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AFK Cloaking™: Ideas, Discussion, and Proposals

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Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#9521 - 2017-05-08 20:06:02 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
not even sure who dracvlad is.

But i do see a lot of salt built up in this thread, from him and the hunters.
Sometimes i can agree with some people on something, but in this case all i hear mostly is a bunch of idiot nullseccr's and possibly player pirates and stuff whining about something that should be changed.

Hell even an active way to decloak peeps or find them in Highsec would add something to the game. So it just isnt nullsec, it is anywhere really. But a hard vocal side that only thinks of nullsec play has their heads up their collective rear focal point of contact.

PS: looked him up, yeah I had boots on the ground in Iraq according to his beginning employment history, didnt start playing EvE till late 2010. Any other "bright" ideas?

Then where is our button to forcefully undock people?

You're just another dumb person that wants risk-free ratting space for zero effort.

and you are an idiot who "only" wants risk-free player kills, so like i said go join CODE. if that is what you are after.

Oh, btw....not sure about low and high, but in nullsec when its vunerable there is this thing called a TCU(territorial claim unit), maybe you could try endangering that, might make someone undock for ya.

Wait wut? What about those who want to scan down and PVP a cloaked ship where the pilot is AFK?

Now I am convinced you are not looking simple are.

she asked for a 'force undock' button, hitting the TCU in null should be such a buttonRoll
Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#9522 - 2017-05-08 20:10:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Linus Gorp
Max Deveron wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
not even sure who dracvlad is.

But i do see a lot of salt built up in this thread, from him and the hunters.
Sometimes i can agree with some people on something, but in this case all i hear mostly is a bunch of idiot nullseccr's and possibly player pirates and stuff whining about something that should be changed.

Hell even an active way to decloak peeps or find them in Highsec would add something to the game. So it just isnt nullsec, it is anywhere really. But a hard vocal side that only thinks of nullsec play has their heads up their collective rear focal point of contact.

PS: looked him up, yeah I had boots on the ground in Iraq according to his beginning employment history, didnt start playing EvE till late 2010. Any other "bright" ideas?

Then where is our button to forcefully undock people?

You're just another dumb person that wants risk-free ratting space for zero effort.

and you are an idiot who "only" wants risk-free player kills, so like i said go join CODE. if that is what you are after.

Oh, btw....not sure about low and high, but in nullsec when its vunerable there is this thing called a TCU(territorial claim unit), maybe you could try endangering that, might make someone undock for ya.

Nullsec is a pvp zone. If those "risk-free players" are unable to defend themselves and aren't good for being anything but victims, then why exactly is that my problem? Those people simply do not belong in nullsec.

What you want is kill people that aren't there. They are only sitting in local to counter the perfect intel tool that local represents and for no other reason.
When you want to PvP cloaked players that may or may not be at their computer, then it's only fair that we can PvP people docked in stations that may or may not be at their computer.

And why exactly should I have to fit a entosis link and be there when that **** thing is vulerable just to get a fight in a pvp zone? I don't give two fucks about sov and have no intention of holding space. I want PvP, not PvEntosis.

The entire idea behind cloaky gameplay is to be sneaky and kill the unawares, hence why covert ops ships are severely weaker than their non-cloaky counterparts. I have no intention of running around with an entosis link to announce my presence to everyone. Neither do I have to, because thanks to local, they see me coming from 30 jumps away.

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9523 - 2017-05-08 20:10:51 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

Again: Some here on the side favoring cloaks/AFK cloaking do not want things changed (e.g. Baltec). Others, like myself, want an over haul to NS intel and in the interim change nothing.

So you who exactly wants a change? Oh yeah, that would be the people who want to have cloaked ships be vulnerable to being probbed down. The people who want to nerf cloaks.

You have it exactly backwards. Roll

Ok Teckos, i have mostly ignored you because i didnt see much of an issue with you, straddling the fence i think.
I understand the want or need to change how intel works, especially maybe in Null.

My thing is I am against the 'Baltec' side as you so eloquently put it already. All my point(s) was that side should just stuff it.

