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Solo PVP Carrier

YokeM Tessarn
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#1 - 2017-01-14 19:11:38 UTC
Hello Guys (and Gals?),

as a big wall of text can be quite irritating, I will try to keep the entry post as small as possible. I have alot of questions however and may ask them later, if they are lower priority to me. Thank you for your time reading this.

Still, a little background is needed, I suppose.
I`m a returning player who never really liked pvp. I have phases where I play more and phases where I play very little. Duo to the fact how time consuming PVP can be (if you want to be good), I never really engaged in it. I also mostly play to relax. I few days ago, I was ratting in low-sec, just to try it out and get a feeling for how the risk vs. reward in this is. After running into a gate camp with my raven, I got to be more careful and used the map to find a safer route to the DED site I received while ratting. Long story short, my raven was tracked down in minutes again and I was, of course, blown up again. After being quite furious about it (I really like my ship) I came to a realisation: This was surprisingly fun.

Duo to work, social life and other hobbys, my game time can have pretty extreme spikes, ranging from a couple of hours a week to almost doing nothing else. Duo to this I want to engage in in PVP as a solo pilot. I also like to do things the way I want to. If I am part of a small fleet, I`m likely to receive a role and frankly, I`m taking enough roles in my life already, both at work and in my private life. I will not have that when I´m playing a game.

I wanted to keep the first post as brief as possible and am already getting close to 2000 characters, so here are my first questions:

1. After the carrier nerf in June last year, how do carrier applie damage to smaller targets (frigs, dest, cruiser)? Also, is there any way to decrease the explosion radius of their weapons or are the mandatory grappler, web and disruptor enough to get decent damage applied?

2. So I buy a do I get it out of station? I suppose they are not available everywhere and how do I avoid docking of and getting insta tackled by people just waiting for guys like me with very little experience?

3. How do I restock lost fighters and charges? Same as above: Aren`t people camping stations that have fighters in stock, just to tackle an incomming carrier thats low on fighters?

4. The last question is more of a "headshaking question". Why do people bring 20 or even 30 ships, sometimes even with dreads, just to destroy something thats worth little more then a decently fit marauder? I mean, is this really fun? I don`t mind being outnumbered, thats one of the reasons I want to fly a ship I can take on smaller gangs with. But the training takes time and I would really like to know if I get to have the chance for some good fights or if it is always going to be "Hoho a carrier, just drop a small fleet and a few dreads on him".

So this is more then I wanted to write for a starter, but I feel there are still some necessitys left:

1. Yes, I´m new to this so I´m bound to ask dump questions.
2. I´m well aware of pandemic legion and the likes. If they track me down after reading this post, thats alright with me. I already assume, that I will lose quite a few carriers before I will become good at this.
3. If you are disrespectful in any way, I´m largely going to ignore you in a go and **** yourself manner.

tl;dr: I don`t make these. Its up to you if you want to read the post or not. If you have some good suggestions or helpful tipps I´m very thankful for that :-)
YokeM Tessarn
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#2 - 2017-01-15 01:31:19 UTC
As I get largely ignored, it seems I have said some really stupid things.
Abyss Azizora
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2017-01-15 10:16:12 UTC
YokeM Tessarn wrote:
As I get largely ignored, it seems I have said some really stupid things.

You put the words "Solo" "Pvp" and "Carrier" together. The problem is, only any two off those words can be combined at any time. A solo pvp carrier would die horribly, it could get kills, but would ultimately die to a blob on the very first roam.
RaVeN Alliance
#4 - 2017-01-15 17:45:16 UTC
YokeM Tessarn wrote:
As I get largely ignored, it seems I have said some really stupid things.

Your first wall of text, requires a wall of text to answer it.

Your Raven:
Remember how fast they tracked you down , and how big, slow it was. Did you kill one enemy?
Well, imagine a carrier is bigger, and slower. You'll like it a lot more than that Raven, and it will die a slower, more painful death.

Kill Fleets:
It's not like a corp would *limit* the fleet to kill a carrier.
If someone comes back on comms, and says "I have a carrier in Y9 !"
Everybody in the chat room is going to undock.

Questions about undocking and re-fitting, travel and so on:
The old adage is, " if you have to ask these questions, you're too new to buy a carrier."
Nobody is trying to be mean, by telling you this.

Your roles in life:
There are roles in life, because it's pretty hard to 'solo life'. Roles are an indicator that you are part of something bigger.
Eve and its ships is very similar. A carrier can have many roles, but "solo PvP" is most definitely not one of them.

YokeM Tessarn
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#5 - 2017-01-15 18:30:30 UTC
Thank you RavenPain, that made some things clearer.

When it comes to the undock and restock things, or things I should know in general: I googled these things and whenever I find someone who asks newbe questions, especially regarding capitals, I find the answer: "If you have to ask this, its to soon for you". You see, I`m a newbe to PVP and I maybe wrong here, but isn`t that the same as those job offers, which require you to have experience in a certain field, you can only earn if you actually would work in that field, but can`t, because you don`t have enough experience?
Ice Fire Warriors
#6 - 2017-01-15 19:27:19 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Since I have had my morning coffee, I will take a crack at this and give illumination to the OP.

