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If one actually wants to fix the issues with wardecs

Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#61 - 2017-04-12 12:45:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:
Ok lets look at an actual, scenario with the proposed mechanic. All names pulled out of thin air to protect the innocent.

Imagine a HS mission running corp, running sisters missions together, because playing together is good, right?

Pirat decide it will be fun to pee in their cheerios and maybe get some good fights.

Pirat drops a cheap structure in llangisi, nackugard, and barkrik (excuse spelling, lazy) and declares war against everyone they see in system say 30 corps.

Now defenders have some choices.

They note that pirat commute from dodixie each day, so someone drops a structure on the route, this gives all the defender corps a place to ambush them, because it is a war system, not just for the corp that drops it but for all at war with Pirat.

Get together either by arrangement or just turning up to the same timer, and engage pirats structure in lanngisi, and any that turn up to defend it.

Offer to let horde in for some fun and games as something to do, knowing exactly what time they need to come.

Set traps on the approaches to system, camp the gates, set some comms up and intel channels.

Blob the living daylights out of them

Defend your timers of your structures

Agree with others to defend theirs in exchange for defending yours.

Go and do missions for minmattar a few jumps over. But at the potential costs of losing your structures.

Now as opposed to random killers at pipes, mission sites, and trade hubs, picking off singletons by the dozen.
If a response group turns up too big for pirat's neutral logi wing they dock up.

So current defender actions are
1. Die in a fire
2. Fight and die in a fire and get the wardec extended
3. Fight and watch them dock up and get the wardec extended
4. Leave corp
5. Log off and go and play overwatch for a week or two

Now of the two systems, one engages the players on both sides and encourages emergent gameplay, new tactics, teamwork, and a sense of community. One feeds kills and victims to one side only and encourages HS players to avoid all contact with others.

I certainly know what system I would prefer to see.

Good story telling. Your fairytales amuse me.

Let's get to the news and factual reporting.

1. The guys in your mis-spelled systems are not willing to fight.
2. Their CEOs in lieu of scouting for pvp points and erecting picket structures and all that other tedious work sends out a corp mail that goes something like this: "Fellow bears, some lameassed pirates have war dec'd us and posted structures in X,Y&Z systems. Our daily mining ops have been moved 2 jumps to system Q. Sorry for your inconvenience. Mining boosts will be up and running per the usual scheduled times, just 2 jumps over in Q. For those missioning the level 4 agent in system Y, there is a level 4 agent for the same faction in system P. I'll put a freighter in P and will haul all your loot back to base when the war is over. Contract 'Little Sally Rottencrotch' with your stuff and it will be hauled free of charge. DO NOT ENGAGE THESE YO-YOs and DO NOT ENTER SYSTEMS X,Y&Z for the duration of the war. They are lameass pirates and pull this crap for fun and giggles. They are good at it and we are not. It's easy enough to avoid all this, so be smart and fly safe. R/ King Bear"
3. The bears aren't bothered by dieing in a fire, staying docked, leaving corp, playing overwatch and so on.
4. The 'war strategy' of the pirates is utterly disarmed by a simple evemail and simple actions that do not at all disrupt the day to day business of BearCorp Unlimited.
5. The pirates learn their lesson and never ever declare a war and waste their isk again.
6. PirateCorp Unlimited membership activity drops as their is no way to shooty shooty.
7. PirateCorp Unlimited dies a slow death because of your crappy mechanic.

GG - you killed a perfectly good pvp corp and fed the bears.

You are missing the cost aspect to the defenders.
Of course a CeO could send this mail, and then ask the members the next week for their last months ratting and mining income to replace the blown up citadels/structures.
And yes, there are CEOs that bad, but they wouldn't tend to be in charge of the corp long.
Black Pedro
#62 - 2017-04-12 12:46:09 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:

Would you agree that it is equally ******** that marmites farm billions from players with pretty much zero risk? The zero risk is evidenced by their kb - I really don't want to hear about what players could, won't or should've done. I want to look at the facts as they are. Marmite has been killing it in HS for several years and there is nothing in their way or on the horizon that could get in their way. Isn't that ********?
Sure, I'll agree. Hiding behind station games to avoid loss, risk or retaliation is lame-o.

Seems to me there are plenty of good ways to nerf station games without letting rich carebears loll about in invulnerable highsec structures though.

Serendipity Lost wrote:
Social corps that can't be dec'd - ugh. That mechanic already exists (it's really 3 things - common chat channel + common mailing list + purple fleets).
Exactly. So why re-invent the wheel? Just give small/new/casual corps an in-game shared identity that is the same as them being in the NPC corp and nothing has changed other than players truly will no longer have any reason to whine over the war mechanics. They can putter about safe in their little club, immune from both hub-humping, and the increasing rare hunting-style war dec, and play Eve as inefficiently and non-competitively as they want. Meanwhile, real corporations can still form, deploy structures and compete with each other as the game was designed.