Now, as to me wanting a change.........sure. As to what and exactly how? idk.
But what ever it is, pertaining to AFK needs to be something that an active player can use against a player that is not active but cloaked no matter High/Low/Null/WH.

Baltec prefers to leave things as they are. How is that a change. He is fine with local as intel, intel channels and being reported 30-40 jumps out. He'll just AFK camp till he can "hook a fish." He isn't whining people are docking up when he is 32 jumps out. He is merely describing the process. You have mistaken mere description for a whine.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9524 - 2017-05-08 20:13:04 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:

she asked for a 'force undock' button, hitting the TCU in null should be such a buttonRoll

It is a common retort from the AFK cloaking/cloaking is fine group. It is sarcastic. The side that wants to probe down cloaks like to talk about risk and danger, and being shot at. But only in the context of a ship where the pilot is AFK. It would be like having an "undock button" and shooting the players who are AFK and ejected from the station. Of course it is silly...kind like the notion of "PVPing a cloaked ship where the pilot is AFK."

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#9525 - 2017-05-08 20:27:59 UTC
Linus Gorp wrote:

a.) When you want to PvP cloaked players that may or may not be at their computer, then it's only fair that we can PvP people docked in stations that may or may not be at their computer.

b.) And why exactly should I have to fit a entosis link and be there when that **** thing is vulerable just to get a fight in a pvp zone? I don't give two fucks about sov and have no intention of holding space. I want PvP, not PvEntosis.

c.)The entire idea behind cloaky gameplay is to be sneaky and kill the unawares, hence why covert ops ships are severely weaker than their non-cloaky counterparts. I have no intention of running around with an entosis link to announce my presence to everyone. Neither do I have to, because thanks to local, they see me coming from 30 jumps away.

a.) There you are wrong entirely in the concept. You consent to PvP when you undock, not when you are at your keyboard.

b.) Ok again, talking about null, sov null to be exact. You wish to disrupt enemy territory, best way prior to an invasion while collecting intel? Be in their local(s). Got it. Cause really all of Eden is a "PvP Zone", Sov Null though is a special place of ownership. If they dont want to fight you, maybe your not worth it. If you are not worth it, you have to make yourself worth it. Otherwise, you and others like you are just QQ'ing.

c.) i know what the idea is. It works well as a concept for setting up a gank in highsec also. As to the entosis link, then dont run with one, try something non-cloaky maybe. and if that dont work go shoot a PoCo. holy christ do you even have brain one?
Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#9526 - 2017-05-08 20:32:46 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
You have mistaken mere description for a whine.

This character was 3 months old when i first noticed a full blown out AFK Cloak/Anti-AFK Cloak culture argument explode all over the forums, not just F&I.
3 years later........yep the description can be considered a whine by now (imho), for either side of the issue.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9527 - 2017-05-08 20:39:55 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
You have mistaken mere description for a whine.

This character was 3 months old when i first noticed a full blown out AFK Cloak/Anti-AFK Cloak culture argument explode all over the forums, not just F&I.
3 years later........yep the description can be considered a whine by now (imho), for either side of the issue.

You are just being an obstinate ass, IMO.

Baltec wants no change and is fine with things are now....but he is whining he can't get kills?

And I have been following this topic longer than you have been in game.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#9528 - 2017-05-08 20:43:28 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:

a.) When you want to PvP cloaked players that may or may not be at their computer, then it's only fair that we can PvP people docked in stations that may or may not be at their computer.

b.) And why exactly should I have to fit a entosis link and be there when that **** thing is vulerable just to get a fight in a pvp zone? I don't give two fucks about sov and have no intention of holding space. I want PvP, not PvEntosis.

c.)The entire idea behind cloaky gameplay is to be sneaky and kill the unawares, hence why covert ops ships are severely weaker than their non-cloaky counterparts. I have no intention of running around with an entosis link to announce my presence to everyone. Neither do I have to, because thanks to local, they see me coming from 30 jumps away.

a.) There you are wrong entirely in the concept. You consent to PvP when you undock, not when you are at your keyboard.

Then why do the people in nullsec get literally 20 minutes advance warning to get away? They barely have to pay attention and can completely avoid PvP.

