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Moving from Null sec to High Sec - planning to take a break

Radical Squadron
#1 - 2017-03-21 10:44:48 UTC
Hi All,

I have multiple Characters (4). My Main has around 33 M sp and can fly a max DPS drone ships and Mach and other PVP ships. My other chars are around 10 M SP. My ALTs can fly decent ratting ship, some Indy and Research. I wanted to take a break from Null. Already sold one my main PVP char couple of months back.

Now i want to settle down by doing some l4 missions and incursions. Currently i am using Mach (TVP fitting) for Doing L4's. I really do not know how to use my ALT's when i am doing L4 Missions ?

My question to community is, what do you guys do with your ALTs ? Do you take your ALTs for running every L4 missions ?

What are my options ?

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#2 - 2017-03-21 12:43:52 UTC
You have several options. The ones I mention only invovle using 1 alt because that's what I do.

-Incursion and Mission at the same time:

I fly a Mach with TVP and unless you have a job like being an anchor or the MTAC guy, its very easy to also do missions on another character. I use a Fof missile + drone ship like a cap stable/brick tanked Rattlesnake to do this, though sometimes I use a Gila because point blank it's just less frustrating to move around and kills frigs way easier.

You don't make a ton of money from the missions because your main attention is on the Incursion so you aren't blitzing, but you are making more than having that alt sit idle lol.

-Incursion + High Sec Anomaly Farming:

Same as above, Mach in Incursion, FoF light missile + drones Gila flying around some lonely high sec constellation blapping anomalies. The isk is terrible, but one or 2 escalations per day is nice and it gives you something to do when the Incursion Fleet is docked up or waiting for an FC.

-Mission + anom farming:

Same as doing the incursions, run missions on main for best income while using an alt to farm anomalies with droens and fof missiles. I like the Gila for this because it's drones are tough AND tech2 drones are cheap if they do die.

-Use alt in mission to make missions easier:

This option if you don't want to divide your attention too much. I love missioning with my Machariel but I always hated dealing with frigs. So I'd bring along an alt in a FoF missile Tengu, FoF/drone Gila or a Heavy Drone Ishtar. Any of those ships slay frigs and offer additional dps against bigger ships. The Tengu was the easier to use because of no having to recall drones.

-Incursion + Null Sec Anomaly Farming:

I don't do this but I'm adding it for completeness. Put alt(s) in some kind of newbro/renter alliance like Pandemic Horde or Brave, put alt in VNI, rat forsaken hubs or something while running incursion. Don't blink twice if ratting ship dies because it was just a VNI lol. I know several incursion runners who do this. one guy who was in goons used to do this with carriers when you could afk them and just light a cyno for people to come save him if he got attacked, without breaking a sweat or losing a ship to the incursion.

So there you have it. You might notice that I use FoF missiles a lot, they make multiboxing easier without breaking the rules/using 3rd party software. I bet if CCP looked up the statistics, I'd be one of the most prolific users of Auto Targeting missiles in the history of EVE Big smile

Henry Plantgenet
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2017-03-21 12:51:40 UTC
For burners i use my alt to fly a griffin.
For level 4s i use an alt for either scouting or slightly less than doubling my DPS. (You could also add a logi character whatever you're comfortable with.)
But then i do these things in nullsec where it's more exciting and lucrative to do such things :3
Planetary interactions and scanning are things you can do with your alt as well.
If you're just staying in highsec then all i can see is scouting + griffin as useful things for an alt to do.
I'm not sure about FOF missiles since aren't they broken sometimes and shoot a useless nondestructible? Ugh

Do remember that paying attention to 2 things at a time (multiboxing/tasking) Makes you do both activities less efficient unless you're afk mining.
And someone might notice a lack in performance Cry
Radical Squadron
#4 - 2017-03-21 12:55:59 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

So there you have it. You might notice that I use FoF missiles a lot, they make multiboxing easier without breaking the rules/using 3rd party software. I bet if CCP looked up the statistics, I'd be one of the most prolific users of Auto Targeting missiles in the history of EVE Big smile

Thanks. Now i have a direction to move forward.

