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Hangar graphics: Pre Incarna and Now

#1 - 2012-01-22 10:32:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Bobknight
Can someone please post a couple of screenshots of their (ship spinning) station hangar? Amarr preferably.

I am beginning to suspect there may be something askew with my graphics settings, or there is a bug affecting shadows in game.

Sure this is a matter of personal preference, but IMHO the station hangars just look worse than they did before the Inarna expansion. Much too bright now and not a single shadow anywhere to be seen, regardless whether shadows turned completely off or set to high.

Here is what I am looking at with shaders, shadows etc. all set to high (except that AA is off). Is this normal?

Amarr Hangar 2012

Here's an old pre-Incarna screenshot I took. I dig the dark and smoky 'Amarr' feel to it.

Hangar 2011

Thank you!