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Ships & Modules

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FAQ: How do I fit any ship?

First post
Zansha Expansion
#1 - 2015-04-03 18:50:06 UTC  |  Edited by: elitatwo
This is hopefully a collection thread and some general information on how to fit a ship. This topic comes up so often that I felt the need to give some general pointers on how to do so.

a TL;DR will come very soon™

Some of you readers may have noticed over a long period of time that one my standard answers to that question is that you buy the ship, some modules and dock in a station.
Then assemble the ship, open your fitting screen and drag your modules on said screen.

That may sound condescending and rude but I have noticed that even that step may not be known by everyone.

Why do I even bring this up?

Fitting a ship to your needs cannot be answered by looking on third-party websites and only leads to bad decision making in the process.

First, you need to ask yourself the right questions before you can ask for advice. So in this thread I will collect those questions for you and add some according to your input.

Please do not post any fittings here since it is more for information gathering and giving at least some most asked questions one of many answers.

    Let's begin with some questions, you need to answer yourself, not us:

    What do I want to do with xyz ship?

    pvp or pve comes to mind and for better reading I will leave out special purposes out

    How do I fit xyz ship?

  • In any and all cases, please read the 'traits' of xyz ship since it gives you valuable information what kind of ship it is and what would be a good idea to fit like what guns, what tank, which propulsion or any propulsion at all.

  • This gives you some more questions and fitting can be an adventure on its own.

Let's fit an example ship and for this thread let's assume by guns I mean turrets, drones and missiles alike.

After reading the 'traits' on this example ship, you know it has a bonus for guns and is a plain regular tech one cruiser class ship.

In most subcaptial ship classes there are four different ways to fit a combat ship:

  • The long range gun, active tank
  • The long range gun, buffer tank
  • The short range gun, active tank
  • The short range gun, buffer tank

What you need to know as a noob is that not all of those combat fits are a good idea to fit for all available ships. Only very few ship can fit all four different variations and some don't make sence at all.

Another rule of thumb is that you have to pay close attention to the slot configuration on the fitting screen. This configuration can tell you if you would want to have a shield or an armor tank and in most cases more medium than lowslots mean, you want to fit one of two shield variations.
More lowslots than med-slots mean that you would want to fit one of the armor-tank variations.

There is currently an increasing number of hull-tanks, which I will leave out for now, since it isn't something new players will want to do.

If our example cruiser here does fit a shield or armor tank is not decided by the slot configuration you see on your fitting screen.
We have two options available for shield and armor tanks, with up and downsides and which one is the lesser evil for you, I will let you decide.

In general active tanks mean that you have to micro-manage more active modules in space while are in more or less stressful situations and the one obvious downside is that those consume a ton your ships capacitor.
That means for any active tank, your capacitor is your ships life!

Buffer tanks have downsides too but they are also very different from one another. Shield buffer fits are the most forgiving fits for newer and more experienced players but armor buffer fits are much less forgiving.
The reason is simple here, shields do recharge over time and armor plates do not. So an armor buffer needs to be repaired each time you dock again and shield buffers only need time to regenarate.
But as offset to shields and armor, armor plates give your much more ehp and shield give you less ehp but do not let this discourage you from trying both at some point.

Another case can be made that you can mix armor plates and active armor reps but in no case you should mix shield buffer and active shield boosting fits.

Edit: last change January 25th 2017

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Zansha Expansion
#2 - 2015-04-03 19:19:52 UTC  |  Edited by: elitatwo
Oh sorry, that was a little longer than I wanted but I hope this will answer some most asked questions.

Everything I told you so far is only a rule of thumb, and there are only very few rules on how to fit a ship and which modules are allowed and which ones are only to fit on one special ship.

Now let's dig a little deeper and start with the high-slots:

Those slots usually fit guns and or utility modules but let's focus on the guns first. The 'traits' tab should have given you an idea which of the guns you want to fit on our example cruiser so let's do that and continue with the medium-slots.

Medium slots:
Here it get's a little tricky because you will have to have made up your mind if your ship should be fit with shields or not. But don't freak out just yet.
Remember that I just told you that your fitting screen will have made that desicion for you according to your on screen slot configuration.

But now comes the most difficult desicion part and the point where you have to make trade-offs with your fit.