What do you think about Paladin ? Is it good ? I am in Amar Space. I want to be very casual Mission runner. :) becoming lazy now a days...
guigui lechat
the no fock given
#5 - 2017-03-21 14:20:44 UTC
alt 1 incursion.
alt 2 in an orca in a 3-belt system, with an ore exhumer in ships bay.
alt 3 in a ice exhumer with combat medium drones.

anchor alt 3 on alt2, put your drones out
target 4 ice on each, spread the drones/lasers
always activate 2 shield burst and one miner burst, as well as invul on both

when exhumer is full you may put its ice in the orca fleet hangar and restart the lasers.

doing so with more than 2 exhumer alt starts requiring logistic (eg one alt needs to have a miasmos, so gallente indus V)
Radical Squadron
#6 - 2017-03-21 14:34:24 UTC
guigui lechat wrote:
alt 1 incursion.
alt 2 in an orca in a 3-belt system, with an ore exhumer in ships bay.
alt 3 in a ice exhumer with combat medium drones.

anchor alt 3 on alt2, put your drones out
target 4 ice on each, spread the drones/lasers
always activate 2 shield burst and one miner burst, as well as invul on both

when exhumer is full you may put its ice in the orca fleet hangar and restart the lasers.

doing so with more than 2 exhumer alt starts requiring logistic (eg one alt needs to have a miasmos, so gallente indus V)

I will get stressed out dude. :) i have been doing this at Null mostly. Multi tasking. After some time, it felt, i do 8 hours work at office and later come home and do 6 hours work at Eve Universe.


But Agreed, It will get you decent ISK :)

How fast i can get into incrusion ? if i have a max fit Nightmare and Mach as per TVP site ? Will 1 or 2 hours enough for plexing ?
dan skirata
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2017-03-21 17:48:41 UTC
Balram wrote:
guigui lechat wrote:
alt 1 incursion.
alt 2 in an orca in a 3-belt system, with an ore exhumer in ships bay.
alt 3 in a ice exhumer with combat medium drones.

anchor alt 3 on alt2, put your drones out
target 4 ice on each, spread the drones/lasers
always activate 2 shield burst and one miner burst, as well as invul on both

when exhumer is full you may put its ice in the orca fleet hangar and restart the lasers.

doing so with more than 2 exhumer alt starts requiring logistic (eg one alt needs to have a miasmos, so gallente indus V)

I will get stressed out dude. :) i have been doing this at Null mostly. Multi tasking. After some time, it felt, i do 8 hours work at office and later come home and do 6 hours work at Eve Universe.


But Agreed, It will get you decent ISK :)

How fast i can get into incrusion ? if i have a max fit Nightmare and Mach as per TVP site ? Will 1 or 2 hours enough for plexing ?

Time to get in fleet can vary greatly. If fleet need people, instant invite. Full fleet with long waitlist? Hours. No fleet? (which happens a lot) no incursions. When actually running the incursions, you can expect an average of 150m/hr. So you would need 8 hours for a Plex.

Buddy Invite Program. Sign up with my link using valid payment methods and you will get 80% of the value of a Plex plus free lifetime advice.

Link to Post

dan skirata
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#8 - 2017-03-21 17:49:29 UTC
And don't use the incursion fit for running missions, its completely wrong.

Buddy Invite Program. Sign up with my link using valid payment methods and you will get 80% of the value of a Plex plus free lifetime advice.

Link to Post

Chainsaw Plankton
#9 - 2017-03-21 21:58:04 UTC
I just run one account, 200m/h+ running burner missions, more than enough clicking for me. It would be pretty easy to run an auto-targeting cnr, barghest, rattler, or gila on another account/monitor, but meh. If I'm running a second account it is typically a trade alt where I'm watching a small handful of items and cycling through them when I'm in warp.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Anize Oramara
#10 - 2017-03-22 07:06:00 UTC
If the systems I'm running burners in has a couple of PvP kills in it I log in my alt and have it sit on the out gate in a cloaky to keep an eye out for arty thrashers. This way you're effectively close to 100% safe if you use dock at 0 bookmarks and autopilot. Otherwise I just run the one account for 200-250mill/h blitzing/burners. It is pretty intensive but at least you can start and stop whenever you want unlike incursions, and no traveling huge distances regularly in potentially blingy ships.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Radical Squadron
#11 - 2017-03-22 08:57:41 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
If the systems I'm running burners in has a couple of PvP kills in it I log in my alt and have it sit on the out gate in a cloaky to keep an eye out for arty thrashers. This way you're effectively close to 100% safe if you use dock at 0 bookmarks and autopilot. Otherwise I just run the one account for 200-250mill/h blitzing/burners. It is pretty intensive but at least you can start and stop whenever you want unlike incursions, and no traveling huge distances regularly in potentially blingy ships.