Players should be able to join a formal social group without all the baggage being in a real corp comes with. That seems a much better solution to me than the OPs convoluted capture-the-flag mini-game. When CCP gets around to changing wars, it will be to simplify them and attempt to make them more player-driven, not create a contrived 'Faction Warfare lite' in highsec. I see many ways they can give more organic objectives and reasons to go to war without giving 100% safety to the richest players in the game or forcing players to defend useless beacons just to maintain the ability to interact with another player group.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2017-04-12 12:56:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Black Pedro wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:

Would you agree that it is equally ******** that marmites farm billions from players with pretty much zero risk? The zero risk is evidenced by their kb - I really don't want to hear about what players could, won't or should've done. I want to look at the facts as they are. Marmite has been killing it in HS for several years and there is nothing in their way or on the horizon that could get in their way. Isn't that ********?
Sure, I'll agree. Hiding behind station games to avoid loss, risk or retaliation is lame-o.

Seems to me there are plenty of good ways to nerf station games without letting rich carebears loll about in invulnerable highsec structures though.

Serendipity Lost wrote:
Social corps that can't be dec'd - ugh. That mechanic already exists (it's really 3 things - common chat channel + common mailing list + purple fleets).
Exactly. So why re-invent the wheel? Just give small/new/casual corps an in-game shared identity that is the same as them being in the NPC corp and nothing has changed other than players truly will no longer have any reason to whine over the war mechanics. They can putter about safe in their little club, immune from both hub-humping, and the increasing rare hunting-style war dec, and play Eve as inefficiently and non-competitively as they want. Meanwhile, real corporations can still form, deploy structures and compete with each other as the game was designed.

Players should be able to join a formal social group without all the baggage being in a real corp comes with. That seems a much better solution to me than the OPs convoluted capture-the-flag mini-game. When CCP gets around to changing wars, it will be to simplify them and attempt to make them more player-driven, not create a contrived 'Faction Warfare lite' in highsec. I see many ways they can give more organic objectives and reasons to go to war without giving 100% safety to the richest players in the game or forcing players to defend useless beacons just to maintain the ability to interact with another player group.

Um, did you actually read the OP or just make a sweeping assumption. I am pretty sure that was a loud brushing sound we all just heard.Lol

1. It is incredibly simple everybody knows who can shoot them or support the shooter and where, and who they can shoot, clearly.
2. It actually gives social corps to those that want that without having to create a new type of corp, but they miss out on the shiny new toys.
3. It gives places, where one can actually find players to fight with
4. It gives a cost and liability to both sides.
5. It gives both sides equal opportunities and risk
6. It is the simplest possible system that allows players the opportunity to develop complex gameplay.
7. It encourages player interaction both within corp and with other player corps
8. It encourages players to leave NPC corps and interact with others. Doing things with others, and having a LOT more fun.
9. It requires the minimum possible intervention by CCP for initial creation and future management.

Calling it capture the flag, is purely a strawman, that is the last thing it is if you actually attempt to understand it, but strawman arguments are easy right, nothing to see here move along?

Now if wardec corps fold, because they cannot find people to shoot, it is not that they cannot find fights, it is because they can't effortlessly farm kills. Darwin wins.
Black Pedro
#64 - 2017-04-12 13:37:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Alderson Point wrote:
1. It is incredibly simple
2. It actually gives social corps to those that want that without having to create a new type of corp, but they miss out on the shiny new toys.
3. It gives places, where one can actually find players to fight with
4. It gives a cost and liability to both sides.
5. It gives both sides equal opportunities and risk
6. It is the simplest possible system that allows players the opportunity to develop complex gameplay.
7. It encourages player interaction both within corp and with other player corps
8. It encourages players to leave NPC corps and interact with others. Doing things with others, and having a LOT more fun.
9. It requires the minimum possible intervention by CCP for initial creation and future management.

Simple is it? How can it be more simple than the 'pay 50M ISK at war for a week' we have now? Different systems with different rules of engagement based on where you are and that can change if you blow up or deploy structures?

Actually, I am all for a structure-based component to wars. I would be fine restricting wars to only corporations that have in-space structures. I would though move all corporation benefits - taxes, hangers and the like (and eventually give them more benefits for players to fight over) - into those structures and then make corporations without structures immune to wars given they are now functionally equivalent to an NPC corp anyway.

What I am not for is tying the war to those structures, nor limiting the war to systems with structures only. Why do this? If you are at war, you are at war. You shouldn't be able to aggress on a gate and then hop one system over and have magical invulnerability restored. Nor I am for the largest groups in the game being able to turn off the ability to make war of everyone smaller than them by shooting their structures. I shouldn't have to ask permission of every group capable of exploding my structures to aggress another group. I should just be able to aggress another group and interact with them.

If you want to limit wars to fighting over structures, then I would much prefer you keep it simple and just get rid of wars altogether and make Upwell structures like Mobile Depots in that they are free-to-shoot but generate a suspect flag. Then battles can start and escalate organically. That is much less contrived than your structure system, which honestly given it takes 7+ days to explode a citadel, isn't going to change anything. People won't bother trying to explode them given the long time frame, and instead just add the systems where they are vulnerable to their 'avoid system' list and carry on as usual.

