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Market Discussions

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Manage ISK Better

C0MB4T Blaze
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2017-03-24 13:35:54 UTC
ive been apart of the game a little over 3 years now and have seen the price for everything increase dramatically over the past year idk if its possible or if the ISK system in place for EVE is based off of what players do to the market but things are becoming too expensive its making new players not want to pursue the game any further i think that systems should be put in place that dont make everything sky rocket as easily for instance last year PLEX was around 750-800mil a piece now its well over a billion ISK thats ridiculous its just my idea to help newcomers a bit by maybe managing the market/ISK much better so its not so expensive i may not kno what im talking about but its just something that i noticed and something that bothered me plz only serious responses no trolls

Fly Safe!

-Sapper Forever

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2017-03-24 15:33:35 UTC
Most things are much cheaper than a couple of years ago, except PLEX. Whining about PLEX prices will lead nowhere, it's purly player-driven demand and supply. If more players want to use PLEX than players want to spend RL money on EvE, the price goes up.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#3 - 2017-03-24 17:17:50 UTC
The price of PLEX purchased from CCP has remained constant for years. All that's changed is the exchange rate between PLEX and ISK. As Tipa pointed out, this is driven by supply and demand on the in-game market. For the most part this is beneficial for new players who typically want to sell PLEX for ISK to fund in-game activity and detrimental for old players who typically have lots of ISK and want to exchange it for PLEX to pay for game time.

If you look at the economic indicies in CCP Quants monthly economic report you will see that the CPI (consumer price index) has been falling steadily since 2005. Things are not getting more expensive!
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#4 - 2017-03-24 19:22:40 UTC
PLEX is the price it is because people are willing and able to pay that, the average player can earn a lot more ISK now than they could a few years ago.

Lots of things are cheaper now than they were a year ago, just look at faction ships or minerals (used in T1 production).
Peta Chieve
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2017-03-25 09:16:53 UTC
Things are not getting more expensive, the value of ISK is simply going down, inflation is more or less inevitable. Also, PLEX is currently managed by in game supply, and demand. So when supply is greater than demand, the price per, goes down, and the reverse is the same, when demand is greater than supply, the value goes up. The market for PLEX is already managed by CCP, as they have PLEX sales, which often lowers the price of PLEX again. To try and actually manage either end of PLEX say, anymore than CCP already does, would throw the item out of balance and would ultimately affect CCP and the player base in the long run as PLEX is a great source of income for CCP, which fuels future expansions. That being said, given the changes that are in the pipes at the moment, i expect PLEX to come down in price, due to EVE moving to a more micro-transaction model, which is essentially going to open the floodgates for players that up until now, found the $40 per month too great to be worth it, when they just want to pew pew and log off.

Proud CEO of White Partyhat Trading Company

We look forward to meeting you.

Areen Sassel
Dirac Angestun Gesept
#6 - 2017-03-26 00:52:33 UTC
Crikey, I'd pay a hundred million ISK for a full stop. Where's Bumble these days?
Gaius Clabbacus
Control Alt Delve
Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2017-03-26 09:37:11 UTC
If you look at "how long do i have to grind in order to afford this" then PLEX aren't really that much more expensive. If you look at the Economic Report the money supply has doubled over the last 5 years so it makes sense for PLEX prices to follow the trend. Long term I still see PLEX as the best inflation hedge.
dan skirata
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2017-03-28 11:36:57 UTC
Peta Chieve wrote:
Things are not getting more expensive, the value of ISK is simply going down, inflation is more or less inevitable. Also, PLEX is currently managed by in game supply, and demand. So when supply is greater than demand, the price per, goes down, and the reverse is the same, when demand is greater than supply, the value goes up. The market for PLEX is already managed by CCP, as they have PLEX sales, which often lowers the price of PLEX again. To try and actually manage either end of PLEX say, anymore than CCP already does, would throw the item out of balance and would ultimately affect CCP and the player base in the long run as PLEX is a great source of income for CCP, which fuels future expansions. That being said, given the changes that are in the pipes at the moment, i expect PLEX to come down in price, due to EVE moving to a more micro-transaction model, which is essentially going to open the floodgates for players that up until now, found the $40 per month too great to be worth it, when they just want to pew pew and log off.

How are you getting that Eve costs $40 a month?

Buddy Invite Program. Sign up with my link using valid payment methods and you will get 80% of the value of a Plex plus free lifetime advice.

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Xylem Viliana
homeless bum
#9 - 2017-03-28 12:41:39 UTC
dan skirata wrote:
Peta Chieve wrote:
Things are not getting more expensive, the value of ISK is simply going down, inflation is more or less inevitable. Also, PLEX is currently managed by in game supply, and demand. So when supply is greater than demand, the price per, goes down, and the reverse is the same, when demand is greater than supply, the value goes up. The market for PLEX is already managed by CCP, as they have PLEX sales, which often lowers the price of PLEX again. To try and actually manage either end of PLEX say, anymore than CCP already does, would throw the item out of balance and would ultimately affect CCP and the player base in the long run as PLEX is a great source of income for CCP, which fuels future expansions. That being said, given the changes that are in the pipes at the moment, i expect PLEX to come down in price, due to EVE moving to a more micro-transaction model, which is essentially going to open the floodgates for players that up until now, found the $40 per month too great to be worth it, when they just want to pew pew and log off.

How are you getting that Eve costs $40 a month?

might be aussie or nz $ or some other currency that has no value on the exchange
Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#10 - 2017-03-28 15:58:18 UTC
C0MB4T Blaze wrote:
ive been apart of the game a little over 3 years now and have seen the price for everything increase dramatically over the past year idk if its possible or if the ISK system in place for EVE is based off of what players do to the market but things are becoming too expensive its making new players not want to pursue the game any further i think that systems should be put in place that dont make everything sky rocket as easily for instance last year PLEX was around 750-800mil a piece now its well over a billion ISK thats ridiculous its just my idea to help newcomers a bit by maybe managing the market/ISK much better so its not so expensive i may not kno what im talking about but its just something that i noticed and something that bothered me plz only serious responses no trolls

PLEX prices rise so fast because ISK faucets are wide open and ISK sinks get nerfed or removed, i.e. lower market tax in citadels, free repair, etc. Look how much the bounty price faucet increased in the last year:

Also, a lot of players are hoarding PLEX as gold.