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Logs folder

First post
Apocalypse Reign
#1 - 2011-12-31 18:19:23 UTC
How do I force the EVE client to stop placing the logs folder in the USERS\Document folder on my C drive? I want it on my D drive but it keeps resetting the logs dump when I log in.


Apocalypse Reign
#2 - 2012-01-01 08:55:43 UTC
So nobody has an answer for this? Did a DEV or GM read this? Please I am asking for help here because I cannot find it in any of the EVE options.


CCP Atropos
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2012-01-02 16:33:42 UTC
The path to the logs is resolved by what's known as a CSIDL value. These values allow programmatic lookups via the Windows API to resolve specific system paths. In this case, it's the CSIDL_PERSONAL entry that is used to resolve the path to your User\Documents\EVE\logs folder.

I would guess it's possible to change that value, but you would be doing it for the entire operating system which could be catastrophic. Alternatively you could create a symbolic link between the logs folder and your desired storage location. You should be able to find more information about it with a quick Google.

Be careful though, since any such changes are undertaken at your own risk. Attention
Apocalypse Reign
#4 - 2012-01-02 22:49:39 UTC
So I would have to move my whole documents folder if I want EVE to not clutter up my C: drive with SSs and chat logs? Maybe you could implement something that allows the user to change the destination of the logs folder on the client for all of us with SSD drives that don't want to have our system drive cluttered up with mostly useless files about what time I logged into a game.


CCP Atropos
C C P Alliance
#5 - 2012-01-03 10:21:16 UTC
Not at all; as I said before, you can simply create a symlink for the EVE portion of your folder.
Lorelei Tsu
R. Danneskjold and Sons Repossessions
#6 - 2012-01-03 13:40:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Lorelei Tsu
CCP Atropos wrote:
[...], you can simply create a symlink for the EVE portion of your folder.

I don't think that much players know how to operate the command shell. How about adding an option "don't write logfiles" to the EVE Online client?

I for one don't like that the EVE Online client creates thousands of files on my hard drive of little value to me, and pollutes the FAT table.

By the way, Schalac, you can make symlinks under windows with command "mklink" on the command shell. Hit WIN+R, type "cmd.exe" - there use "mklink /d ˂newalias> ˂target directory>". Only works on NTFS, though, which is the default filesystem in Windows 7. — (in German)

Querry Moon
#7 - 2012-01-03 16:10:08 UTC
Disabling logging would be awesome for SSD disks. That atrocious amount of small files make my disk cry.
CCP Atropos
C C P Alliance
#8 - 2012-01-03 16:52:12 UTC
I forwarded your suggestion to those august entities that make such decisions. Watch this space!
Apocalypse Reign
#9 - 2012-01-16 06:06:02 UTC
CCP Atropos wrote:
I forwarded your suggestion to those august entities that make such decisions. Watch this space!

Thank you.


The Ares project
#10 - 2012-01-16 10:36:03 UTC
Did you try using DirLinker?
Just makes a folder shortcut, so all files going to C:/xxxxx/logs end up where you put them on D: drive.

I also had problems when all savegames and stuff end up on C in MyDocs, and some games eat gigabytes in saves, so i make all savegame folders go to game dir on other partition/drive, less hassle that way.
You dont know the horror of a family member wanting to play goddamn sims + expansions and extra items (that all go to profile folder in MyDocs) and it ends up in a few gigs of data. :)
Orion Expeditions
#11 - 2012-01-22 19:45:22 UTC  |  Edited by: nardaq
Eve used to place logs/settings in the game folder where ever u installed it.
But since vista (and win 7) it has something to do with the file write policy in the OS
outside the "my documents" range (other station) i think

XP users can bypass this with "/end /LUA:OFF". Only for game settings, game/chatlogs remain in the user/my documents map

the best way to force logs (or any other maps) to be moved is to create a junction link (shortcut is not always working) to map a folder to anywhere
Use "junction Link Magic" for example