Max Deveron wrote:

b.) Ok again, talking about null, sov null to be exact. You wish to disrupt enemy territory, best way prior to an invasion while collecting intel? Be in their local(s). Got it. Cause really all of Eden is a "PvP Zone", Sov Null though is a special place of ownership. If they dont want to fight you, maybe your not worth it. If you are not worth it, you have to make yourself worth it. Otherwise, you and others like you are just QQ'ing.

Nullsec is a pvp zone. If they don't want to fight others, they can go back to highsec and live under the "protection" of concord and also bite the bullet of reduced rewards.
This entire thread is about afk cloakers being the problem. It's people like you that are crying about afk cloakers, not the other way around. We just tell you that afk cloaking is a symptom of the real problem, but you lack the brain capacity to get it and instead think we're the ones crying when it's actually you.

Max Deveron wrote:

c.) i know what the idea is. It works well as a concept for setting up a gank in highsec also. As to the entosis link, then dont run with one, try something non-cloaky maybe. and if that dont work go shoot a PoCo. holy christ do you even have brain one?

I have to change my playstyle why exactly? And what would that change? People would still dock up 15 minutes before I can even enter the system, no matter what I fly.

I'm a highly intelligent person. According to IQ tests, one of the most intelligent persons of this pathetically dumb human race. It's you that has proven yourself to be on the other side of the intelligence spectrum.

Your corp name and killboard are perfect examples on where your interests lie and that you have zero clue what this is even about and your posts are perfect proof of that. You're just another dumb person that thinks his playstyle is the only valid one and your peanut brain can't think beyond your severely limited viewpoint.

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#9529 - 2017-05-08 20:55:13 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
You have mistaken mere description for a whine.

This character was 3 months old when i first noticed a full blown out AFK Cloak/Anti-AFK Cloak culture argument explode all over the forums, not just F&I.
3 years later........yep the description can be considered a whine by now (imho), for either side of the issue.

You are just being an obstinate ass, IMO.

Baltec wants no change and is fine with things are now....but he is whining he can't get kills?

And I have been following this topic longer than you have been in game.

Well you put the name to it as far as I am concerned. i just went with it "Baltec Group". whether or not he is one doing any serious whining is irrelevant at this point.

And yes, maybe i am being an obstinate ass. But i have seen more than just AFK Cloaking arguments being used as a reason to kill Local. But yeah, sure lets just make the whole game like WH space. Then we can listen to people like my brother complain how they have to log into other sites (official or not) for other games like Destiny to join a group. and when i mean local......i mean local/constellation/region chats just wiped out. Nothing but maybe corp/alliance/private chats only.

and ok, so you have been following the issue longer than I have played EvE. You want a cookie? How about some Koolaid?
No seriously though work on your intel thing. Only entered this thread cause i saw Baltec's name attached to it and was curious. And like i said, i came to calling the 1 side the Baltec Group because you said (ie Baltec) in one of your posts.
Otherwise what are you and me even arguing about? How the 2 primary sides of the issue are nuts?
Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#9530 - 2017-05-08 21:12:14 UTC
Linus Gorp wrote:

Then why do the people in nullsec get literally 20 minutes advance warning to get away? They barely have to pay attention and can completely avoid PvP.

hmmm, if they are receiving the warning then I am going to guess they are not afk. And avoiding a fight is as much PvP as is getting into one. So is aggressively competing on the market. And clearing out roids/gas/sites before the other guy/group. Spying/Ganking/Awoxing are PvP. Controlling PoCo's are PvP. Controlling or having a controlling interest in the PLEX market is PvP.

Linus Gorp wrote:

Nullsec is a pvp zone. If they don't want to fight others, they can go back to highsec and live under the "protection" of concord and also bite the bullet of reduced rewards.
This entire thread is about afk cloakers being the problem. It's people like you that are crying about afk cloakers, not the other way around. We just tell you that afk cloaking is a symptom of the real problem, but you lack the brain capacity to get it and instead think we're the ones crying when it's actually you.

