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Out of Pod Experience

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What is the avatar above you thinking?

First post First post First post
Critically Preposterous
#9701 - 2017-03-26 10:13:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Liafcipe9000
"that is a biiiig..."

edit 28/03: changed my portrait. let's see if anyone can guess what I'm thinking now Blink
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#9702 - 2017-03-29 23:28:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Khergit Deserters
I'm gonna kick yer dang ass up and down the town square. What do you mean, "Why?" No special reason why, that's why.
Jacques d'Orleans
#9703 - 2017-03-29 23:58:02 UTC
Critically Preposterous
#9704 - 2017-03-30 04:44:20 UTC
not impressed.
Jacques d'Orleans
#9705 - 2017-03-30 16:49:08 UTC
You call that a clean ship? Dafuq, I know it's Minamatar, now get the polish and make it shine, scrub!
Dom Arkaral
Cuttlefish Collective
#9706 - 2017-03-30 17:24:40 UTC
To dunk...
Or not to dunk...

God this is such a hard choice!!

Tear Gatherer. Quebecker. Has no Honer. Salt Harvester.

Broadcast 4 Reps -- YOU ARE NOT ALONE, EVER

Instigator of the First ISD Thunderdome

CCL Loyalist

Jacques d'Orleans
#9707 - 2017-03-30 20:35:33 UTC
Critically Preposterous
#9708 - 2017-04-01 16:56:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Liafcipe9000
not sure if trolling...

or just stupid...

Jacques d'Orleans wrote:
You call that a clean ship? Dafuq, I know it's Minamatar, now get the polish and make it shine, scrub!

sounds like something I'd actually say Lol
Vayen Kukkus
#9709 - 2017-04-06 02:52:37 UTC
Look at me I'm very important.


Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#9710 - 2017-04-06 23:54:35 UTC
Crap! There's some kind of string or something stuck under my goggles!
Nina Hayes
Dark Horse RM
#9711 - 2017-04-07 02:37:55 UTC
Ma cat died, ma dawg died and my cousin dont love me no more... Big smile
Critically Preposterous
#9712 - 2017-04-07 06:11:04 UTC
should I whip them or just shoot them to death... whipping sounds fun... Twisted
Jacques d'Orleans
#9713 - 2017-04-07 13:51:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Jacques d'Orleans
Devara Biotech
#9714 - 2017-04-07 13:55:20 UTC
I'm too cool for this portrait sh!t.


Critically Preposterous
#9715 - 2017-04-08 14:39:00 UTC
This is some boring portrait ****.
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#9716 - 2017-04-08 20:31:57 UTC
Those Minmatar slaves should stop slacking or else they'll get the whip again. Besides,I'm a whippy happy type of guy.
Yiole Gionglao
#9717 - 2017-04-08 22:16:28 UTC
It's dark, I'm indoors, I'm wearing dark glasses and I'm not even Italian... I am SO PRO.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#9718 - 2017-04-11 00:15:37 UTC
Wait... What is this? I feel a moment of deja vu, synchronicity, perhaps an intersection of the Interconnected Lattice of Cosmic Unconsciousness? Wearing sunglasses in the dark, whips... where have I seen that before?
Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#9719 - 2017-04-11 00:45:11 UTC
"In order to use this many of the same coupon, I'm gonna have to ring you up on a few separate transactions.."


Shelby Dusette
Division 13
#9720 - 2017-04-11 01:23:20 UTC
Silky, flowing, effortless waves. Salon styled hair and in just one wash!