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Recent incursion issues

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Reilly Duvolle
Hydra Squadron
#141 - 2012-01-22 11:32:30 UTC
Wow. I dont think I have read this many tears since Kartoons Jihadswarm days. However, drama is good Big smile

Carry on.
Daniel L'Siata
Phoenix Naval Operations
Phoenix Naval Systems
#142 - 2012-01-22 11:35:24 UTC
Oh god, these tears are delicious, they fill the void in my soul that I can't get with food.

*eats a hotdog and cries*
Rico Minali
Sons Of 0din
Commonwealth Vanguard
#143 - 2012-01-22 11:45:50 UTC
minmatarsebiestormale20091011111 wrote:
Basicly BrickSquad and co. have killed another mothership thus closing the incursion.

Working exactly as intended (Rico puts on wizard hat and prepares to defend teh RP guys honour..)

Thank -Insert prefered thing to thank-(God/Empress/Empreror/Exotic Dancers/Matari etc) someone is putting an end to the Sansha menace and not letting more helpless peoepl get sucked into the spaceships and turned into erm.. bio-mech alien zombies? (hold on, isnt that that aweful film Skyline?)

Basically these mean spirited people killing Sansha Moms are actually playing the incursions part of Eve right, the rest of you are exploiting the mechanic to farm isk in massive volumes not available anywhere else to the run of the mill player in a spaceship.

Incursions spawns should spawn once and that it for each site. End of farming.

Trust me, I almost know what I'm doing.

Freundliches Feuer
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#144 - 2012-01-22 11:46:18 UTC
We were there.... and we will be there for the next one... and the one after that.... umad yet ?

Keep the tears flowin' ;)
CCP Spitfire
C C P Alliance
#145 - 2012-01-22 12:05:26 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Spitfire
Hello everyone,

In the interest of keeping the forum a bit less cluttered, I suggest keeping all feedback on the recent Brick Squad campaign in this thread (its title has been changed accordingly to provide a little extra clarity). I'd like to stress that this is not an attempt to censor the discussion or sweep things under the rug, but rather to maintain General Discussion in a more or less healthy state.

I have already sent the feedback on the whole "turbo-running incursions" situation to our developers and hope they will be able to pitch in here soon. Consolidating the conversation in one thread will allow them to read all the arguments more easily and provide their own thoughts in a single place.

We appreciate the concern of both parties involved and will definitely take all feedback into consideration.

Ninja edit: Please keep in mind that all forum rules are still in effect, and failure to adhere to them may result in warnings and/or bans.

CCP Spitfire | Marketing & Sales Team @ccp_spitfire

Grumpy Owly
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#146 - 2012-01-22 12:16:18 UTC
Tres Farmer wrote:
Grumpy Owly wrote:
Large Collidable Object wrote:
CeneUJiti wrote:
Gathering a fleet and doing a NPC site for sole purpose of annoying and angering everyone?

I like how you speak for everyone.

As an eve player, I'm aggravated by the absurd amounts of isk spilled into eve's economy via incursions.

Which accounts for about 5% or less of the faucets.

Have you considered how much for instance normal mission running contributes into the mix? Or all the other isk generating capabilities.

Regardless of that inflation isnt an issue according to the recent CSM minutes (about 1%) so any "spilling" into the economy isnt a problem as reported by CCP.


1% per month.. that's 12% per year.. probably more.

A currency is being considered 'stable'* in a window of 1-3% per year..

*) stable would be 0%, but there is some more to it and current real world currencies aren't constructed/designed to work with 0% (for the worse of the planet and all it's inhabitants).

@OP: you fail

@Br1ck & Co: nice job

The 1% is the current inflation value, I assume this is an annual figure not a monthly one. And the fact that CCP reported to the CSM that it wasnt an issue refutes your scare mongering attempt to twist the statistics for personal selfish reasons as opposed to an objective argument.

Seems to be an ongoing trend with the griefers however, in that they need to invent reasons.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#147 - 2012-01-22 12:16:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
…and since everything is going into this thread instead, I suppose I have to respond to a different thread here instead:

saltrock0000 wrote:
This is the highest priced MMO on the market.
Sure. If by “highest priced” you mean “using the standard price for the industry”. I wonder why people keep bringing up this particular piece of nonsense when it's so blatantly false… Ugh
Grumpy Owly wrote:
The 1% is the current inflation value, I assume this is an annual figure not a monthly one.

It's 1% monthly.
Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#148 - 2012-01-22 12:18:27 UTC
All of this is just a propaganda campaign to have Darius III re-elected to the CSM. Twisted

Put a timer on the mothership. When timer runs out, mothership is gone, incursion dissapears. No more ISK farming. No more tears from farmers and griefers alike.
Gorki Andropov
I Dn't Knw Wht You Wnt Bt I Cn't Gve It Anymre
#149 - 2012-01-22 12:19:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Gorki Andropov
CCP Spitfire wrote:
I'd like to stress that this is not an attempt to censor the discussion or sweep things under the rug, but rather to maintain General Discussion in a more or less healthy state.