YokeM Tessarn wrote:
Long story short, my raven was tracked down in minutes again and I was, of course, blown up again. After being quite furious about it (I really like my ship) I came to a realisation: This was surprisingly fun.

Kudos on being braver than most and being "bitten by the PvP bug."

You won't regret it.

YokeM Tessarn wrote:
1. After the carrier nerf in June last year, how do carrier applie damage to smaller targets (frigs, dest, cruiser)? Also, is there any way to decrease the explosion radius of their weapons or are the mandatory grappler, web and disruptor enough to get decent damage applied?

By themselves, Fighters are "OK" against anything cruiser-sized and up.

If you want to apply damage well, then you will have to see your Fighters the same way you would view "Heavy Drones" and "Large Weapons" (see: they will deal poor damage against anything fast and small).

For PvP in general... Warp Disruptors are pretty much mandatory unless you have a person running as a dedicated "tackler."
For larger ships, Webs are also mandatory (unless you are in a fleet that can cover you).

For longer range engagements (outside of web range) , consider Target Painters. They will increase the "sensor footprint" of the target ship making it easier to hit.

YokeM Tessarn wrote:
2. So I buy a do I get it out of station? I suppose they are not available everywhere and how do I avoid docking of and getting insta tackled by people just waiting for guys like me with very little experience?

Carriers are basically bigger ships. They can dock and undock just like everything else.

The only "special rules" that apply are that they cannot enter High-sec, they cannot dock at the smaller citadels, and utilizing their jump drive requires a second person (note: carriers are not limited to using their jump drives for moving, they CAN use stargates).

Now if you are talking about SUPERCARRIERS... that is a whole other thing. They have special construction requirements (can only be built in 0.0 space)... and they cannot dock at any station other than the largest citadel (making them difficult to sell and buy).

YokeM Tessarn wrote:
3. How do I restock lost fighters and charges? Same as above: Aren`t people camping stations that have fighters in stock, just to tackle an incomming carrier thats low on fighters?

Assume that any low-sec (or null-sec) station with a well-stocked market is going to have hostiles buzzing about.

But that does not mean you cannot grab what you need in a Blockade Runner and haul it back to where you have your carrier.
Just remember to set up an "insta-undock" bookmark before docking at the station.

Regarding Fighters... you can load them up in the Fighter Bay just like drones.
Unlike drones, you will take the additional step of loading the Fighters into "launching tubes." Carriers have 3 tubes and each tube can hold 9 fighters (see: a "squadron").

Please note that you cannot mix and match different fighter types in the same tube / squadron.

In combat, you will command your Fighters squadrons similar to the way you would command normal drones... but you will only have 3 of them, use a fancier interface, and have access to a few other special command functions (that even I have not fully mastered).

YokeM Tessarn wrote:
4. The last question is more of a "headshaking question". Why do people bring 20 or even 30 ships, sometimes even with dreads, just to destroy something thats worth little more then a decently fit marauder?

There are a few reasons:

- you never know. That one ship could be the harbinger for a larger force.
- pickings are slim and people are bored (see: "why does Billeh Bob git tah 'ave all de fun? Ah wanna 'ave sum fun too!")
- it is a bonding experience for everyone (except for you of course).
- Just cause (there is no rule that says you can't).
- that ship can't be taken down through conventional means (see: properly fit and flown Marauders can tank a metric fuckton of DPS).
- Some combination of the above.

(hit the quote limit for the post so I am going to format the text differently here)

I want to fly a ship I can take on smaller gangs with. But the training takes time and I would really like to know if I get to have the chance for some good fights or if it is always going to be "Hoho a carrier, just drop a small fleet and a few dreads on him".

Bear in mind that this is a multiplayer game first and foremost.
If you have access to ships and equipment that allow you to take on multiple people at the same time... your opponents will also have access to the same things.

That said... it is possible to have a "gud fite" against superior numbers... but you are going to have to plan ahead and be SUPER selective over who you engage, where you engage, and how you engage.

The ship you choose, in additoonal to its fitting, matters as well.
Some ships are better operating as part of a larger group while other ships can be used to great effect in small gangs to solo skirmishes.
Some fits are better at swatting away smaller ships... but are weaker against larger ships.
Some fits are good against larger ships... but weaker against smaller ships.

Here is a video that I like to reference with regards to soloing.
It is a little dated, but it can give you the gist on how to solo.

[EVE Online] One Man Crew
Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2017-01-16 14:04:16 UTC
Solo carrier is still entirely possible and actually cost effective running the right fit with insurance (talking 500-800m). Just accept the fact that you will very likely lose the carrier but will also have fun whilst doing so. Scouting the correct area/gang to drop on is very important so you do not get immediately dropped by super caps.

Jams are also very strong vs fighters currently and can totally ruin an engagement. A competent group will keep your 3 fighter groups perma jammed, so watch out for ECM. A multiboxed scout/cyno is almost essential to ensure you have a good roam and do not just die on the first gate/jump.