Yep, its a symptom all right. Do you feel entitled much? I know I do not and it would be cool and a tad bit more spicy if one of my alts could get wacked while afk cloaking, but till if ever then i will keep using the OP tactic myself.

Linus Gorp wrote:

I have to change my playstyle why exactly? And what would that change? People would still dock up 15 minutes before I can even enter the system, no matter what I fly.

And your point being?

Linus Gorp wrote:

I'm a highly intelligent person. According to IQ tests, one of the most intelligent persons of this pathetically dumb human race. It's you that has proven yourself to be on the other side of the intelligence spectrum.

I sense an oxymoron here. Or a 5yr old breaking into a tantrum.

Linus Gorp wrote:

Your corp name and killboard are perfect examples on where your interests lie and that you have zero clue what this is even about and your posts are perfect proof of that. You're just another dumb person that thinks his playstyle is the only valid one and your peanut brain can't think beyond your severely limited viewpoint.

LolBig smile Please tell me what my interests are. Also please tell me what my playstyle is. (Fair warning: If you can answer these correctly, then you screwed up. Forum Warring is PvP also)
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9531 - 2017-05-08 21:21:50 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
You have mistaken mere description for a whine.

This character was 3 months old when i first noticed a full blown out AFK Cloak/Anti-AFK Cloak culture argument explode all over the forums, not just F&I.
3 years later........yep the description can be considered a whine by now (imho), for either side of the issue.

You are just being an obstinate ass, IMO.

Baltec wants no change and is fine with things are now....but he is whining he can't get kills?

And I have been following this topic longer than you have been in game.

Well you put the name to it as far as I am concerned. i just went with it "Baltec Group". whether or not he is one doing any serious whining is irrelevant at this point.

And yes, maybe i am being an obstinate ass. But i have seen more than just AFK Cloaking arguments being used as a reason to kill Local. But yeah, sure lets just make the whole game like WH space. Then we can listen to people like my brother complain how they have to log into other sites (official or not) for other games like Destiny to join a group. and when i mean local......i mean local/constellation/region chats just wiped out. Nothing but maybe corp/alliance/private chats only.

and ok, so you have been following the issue longer than I have played EvE. You want a cookie? How about some Koolaid?
No seriously though work on your intel thing. Only entered this thread cause i saw Baltec's name attached to it and was curious. And like i said, i came to calling the 1 side the Baltec Group because you said (ie Baltec) in one of your posts.
Otherwise what are you and me even arguing about? How the 2 primary sides of the issue are nuts?

How can people who are fine with the status quo be guilty of whining? As for your claim that NS should have no local just like w-space? Please, point to such an proposal and those in this thread who have supported it.

Here let me help you since you are having such a hard time with this.

1. Some carebear comes to the forum and rages in this thread about how AFK cloaking is destroying the game and that is why the number of logins is falling (never mind that it finally took like 12 years for this to happen).
2. The usual suspects respond with, "How do you know he is there?" (Local). "Local is the problem, no local, no AFK camping." And the rest of the litany....which has gone on and on for page after page. Some get creative like Mike Voidstar.
3. The person posting splutters and huffs and buffs, then they stop replying.

The "usual suspects" either want no change or a complete overhaul of the intel/cloaking mechanic.

How you get whining out of that is beyond me. I don't think Baltec's side is nuts. I don't agree with it in the long run, but I do agree with it in the short run, and I could live with it in the long run. What I do think is nuts is to make NS safer. Attempts to make the game safer appear to be costing us players not bringing them in.

Now, if you want to say were are being a**holes....well, okay you got me. But whining? WTFAYD/S?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9532 - 2017-05-08 21:24:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Max Deveron wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:

Then why do the people in nullsec get literally 20 minutes advance warning to get away? They barely have to pay attention and can completely avoid PvP.

hmmm, if they are receiving the warning then I am going to guess they are not afk.

OMG....Roll Sad

That is so bad it makes me sad.

The people getting away were never AFK. You just simply have things all jumbled up and completely backasswards.

Oh, and nobody said avoiding a fight is a problem. Being able to avoid a fight 100% of the time, that is a bit more problematic. If you are paying attention then you can get away pretty much 100% of the time. Now, even Baltec is not complaining about that. He'll just shrug and set up to AFK camp until somebody is foolish and imprudent.