I have been reading your blitzing guide. Great work to eve community.

dan skirata wrote:
And don't use the incursion fit for running missions, its completely wrong.

Yes. Agreed. I have a Mach for l4 missions and TVP advanced for Incrusions.

Yesterday, i was very lucky. Had a chance to join TVP HQ incrusion for 2 hrs. Made like 400 mil + 90k LP. :)

Radical Squadron
#12 - 2017-03-22 09:02:56 UTC
In the mean time, i did try one more trick with my ALTS. Gave insane amout of ISK.

I tried to get one of my ALT char to 5.00 + Faction standings. My Main char already has a very good standing with "Theological society".

Went to a system "Shoushik****" (not able to remember the station name). There are 2 l4 agents on the same station. So in total 4 missions for 2 chars at the same time.

I had good standing of 7+ with Theological corporation. So i went of doing missions, till the time i got to "Enemies Abound".

I finished Enemies Abound 4 of 5 for both the chars.

Now i have 4 x Enemies Abound 5 of 5 on both the chars.

Each mission Loot gives 58 M tags. i.e 58 * 4 = 232M Isk / day.

After the server reset every day, i run this for next 7 days till i finish. If i can get this to work for my other 2 chars too, then it will be like 500m / day easy isk.

Any one tried this ? only downside is Gal standing will be -10 soon.
guigui lechat
the no fock given
#13 - 2017-03-22 12:06:25 UTC
how long does it take to keep that gallente standing at -1.5 ? That's the time you ned to add to your routine to get your isk/h ratio.

"Silence the informant" is a mission l5.
In the first pocket you have 5 drone BS, each dropping an elite drone AI.
(those are worth 4M at the moment)
that means 5*(4+.5)=22.5 M isk (lets round to 20M for market taxes, fluctuations, etc.) for 5 minutes. If your missions are in the same system though you may need to wait for your MJD to cooldown ^^

you only kill the 5 BS, next mission.
Need a MWD to run to the first two,
then a MJD to jump directly on top of the 3 others,
tank in therma/kinetic
you need to damage in thermal/kinetic or thermal/explosive (20k ehp vs thermal) so I go with a hail mach

You can accept as many silence the informant missions, with as many toons ; the matter is how spread the agents are. the rep loss is given back when you complete other missions for the agent in order to get the next silence the informant. so, no rep loss. The slow factor is moving time.
Radical Squadron
#14 - 2017-03-22 12:52:17 UTC
guigui lechat wrote:
how long does it take to keep that gallente standing at -1.5 ? That's the time you ned to add to your routine to get your isk/h ratio.

"Silence the informant" is a mission l5.
In the first pocket you have 5 drone BS, each dropping an elite drone AI.
(those are worth 4M at the moment)
that means 5*(4+.5)=22.5 M isk (lets round to 20M for market taxes, fluctuations, etc.) for 5 minutes. If your missions are in the same system though you may need to wait for your MJD to cooldown ^^

you only kill the 5 BS, next mission.
Need a MWD to run to the first two,
then a MJD to jump directly on top of the 3 others,
tank in therma/kinetic
you need to damage in thermal/kinetic or thermal/explosive (20k ehp vs thermal) so I go with a hail mach

You can accept as many silence the informant missions, with as many toons ; the matter is how spread the agents are. the rep loss is given back when you complete other missions for the agent in order to get the next silence the informant. so, no rep loss. The slow factor is moving time.

Didn't know this. Nice . Let me check this today. :) i guess i got this mission couple of times but never cared to loot.

guigui lechat
the no fock given
#15 - 2017-03-22 12:58:29 UTC
I forgot to add : you still need to grind missions once a week to get another "silence the informant".
you can also have several agents, for which you decline missions once every day to hopefully have a "silence the informant".

So in that case you get 20M*7 (7 days before mission ends) for the time to get the mission +7* time to kill the 5 BS (5-10min)

+ time to get your stuff to market

That can net you around 100M/h (always try to estimate the lower bound of the time, this is the only thing you can be sure of)
Chainsaw Plankton
#16 - 2017-03-23 04:52:25 UTC
gal standing is very easy to fix if you have SoE standings as the derived boost from storylines is large, also gives decent min boosts but not as good. EA farming is probably one of the best non burner lv4 isk making methods.

Elite drone AI farming seemed nice when they were 15m a pop, but it was almost too annoying to get the mission. I gave up on it pretty quickly. at 4m/each it just doesn't sound worth it.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter