doesnt work when PLEX is in citadel and I am in remote location. I had to go there and move plex to Vault by draggong it there.

Same with PLEX located in nullsec outposts.

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School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#35 - 2017-05-09 15:22:56 UTC

Dumbing down 'advanced audio settings' is just silly and a sign of not understanding your own product, it's features and your users. In fact audio needs much more flexibility IMO, starting with changing this back and allowing to select where sound goes instead of system settings/default..

Plex changes are an obvious ploy to get more income, I predict the arrival of 'go omega for a week for just 150PLEX' and similar options..

The new scanner interface is far from done and still quite infested with issues and plain old bugs. Removing the original system as an option is at best presumptuous.

Overall I think CCP should start focussing on stuff like making the UI more consistent and functional instead of 'oh, pretty' enhancements. But then again, it'a mostly about luring in new users and not making sure more people come in than leave to maintain the income level.

Oh and while you 'work out' the credit in the store I guess you are expecting/hoping we'll just put plex in to get what we need/want..

But hey.. what would you care right.. you know most of us will hang around anyway right?
Vincent Athena
#36 - 2017-05-09 15:25:35 UTC
Reyka Brennivin wrote:
Vladya Blade wrote:
Where is the old option to transfer time (plex) to another character?

Good one ..

Yes, you can gift 30 days of Omega time.

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Commander Mongol
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#37 - 2017-05-09 15:29:12 UTC
Where are the fanfest ships?
Ni Neith
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#38 - 2017-05-09 15:35:46 UTC
You broke the sound settings. It's unplayable now. Bye bye ccp.
Erebus 'TheChin' Sundance
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2017-05-09 15:40:52 UTC
Post I made in the wrong section reguarding new audio settings.

Erebus 'TheChin' Sundance wrote:

Sorry, out of sheer shock I was unable to articulate anything useful for a bit their...

I can not imagine in any way how the limited audio options just introduced have added or improved upon game play and would argue it has in fact had a profoundly negative effect on immersion and personal customization.

The main issue for me was, and still is, the audio effect from cloaking/de cloaking being to loud compared to other module sounds, I made a post sometime ago on this issue.

It was also good to be able to have more control over self warping and other people warping effect volume.

I implore you to amend this dastardly deed.

#40 - 2017-05-09 15:41:38 UTC
Here's the original thread about the new sound changes:

Only 9% of players use the advanced sound settings according to CCP. It was costing them valuable Dev time to maintain it.

I have just muted everything now, so sick of all the rage inducing sounds that keep being added..