I also reject your premise that wars are for "fun". They are not there for fun or to produce good fights. They are there to enable the competitive sandbox game that is Eve Online to carry on in the oppressively NPC-controlled environment of highsec. If you don't want to compete, then don't join a player corp. CCP has telegraphed this directly as the way the game is suppose to work.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2017-04-12 15:02:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Black Pedro wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:
1. It is incredibly simple
2. It actually gives social corps to those that want that without having to create a new type of corp, but they miss out on the shiny new toys.
3. It gives places, where one can actually find players to fight with
4. It gives a cost and liability to both sides.
5. It gives both sides equal opportunities and risk
6. It is the simplest possible system that allows players the opportunity to develop complex gameplay.
7. It encourages player interaction both within corp and with other player corps
8. It encourages players to leave NPC corps and interact with others. Doing things with others, and having a LOT more fun.
9. It requires the minimum possible intervention by CCP for initial creation and future management.

Simple is it? How can it be more simple than the 'pay 50M ISK at war for a week' we have now? Different systems with different rules of engagement based on where you are and that can change if you blow up or deploy structures?

Actually, I am all for a structure-based component to wars. I would be fine restricting wars to only corporations that have in-space structures. I would though move all corporation benefits - taxes, hangers and the like (and eventually give them more benefits for players to fight over) - into those structures and then make corporations without structures immune to wars given they are now functionally equivalent to an NPC corp anyway.

What I am not for is tying the war to those structures, nor limiting the war to systems with structures only. Why do this? If you are at war, you are at war. You shouldn't be able to aggress on a gate and then hop one system over and have magical invulnerability restored. Nor I am for the largest groups in the game being able to turn off the ability to make war of everyone smaller than them by shooting their structures. I shouldn't have to ask permission of every group capable of exploding my structures to aggress another group. I should just be able to aggress another group and interact with them.

If you want to limit wars to fighting over structures, then I would much prefer you keep it simple and just get rid of wars altogether and make Upwell structures like Mobile Depots in that they are free-to-shoot but generate a suspect flag. Then battles can start and escalate organically. That is much less contrived than your structure system, which honestly given it takes 7+ days to explode a citadel, isn't going to change anything. People won't bother trying to explode them given the long time frame, and instead just add the systems where they are vulnerable to their 'avoid system' list and carry on as usual.

I also reject your premise that wars are for "fun". They are not there for fun or to produce good fights. They are there to enable the competitive sandbox game that is Eve Online to carry on in the oppressively NPC-controlled environment of highsec. If you don't want to compete, then don't join a player corp. CCP has telegraphed this directly as the way the game is suppose to work.

I am sorry, If you can find any statement from CCP that they do not want players to play together, or join corporations, and that is the way the game is meant to work, that dev needs drug testing at the earliest opportunity.

You totally have avoided the OP and assume that the new wardec system is based on destroying citadels alone. This is not the case, the words I wrote state that clearly and unequivocally. But that seems inconvenient to your narrative.

The Structure component, Gives a location, and a cost, and RISK of loss, nothing more. It enables The PLAYERS to create content around a simple system, THAT DOES NOT PERPETUATE THE CURRENT ADVANTAGES YOU ENJOY.

Now I know it is simple to attempt to retain your current highly beneficial arrangement, by distraction, and suggesting things that would not actually help, but actually perpetuate the current system, whilst totally misrepresenting what is suggested by those who advocate alternatives, and for a long time it has worked.

Even the DEVs are horrified by the idea of touching this clusterfuck it has evolved into.

Well you can get used to the idea that it will change, it is an economic disaster for CCP to bring in new players simply to be victims of the wardec Grinder you appear to so enjoy. And If CCP suffer, we all suffer.

So being as Wardeccers do not have a divine right to easy kills, and self restraint appears to an alien concept, reap what ye have sown and evolve or face extinction. I recommend evolve, it will be a lot more fun.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#66 - 2017-04-12 15:10:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Frostys Virpio
Alderson Point wrote:

I am sorry, If you can find any statement from CCP that they do not want players to play together, or join corporations, and that is the way the game is meant to work, that dev needs drug testing at the earliest opportunity.

You totally have avoided the OP and assume that the new wardec system is based on destroying citadels alone. This is not the case, the words I wrote state that clearly and unequivocally. But that seems inconvenient to your narrative.

The Structure component, Gives a location, and a cost, and RISK of loss, nothing more. The PLAYERS create content around a simple system, THAT DOES NOT PERPETUATE THE CURRENT ADVANTAGES YOU ENJOY.

Now I know it is simple to attempt to retain your current highly beneficial arrangement, by distraction, and suggesting things that would not actually help, but actually perpetuate the current system, whilst totally misrepresenting what is suggested by those who advocate alternatives, and for a long time it has worked.

Even the DEVs are horrified by the idea of touching this clusterfuck it has evolved into.

