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Proposed Moon Mining Changes

#1 - 2017-03-24 21:24:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Tesal
The new dev blog says that Moon Mining will change significantly. Active miners will be needed to extract the ore in conjunction will a new ore drill and explosives system. There are a few of things this might lead to.

1. More miners will move out into low sec and null sec. This will lead to a lot more conflict and content. It will also affect the price of minerals in general as miners move to the most profitable activity they can.

2. New rental of systems to industrial corporations to take care of moon mineral extraction.

3. The price of low end moon minerals may go up. Miners won't mine them if they can make more isk in the safety of high sec mining veldspar.

Fish Hunter
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2017-03-25 00:07:22 UTC
1. They will for a short while then realize it still sucks to do and move back to highsec especially the guys that don't like to stare at their mining barge all the time. The guys that want to be out in lawless land probably mostly are already. Minerals might go up if time spent mining the new ore is substantial overall.

2. This already happens but might increase slightly

3. Could happen but we'll just have to wait and see what this new form of moon mineral extraction really is.
Peta Chieve
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2017-03-25 04:17:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Peta Chieve
1. Nullsec ores are currently better than highsec ores and the belts are far larger, i doubt that these moon changes will entice highsec bears to come to nullsec alone.

2. This i agree with, moon empire alliances will feel this change alot more than most, and rental alliances will likely be super happy about these changes. My thoughts are that most all alliances will move towards establishing renters just for this, both in lowsec and nullsec.

3. I expect all prices will spike hard the day after the changes, and this will also flow into T2 construction, as the moon empires that supply a very large amount of all goo currently, may not be prepared to mine their moon belts immediately, so supply will be hurt until, one the structures start coming online and two corps and alliances are able to regularly mine the belts, which i suspect could take up to a week for everything to really start ticking over.

(I intend to keep a close eye on goonswarm, as i suspect they are one of the only or at least the most prepared to take full advantage of these changes)

I am super happy with this change btw, moon empires will fall and it'll be more difficult and less worthwhile for alliances to blob all the moons unless they can actually make use of the resources, meaning what i hope, is more opportunities for smaller entities to rake in ISK from moons, as currently most regions are dominated by very large entities that are very hard to push off of moons.

As a final thought, we're still yet to see if there will be a cold shift over to this new system or if like current structures it will be a long term goal to phase out the old system.

Proud CEO of White Partyhat Trading Company

We look forward to meeting you.

Tormond Maken
Ginger Industrial Solutions
#4 - 2017-03-25 06:17:16 UTC
Seems likely that it won't have much impact on mineral prices. Foz confirmed that Rorqs can mine the moongoo, so most medium or large null entities will be able to hoover up plenty of the stuff.The Rorq nerf is definitely a much bigger factor in mineral prices.

Moongoo prices on the other hand... well some of those have already spiked super hard, some just a bit. It's obviously spec until numbers are released, but a lot of people seem to think they'll be much more expensive a year from now.

Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#5 - 2017-03-25 09:29:14 UTC
It's unlikely there will be an abrupt transition. More likely, Refineries and POS will coexist for a while - similar to Engineering Complex and POS. Bonuses will encourage a transition to the new process.

While CCP wants to encourage more social gameplay, I suspect these new asteroid fields can be cleared fairly quickly by a Rorqual or multibox fleet of exhumers protected by the refinery defenses.

If I'm right about the gradual transition, I don't expect any significant change in supply or demand - speculation may cause the price to bounce around a bit but, with no change in fundamentals, it will be short lived.
#6 - 2017-03-25 11:27:10 UTC

Apart from the more or less obvious points above, I was wondering if someone could explain why the : "Primae is going to be the back bone of incoming moon mining feature"

according to this thread :

I looked at the info on the Primae but it's not particularly obvious to me, probably because I know very little about moon mining.

Peta Chieve
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2017-03-25 12:34:46 UTC
voetius wrote:

Apart from the more or less obvious points above, I was wondering if someone could explain why the : "Primae is going to be the back bone of incoming moon mining feature"

according to this thread :

I looked at the info on the Primae but it's not particularly obvious to me, probably because I know very little about moon mining.

I don't understand that either o.O?

Proud CEO of White Partyhat Trading Company

We look forward to meeting you.

Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#8 - 2017-03-27 09:30:07 UTC
Do Little wrote:
It's unlikely there will be an abrupt transition.

It will be abrupt. Source: Fozzie at TiS, 00:31:50
On patch day, all moon harvesters and reactors will go offline. Brace yourself, it'd be helluva storm.

