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Intergalactic Summit

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A short announcement related to TD involvement in Kyonoke attacks.

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#81 - 2017-05-07 09:04:05 UTC
Bran Kignol wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
There are no and were no terrorists on my ship.

Diana Kim wrote:
I... never hired personnel interested primarily in terrorism

Does that mean you hired crewmembers that are primarily interested in close-combat (useful indeed) and secondarily in terrorism ?

Nevertheless my question is still valid : do you have other terrorists onboard ?

No, it is not.
It has been answered. You was pointed to answer, and now you ask that AGAIN? Really?

Besides offering reading manual, I will answer you this time.

I have not hired personeel for terrorist duty.
I had no terrorists on my ship.
I do not have terrorists on my ship now.
I do not have open terrorist positions on my ship.
I will not hire you.

Even if you are primarily interested in close combat.

I have cooks. I have gunners. I have mechanics. I have warp engineers. I have supervisors. I have command personnel.

I do not have "close-combat guys" and "secondarily interested in terrorism guys".
Heck, I won't even offer you a janitor position on my ship, because I do not need a janitor whom I would need to repeat three times
"Go clean deck 14"
"Go clean deck 14"
"Go clean deck 14", if he will be asking all the time what deck to clean even after I gave the answer.

I repeat to you again. No terrorists on my ship. None. Nope. Not at all.
Go away.
And don't bother me anymore.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#82 - 2017-05-07 09:14:56 UTC
Yoshitaka Moromuo wrote:
Diana Kim wrote:
Bran Kignol wrote:

Could you give us a fully detailed definition, for you (if not the official one), of what is a "terror activity" and the difference with a "criminal activity" ?

Terror activity - a warfare method for causing political pressure by instilling fear. Usually performed by groups that lack full funding and equipment to attack military and important tactical targets. Terror attacks are usually weak and affect neither military ability nor disrupt civilian operations of the targeted State as a whole. Casualties are within acceptable margins (when civilian casualties becomes significant and physically affect the State the operation stops being considered terrorism and becomes genocide. When military casualties become significant either in total numbers or in local dislocation, the operation can't be considered a just terror operation as well).

Casualties within acceptable margins? What makes the loss of civilian life in any way acceptable?

You may as well have just picked up a shovel and found an empty plot...

You're asking someone who executes PoWs for being ethnic Gallente.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#83 - 2017-05-07 09:17:53 UTC
Ria is a well known slanderer and dishonorable person. Please don't pay attention to what this broken record spews about me.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#84 - 2017-05-07 10:02:25 UTC
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#85 - 2017-05-07 10:19:16 UTC
Keep in mind that Ria is just a liar, who claimed that I would execute people "for being ethnic Gallente".
It is the obvious lie and pro-gallentean propaganda - it never happened.

Citizens of the State, know your enemy. Do not trust this filthy tongue. If you see Ria in space - do your duty and destroy this enemy. Give her no quarter.

Glory to the State.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Lasairiona Raske
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#86 - 2017-05-07 11:10:48 UTC
Ria, you want to come over for a drink later?

Are you a devil or an angel

Sent here from heaven or from hell?

Sweet temptress, I'm wrapped in your tangles

Can't find my way out of your spell

Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#87 - 2017-05-07 12:00:58 UTC
Who would want to drink with such shameless liar?
Ewww. Filthy.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Halcyon Ember
Repracor Industries
#88 - 2017-05-07 12:11:20 UTC
Stop by for a drink again sometime, Ria

Queen of Chocolate

Mika Firestorm
Your Friendly Neighborhood Logistics
#89 - 2017-05-07 12:52:40 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Who would want to drink with such shameless liar?
Ewww. Filthy.

Shameless liars.

But really, what the heck, all of you, stop turning topics into trollfests. It is her crew and she can do with them whatever she likes. You don't like it? Well, swallow it. You can't do anything to stop her.

If you are so annoyed by her actions to the degree of this Ria, who started posting unrelated lies about her, go grab these crewmembers and hire them to your ships instead of making nuisance out of yourselves on forum. And make new topics about it. Easy, right?

Do you want clear, polite, respectful atmosphere in Summit media to talk in? Don't be like Ria.

State the nature of your medical emergency

Sinti Vailatti
Angelis Exploration
#90 - 2017-05-07 13:36:49 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
With CEP statement of Dragonaurs involvement in spreading of Kyonoke infection inside Caldari State borders, and the dominant amount of Dragonaur personnel on service on my vessels, the following measures will be taken.

1) All Dragonaur crewmembers in service on my vessels, that are flying under the banner of Caldari State, State Protectorate and Caldari Militia Coalition, are to be immediately discharged from the service.