Your medium slots a limited and have to share not only your tank or not but your propulsion, capacitor management and electronic warfare or not.

Let us take the Moa as an example and say we want a shield buffer-fit. So we would have fit 5x heavy neutron blaster II's and want to have a microwarpdrive, since moving fast can decide a win or a loss.
So we fit an experimental mwd and 2x large shield extender and Aura starts to yell at you!

You don't have enough powergrid to fit all this

This is your first tradeoff. In order to fit that mwd and the shield extenders, you have to make a choice, do you ditch the mwd for an afterburner (naaaah) or do I ditch all the guns and take the smaller versions?
Let's not be so quick to dismiss the most wanted modules on your ship just yet and keep it on.

So after fitting heavy ion blasters, you will have enough powergrid to please your needs to keep Aura happy - yeay

Now you still have 2 more slots to fill here, maybe go for the strenghts (which you also find in the 'traits' tab) and build on that. So to even strenghten your shield buffer on that Moa, you decide to fit an adaptive invulnerablility field.

But now you only have one more slot to go and so many options

In my case I decide to fit a warp scrambler in this last medium-slot - there is no escaping my Moa and you would want pin someones ship and prevent it from flying away from you.

In case of a Thorax, you have to reconsider for an active armor tank and have more options to fill your med slots to either put more electronic warfare on your target or make his guns almost useless - up to you but consider that active tank need tons of your capacitor so you may want to consider at least one module for capacitor management - a capacitor booster which in additon to your guns also need ammunition.

And let's go to the last row - the low slots.

Here you need to make some more tradeoffs, depending on your tank-configuration.

Your low-slots and only so much and here you need to share either propulsion upgrades, weapon upgrades, armor repair modules for an active tank, armor plates for an armor buffer or a mix of the two.

In case the Moa, you don't need any of armor modules to consider but in all cases consider the most wanted modules for all ships - the damage control system.

I cannot stress enough on how important this module is - in 99.9% of all cases you will want one on your ship.

But remember, in case you fit an armor ship you need to share your low-slots with said damage-control-unit, armor resistance modules, weapon upgrades and or armor plates and or armor repair modules.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Zansha Expansion
#3 - 2015-04-03 19:32:43 UTC  |  Edited by: elitatwo
Sorry for the wall of text.

Now for the last case, you will have different options: pve (mining or ratting or missions or exploration or hauling)

I put ratting and (combat-)missions into one category, since you want to shoot stuff but it is optional and in most cases only to fill your wallet to buy ship and modules.

When you do missions or rat (combat anomalies or shooting Guristas in an asteroid belt) you do not need to have electronic warfare, since NPC's ship only want to shoot you and do not care much if you disrupt their gun tracking or damp their targetting locks down.

In all my time in EVE I only succefully jammed two NPC's in my Rook and they just flew out of the ECM optimal range and came back to shoot the ship after failing said jam.

You may have guessed by now that for those purposes you may want to add more tank or consider a more capacitor stable setup or even both.

The only 'bad' thing you can do here would be to loose your ship - in that case your fit has failed to deliver.

So take your time to ask yourself the most important question first:

What do you want to do with your ship?


I got a little carried away and forgot to write about mining.

Mining is something you learn in the tutorial and pretty much on the first day. It is one of the easiest - but not least dangerous - activity you can do in EVE.

Mining ships have been changed recently and some new ones were added. I will stay at mining barges for this since I don't fly exhumers but the principles are the same with the major difference, there are only three mining barges.

The Procurer
This mining barge was changed to fit the needs of miners and industrialists who need to gather ore in dangerous places. This barge doesn't have the ore-bay of the Retriever but it can take some amount of punishment and punch right back.

It has the highest amount of mobility of the mining barges, so don't align out as soon you see trouble, keep your calm and do your refit first.

The Procurer doesn't only mine ices and ores but you will also be able to defend yourself against smaller attacking ships.

My recommendation is to never fly without a mobile depot which you need to launch for yourself from your cargohold and one minute later can use as mobile fitting service.
Use your cargohold for a collection of modules you need during your mining operation, be it in a fleet or if you are on your own.
This may sound counter-productive but don't ever fit mining laser upgrades on a Procurer, you don't have much lowslots to begin with and what you want your Procurer to do it to refit a drone damage amplifier, a damage-conrol-unit, so you can even forcefully remove smaller ships like interceptors and assault frigates from the field and maybe all of your lowslot with warpcore stabilizers to make an epic escape and bring tears into the eyes of the hunter(s).

