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Range Control in Team Burner Missions

Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#1 - 2017-03-22 06:59:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Alasdan Helminthauge
We all know about the rocket garmur fit for team burners. I've tried it once, but the result... ok, it's just another step to my ultimate goal in EVE (to lose at least 1 of each kind of ships showed in the Ship Tree).
My problem is that the 2 logis were almost always out of my rocket range. I orbited the AF burner at 20km, while the 2 logis were also about 20km from it, so the 2 logis were almost always 35+km from me. My launchers only have 27km (25km without MP-705) range with factional rockets. Finally I decided to orbit closer, and got webbed, scrambled and blown up.
Do I need some manual pilot to get closer to the 2 logis? Or should I use javelin rockets (not sure whether the dps is still enough)? Or is lv4 with all missile support skills and no implants just not enough?
Anize Oramara
#2 - 2017-03-22 07:10:19 UTC
The logi should quickly gather around the burner in Team burners, I haven't had a situation yet where they stay outside of range for longer than a few seconds once a stable orbit is set.

You could try shooting the burner with a few rockets to get the logi's attention perhaps.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Zarek Kree
Lunatic Legion Holdings
#3 - 2017-03-22 14:35:57 UTC
I'll echo Anize. If you're in a stable orbit at 20km, the logi should close to within missile range within a few seconds. The only one that might give trouble is the Jaguar mission, since you need to orbit at 25km. Even then, Javs aren't mandatory if you can shoot out to 27km. Sometimes I have to wait 10-15 secs, but the logi always seems to settle into range for my standard rockets.

You're in range of some of the team burners at 18km, so I wouldn't advise ever getting closer. But you shouldn't need to.
Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#4 - 2017-03-23 07:53:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Alasdan Helminthauge
ok, today I tested it on the test server. This time the 2 logi are always pretty close to the AF burner, and I did manage to kill one of them with the javelin rockets.
So it seemed to be ok, but then the jaguar finished me off with 2 wreck shots (orbiting at 23km) before I killed the second logi. :D Luckily it was on the test server.
I guess I'll continue using my ECM worm or the kitsune for the burner missions, until I can finally get that 200mil/hr. (currently about 70mil/hr)
Zarek Kree
Lunatic Legion Holdings
#5 - 2017-03-23 14:56:06 UTC
If you orbit the Jaguar at 25km, wrecking shots are possible but extremely infrequent (once every few dozen missions). One shot takes about half your HP but I've never had two land during the same mission. Going to a 23km orbit makes a big difference in their frequency.

My missile projection skills aren't perfect, so I run an MP-705 implant to give me a little more range (which gets me to 27.1km according to Pyfa, but can functionally hit out to almost 29km). I used to use javelins against the Jaguar logi but now just use regular Caldari Navy rockets without an issue. If you can hit out to 27km, I don't really know why you're having range problems.
Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#6 - 2017-03-23 15:08:49 UTC
Zarek Kree wrote:
If you orbit the Jaguar at 25km, wrecking shots are possible but extremely infrequent (once every few dozen missions). One shot takes about half your HP but I've never had two land during the same mission. Going to a 23km orbit makes a big difference in their frequency.

My missile projection skills aren't perfect, so I run an MP-705 implant to give me a little more range (which gets me to 27.1km according to Pyfa, but can functionally hit out to almost 29km). I used to use javelins against the Jaguar logi but now just use regular Caldari Navy rockets without an issue. If you can hit out to 27km, I don't really know why you're having range problems.

Well, that 27km is also with the MP-705, which is 100 on test server but more than 100mil on Tranquility, and currently I don't have much isk. So I unplugged it before entering the pocket... Now it seems like a very worthy investment.
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#7 - 2017-03-23 22:08:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Ploing

i do the jag usssually with javelins due the wrecking hits. i only change a mgc with a sensor booster. unheated all fits with over + 210 dps should do this in under 3 min which is way faster than your kitsune try in the burner thread.

just orbit @30 and you will never hit by the jag. all others function @20 with faction ammo. so there is no need for a kitsune. if you like replace the sebo with an ecm to scare off one logi. experiment with it.
Blue Republic
RvB - BLUE Republic
#8 - 2017-03-23 22:10:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Ploing
double post
Alasdan Helminthauge
Hogs Collective
#9 - 2017-03-24 04:13:03 UTC
Ploing wrote:

i do the jag usssually with javelins due the wrecking hits. i only change a mgc with a sensor booster. unheated all fits with over + 210 dps should do this in under 3 min which is way faster than your kitsune try in the burner thread.

just orbit @30 and you will never hit by the jag. all others function @20 with faction ammo. so there is no need for a kitsune. if you like replace the sebo with an ecm to scare off one logi. experiment with it.

Yeah, now I know how to do them in a garmur so I probably wouldn't use that kitsune at all. Just tested it on the Test server for some fun, and a cheap alternative fit is always handy, for those who're poor or who loses his polarized garmur to a thrasher.