Regardless of whether you stress it or not, I'm sorry but shoehorning multiple threads with different trains of thought into one megathread is effectively censoring the ideas.

e: yes I realise most of the other threads are absolute crap but we're talking principles here.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#150 - 2012-01-22 12:19:27 UTC
If CCP activly do anything to change incursions then they WILL loose subscibers. However, IF a group of people get together and decide to act alone and destroy a mothership to stop the endless farming then so be it. ITS FAIR!

EvE is a sandbox and is what you and I make of it.

CCP shouldn't nurf incursions, but at the same time if this "griefing" happens its part of the game and CCP shouldn't take action against them.

- A true incursioners input -


Calisto Fox
#151 - 2012-01-22 12:29:14 UTC
Thorn Galen wrote:

Put a timer on the mothership. When timer runs out, mothership is gone, incursion dissapears.

Agree 100%.

I vote for a 7 day countdown timer. Cool
Lucas Quaan
Goryn Clade
#152 - 2012-01-22 12:33:02 UTC
Calisto Fox wrote:
Thorn Galen wrote:

Put a timer on the mothership. When timer runs out, mothership is gone, incursion dissapears.

Agree 100%.

I vote for a 7 day countdown timer. Cool

Or you could just not farm them so hard that the mothership spawns in the first 12h of the incursion.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#153 - 2012-01-22 12:34:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Camios
This thing that if CCP tweaks something for empire PVErs they leave is just a lie. Hisec risk free pve is ruining EVE, it just cuts every economical reason to move from hisec for a lone player, or possibly even small groups that are loosely organized.

Hisec PVE should give you less money and more fun. It would be even then.
Aineko Macx
#154 - 2012-01-22 12:34:29 UTC
Gorki Andropov wrote:
CCP Spitfire wrote:
I'd like to stress that this is not an attempt to censor the discussion or sweep things under the rug, but rather to maintain General Discussion in a more or less healthy state.
Regardless of whether you stress it or not, I'm sorry but shoehorning multiple threads with different trains of thought into one megathread is effectively censoring the ideas.

Well, CCP mods never showed much understanding of forum culture, so no real surprise.
The J8sters
#155 - 2012-01-22 12:34:58 UTC  |  Edited by: thekiller2002us
saltrock0000 wrote:
If CCP activly do anything to change incursions then they WILL loose subscibers. However, IF a group of people get together and decide to act alone and destroy a mothership to stop the endless farming then so be it. ITS FAIR!

EvE is a sandbox and is what you and I make of it.

CCP shouldn't nurf incursions, but at the same time if this "griefing" happens its part of the game and CCP shouldn't take action against them.

- A true incursioners input -

agreed. I hate high sec incursion runners as much as the next lowsec/ nullsec dweller.
Nerf Incursion- you can earn more money in highsec running incursions than in any part of low or nullsec which is unbelievable.

In Lowsec/ nullsec/ wormhole- you have to fight for what you want- BTL and TDL need to realize that right now they need to fight for their incursions/ income - nothing in eve is free, the cost may be high but you need earn your right to run incursions

Hire mercs/ war dec them and fight. Use your industrialists/ traders to find out the source of thier income- and hit it.

I'm generally surprised at the incursion leaders, I know some of them- and i dont view them as walkovers. I'd love to see you show some backbone and hit them back- but i still believe the incursions need nerfing.

I'm with Brick on this one- make thouse carebearing b******s squeal..

Tore Vest
#156 - 2012-01-22 12:35:38 UTC
Waiting for griefers tears P

No troll.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#157 - 2012-01-22 12:36:08 UTC
Thorn Galen wrote:
Put a timer on the mothership. When timer runs out, mothership is gone, incursion dissapears. No more ISK farming. No more tears from farmers and griefers alike.

Nah. Put a rewards timer on the mothership: each incursion contains a fixed amount of rewards, and when they have all been paid out, the incursion disappears. Each site is adjusted to give a portion of these rewards proportional to the average man-hours needed for an incursion as a whole compared to the amount of man-hours needed on average for the particular site.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#158 - 2012-01-22 12:37:15 UTC
Aineko Macx wrote:
Gorki Andropov wrote:
CCP Spitfire wrote:
I'd like to stress that this is not an attempt to censor the discussion or sweep things under the rug, but rather to maintain General Discussion in a more or less healthy state.
Regardless of whether you stress it or not, I'm sorry but shoehorning multiple threads with different trains of thought into one megathread is effectively censoring the ideas.

Well, CCP mods never showed much understanding of forum culture, so no real surprise.


There were 6 thread on the exact same thing, with varying degrees of nerdrage.

If that is forum culture.,.....
#159 - 2012-01-22 12:40:22 UTC
Really hope these tears are genuine, how about you use all that isk your farmed to dec / suicide gank them? Eve is not a PVE game.

There are people in eve who get their kicks from killing you

They are, statistically much better at killing you than you are at not being killed

Calisto Fox
#160 - 2012-01-22 12:45:05 UTC
Camios wrote:

Hisec PVE should give you less money and more fun. It would be even then.

So highsec incursions are better payouts than their low/null counterparts? I agree, that is unbalanced. Roll

On the same note, high sec is more fun, absolutely, but thats due to not being a slave to a null overlord and being used as nothing but pawns to line someody elses pocket and not having the brains to stop for a moment and question it. Null bears deserve their own fate for being mindless drones.

Reminds me of the borg in a way lol