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Hacking Attempts Failures Null Space

Zack Azthor
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2017-03-22 07:44:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Zack Azthor
Hi, I am an Alpha Clone. I, as you might have noticed, made another account to play EVE. So I recently (a few hours ago) found a wormhole that leads to a nullsec space. The name was J-series of numbers. I scanned down the wormhole space and found a lot of relic and data sites. However, I was not able to hack all these sites, mainly the ones with "Databank" or "Ruins". They seem to have very high coherence and strength in their protective systems. I couldn't hack any of these structures, what are your tips or advices? I couldn't pass through the firewall which had like 90 coherence and there were lots of Virus Suppressors and Restoration Nodes. I used an Imicus just now, since my ship options are very limited.

After hacking quite a few sites, I went to a Sleeper data site. Tried to warp away, but I failed. Anyway, my wreck is left in the Sleeper site, I lost my loot (sad for me T_T). I was too greedy I guess, but I did get some experience. When I go to a sleeper data site, do I have to kill the guards first before I am able to hack the stuffs there?
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2017-03-22 07:57:58 UTC
To really increase your hacking skills, upgrade to an Omega account and train up the appropriate skills. I believe you can also fit up hacking modules and hacking implants.

Either that or stay out of w-holes, that content is designed for experienced players.

Zack Azthor
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2017-03-22 11:28:17 UTC
I see. I guess I'll stick with lowsec and hisec for now xD

I am planning to subscribe, but maybe probably in another month or two. I feel like I'm going to like this game in the long term, I hope my investment is worhtwhile xD Thanks for the answer.
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2017-03-22 16:06:11 UTC
The hacking minigame is 50% skills and 50% player skill. For null sites I recommend to get around 25 strength and about 100 coherence minimum for your equipment (research what modules, skills improve these values). Then learn how to follow the hints (numbers), and what to attack when. There are a lot of youtube videos out there teaching the hacking game.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Gerinomo Tsuruomo
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#5 - 2017-03-22 16:12:23 UTC
You certainly can explore certain data, relic sites in wormholes as an alpha. But as you have noticed they will be hard to hack successfully. But if you train your hacking skills and equip whatever hacking modules and rigs are available to you it will make a huge difference to your success rate.

Sleeper sites should be avoided as those are combat sites first and exploration sites second.

Being an alpha is limiting but nowhere near as limiting as some people think.
Zeke Harthura
Steel Riders
#6 - 2017-03-22 17:03:23 UTC
hi there. I explore as my main source of income so I know the struggles you face as a new adventurer! one thing I suggest is to not worry about doing wh-space or null sec till you can hack the yellow boxes (i.e remains for relic)with an 80% success rate. either get your hacking skills to level 4 or invest in an astero which has low sp requirements and gives a huge buff to your exploration skills. a warning though do not fly the astero until you have cloaking IV to equip covert ops cloak. I'm not sure if that's available to alphas but it's worth looking into. for advise on how to do the mini game you can contact me in game or try googling some tutorials.

good luck and fly safe!
Trasch Taranogas
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7 - 2017-03-22 18:53:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Trasch Taranogas

Hang in there, exploring is also my thing in Eve for now.

I also had a really ****** success-rate when I started hacking.
Really frustrated. You have to check Youtube for as many
hacking videos as possible. That way you will start to see a
pattern in a good hacking.
Ofcourse you need to train hacking and scanning skills.
Dont forget to equip a cargoscanner so you dont waste time
hacking worthless containers.

A very good advice is persistence! You will slowly become
so at ease with exploring and hacking.

P.S. I too have to point out that cloaking makes exploring so much easier.

If you always stay ready you don't have to get ready.

Ajem Hinken
WarFear Gaming
#8 - 2017-03-22 20:59:41 UTC
Zeke Harthura wrote:
hi there. I explore as my main source of income so I know the struggles you face as a new adventurer! one thing I suggest is to not worry about doing wh-space or null sec till you can hack the yellow boxes (i.e remains for relic)with an 80% success rate. either get your hacking skills to level 4 or invest in an astero which has low sp requirements and gives a huge buff to your exploration skills. a warning though do not fly the astero until you have cloaking IV to equip covert ops cloak. I'm not sure if that's available to alphas but it's worth looking into. for advise on how to do the mini game you can contact me in game or try googling some tutorials.

good luck and fly safe!

Alpha's don't even get cloak 1. Nor can they fly any ships but the Venture, Gnosis, and their race's T1 frigates, cruisers, and destroyers.

So no astero and no cloaky cloaky. - Ship mounted explosives. Because explosions and Jita chaos.

Keno Skir
#9 - 2017-03-22 21:26:23 UTC
Zack Azthor wrote:
Hi, I am an Alpha Clone. I, as you might have noticed, made another account to play EVE. So I recently (a few hours ago) found a wormhole that leads to a nullsec space. The name was J-series of numbers. I scanned down the wormhole space and found a lot of relic and data sites. However, I was not able to hack all these sites, mainly the ones with "Databank" or "Ruins". They seem to have very high coherence and strength in their protective systems. I couldn't hack any of these structures, what are your tips or advices? I couldn't pass through the firewall which had like 90 coherence and there were lots of Virus Suppressors and Restoration Nodes. I used an Imicus just now, since my ship options are very limited.

After hacking quite a few sites, I went to a Sleeper data site. Tried to warp away, but I failed. Anyway, my wreck is left in the Sleeper site, I lost my loot (sad for me T_T). I was too greedy I guess, but I did get some experience. When I go to a sleeper data site, do I have to kill the guards first before I am able to hack the stuffs there?