Well you can get used to the idea that it will change, it is an economic disaster for CCP to bring in new players simply to be victims of the wardec Grinder you appear to so enjoy. And If CCP suffer, we all suffer.

So being as Wardeccers do not have a divine right to easy kills. Evolve.

Let's go with your hypothesis that corp getting decced actually make EVE lose players. A better solution to this would be to make corps harder to create so only people who are dedicated to having a corp and making it thrive do so instead of every dicks and toms who will fold as soon as they might be under attack. Once you remove all those **** corps from the game, then new players would join corps with decent leadership who will lead them through hard time instead of telling them the solution is to fold.

EDIT: At the end of the day, it's not the wardec that make people leave corp and stop being linked but **** leadership who tell the players that's how you should go about it.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2017-04-12 15:21:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:

I am sorry, If you can find any statement from CCP that they do not want players to play together, or join corporations, and that is the way the game is meant to work, that dev needs drug testing at the earliest opportunity.

You totally have avoided the OP and assume that the new wardec system is based on destroying citadels alone. This is not the case, the words I wrote state that clearly and unequivocally. But that seems inconvenient to your narrative.

The Structure component, Gives a location, and a cost, and RISK of loss, nothing more. The PLAYERS create content around a simple system, THAT DOES NOT PERPETUATE THE CURRENT ADVANTAGES YOU ENJOY.

Now I know it is simple to attempt to retain your current highly beneficial arrangement, by distraction, and suggesting things that would not actually help, but actually perpetuate the current system, whilst totally misrepresenting what is suggested by those who advocate alternatives, and for a long time it has worked.

Even the DEVs are horrified by the idea of touching this clusterfuck it has evolved into.

Well you can get used to the idea that it will change, it is an economic disaster for CCP to bring in new players simply to be victims of the wardec Grinder you appear to so enjoy. And If CCP suffer, we all suffer.

So being as Wardeccers do not have a divine right to easy kills. Evolve.

Let's go with your hypothesis that corp getting decced actually make EVE lose players. A better solution to this would be to make corps harder to create so only people who are dedicated to having a corp and making it thrive do so instead of every dicks and toms who will fold as soon as they might be under attack. Once you remove all those **** corps from the game, then new players would join corps with decent leadership who will lead them through hard time instead of telling them the solution is to fold.

EDIT: At the end of the day, it's not the wardec that make people leave corp and stop being linked but **** leadership who tell the players that's how you should go about it.

Well, all well and good. But if one wants players to stay in the game, one not only needs to be not massacring them as soon as they try to play with others one NEEDS to encourage them to play with others. Blocking access to that will not be a positive move.

Too many leave, not because wardeccers kill them but because the wardec system makes it the only wise choice, to play alone, avoid others and keep to the shadows where no one notices you.

Eve is at its heart a social game, and depriving new players from that benefit and experience, because a system is in place that makes that decision to engage with others something to be punished for, loses much of the playerbase that will become our future.

See how long, Even the best run corp survives, If it tries to have the goal of being a place where people can share missions together in HS. It lives as long as it avoids attention, once seen, it will be driven to extinction, because the efforts required to continually move members in and out of corp, like a game of whack a mole exhausts even the most dedicated,

Imagine going into a shop, that when you actually try clothes on, you hit them with a baseball bat for a week. How many customers would decide to try to creep in so no one sees them and quietly leave money on the counter, and how many would say frack that and not come back.

Nullsec shouldn't be the first choice if one wants to play with others, sure null Is good, but shouldn't all of eve encourage social play?

Well, If we want it to thrive and survive anyway.
Black Pedro
#68 - 2017-04-12 15:24:11 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:
I am sorry, If you can find any statement from CCP that they do not want players to play together, or join corporations, and that is the way the game is meant to work, that dev needs drug testing at the earliest opportunity.

From the devblog:

It is our hope that the changes outlined here will serve to make wars a more engaging, fulfilling and fun experience for all. As always it is very difficult to create a system that supports legal PvP in a one-size-fits-all manner, as people have different playstyles, needs and expectations. With the changes currently in the pipeline we do realize that wars become a bit more hardcore and harder to avoid. But the line that is being drawn in the sand here is that if you’re in a player run corporation, then war is something you must be prepared to tackle. The ally system and the surrender with enforced peace do give options beside just duking it out (or docking for a week), but if you absolutely do not want to be war decced, then the only option right now is to be in a NPC corp. This is not an optimal solution and we might iterate here in the future, but this is the direction we’re taking right now.

Alderson Point wrote:

You totally have avoided the OP and assume that the new wardec system is based on destroying citadels alone. This is not the case, the words I wrote state that clearly and unequivocally. But that seems inconvenient to your narrative.
Whether you use current structures, or new 'war beacons' you are just inventing meaningless objectives to fight over for the sake of whether players can fight or not in a particular system. This is completely contrived and has nothing to do with real war or real objectives. It is a silly mini-game that is a waste of time. This is a sandbox game and wars are just how we interact in highsec, not the prize itself to fight over.