But somehow you have turned that into a whine.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#9533 - 2017-05-08 21:25:25 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:

I'm a highly intelligent person. According to IQ tests, one of the most intelligent persons of this pathetically dumb human race. It's you that has proven yourself to be on the other side of the intelligence spectrum.

I sense an oxymoron here.


When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Max Deveron
Deveron Shipyards and Technology
Citizen's Star Republic
#9534 - 2017-05-08 21:45:32 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:

Then why do the people in nullsec get literally 20 minutes advance warning to get away? They barely have to pay attention and can completely avoid PvP.

hmmm, if they are receiving the warning then I am going to guess they are not afk.

OMG....Roll Sad

That is so bad it makes me sad.

The people getting away were never AFK. You just simply have things all jumbled up and completely backasswards.

Oh, and nobody said avoiding a fight is a problem. Being able to avoid a fight 100% of the time, that is a bit more problematic. If you are paying attention then you can get away pretty much 100% of the time. Now, even Baltec is not complaining about that. He'll just shrug and set up to AFK camp until somebody is foolish and imprudent.

But somehow you have turned that into a whine.

yep now i have an issue with you, as being you do not pertain to this particular discussion.
Though i enjoy your attempt at placing words or concepts in my mouth that i did not speak you should really not quit your day job.
So ok little man let Daddy explain it to you, the person over there on the other side of the room is complaining that neither we nor she should be able to see each other let alone talk to one another whilst we occupy the room.
However she also states that if she were to use some sort of invisibility spray that we are not allowed to throw sand all over the room in attempts to locate her. If someone calls us on the phone we also not allowed to go hide on her, which is a moot point since we are not supposed to see each other anyway.
Teckos Pech wrote:

But papa? why is she in our house anyway?

She is here to try and kill us, but i do not feel like wasting our bullets or dulling our tools on her since she is insignificant. so we shall retire to the Family room and tarry there. When and if she decides to leave we shall call ahead her direction of travel.
tldr: the discussion was not about being afk, it is more about what is PvP.
Shhhhh son, it will be ok.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#9535 - 2017-05-08 23:47:57 UTC
I'm not against change I just don't see a way to get a change through without an almighty ***** fest.

You can't kill AFK cloaking alone because that hands risk free ratting to the pve mob. 100% accurate free and instant intel with no counter would be incredibly damaging to the game. The only way to kill AFK camping is if you remove local as we know it and if you do that AFK camping dies anyway as it relies entirely on showing up in local.

The people demanding AFK cloaking to be removed are also insisting no change to local so we are stuck. You can't kill AFK cloaking without also killing the reason AFK cloaking happens in the first place.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9536 - 2017-05-09 00:02:15 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:

Then why do the people in nullsec get literally 20 minutes advance warning to get away? They barely have to pay attention and can completely avoid PvP.

hmmm, if they are receiving the warning then I am going to guess they are not afk.

OMG....Roll Sad

That is so bad it makes me sad.

The people getting away were never AFK. You just simply have things all jumbled up and completely backasswards.

Oh, and nobody said avoiding a fight is a problem. Being able to avoid a fight 100% of the time, that is a bit more problematic. If you are paying attention then you can get away pretty much 100% of the time. Now, even Baltec is not complaining about that. He'll just shrug and set up to AFK camp until somebody is foolish and imprudent.

But somehow you have turned that into a whine.

yep now i have an issue with you, as being you do not pertain to this particular discussion.
Though i enjoy your attempt at placing words or concepts in my mouth that i did not speak you should really not quit your day job.
So ok little man let Daddy explain it to you, the person over there on the other side of the room is complaining that neither we nor she should be able to see each other let alone talk to one another whilst we occupy the room.
However she also states that if she were to use some sort of invisibility spray that we are not allowed to throw sand all over the room in attempts to locate her. If someone calls us on the phone we also not allowed to go hide on her, which is a moot point since we are not supposed to see each other anyway.
Teckos Pech wrote:

But papa? why is she in our house anyway?