Google "YouTube EvE Online hacking rule of 6". The rule of six is your saviour Pirate

You're (all) welcome Cool
Zack Azthor
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2017-03-23 03:25:24 UTC
I have looked through Youtube videos to explore and to hack containers. However, I believe that my main concern is in my virus coherence and strength. Nevertheless, I'll try to read more info about how to hack more successfully.

Thank you all for the support xD I feel encouraged, really, especially with the experience regarding hacking failures too at early attempts of your EVE-life.

I guess I'll start with looking for new rigs and better ship to explore with o7
Keno Skir
#11 - 2017-03-23 11:37:46 UTC
Zack Azthor wrote:
I have looked through Youtube videos to explore and to hack containers. However, I believe that my main concern is in my virus coherence and strength. Nevertheless, I'll try to read more info about how to hack more successfully.

Thank you all for the support xD I feel encouraged, really, especially with the experience regarding hacking failures too at early attempts of your EVE-life.

I guess I'll start with looking for new rigs and better ship to explore with o7

Rule of Six
Zack Azthor
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2017-03-23 15:01:02 UTC
So I've watched the Rule of Sixes too, I guess I gained some useful tips for hacking. Anyway, good news! I found anorher Wormhole to W-space and hacked a Data Site completely without faulure, so yey for me xD! Gonna try doing it again later perhaps.

Also, I noticed that you can't see people in Local in W-space. Can you see people in Local in Nullsec? Plus, how do I know if W-space has people in it or if the space is occupied by an Alliance?
Persephone Alleile
Tartarus Covert Operations
#13 - 2017-03-23 15:58:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Persephone Alleile
Zack Azthor wrote:
So I've watched the Rule of Sixes too, I guess I gained some useful tips for hacking. Anyway, good news! I found anorher Wormhole to W-space and hacked a Data Site completely without faulure, so yey for me xD! Gonna try doing it again later perhaps.

Congrats on yer success.

Zack Azthor wrote:
Also, I noticed that you can't see people in Local in W-space. Can you see people in Local in Nullsec? Plus, how do I know if W-space has people in it or if the space is occupied by an Alliance?

W-Space is the only place that has no local, so you'll never really know if anyone else is around, especially since most people who live in w-space fly cloaky ships. D-Scan is your best tool for gathering intelligence about your surroundings.

Having no cloak can make things difficult in w-space as anyone present will be able to locate you and you will have no idea they are there. To know if the system is pccupied you can use d-scan to look for citadels and control towers. If you had a covops cloak you could then warp to them at a safe distance and show info on them to see what corp/alliance owns the structure. Without a cloak you are probably better off in Nullsec where you can use local chat for intel.

Here's a list of things that effect virus coherence and strength:

-Hacking (+10 virus coherence for data analyzers per level)
-Archaeology (+10 virus coherence for relic analyzers per level)

-T1 exploration frigs (+5 virus strength per frigate skill level)
-T2 Exploration frigs (+10 virus strength per covops frig skill level, Omega clone only)
-T3 Cruisers (+10 virus strength per racial electronic subsystems skill level with emergent locus analyzer subsystem equipped, Omega clone only)
-SOE faction ships (+10 virus strength)

-Memetic Algorithm Bank (+10 virus coherence for data analyzers, +20 for T2 rig)
-Emission Scope Sharpener (+10 virus coherence for relic analyzers, +20 for T2 rig)

-Proteque "Prospector" Series implants
Ajem Hinken
WarFear Gaming
#14 - 2017-03-23 22:37:55 UTC
Persephone Alleile wrote:
Zack Azthor wrote:
So I've watched the Rule of Sixes too, I guess I gained some useful tips for hacking. Anyway, good news! I found anorher Wormhole to W-space and hacked a Data Site completely without faulure, so yey for me xD! Gonna try doing it again later perhaps.

Congrats on yer success.

Zack Azthor wrote:
Also, I noticed that you can't see people in Local in W-space. Can you see people in Local in Nullsec? Plus, how do I know if W-space has people in it or if the space is occupied by an Alliance?

W-Space is the only place that has no local, so you'll never really know if anyone else is around, especially since most people who live in w-space fly cloaky ships. D-Scan is your best tool for gathering intelligence about your surroundings.

Having no cloak can make things difficult in w-space as anyone present will be able to locate you and you will have no idea they are there. To know if the system is pccupied you can use d-scan to look for citadels and control towers. If you had a covops cloak you could then warp to them at a safe distance and show info on them to see what corp/alliance owns the structure. Without a cloak you are probably better off in Nullsec where you can use local chat for intel.

Here's a list of things that effect virus coherence and strength:

-Hacking (+10 virus coherence for data analyzers per level)
-Archaeology (+10 virus coherence for relic analyzers per level)

-T1 exploration frigs (+5 virus strength per frigate skill level)
-T2 Exploration frigs (+10 virus strength per covops frig skill level, Omega clone only)
-T3 Cruisers (+10 virus strength per racial electronic subsystems skill level with emergent locus analyzer subsystem equipped, Omega clone only)
-SOE faction ships (+10 virus strength)

-Memetic Algorithm Bank (+10 virus coherence for data analyzers, +20 for T2 rig)
-Emission Scope Sharpener (+10 virus coherence for relic analyzers, +20 for T2 rig)

-Proteque "Prospector" Series implants

Correction - free given Local list isn't available in a wormhole. People who reveal themselves in chat will be accounted for.

Which is why I typically toss a "Hello?" out whenever I enter a wormhole. - Ship mounted explosives. Because explosions and Jita chaos.