Alderson Point wrote:
The Structure component, Gives a location, and a cost, and RISK of loss, nothing more. The PLAYERS create content about a simple system, THAT DOES NOT PERPETUATE THE CURRENT ADVANTAGES YOU ENJOY.

Now I know it is simple to attempt to retain your current highly beneficial arrangement, by distraction, and suggesting things that would not actually help, but actually perpetuate the current system, whilst totally misrepresenting what is suggested by thise who advocate alternatives, and for a long time it has worked.
I don't generally participate in wars and the few I have been in I have been on the receiving end more than I have been an aggressor.

Alderson Point wrote:
Even the DEVs are horrified by the idea of touching this clusterfuck it has evolved into.

Well you can get used to the idea that it will change, it is an economic disaster for CCP to bring in new players simply to be victims of the wardec Grinder you appear to so enjoy. And If CCP suffer, we all suffer.

So being as Wardeccers do not have a divine right to easy kills. Evolve.
CCP devs have been asked multiple times about wars and while they are not happy, they are also clearly not concerned enough about it to make it a priority. That's because wars are largely working as intended. I see no sign CCP has any intention to touch wars (CCP Fozzie said as much on Talking in Stations a few weeks ago) so given the current development timetable we are looking at 12-18 months at the earliest before wars are revisited.

I agree wars have issues, but they aren't the ones you seem to be fixated on. Players are intended to be vulnerable to each other. Yes, even new players. I think station games are terrible, and would be happy to see that tactic deleted from the game, but wars between groups, especially structure-owning groups are here to stay my friend. I think it is you that needs to accept the reality of what Eve Online is and stop hoping for some far-future change to the game to make you happy. Conflict, both non-consensual and unbalanced is the lifeblood of this game and no amount of crying 'Save the Newbies!' is going to get CCP to change that.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#69 - 2017-04-12 15:33:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Black Pedro wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:
I am sorry, If you can find any statement from CCP that they do not want players to play together, or join corporations, and that is the way the game is meant to work, that dev needs drug testing at the earliest opportunity.

From the devblog:

It is our hope that the changes outlined here will serve to make wars a more engaging, fulfilling and fun experience for all. As always it is very difficult to create a system that supports legal PvP in a one-size-fits-all manner, as people have different playstyles, needs and expectations. With the changes currently in the pipeline we do realize that wars become a bit more hardcore and harder to avoid. But the line that is being drawn in the sand here is that if you’re in a player run corporation, then war is something you must be prepared to tackle. The ally system and the surrender with enforced peace do give options beside just duking it out (or docking for a week), but if you absolutely do not want to be war decced, then the only option right now is to be in a NPC corp. This is not an optimal solution and we might iterate here in the future, but this is the direction we’re taking right now.

Alderson Point wrote:

You totally have avoided the OP and assume that the new wardec system is based on destroying citadels alone. This is not the case, the words I wrote state that clearly and unequivocally. But that seems inconvenient to your narrative.
Whether you use current structures, or new 'war beacons' you are just inventing meaningless objectives to fight over for the sake of whether players can fight or not in a particular system. This is completely contrived and has nothing to do with real war or real objectives. It is a silly mini-game that is a waste of time. This is a sandbox game and wars are just how we interact in highsec, not the prize itself to fight over.

Alderson Point wrote:
The Structure component, Gives a location, and a cost, and RISK of loss, nothing more. The PLAYERS create content about a simple system, THAT DOES NOT PERPETUATE THE CURRENT ADVANTAGES YOU ENJOY.

Now I know it is simple to attempt to retain your current highly beneficial arrangement, by distraction, and suggesting things that would not actually help, but actually perpetuate the current system, whilst totally misrepresenting what is suggested by thise who advocate alternatives, and for a long time it has worked.
I don't generally participate in wars and the few I have been in I have been on the receiving end more than I have been an aggressor.

Alderson Point wrote:
Even the DEVs are horrified by the idea of touching this clusterfuck it has evolved into.

Well you can get used to the idea that it will change, it is an economic disaster for CCP to bring in new players simply to be victims of the wardec Grinder you appear to so enjoy. And If CCP suffer, we all suffer.

So being as Wardeccers do not have a divine right to easy kills. Evolve.
CCP devs have been asked multiple times about wars and while they are not happy, they are also clearly not concerned enough about it to make it a priority. That's because wars are largely working as intended. I see no sign CCP has any intention to touch wars (CCP Fozzie said as much on Talking in Stations a few weeks ago) so given the current development timetable we are looking at 12-18 months at the earliest before wars are revisited.

I agree wars have issues, but they aren't the ones you seem to be fixated on. Players are intended to be vulnerable to each other. Yes, even new players. I think station games are terrible, and would be happy to see that tactic deleted from the game, but wars between groups, especially structure-owning groups are here to stay my friend. I think it is you that needs to accept the reality of what Eve Online is and stop hoping for some far-future change to the game to make you happy. Conflict, both non-consensual and unbalanced is the lifeblood of this game and no amount of crying 'Save the Newbies!' is going to get CCP to change that.

There is so much wrong headed, misinterpreted and downright deceptive in that post, I really cannot be bothered to try to deal with every one.

