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Blood Raider Shipyards from Team Phenomenon (YC 119.4)

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CCP Paradox
#1 - 2017-04-18 17:30:19 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Paradox
Brave Capsuleers,
Team Phenomenon are excited to introduce you to the next phase of PvE content for EVE, building upon the NPC Mining Operations introduced in Ascension. Blood Raider Shipyards

A new production facility have been spotted throughout Blood Raider space. These structures look, and act just like player structures.

The structure follows our NPC Mining Operation naming scheme, by including a diamond icon before the Group and Type names.
♦ Engineering Complex - ♦ Sotiyo

Blood Raider Mining Operations will be more prevalent in the systems surrounding the structure.
The structure is always vulnerable, and will go through the Shield Phase with 24 hour reinforcement, and then Hull phase only (no armor phase). A repair timer will also happen for both phases, if the shipyard has been repaired then it will be vulnerable again with full shields.
They are hidden, and will only be found by following a Blood Raider Hauler that is taking part in an NPC Mining Operation.
Structure will defend itself if discovered by utilizing its own modules against hostile targets.
A strong defense response will guard the structure, including short-range and long-ranged based fleets. These fleets will re-position themselves around hostile targets should they become too far from their effective weapon ranges.

The Blood Raiders are expanding their capital fleet with these new vessels:
Design feature thread is here if you wish to discuss the new capitals.

Chemosh - Dreadnought Class
Amarr Dreadnought bonuses (per skill level):
15% bonus to Energy Nosferatu and Energy Neutralizer drain amount
Minmatar Dreadnought bonuses (per skill level):
20% bonus to Stasis Webifier optimal range
Role Bonus:
Energy Nosferatu fitted to this ship will drain targeted ship's capacitor regardless of your own capacitor level
25% bonus to Capital Energy Turret damage

Dagon - Force Auxiliary Class
Amarr Carrier bonuses (per skill level):
30% bonus to Energy Nosferatu drain amount
30% bonus to Energy Nosferatu optimal range and falloff
Minmatar Carrier bonuses (per skill level):
5% bonus to Remote Armor Repairer cycle time
5% bonus to Armor Repairer amount[center]
Role Bonus:
Energy Nosferatu fitted to this ship will drain targeted ship's capacitor regardless of your own capacitor level
90% reduction in powergrid requirements for Capital Remote Armor Repairers
90% reduction in CPU requirements for Energy Nosferatu

Molok - Titan Class
Amarr Titan bonuses (per skill level):
15% bonus to Energy Nosferatu and Energy Neutralizer drain amount
6+ bonus to ship warp core strength
Minmatar Titan bonuses (per skill level):
20% bonus to Stasis Webifier optimal range
6+ bonus to ship warp core strength
Role Bonus:
Energy Nosferatu fitted to this ship will drain targeted ship's capacitor regardless of your own capacitor level
1400% bonus to Capital Energy Turret damage

Testing Notes:
There is currently just one shipyard available on Singularity for you to find and attack. Mass Tests will take part shortly, please keep an eye on these forums for scheduling of that.

You can currently find shipyards in these following systems:

  • YZ9-F6 (a global beacon is present at the shipyard to help you find it and warp there).

Known Issues:

  • NPCs may become stuck on the shipyard when attempting to warp.
  • NPCs after encountering Warp Disruption bubbles may drift for a little bit until they properly compose themselves.

CCP Paradox | EVE QA | Team Phenomenon

Space Magician

Cephei Kells
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#2 - 2017-04-18 17:51:07 UTC
So you're saying it has a reasonable reinforcement mechanic?
Igzorn Buelle
#3 - 2017-04-18 17:57:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Igzorn Buelle
nice stuff btw can i make a suggestion?

if this is a hit can we have something like that in in low (with an azbel) and in highsec (with a Raitaru) of cause without the captital bpc drop's.
perhaps with a chance of a citadel bloodraider skin drop?
#4 - 2017-04-18 18:10:27 UTC
So the current Citadel reinforcement mechanics are so unfun that you needed to change them for this NPC event, but not for player structures? Ugh
Shadowace Evi
#5 - 2017-04-18 18:16:28 UTC
Romvex wrote:
So the current Citadel reinforcement mechanics are so unfun that you needed to change them for this NPC event, but not for player structures? Ugh

Its almost like player citadels should be difficult to destroy otherwise no one would use them for the main purpose, and that is to store assets.
Avery Lewis
Pandemic Legion
#6 - 2017-04-18 18:25:32 UTC
Shadowace Evi wrote:
Romvex wrote:
So the current Citadel reinforcement mechanics are so unfun that you needed to change them for this NPC event, but not for player structures? Ugh

Its almost like player citadels should be difficult to destroy otherwise no one would use them for the main purpose, and that is to store assets.

Yeah, nobody used POSes in EVE before citadels came around.

(And that's not even taking into account that citadels are always safer than POSes due to the asset safety mechanic...)
Order of the Red Kestrel
#7 - 2017-04-18 18:27:07 UTC
NPCs will currently pursue players around the system if the players warp away from the shipyard.

This should be a feature, if you disturb them they should want you to leave the system Big smile.

Contributer to Eve is Easy:

Solo PvP is possible with a 20 day old character! :)

Fish Hunter
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-04-18 18:34:20 UTC
Avery Lewis wrote:
Shadowace Evi wrote:
Romvex wrote:
So the current Citadel reinforcement mechanics are so unfun that you needed to change them for this NPC event, but not for player structures? Ugh

Its almost like player citadels should be difficult to destroy otherwise no one would use them for the main purpose, and that is to store assets.

Yeah, nobody used POSes in EVE before citadels came around.

(And that's not even taking into account that citadels are always safer than POSes due to the asset safety mechanic...)