She is here to try and kill us, but i do not feel like wasting our bullets or dulling our tools on her since she is insignificant. so we shall retire to the Family room and tarry there. When and if she decides to leave we shall call ahead her direction of travel.
tldr: the discussion was not about being afk, it is more about what is PvP.
Shhhhh son, it will be ok.

Roll Terrible post. I'd say train writing and composition to level 1 each, but you don't even have the skills injected apparently.

As for putting words in other people's mouths....that is precisely what you did.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#9537 - 2017-05-09 00:11:42 UTC
Max Deveron wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
Linus Gorp wrote:
Max Deveron wrote:
not even sure who dracvlad is.

But i do see a lot of salt built up in this thread, from him and the hunters.
Sometimes i can agree with some people on something, but in this case all i hear mostly is a bunch of idiot nullseccr's and possibly player pirates and stuff whining about something that should be changed.

Hell even an active way to decloak peeps or find them in Highsec would add something to the game. So it just isnt nullsec, it is anywhere really. But a hard vocal side that only thinks of nullsec play has their heads up their collective rear focal point of contact.

PS: looked him up, yeah I had boots on the ground in Iraq according to his beginning employment history, didnt start playing EvE till late 2010. Any other "bright" ideas?

Then where is our button to forcefully undock people?

You're just another dumb person that wants risk-free ratting space for zero effort.

and you are an idiot who "only" wants risk-free player kills, so like i said go join CODE. if that is what you are after.

Oh, btw....not sure about low and high, but in nullsec when its vunerable there is this thing called a TCU(territorial claim unit), maybe you could try endangering that, might make someone undock for ya.

Wait wut? What about those who want to scan down and PVP a cloaked ship where the pilot is AFK?

Now I am convinced you are not looking simple are.

she asked for a 'force undock' button, hitting the TCU in null should be such a buttonRoll

Oh, and another thing, that is a sarcastic comment. Neither Linus, myself nor anybody else wants such a feature. It is used to highlight the nonsense of the nerf cloaks side of the argument. That you did not detect the sarcasm and that you are unaware of its rather frequent use highlights your degree of ignorance on the topic.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Gallente Federation
#9538 - 2017-05-09 00:56:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Xcom
Merin Ryskin wrote:
Xcom wrote:
It takes a very special snowflake to exploit the cloaking mechanic to the point of logging in for months just to stick it to the other guy at the end of the barrel. Why would such a disgusting nolife behavior even be defended. I'm surprised how some people jump to defend quite literally what I would explain as, digital harassment supported by loophole mechanics.

Get a life
and to whoever defends this sick exploit, turn off your pc and enjoy your life, you need it.


This is EVE, you sad piece of ****. There is no such thing as "disgusting no-life behavior" in EVE. Dirty tricks, dishonorable tactics, etc, are encouraged both by the game mechanics and the developers. If someone is going AFK in your system for months at a time and shutting down your activities then the problem is not the cloaked ship, it's that you're too pathetic to fight back, even against a ship that is literally AFK and harmless.

Look children, this is what happens when you play to much PC games. Its an addiction that is plaguing the new century. If you ever end up playing a PC game to the point where you have to keep your PC running for months just to win in a virtual reality then sh*ts gotten real. You should immediately seek medical and psychological attention before you end up like this guy.
Merin Ryskin
Peregrine Industries
#9539 - 2017-05-09 02:14:37 UTC
Xcom wrote:
Look children, this is what happens when you play to much PC games. Its an addiction that is plaguing the new century. If you ever end up playing a PC game to the point where you have to keep your PC running for months just to win in a virtual reality then sh*ts gotten real. You should immediately seek medical and psychological attention before you end up like this guy.

I would suggest getting a real job so that keeping your PC on for months at a time is so cheap that you don't need to bother thinking about it, but your posts here pretty clearly demonstrate that the only career choice you're likely to make is between scrubbing toilets and flipping burgers.
No Expectatlons
#9540 - 2017-05-09 05:06:22 UTC
I prey for the dev having to read trough all this in a year or two when Sensor Arrays gonna be introduced....