Lets just agree, that we disagree pretty much totally, and your assumptions about claiming I believe EVE should be a happy unicorn filled fairyland, are downright insulting, and so far off the mark as to be absurd. EvE is a Player engages with Player game, and nothing should change that.

There is NOTHING worth saving from the Current Wardec system, The original update, was a tick box change, to shut people up hoping the complaints went away. They Even admitted from your quote that they thought it was a bad idea.

My proposal, is not about "save the newbies" but that may be a secondary effect, it is more about, let the newbies actually get together with other people giving them a choice of other than leave, go to null, or hide in the shadows until you get bored of playing alone.

But you know that, as I said before, it doesn't fit your narrative, does it?

Oh, by the way, whilst we are on Dev comments, you should know a far more up to date one, Eve isn't a sandbox, It is a playground, where players decide what equipment to use and make their own play around.

Wardecs are the broken round-about, with peeling paint, broken nails and rusty screws sticking out surrounded by used needles and broken glass. Occupied with people... lets not mention them.... step away.... don't make eye contact.

Doesn't encourage players to try the rest of the rides does it?

So take a demolition hammer to it, replace it with the simplest ride, that encourages people to use it together. Then we might not have to wait until hell freezes over and have some fun.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#70 - 2017-04-12 15:53:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Contd. CCP is completely wasting it's time trying to get people to play together in HS whilst the current wardec system exists.

It is no coincidence that incursions are run by people in NPC corps or single player corps they can rotate through.

To try to play with others without doing so is simply suicidal behaviour.

Does that sound like they are going to succeed? It is like trying to improve your meals in a restaurant, to improve customer spend and revisits, when you still have a drunken filthy hobo, disturbing all the customers on the doorstep.

Maybe, that the first thing to move on, so all following efforts are not just wasted, and the restaurant is wondering why they do not have any customers any more, even though the food is amazing.

Sometimes it is the simplest things, the Hobo does not require a new coat and a shave to solve things, get rid... now!
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#71 - 2017-04-12 16:00:33 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:

My proposal, is not about "save the newbies" but that may be a secondary effect, it is more about, let the newbies actually get together with other people giving them a choice of other than leave, go to null, or hide in the shadows until you get bored of playing alone.

Those choice area already present in the game. The problem is not the lack of option but the lack of will and direction coming from corp leadership. If you get told the only solution is to bail, you will bail. If you get told about every other things you can do, then you will make a choice.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#72 - 2017-04-12 16:03:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:

My proposal, is not about "save the newbies" but that may be a secondary effect, it is more about, let the newbies actually get together with other people giving them a choice of other than leave, go to null, or hide in the shadows until you get bored of playing alone.

Those choice area already present in the game. The problem is not the lack of option but the lack of will and direction coming from corp leadership. If you get told the only solution is to bail, you will bail. If you get told about every other things you can do, then you will make a choice.

Sure... choice.. nope. Every choice is sub-par. Thats the way the system works, and some desperately want to keep as long as they can.

I min I'll post the choices.

Here you are.

So current defender actions are
1. Die in a fire
2. Fight and die in a fire and get the wardec extended
3. Fight and watch them dock up and get the wardec extended
4. Leave corp
5. Log off and go and play overwatch for a week or two
6. Live somewhere else.
7. Avoid all contact with everyone, hide in the cracks, try to be as invisible as humanly possible.
8. Rotate corps until your CEO dies of exhaustion or quits.

Missed any?Roll

Most at least try 1-5, before realising the futility. Those of us who survived our first corps failscades, mostly are still here because of choice 6. I didnt mention the most common choice, because that involves not resubbing.
Black Pedro
#73 - 2017-04-12 16:08:46 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:
There is NOTHING worth saving from the Current Wardec system, The original update, was a tick box change, to shut people up hoping the complaints went away. They Even admitted from your quote that they thought it was a bad idea.
Yes there is. At the most fundamental level there needs to be a way to shoot other groups' structures in highsec. I can envision other ways to do that, but that is an important and indispensable purpose that prevents wars from just being removed from the game.

Alderson Point wrote:
Oh, by the way, whilst we are on Dev comments, you should know a far more up to date one, Eve isn't a sandbox, It is a playground, where players decide what equipment to use and make their own play around.
Nah. Rewatch that keynote. Hilmar was referring to the Eve Universe, not the game Eve Online. Eve Online is the sandbox in the playground that is the Eve Universe. This "rethinking" is just the result of the failure of DUST which they tried to tie into the Eve Online sandbox unsuccessfully. Future game will be like Gunjack, or Valkyrie and be part of the Eve Universe (the 'slides' and other playground equipment) but not tied into the Eve Online sandbox directly.

Eve Online was born a PvP sandbox game and will die a PvP sandbox game. In fact, all signs point to things getting more player-controlled and destructible via wars as we go forward.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#74 - 2017-04-12 16:19:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Black Pedro wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:
There is NOTHING worth saving from the Current Wardec system, The original update, was a tick box change, to shut people up hoping the complaints went away. They Even admitted from your quote that they thought it was a bad idea.
Yes there is. At the most fundamental level there needs to be a way to shoot other groups' structures in highsec. I can envision other ways to do that, but that is an important and indispensable purpose that prevents wars from just being removed from the game.