The main strength is a generous buffer tank and you should just build on that and increase that buffer with a medium shield extender (a large one won't fit, don't try it) and passive shield resistance amplifiers or active hardeners - depending where in New Eden you are when you mine - suited for the NPC's that roam the asteroid belts and mining anomalies.

The Retriever
This mining barge and little brother of the Mackinaw used to be that ice-mining barge until the changes and it is now the mining barge with the largest ore-bay.
This ore-bay comes at the price of not being able to take much firepower to be destroyed, so you need to ask yourself if it is possible to stay in space for longer durations with the help of a few friends that orbit your ship while you gather the resources to keep them in ships.

As with the Procurer, you want a mobile depot in your cargohold when you undock and launch it as soon as you land in the anomaly or asteroid belt.
This way you can make sure, you can refit quickly from mining-laser upgrades to warp-core stabilizers to get out in a hurry if need arises.

I would just launch the depot and keep the fitting screen open, while you switch your view from cargo to orebay and vice versa.
This needs some practise, so take your time (and your friends) and do some practise exercises with your buddies.

The Covetor
The last of the barges buys it high-yield with a small orebay and the least amount of ehp and mobility. It is a pure larg(er) fleet-mining ship that is not intended to be in space on it own.
However if you have a lot of friends and are part of a large corporation or alliance even, there will be mining-ops that your corp or alliance needs you to do to keep them in ships and modules.

Those mining ops will have alot more people in them and around them that the overall ehp of the ship doesn't matter much and your first and only concern is mining yield, so bring your depot, mining laser upgrades, deep core strip miners and lots of spare crystals and let the protection wing take care of any threads that may come your way.

Before you do mine, consider which of the barges are fitting your needs.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2015-04-03 23:37:28 UTC
Thank you for covering this and it's a good ABC summary of fitting process. But make it worth it should be twice longer and detailedto cover all those hidens while you are fitting your first frig or cruiser etc.

As well as there are some good tutorial on youtube from well known newb supporters who do tell and show how and what to do.
Cause you know reading a blanket text became boring very soon.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Zansha Expansion
#5 - 2015-04-04 00:09:51 UTC
I know it does but I have a problem covering alot of information in a short text and if I start to shorten things a little, people might get upset that I don't include xxx or whatnot, so this is some more general approach.

You can all contribute by adding special cases or special tanks, like the rise of bulkheads but I didn't want to confuse the newbies more than they already are.

And to be honest would you read it all, if I put like a whole page of text here?

But feel free to add your own ideas. I just wanted to start a collection of information, a guide of sorts.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2015-04-04 00:33:44 UTC
If i'm newbe and i'm looking for some guidance i would deff read. Might be good if you also link some screenshots.
In regard of trade offs you could also cover implants and modules tiercade meta vs t2.

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2015-04-04 00:44:50 UTC
might need a TL;DR part at the beginning.
Zansha Expansion
#8 - 2015-04-04 00:53:31 UTC
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
might need a TL;DR part at the beginning.

I am up for suggestions, so if you would assist me, I'll add it on top of the thread.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Zansha Expansion
#9 - 2015-04-04 00:59:31 UTC
Tiddle Jr wrote:
If i'm newbe and i'm looking for some guidance i would deff read. Might be good if you also link some screenshots.
In regard of trade offs you could also cover implants and modules tiercade meta vs t2.

Excellent idea!

I can cover this more in detail and make screenshots too but I doubt they will be of any help - at least not from my character since I have most subcapital fitting skills and ship skills at the magic V already.

However, don't be discouraged to send me links to some screens and we can put them here, since I wanted to encourage all your input as guidance for newbies and veterans alike.

This may sound as surprise but even some veterans might need a little guidance in the art of fitting Blink

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2015-04-04 01:25:01 UTC
elitatwo wrote:
Tsukino Stareine wrote:
might need a TL;DR part at the beginning.

I am up for suggestions, so if you would assist me, I'll add it on top of the thread.

condense the most important parts:

1. Fitting layout
2. Traits

into bullet points at top of the thread. Some people just need that guideline and if theyre still interested they can read the rest of the thread.
Zansha Expansion
#11 - 2015-04-04 01:37:35 UTC
Thank you, will do!

