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ATTENTION MARKET NERDS! A book about EVE trading strategies...

salacious necrosis
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2017-04-22 01:01:53 UTC
Greetings all! I'm a third party developer recently spending most of my EVE time trading in the markets. Given I write tools for EVE, my approach has focused on writing code to explore quantitative strategies, verify with back testing, etc.

I decided to start writing an "open source" book documenting what I've done. You can find the project here. There are instructions for compiling
the book, or you can access one of the pre-compiled versions as follows (web tends to be best in terms of formatting):

Mobi (Kindle)

There are two chapters so far, with four more planned as described in the preface. I've tried to make the book accessible to anyone interested in EVE's markets, but you'll have to be comfortable writing code to get the most out of the book. You'll find source in the project, as well as all the Jupyter notebooks I reference in the examples. There should be sufficient technical detail to guide others interested in performing similar analysis.

This is v1 and I've doubtless made mistakes and idiotic comments in the text. But as this is an open souce book, feel free to raise issues in the GitHub project, or even submit pull requests. I'm also open to suggestions for other topics or content to add.


Use EveKit ! - Tools for EVE Online 3rd party development

Jerry T Pepridge
Meta Game Analysis and Investment INC.
#2 - 2017-04-22 02:24:10 UTC


Quazar Doosan
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3 - 2017-04-28 20:58:35 UTC
Wow! I'm not sure I'm nerd enough.

"Because CCP does not yet provide individual trade information, we’re left to infer trade activity ourselves."

I guess this separates the olds from the youngs (look at me not sexist). It seems surprising that all these years later and we still cannot access this data in any form. Right?

Great stuff, keep going!
salacious necrosis
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2017-04-29 01:20:53 UTC
Quazar Doosan wrote:
Wow! I'm not sure I'm nerd enough.

"Because CCP does not yet provide individual trade information, we’re left to infer trade activity ourselves."

I guess this separates the olds from the youngs (look at me not sexist). It seems surprising that all these years later and we still cannot access this data in any form. Right?

Great stuff, keep going!

It is indeed unfortunate that CCP hasn't released trade data, even delayed data would be useful. Since you can infer some of the trades just by looking at the book, my guess is they haven't released this for technical reasons, but who knows.

Thanks for the kind words. I've just started on chapter 3 - Market Making (aka Station Trading).


Use EveKit ! - Tools for EVE Online 3rd party development

salacious necrosis
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2017-05-06 19:00:45 UTC
While writing the next chapter on market making (aka station trading) I discovered a problem in order book data. Specifically, orders can sometimes disappear from the book, then appear again later. From what I can tell, the problem is still happening, even under the new ESI (c.f. I see the problem extending back several months for the historic data I keep here.

Fortunately, there's a pretty simple work around to fill most of the gaps. I implemented this fix in the libraries I use in the book, then went back and updated the relevant examples in the text. You can read an explanation of the problem (including a fix) in Example 4.

Back to writing about market making!

Use EveKit ! - Tools for EVE Online 3rd party development

salacious necrosis
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2017-06-19 12:09:59 UTC
Status update! I've just finished and released the next chapter of my book!

The new chapter covers market making, better known as station trading. Some of the more interesting parts of this chapter:

- Detecting when market making is happening and figuring out how much competition there is.
- Simple simulations of market making strategies.

As always, the complete source for the book is available on GitHub.

Direct links for the book in various formats:

Mobi (Kindle)

I've almost certainly made mistakes and idiotic comments in the text. But as this is an open souce book, feel free to raise issues in the GitHub project, or even submit pull requests. I'm also open to suggestions for other topics or content to add.


Use EveKit ! - Tools for EVE Online 3rd party development

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2017-06-20 14:11:30 UTC
Whatever advice you give, be brief.

My feedback; create your outline first - shape it around the big concepts. Use specifics only to create an example demonstrating the concept in action. Show them why, not just how.

salacious necrosis
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-06-20 19:40:01 UTC
Hexxx wrote:
Whatever advice you give, be brief.

My feedback; create your outline first - shape it around the big concepts. Use specifics only to create an example demonstrating the concept in action. Show them why, not just how.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm actually trying to avoid giving specific advice, in favor of encouraging exploration (but showing some of the possibilities). My read on your other feedback is that the organization needs work, the discussion doesn't have a logical flow, etc. Also, the examples/discussion focus too much on code, not the principle. That's all actionable. Thanks again!

Use EveKit ! - Tools for EVE Online 3rd party development

Pete Butcher
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2017-06-22 19:32:47 UTC
If you want to see all of this in action - Evernus. - the ultimate multiplatform EVE trade tool + nullsec Alliance Market tool