Alderson Point wrote:
Oh, by the way, whilst we are on Dev comments, you should know a far more up to date one, Eve isn't a sandbox, It is a playground, where players decide what equipment to use and make their own play around.
Nah. Rewatch that keynote. Hilmar was referring to the Eve Universe, not the game Eve Online. Eve Online is the sandbox in the playground that is the Eve Universe. This "rethinking" is just the result of the failure of DUST which they tried to tie into the Eve Online sandbox unsuccessfully. Future game will be like Gunjack, or Valkyrie and be part of the Eve Universe (the 'slides' and other playground equipment) but not tied into the Eve Online sandbox directly.

Eve Online was born a PvP sandbox game and will die a PvP sandbox game. In fact, all signs point to things getting more player-controlled and destructible via wars as we go forward.

I really do not how you understood that from both his and CCP seagulls comments, ( I didn't hear Hilmar say itWhat?) but if you want to believe that carry on.

The current wardec system is irretrievably broken, the goals however are still valid. Hence the OP (back to that again)

And YES EVE is a game with PVP, Lots of PVP, and player control is good, player interaction is good, but you may be surprised that people do other things too. Funny that.Roll Every player Engages with other players, that is the beauty of the game. And that needs to be encouraged, and that which prevents it nuked into oblivion. Not everyone takes a narrow one dimensional view of what that means.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#75 - 2017-04-13 14:55:43 UTC
With asset safety built into upwell structures - adding them to the war dec mechanics is meaningless. Proposing the meaningless structure addition to war dec mechanics as a game fix is ludicrous. Limiting combat to only the systems where you have put up meaningless structures (from the war dec perspective) is just bizarre.

You should not partake of whatever you are partaking of just before operating heavy machinery - someone could get hurt.

Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2017-04-15 08:50:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Serendipity Lost wrote:
With asset safety built into upwell structures - adding them to the war dec mechanics is meaningless. Proposing the meaningless structure addition to war dec mechanics as a game fix is ludicrous. Limiting combat to only the systems where you have put up meaningless structures (from the war dec perspective) is just bizarre.

You should not partake of whatever you are partaking of just before operating heavy machinery - someone could get hurt.

Being fair, the current wardec system is an out of control Juggernaut
, so It wouldn't make a fat lot of difference.

You are still holding in your mind the current wardec system, and extrapolating the results from there it seems.

To understand this, you would need to cast aside your preconceptions, in order to see that an extremely simple system can have complex effects.

Basing ones view on "big thing not die! Loot no good!" Simply misses the entire point.

But I imagine, viewing the world from the perspective that "club is good big club better! Hit more! " Is much simpler to understand, even if it gives entirely the wrong results.

I have tried to explain, but sometimes one is put up against impossible obstacles, and I just have to accept you will never see it, pity, maybe if it comes in, after a year, when we see Hisec with a thriving and most importantly, popular level of PVP activity, you will believe it was CCP magic responsible somehow. By then you will of course completely forgotten this thread.

But of course for players who only wanted kills and not fights, They will feel the game has been unbalanced, and EVE should still be hard!

What they mean is they want and miss the easy opportunity to make it hard for others.

I do not of course know your motivations, that's for you to deal with.
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#77 - 2017-04-15 16:31:17 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:

You are missing the cost aspect to the defenders.
Of course a CeO could send this mail, and then ask the members the next week for their last months ratting and mining income to replace the blown up citadels.
And yes, there are CEOs that bad, but they wouldn't tend to be in charge of the corp long.

What Citadels. The defender in your hypothetical has no Citadels.
All your proposal does is put highsec corps back to doing station industry.

Again as I said earlier, the problem is not in Wardecs, the Wardec mechanics are great.
The problem is in the highsec corp mechanics that do not reward growing a corp in highsec.

Some fixes for that.
Remove 90% of HS stations.
Give HS structures the same bonuses as other areas of space, (they cost the same, the defences are far weaker due to lack of the bomb launchers etc, so it won't break anything).
Change ganking to be a LONGER (yes longer) timer along with some changes to industrial ships, this creates a HS where shooting happens more often, but without the overpowering blink and you are dead of the current gank system.

Now you have a system where you can actually make a larger HS corp because there is value in it, and yes, Goons may decide to place some citadels in HS for safety, and PL can then wardec them and blow them up also.
But any 'fix' is on the value of the HS corporation side which badly needs buffing, not anything to do with wardec mechanics.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#78 - 2017-04-15 20:49:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:

You are missing the cost aspect to the defenders.
Of course a CeO could send this mail, and then ask the members the next week for their last months ratting and mining income to replace the blown up citadels.
And yes, there are CEOs that bad, but they wouldn't tend to be in charge of the corp long.