Furthermore, they've not yet decided if they want to release blueprints for refineries beforehand. If they dont, it'd be a ******* armageddon, and no amount of stockpiles would keep the market afloat. Bob save us all!
erg cz
Federal Jegerouns
#9 - 2017-03-27 11:26:59 UTC
voetius wrote:

Apart from the more or less obvious points above, I was wondering if someone could explain why the : "Primae is going to be the back bone of incoming moon mining feature"

according to this thread :

I looked at the info on the Primae but it's not particularly obvious to me, probably because I know very little about moon mining.

As an author of the statement I can asure you it was nothing more than a pathetic troll attempt. Period. There is no such thing as Primae AOE moon goo minning emmiter or new expedition frigate (I think "Adoration" was its proposed name) with bonus for moon goo ninja mining.

More pathetic trolling like that can be found here:

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Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#10 - 2017-03-27 12:01:01 UTC
Skia Aumer wrote:
Do Little wrote:
It's unlikely there will be an abrupt transition.

It will be abrupt. Source: Fozzie at TiS, 00:31:50
On patch day, all moon harvesters and reactors will go offline. Brace yourself, it'd be helluva storm.

Furthermore, they've not yet decided if they want to release blueprints for refineries beforehand. If they dont, it'd be a ******* armageddon, and no amount of stockpiles would keep the market afloat. Bob save us all!

Oh jeez, that will be fun. Somehow I doubt they'd do it that way though, ie how fax transition got handled.
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#11 - 2017-03-27 16:40:40 UTC
I listened to the TIS podcast and was surprised. It will take sometime to build a refinery and at least a week to get the initial slab of moon material - probably 2 weeks with no production before product from the new gameplay reaches the market.

As Fozzie suggested, there are stockpiles but people will demand a premium price to part with them!
Fish Hunter
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2017-03-27 16:51:58 UTC
Laughing at Fozzie switching roll out from slow to fast. Positive that it was both would work for a time at first.
Naughty Fenix
Relaxed and Barely Taxed
#13 - 2017-04-04 07:29:30 UTC
I was one of the sustainer of "save the mining" years ago when it was really a no-profit activity (btw i really hate mining, it's the most ******* activity you can do along with hauling... even trading is better and involves some brain usage) but now it's becoming exactly the opposite...
Also i've always be a sustainer of isk-printing removal, i just beg ccp to find another way to do this.
Really hope that change won't take place as it is stated.

If so i believe that lowsec will be even more unused for the simple reason that only big entities would have the force to organize and defend mining ops there, anyone else will face hotdrops on mining fleets ever 3 sec. Only nullsec owners will be able to catch up so another gift to big entities, thx we all need this!

And even them will have their SRP hitted hard.

It opens for a "new" activity however: rent a defensive fleet. Effort that, of course, can be nullified by drop more onto mining fleet

Ninja miners? at start yes but doubt will be worth it long term and there will be even low sec logistics to take into count.

All this anyway will place more planned activity into eve: it will be less a game and more another job, there will be lot less space for casual activity (what i believe a game is for) conseguently pushing away Omegas that, in a form or another, pay CCP for the subscription.

Only work around i can see is that moon belts will return good quantity of minerals along with moon the usual moon goo so, at least, there wil be less sheduled (2nd job) activity.

Also the decision CCP made to tie industry bonuses to rigs just led (and will keep leading) to a multiplication of structures totally not under control. Pushing again away small entities and lone wolves away.
It's my opinion that a more wise approach would have been to totally strip industry bonuses to rigs and tie them to a wider set of services/modules, charging each online/offline/swap operation with some higher "tax" in form of isk or fuel usage for example.

The new moon mining system as stated will bring even more structures around... thx again!

virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2017-04-04 14:38:58 UTC
Although it sounds fun, blasting big bits of moon off and mining them, I question the man hours it's going to eat up.
Right now a 0.0 alliance can hold many moons and produce moon goo for very little man hours.
Expenditure of man hours is pvp only for taking moons, and defending already taken moons.

Under the new system it's going to take many man hours of mining to stay exactly where we are now.
Whereas one person brought all that moon goo in for very little man hour cost, now you have to form a gang, or even two gangs if you want a defense fleet. Even the crappy low value moon goo is going to require the same man hours as the expensive moon goo to produce.

I don't see the economics of the man hours to produce working out.
If you are a large 0.0 blob how many moons are you currently mining? Even at one mining fleet per moon per week/month how many mining fleets is that? How are going going to move the mining equipment around? It sounds like an awful lot of man hours compared to what it is currently.

It should be much easier to starve enemies of income by attacking their moon goo mining fleets. This is good :)