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Investment Strategies in Eve

Marrcus Edus Smithion
Academy Eternal War
#1 - 2017-03-30 07:11:53 UTC
Hello all,

I've been playing Eve for about 4 months now as an alpha and have now managed to get together a little disposable cash. I want to find the best way to make this money work for itself. I'm thinking of subbing soon as Eve is great and i'm really enjoying myself and i want a decent strategy to make ISK apart from just diving down wormholes to find stuff. Industry seems to be the best (only option ?) of investing money at the moment. Any other suggestions ?
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#2 - 2017-03-30 08:53:09 UTC
Manufacturing has the best potential - if you choose the right product and list it in the right place! That part requires knowledge gained through experience. An example that always seems to work.

You can sell Small Anti-EM Reinforcer I rigs to buy orders for ~ 40K ISK, build cost is ~ 25K, the blueprint can be purchased for 125K ISK and researched in a few days. This is a product that you can build as an Alpha character.

So - every time you turn over your inventory with this product, you earn 60% return on capital invested and selling to buy orders is instant so you can turn over your inventory as fast as you can build the product. Market sell orders are in the 50K ISK range which would let you double your money with each inventory turn but it would take longer.

Obviously the numbers are rough and could change by the time you read this but there are always similar opportunities on the market if you take the time to look for them.

Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2017-03-30 11:10:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Saveritas
Invention, research, manufacturing, reactions. All of these things require fairly low time input for a fair return on investment.

You'll have to work out the details yourself, as this is still Spreadsheets Online.

Edit 1:
Also; since you're thinking of subbing, it's a good idea in general to work out some kind of plan. What do you like to do in this game? How are you gonna approach that when you're an omega, with much more available options due to the unlocking of all the skills? Etcetera.

Edit 2:
As for investing ISK goes, industry is a viable way to make a solid RETURN on investment. As for becoming rich, there's more means to an end. You could also go into hub/station trading, play the 0.01 isk game and make a fortune. There's just so much possibilities in EVE.
Marrcus Edus Smithion
Academy Eternal War
#4 - 2017-03-31 05:09:23 UTC
Thanks for the replies ! Well my main interest is in learning to pvp, so my skiĺls will be geared in that direction first of all. It's also why i don't want to spend much time actively making isk, so the suggestions about industry sound good. I'll make sure to add those skills to my list when i sub. What about shares ?
EVE Museum
#5 - 2017-03-31 05:35:22 UTC
If it is that kind of passive and skill-free income you are asking about, you can try and invest in one of the loans that are offered in this forum every other day.
The collateralised loans are more or less without risk, but they will only give you 2-3% per month. And you will have to be quick to catch them, and they will expect you to invest 1B +.

Loans/bond with higher interest are risky, and there are hardly ever anyone selling shares.

My channel: "Signatures" -

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2017-03-31 10:26:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Tipa Riot
From what you wrote, I would recommend to focus on core and combat skills and sell a PLEX on the market for 1.2B and you will not have to worry about ISK in the next couple of months. PLEX is at discount in CCPs shop atm. Later when you are more experienced, you can look for a decent ISK source ingame which you like.

EDIT: sorry, misread the post, let ISK work for itself is not that easy and depends on the amount. If you have disposable ISK spend it on PvP stuff. Industry does not need much capital to begin with, it's basically creating ISK from (almost) nothing.

I'm my own NPC alt.