What Citadels. The defender in your hypothetical has no Citadels.
All your proposal does is put highsec corps back to doing station industry.

Again as I said earlier, the problem is not in Wardecs, the Wardec mechanics are great.
The problem is in the highsec corp mechanics that do not reward growing a corp in highsec.

Some fixes for that.
Remove 90% of HS stations.
Give HS structures the same bonuses as other areas of space, (they cost the same, the defences are far weaker due to lack of the bomb launchers etc, so it won't break anything).
Change ganking to be a LONGER (yes longer) timer along with some changes to industrial ships, this creates a HS where shooting happens more often, but without the overpowering blink and you are dead of the current gank system.

Now you have a system where you can actually make a larger HS corp because there is value in it, and yes, Goons may decide to place some citadels in HS for safety, and PL can then wardec them and blow them up also.
But any 'fix' is on the value of the HS corporation side which badly needs buffing, not anything to do with wardec mechanics.

I could bother mentioning that the op clearly states, one could not wardec unless both defender and attacker had structures, you picked the word citadels out of discussion of a specific hypothetical scenario, but I know, reading, who need it eh?

Now the elephant in the room is NOT the one you are pointing at, that is a mouse. The wardec mechanics are great? Well, that's an unexpected view. Wardeccers might LIKE the absurd imbalance, But I can hardly Imagine a wardeccer would be willing to face the ridicule that would come, from saying wardec mechanics are great.

The problem is that the current wardec mechanic, such as it is, actually penalises and punishes players who want to try co-operative PVE. And co-operative gameplay is a good thing whether for PVP, PVE, or anything else you can think of.

Remove this punishment aspect, and HS corps will cope quite nicely, they don't need buffing, they need to be something that allows and even rewards, cooperative behaviour, without it being a death wish.

I wrote quite a long explaination on this, explaining the pros and cons. It is there if you wish to read it.

I have struggled to see how your suggestions here, actually have any relevance to the discussion, or even independent value. I am not sure of your intention, they seem so detached, where on earth does ganking come into this? is it simply an attempt to derail the thread? Or create some strange mutant Strawman argument?

Edit :- I have edited to ensure that the word "structure" is unambiguous stated in every post, My apologies for any confusion I mistakenly assumed that people would actually read the posts, and remember the clarification in the previous answer, by bad
Merin Ryskin
Peregrine Industries
#79 - 2017-04-16 00:02:01 UTC
Alderson Point wrote:
But I can hardly Imagine a wardeccer would be willing to face the ridicule that would come, from saying wardec mechanics are great.

The war mechanics are great. Perhaps there could be some fine-tuning (such as making it cheaper for small corps to declare a war), but overall the system is just fine. The "problems" people keep complaining about come down to " WAAAAH MY CORP SUCKS I WANT EASY-MODE RISK FREE PVE IN HIGHSEC".

The problem is that the current wardec mechanic, such as it is, actually penalises and punishes players who want to try co-operative PVE. And co-operative gameplay is a good thing whether for PVP, PVE, or anything else you can think of.

It does no suck thing. It punishes people who are bad at EVE and expect "cooperative PvE" to mean "I get to farm PvE content with zero risk and don't have to defend myself". And it punishes corps that don't bother to organize or lead their members, and just function as a chat channel to talk in while PvEing. And people/corps that are bad at EVE should be punished, and either learn to stop sucking or get pushed out of the game.
Alderson Point
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#80 - 2017-04-16 02:28:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Alderson Point
Merin Ryskin wrote:
Alderson Point wrote:
But I can hardly Imagine a wardeccer would be willing to face the ridicule that would come, from saying wardec mechanics are great.

The war mechanics are great. Perhaps there could be some fine-tuning (such as making it cheaper for small corps to declare a war), but overall the system is just fine. The "problems" people keep complaining about come down to " WAAAAH MY CORP SUCKS I WANT EASY-MODE RISK FREE PVE IN HIGHSEC".

The problem is that the current wardec mechanic, such as it is, actually penalises and punishes players who want to try co-operative PVE. And co-operative gameplay is a good thing whether for PVP, PVE, or anything else you can think of.

It does no suck thing. It punishes people who are bad at EVE and expect "cooperative PvE" to mean "I get to farm PvE content with zero risk and don't have to defend myself". And it punishes corps that don't bother to organize or lead their members, and just function as a chat channel to talk in while PvEing. And people/corps that are bad at EVE should be punished, and either learn to stop sucking or get pushed out of the game.

Thank you for your reply, I look forward to your next, where you expound such "interesting" statements such as black is actually white, the sun rises in the west, and earthquakes are merely dragons farting.

For a wider understanding, It might be a good idea for you to get out more in game, meet people and talk with them, rather than simply shooting them in the face before they have the chance to share their experiences.

I am glad you made your views clear about forcing people out of the game, it is nice to have such a clear declaration of self interest.

We all know with what weight and value to hold your comments now.


Please ensure your next post is clearly classified as fiction, you would not want to have people think you REALLY believe such twaddle.

Either way, we know the value of your comments and views.