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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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71.9mil SP Looking for offers

State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2012-01-23 08:14:32 UTC
Bored.. need some fun

I can fly all races. I have Gal Carrier 5.

Logi, Recon, T3, you name it.. I probably do it.


Contact me if interested.
Gryphon Mining and Industies
#2 - 2012-01-23 09:54:10 UTC

We maybe of intrest to you.

We do enjoy having fun and playing the, but understand that RL is just a s important. Hope to hear from you soon.
Miss Sodo
The Hoody Mafia
#3 - 2012-01-23 11:01:52 UTC
The Clockwork Factory
#4 - 2012-01-23 11:22:52 UTC
If you aren't looking for the large "sovgrinding" and want lots of cheap pewpew, please check the link. ^^
Suleiman Shouaa
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#5 - 2012-01-23 11:25:14 UTC
Hey do you remember us?

We're currently recruiting in the AUZ/US timezones in order to strengthen our presence then. We're based in Hevrice (although I guess you probably already know that..). No blues, high activity - ranked #2 on Battleclinic for recent activity and #8 for all time kills.

Our recruitment page is here if you need more info, or join our Public Channel "The Tuskers Public Channel" for a chat or discussion about fittings, strategies, engagements etc.

Good hunting!
State War Academy
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-01-23 17:43:56 UTC
Suleiman Shouaa wrote:
Hey do you remember us?

We're currently recruiting in the AUZ/US timezones in order to strengthen our presence then. We're based in Hevrice (although I guess you probably already know that..). No blues, high activity - ranked #2 on Battleclinic for recent activity and #8 for all time kills.

Our recruitment page is here if you need more info, or join our Public Channel "The Tuskers Public Channel" for a chat or discussion about fittings, strategies, engagements etc.

Good hunting!

LOL thanks for the reminder. Big smile
Boomer Humor
Snuffed Out
#7 - 2012-01-23 18:20:47 UTC
Imma Killue
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-01-24 03:34:26 UTC
We See Dead People, est. 2007, has remained a small to medium corp for the last four years and are ready to expand. The first two years we lived in low sec, living out of cans as we where very nomadic. and then moved into wormholes for a while. The last couple years we have lived primarily in null space. We have held our own sov space most of those two years, and was very active with our alliance, doing major campaigns. All members in corp are US players and are on from east coast to Hawaii time zones. (22:00 - 8:00 eve time) Age of members range from 20-50 years old. We want to build a strong US corp, that has a major impact in Eve.

The one problem I see in Eve, is enough US players together in one spot and the one complaint I hear over and over again, is the lack of people online to fly with. Most fleet ops, in most alliances seam to be during euro times, ours is mostly US members. (even more people to fly with)

If every US player looking for a corp where to join, we would have plenty of people online during our major time zones. All types and occupations of pilots welcome. We have everything sov space has to offer: ratting, mining, havens, sanctums, plexes, stations, pvp, etc. Our alliance space is pretty stable, but still get the occasional nuets coming in.

So, what do you think? Give us a shot! We have nothing against non US players. If they play Eve the same time as us, we would be more then happy to accept their apps. We just want to insure that members well be online during our time zones. Nobody likes playing alone.

For more imfo click link:
Death Toll007
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-01-24 07:18:38 UTC
Got an offer for you m8... trust, loyalty, and fun. In addition to that I offer the opportunity to use your cap ship skills.

I am DT from the Fleet of DOOM!!! We are a PvP corp dedicated to asymmetric warfare. Meaning we do not seek sov, make POS chains, or present any footprint requiring defense as a corp. However, we do project power through the use of a variety of PvP dynamics.

Primarily we encourage our members into Capital ships, Black Ops Battle Ships (BO), Recons, Stealth Bombers, and conventional PvP ships. We base in low sec, and conduct 0.0 roams and operations in and around Syndicate and Solitude. We greatly enjoy hot-dropping, and work with some amazing alliance m8’s and blues.

You can expect a team atmosphere from our players, and a dedication to having fun. We recognize RL and fun in this game come first, and we conduct professional PvP roams.

We operate under the rule of NBSI.
Once we have 25 more actives we will conduct rapid deployment of combat power via carriers and BO to engage fleets far away from our base of operations.

If this is of interest to you, contact: Vaspucci or myself

In your mail send your API key for full account information (characters, skills, and kill log)

Bandog Grooves
Guardians of Eden
#10 - 2012-01-24 10:25:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Bandog Grooves
Lysus wrote:
Bored.. need some fun

Come and have a chat with us on our public channel "VEXIL". Meet us, then you'll see who we are without having to commit right away.

Some info about us:

  • PvP corp based in NPC 0.0 in Great Wildlands (no SOV safe heaven, but lots of fights)
  • Been around since 2006 and keep getting better
  • Mix of veterans and newer players
  • Primary time 18:00-23:00, with some activity throughout the whole day 7:00-1:00
  • Ship reimbursment for the newer players, also for logi, dic and hic pilots.

We get fights every day. usually flying in small gangs of 5-8 people, up to 20-30 man fleets. We believe it takes more skill to fly in smaller fleets and find it more satisfying.

We hope to give our pilots different looks at PvP and fly black ops, stealth bombers, recons, hacs, strategic cruisers, bc up to fleet battleships, carriers and dreads

We have a generally relaxed atmosphere in corp, but keep focus in fleets. We hope to have a laugh while playing the game.



If you're interested, join "VEXIL" channel in game and talk to us.

State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2012-01-25 03:41:41 UTC
Uagen Zlepe
Resurrection Complex
RAZOR Alliance
#12 - 2012-01-25 04:51:58 UTC
Unknown Soldiers is recruiting!

We are a 0.0 PVP corp with a long history of 0.0 warfare.

Arrow 0.0 Sov and Stations - fully upgraded space & outposts
Arrow RED.Legion Alliance - the English arm of RED alliance
Arrow Access to all the perks and privileges of being in RA
Arrow Experienced leadership, ex-TRI, ED, RZR FCs
Arrow Long lineage of 0.0 warfare in COW, BYRN, SYS-K etc.
Arrow Capital heavy, 30+ active capitals/super capitals
Arrow Daily PVP with corp / alliance / blues
Arrow Take part in the great fleet battles of EVE, as well as constant roaming PVP!
Arrow Corp Ships and Ship Replacement Programme
Arrow Capital and Supercapital Placement schemes

Recruitment Currently open for:
- 25M SP minimum requirement for PVP'ers Attention
- Limited recruitment for industrialists to help run corp projects Attention

For more info join the ingame-channel: UNSOL pub

or contact JoelCoen, Stewieni or DrunkenOne ingame