2) Their unfinished service terms will be paid in full and compensated according to their contracts with compensation for premature contract termination by the employer.


Sorry guys, I can't have you as crew anymore. But here's a bunch of ISK.

“Where must we go...we who wander this wasteland, in search of our better selves?”

Morgana Tsukiyo
Samsara Dynamics
#91 - 2017-05-07 13:43:39 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Morgana Tsukiyo wrote:
I find it interesting that he keeps talking about "Civilized Society"

Well, since the word 'civilization' itself actually just refers to established cities and agriculture, maybe you should have a clue that 'civilized society' is pretty much any society that maintains sufficient population densities—expressly because in order to do so, the inhabitants must behave in a 'civilized' manner toward one another.

Whoever thinks 'civilized' means 'polite' needs to see a doctor about their cranial-rectal inversion.

You do know what semantic is and studies, right?

Join Project Transcendence.

Applied technology for the enhancement of human experience.

TK Corp
#92 - 2017-05-07 14:04:41 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Keep in mind that Ria is just a liar, who claimed that I would execute people "for being ethnic Gallente"

Especially since now it's obvious you'll support dropping biological weapons on civilian populations even within the State.
TK Corp
#93 - 2017-05-07 14:07:27 UTC
Morgana Tsukiyo wrote:
You do know what semantic is and studies, right?

No. I know nothing of semantics. I will not argue the tiniest details of semantics for weeks on end. I'm also never given to sarcasm.

Ask anyone here.
TK Corp
#94 - 2017-05-07 14:23:09 UTC
Mika Firestorm wrote:

But really, what the heck, all of you, stop turning topics into trollfests. It is her crew and she can do with them whatever she likes. You don't like it? Well, swallow it. You can't do anything to stop her.

If you are so annoyed by her actions to the degree of this Ria, who started posting unrelated lies about her, go grab these crewmembers and hire them to your ships instead of making nuisance out of yourselves on forum. And make new topics about it. Easy, right?

Do you want clear, polite, respectful atmosphere in Summit media to talk in? Don't be like Ria.

Don't. Even. Start.

Seriously. When Diana's primary form of responding to any attack is to whine about 'lies' and wrap herself up in the uniform of the Caldari militia like that somehow gives her any authority, and then pulls crap like 'but terrorism isn't a crime in the State' (it is), 'the Dragonaurs aren't enemies of the State' (they are), 'Tibus Heth was never declared a terrorist and enemy of the State' (he was), and generall screaming 'I AM MORE CALDARI THAN THE CEP AND I AM RIGHT AND THEY ARE WRONG AND ANYONE WHO DARES TO POINT OUT THAT THE CEP SAYS I'M FULL OF CRAP IS LYING I DON'T CARE IF IT'S AN OFFICIAL PRESS RELEASE FROM THE CEP THE CEP IS LYING!'...


No, she doesn't get to expect a 'polite respectful atmosphere', since she never shows anyone else any respect. Ever. At best, she gives idle lip service to the idea by mouthing plattitudes about things said by other Caldari. That is, until they happen to disagree with her just a little bit, and then they are forever 'liars'. And then, it's her eternal crusade to show up whenever they say anything in order to continue her baseless slandering and nonsense.

And no, you don't get to expect to not be called to account for defending her crap, either. By providing the Dragonaurs with material support—knowingly—and admitting that she has sought out members of a terrorist organization to be the greater part of her crew for years after the CEP re-affirmed their status as a terrorist organization, she has made herself complicit in their war crimes against the Caldari State.

Do any of us have the authority to have her removed from the Militia? No.
Do any of us have the authority to have her standings with the State cratered? No.
But each and every one of us is more than within our rights to mock her open and blatant hypocrisy.
We are all just as within our rights to label her a terrorist, a terrorist sympathizer, and in our estimation, a traitor to the Caldari State.
And we are all just as within our rights to never let her forget it, if we so choose.

Because she did this. She chose to make this public statement. She chose to say 'LOOK AT ME, I HIRED TERRORISTS AND KNEW IT! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!'
She chose to be the little attention-whore, just like always. And now that she's got it, she doesn't get to complain that she doesn't like the kind of attention she's getting.

Maybe she should have thought of that before choosing to paint a target on her own aft.
Makoto Priano
Kirkinen-Arataka Transhuman Zenith Consulting Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#95 - 2017-05-07 14:31:44 UTC
Ria Nieyli wrote:

Diana Kim wrote:
Keep in mind that Ria is just a liar, who claimed that I would execute people "for being ethnic Gallente".
It is the obvious lie and pro-gallentean propaganda - it never happened.