Outside of highsec POS's saw very little use for anything except staging and lowsec exclusive activities. CCP took a guess at what it would take for players to flock to planting citadels and they may have made it too safe outside of J space but they got people to plant the suckers aplenty so mission successful.
Tribal Trogdor
#9 - 2017-04-18 18:34:57 UTC
There are multiple Structures (five) available on Singularity for you to find and attack. On Tranquility there will only be one.

So there's only going to be one at a time across all BR space? Will they despawn after a time? Seems like they're going to be insanely hard to find if that's the case, give you have to follow around a hauler, which I've yet to see even one of :(
Caldari State
#10 - 2017-04-18 18:41:57 UTC
Suitonia wrote:
NPCs will currently pursue players around the system if the players warp away from the shipyard.

This should be a feature, if you disturb them they should want you to leave the system Big smile.

Agreed :D
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#11 - 2017-04-18 18:57:56 UTC
I have a serious question. Will these NPC fleets be tackle able with bubbles? And will they react accordingly to bubbles on the field?

Sanity is fun leaving the body.

Amak Boma
Dragon Factory
#12 - 2017-04-18 19:17:28 UTC
bait them to keepstar and doomsday rats
Gaia Ma'chello
#13 - 2017-04-18 19:37:46 UTC
Romvex wrote:
So the current Citadel reinforcement mechanics are so unfun that you needed to change them for this NPC event, but not for player structures? Ugh

Last I checked, the NPC AI never has to sleep, or take the kids to school.
Cade Windstalker
#14 - 2017-04-18 19:47:58 UTC
NPCs will currently pursue players around the system if the players warp away from the shipyard.

IMO this shouldn't be viewed as a bug, at least not entirely.

Sure it's not good if the enemies can be split off and prevented from defending effectively but it absolutely makes sense that they should be able to pursue a fleeing enemy so long as they come back and defend if the structure comes under attack again.

This could open up interesting tactics like pulling off part of their fleet into a trap, as well as increasing the danger of engaging them since if you start losing it'll be harder to hold the attack together and regroup and recover.
Anthar Thebess
#15 - 2017-04-18 20:19:47 UTC
If the complex drop just BPC, can we change this to strongbox? like 1000m3 in size?
Without this just wait as someone kill the damn thing, and then just warp 10 ceptors to steel the drop.
This is quite bad, make someone at least fight for the stuff.
Hairpins Blueprint
The Northerners
Pandemic Horde
#16 - 2017-04-18 20:39:07 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
If the complex drop just BPC, can we change this to strongbox? like 1000m3 in size?
Without this just wait as someone kill the damn thing, and then just warp 10 ceptors to steel the drop.
This is quite bad, make someone at least fight for the stuff.

guess something like 300-450 m3 would be sufficient. just make it above maximum interceptor cargo.
Cade Windstalker
#17 - 2017-04-18 20:41:29 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
If the complex drop just BPC, can we change this to strongbox? like 1000m3 in size?
Without this just wait as someone kill the damn thing, and then just warp 10 ceptors to steel the drop.
This is quite bad, make someone at least fight for the stuff.

This is an NPC thing that spawns in Null-Sec. Theft is part of the name of the game here, and preventing other players from getting the loot is going to be as much a part of this encounter as killing the NPCs, especially with only one of these spawning in the game at a time.

Besides even if you have 10 Inties, since you won't be able to set up a warp directly to the lootable object until the shipyard pops, the people actually holding the grid should have a much stronger chance of pulling the loot than someone trying to ninja it, especially if they're quick and clever.

You can look at Incursions as an example here. When the Mothership pops at the end you do sometimes get a successful loot theft, but it's pretty hard to pull off and the person trying gets nothing but their ship popped the majority of the time, even in Low Sec.
Ace Xadi
Xadi's Ind
#18 - 2017-04-18 20:48:03 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
If the complex drop just BPC, can we change this to strongbox? like 1000m3 in size?
Without this just wait as someone kill the damn thing, and then just warp 10 ceptors to steel the drop.
This is quite bad, make someone at least fight for the stuff.

or just make it a deadspace and you warp like 50 km from the structure
Michael Oskold
Beyond Good and Evil.
#19 - 2017-04-18 21:04:47 UTC
yeh dagon looks way cooler now and actually warrants flying. just hope it isnt completely op in wh space.
Anthar Thebess
#20 - 2017-04-18 21:05:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Anthar Thebess
Cade Windstalker wrote:
Anthar Thebess wrote:
If the complex drop just BPC, can we change this to strongbox? like 1000m3 in size?
Without this just wait as someone kill the damn thing, and then just warp 10 ceptors to steel the drop.
This is quite bad, make someone at least fight for the stuff.

This is an NPC thing that spawns in Null-Sec. Theft is part of the name of the game here, and preventing other players from getting the loot is going to be as much a part of this encounter as killing the NPCs, especially with only one of these spawning in the game at a time.

Besides even if you have 10 Inties, since you won't be able to set up a warp directly to the lootable object until the shipyard pops, the people actually holding the grid should have a much stronger chance of pulling the loot than someone trying to ninja it, especially if they're quick and clever.

You can look at Incursions as an example here. When the Mothership pops at the end you do sometimes get a successful loot theft, but it's pretty hard to pull off and the person trying gets nothing but their ship popped the majority of the time, even in Low Sec.

The main issue is that there is hard to control grid with the interceptors that by design are to ignore any grid control.
Let someone fight for the stuff, drop a cyno jump in capital fleet - this is fun.

Insta warping inty can fit cloack and MWD.

guess something like 300-450 m3 would be sufficient. just make it above maximum interceptor cargo.

We have nullified T3 with cover tcloack, they also don't cost much and can instantly warp.
1000m3 force you to use indy or a cargo rigged BO.
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