Gregorius Goldstein
Queens of the Drone Age
#8 - 2017-01-16 15:01:27 UTC
Solo PVP career? HELL YES!
Solo PVP carrier? ehm...perhaps later?

Here is what I do: Watch dank Youtube videos on trains/planes, look up fits on zKill, try it myself next time I am online.
But I stick to the small and medium stuff until I am sure that I am ready for the next step.
YokeM Tessarn
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#9 - 2017-01-16 15:25:24 UTC
Thanks for that in-depth explanation Shah.
I can`t watch the video, since I´m from germany and they are very protective with music rights here, but I already found some other vids that told me the basics.

I will put the whole solo-carrier thing on hold for now and get some more experience being blown up in more affordable ships first. I already made some basic fits for my drake and raven and will test these later this day, with joining FW. Thanks for you input guys :-)
W0lf Crendraven
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#10 - 2017-01-16 15:28:54 UTC
YokeM Tessarn wrote:
Thanks for that in-depth explanation Shah.
I can`t watch the video, since I´m from germany and they are very protective with music rights here, but I already found some other vids that told me the basics.
Ice Fire Warriors
#11 - 2017-01-16 17:43:10 UTC
YokeM Tessarn wrote:
Thanks for that in-depth explanation Shah.

Ohhhh... I have not even scratched the surface. Twisted

But experiencing things first hand will teach you far more than any explanation I can give you.

Part of the reason for this is that there are SO MANY TACTICS out there... and each one is situational.
By going out and experiencing things you will build an almost encyclopedic knowledge of ship fits, tactics, and ways to get around problems.

YokeM Tessarn wrote:
I will put the whole solo-carrier thing on hold for now and get some more experience being blown up in more affordable ships first. I already made some basic fits for my drake and raven and will test these later this day, with joining FW.

I would recommend that you start with smaller ship classes (ex: Frigates, Destroyers, and occasionally Cruisers).

- They are cheaper (you can potentially lose more and thus not be burdened with the idea that your ship "must survive")

- You learn more about how to deal with larger ships (and engage them)

- You can pick and choose engagements more easily (see: you have better odds of running away from bad situations)

- Smaller ships draw less attention (which is important when you are starting out in PvP... a smaller ship is perceived as less of a threat and thus people are less likely to call for support... meaning you may get that 1v1 you have always wanted)

- Smaller ships have more tactical options (see: larger ships are not mobile, which means they are pretty much limited to brawling).
YokeM Tessarn
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#12 - 2017-01-16 18:23:56 UTC  |  Edited by: YokeM Tessarn
W0lf Crendraven wrote:
YokeM Tessarn wrote:
Thanks for that in-depth explanation Shah.
I can`t watch the video, since I´m from germany and they are very protective with music rights here, but I already found some other vids that told me the basics.

Thank you WOlf. With being a software developer, I`m a little bit embarrassed I didn`t get that idea myself.

ShahFluffers wrote:

Ohhhh... I have not even scratched the surface. Twisted

Not even scratched it huh...well I`ve had enough of the theory anyway and will go out and get some experience now. Again, thank you for your help. Also, I`m a little bit of a stubborn type, so I will try my drake out first. If the losses become too much, I will switch to a caracal.
Mister Tuggles
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#13 - 2017-03-19 15:21:17 UTC
I am not too sure what has happened with the recent patch/nerf to carriers so this may or may not still apply, but read this article.

Your answer is the Nidhoggur. Or was, like I said, I am not sure what changes were made to carriers that has the ratters up in arms or if that change would affect that pvp setup.
Aurelius Oshidashi
The Initiative.
#14 - 2017-03-20 18:54:25 UTC
I know little about carriers, its way out my league still. However, I do have quite a few corpmates who fly them really well, also in PVP, although they dont take it lightly to put their carrier at risk in pvp situations. When I read your thread here I could only think about inviting you to join us in null sec, where we rent a system but can use all alliance space.

I suggest joining us cause, as you will also read in our corp description, we are all about freedom to play eve the way you want. So you'll see us roam solo when we feel like it. But we also have a superb FC who doesn't want to take up roles forcefully like you point out as well, so instead of with a big alliance or corp, he flies with us and organises pvp roams almost weekly. There he defines a role for everyone, but all are free to join or not, never any obligations.

So yeah, I believe we fit your play style and we have several experienced carrier pilots you can learn from.
Thanatos Marathon
#15 - 2017-03-21 15:25:24 UTC
With the lock speed reduction bonus on the NSA a solo carrier is harder to pull off without bubbles so you have to be more selective in what you are going to shoot. If you add 1-3 support ships though you can lay waste to a lot of stuff, just beware the blob :)
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#16 - 2017-03-21 15:32:45 UTC
i have solo'd in a carrier.....i died, the carrier was litterally a sitting duck because of 2 griffins sitting 80km away jamming my fighters, it was pointless undocking it tbh

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*