For those following along at home, Diana Kim may just also have called herself a liar or a pro-Gallante propagandist, then, considering that Ria Nieyli's post links to Diana Kim herself posting what appears to be a video of her crew killing ethnic Gallente at her order.

What days we live in.

If Kim weren't such a coward as to hide behind the Militia banner without at least forming her own corporation, I wonder if she'd suffer the same fate as Nauplius.

Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries: exploring the edge of the known, advancing the state of the art. Would you like to know more?

Bran Kignol
#96 - 2017-05-07 14:49:27 UTC
Ms Kim,

Your position must be too weak and incomfortable so that you prefer avoiding your own contradictions by showing disrespect.

To be clear, from your answers, I conclude this :

- You don't consider Dragonaurs to be terrorists despite the fact they are on the State terrorist list.
- You were aware that you had Dragonaurs on your board in full knowledge of the fact they were not tolerated by the State.
- You're in opposition to your direct hierarchy.
- You supported terrorists by your acts in full knowledge making you complice of their acts.

You should be judjed. Navy, State should act in consequence.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2017-05-07 14:51:50 UTC
Makoto Priano wrote:
Ria Nieyli wrote:

Diana Kim wrote:
Keep in mind that Ria is just a liar, who claimed that I would execute people "for being ethnic Gallente".
It is the obvious lie and pro-gallentean propaganda - it never happened.

For those following along at home, Diana Kim may just also have called herself a liar or a pro-Gallante propagandist, then, considering that Ria Nieyli's post links to Diana Kim herself posting what appears to be a video of her crew killing ethnic Gallente at her order.

What days we live in.

If Kim weren't such a coward as to hide behind the Militia banner without at least forming her own corporation, I wonder if she'd suffer the same fate as Nauplius.

Now, I don't know much about logical conclusions, but isn't the crew shown in the video comprised of Dragonaurs, since she claims to have employed them during the time it was shot? Conclusively, she must be a Dragonaur herself. Bring the tar and feathers!
Sinjin Mokk
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#98 - 2017-05-07 15:28:22 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Yoshitaka Moromuo wrote:
I believe a simple question would warrant an answer here: were they known to be Dragonaur members or affiliates while within your employ?

And if the answer to that is 'yes' it means Diana can do nothing more than expel them, since they are only responsible to her for:

1. Things they did prior to being in her employ that they hid from her against the terms of their contract.
2. Things they did whilst in her employee that were against the terms of their contract.

If Diana offered an olive branch to people that she felt were unfairly maligned citizens of the State who she believed deserved a fresh chance then that is between her and her employees and anyone in a position of authority over her.

Given the number of people I know within this community who employ terrorists, criminals and traitors there are damn few who in a position to truly judge her.


As I've said, there are none of us here who are truly innocent. None of us here has a claim to any moral high ground, especially those who operate under the banner of the State, Empire, Federation or Republic.

Ms. Kim. You are a Provist, a supporter of a dead or missing Chief Executor and guilty of horrific crimes against the people of the Gallente Federation.

Own that.

If you really think Ms. Priano or Ms. Nieyli are liars (they're not), so what? How do their words effect you in any way? How do their words, truth or lie, prevent you from doing your duty (as you perceive it)?

If you're going to be a Provist Dragonauar, then be one. If you want to be a Corporate killing drone for the State, then be one. No excuses, no apologies. Just remember that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

"Angels live, they never die, Apart from us, behind the sky. They're fading souls who've turned to ice, So ashen white in paradise."

Merchant Rova
Tidal Lock
#99 - 2017-05-07 19:25:13 UTC
Mika Firestorm wrote:
Do you want clear, polite, respectful atmosphere in Summit media to talk in? Don't be like Ria.

Don't be Diana Kim. Seriously. She kinda makes the IGS hell to talk in.
Anabella Rella
Electus Matari
#100 - 2017-05-07 20:52:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Anabella Rella
Mika Firestorm wrote:

Shameless liars.

But really, what the heck, all of you, stop turning topics into trollfests. It is her crew and she can do with them whatever she likes. You don't like it? Well, swallow it. You can't do anything to stop her.

If you are so annoyed by her actions to the degree of this Ria, who started posting unrelated lies about her, go grab these crewmembers and hire them to your ships instead of making nuisance out of yourselves on forum. And make new topics about it. Easy, right?

Do you want clear, polite, respectful atmosphere in Summit media to talk in? Don't be like Ria.

You're one to talk. Your master turns discussions into trollfests all the time.


Your master Kimmy employed members of a known terrorist group. Those are the facts no matter how you try to deflect them.

When the world is running down, you make the best of what's still around.