I also made a request for a sticky, so this would go to the top and stay there. Please have a little patience with the tl;dr, it's late and get back to it tomorrow.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Rear Admiral Barrington
17eme Chasseurs a Cheval
#12 - 2015-04-04 13:00:52 UTC
This fails to ask the really important question: "Is this the right hull for the role I'm trying to fill?"

Hull choice really isn't something you should be considering until after you've clearly defined the problem you're trying to solve and decided how much you're willing to spend.

Even after that, you probably shouldn't decide on a hull until you've looked at a variety of different candidate fits and compared their stats and strengths and weaknesses.
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#13 - 2015-04-04 13:32:42 UTC
I'd appreciate formatting, so... underlining headers and numerical points with a table of content for easier searching. And please remove all those smileys, lacking the former i tried using these as reference point when jumping lines.

Just to get some focus on the 'choose task' 'choose hull' 'fit ship accordingly' aspects.

Then would be nice if every detail you explain would be in the form of


4 Mining/pve
Maximum yield/damage output without dying in the process....
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#14 - 2015-04-04 16:15:20 UTC
As of now this thread is stickied.

Keep it on topic and informative please!

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Zansha Expansion
#15 - 2015-04-05 14:01:16 UTC  |  Edited by: elitatwo
Rear Admiral Barrington wrote:
This fails to ask the really important question: "Is this the right hull for the role I'm trying to fill?"

Hull choice really isn't something you should be considering until after you've clearly defined the problem you're trying to solve and decided how much you're willing to spend.

Even after that, you probably shouldn't decide on a hull until you've looked at a variety of different candidate fits and compared their stats and strengths and weaknesses.

You are right but I only wanted to create a general information guide on fitting a ship, not a tactical advise thread - if you want I can make one in 'Warfare and Tactics'.

But don't rely on me for that and don't shy away to make your own. Tactics are vital to your success but it wouldn't fit the 'Ships and modules' section.

Let me make an honorable mention of Azual Skoll's blog about EVE who just returned from a longer brake.
Some of his entries are dated but I would read them anyway since they also contain a little bit of history and in order to move forward you should also know from where you come from, where we come from.

As long as I am citizen of New Eden I will keep this updated and though the process of fitting ships might change most principles will just stay the same even if they look different.

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Silver Dagger Kondur
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2015-06-12 18:27:48 UTC
elitatwo - good writeup!

Choosing that weapon system (as part of your fit)

Long range weapons - slower rate of fire. Better chance to miss. Due to distance, you may receive less damage. Need a friend to point (hold down) the target as you may be way too far away to do that yourself. PVE, no point person needed.
Short range weapons - faster rate of fire, means much quicker kills. You expose self to more hits. You can point your enemy yourself.
Missiles - long and short range - as above, but they never miss. The cost is the time it takes them to get to the target, which may not matter with HAMs (Heavy Assual Missiles) or Lights, as you are already on top of the target. Time lets you be hit several times before, say, your Cruise missile gets to its target. Time is critical to win, especially if you are in a small hull.

ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#17 - 2017-01-02 21:07:46 UTC

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

Zansha Expansion
#18 - 2017-01-02 23:41:18 UTC  |  Edited by: elitatwo
ISD Max Trix wrote:

Thank you!

Hallo again with a small-ish update on my guide to fitting ships. Recent changed had me thinking and I come to the conclusion that it would be better to add some of those things, so you don't get the idea that I have forgotten about or don't know anything.


A while back CCP started this little project called tiericide which helped to shape the landscape of our beloved ships to the state where they are in now.
Then a little later they also started a project called modulecide which can be better explained by looking at our history.

When we first entered New Eden, we had some modules and ships and the gods let us play with them and see what we could come up with.
The combination of ships and modules allowed for some very creative thinking which later inspired some new ship classes.

Anyhow, some of the modules weren't really "good" and for a very long time some of them had a label called "meta".

Those "meta modules" used to be like this:

Meta 1: basic
Meta 2: a little better than basic
Meta 3: a lot better than basic
Meta 4: OMG use this and forget the rest

There are still some of them in the game which haven't gotten the "modulecide treatment" but I spoke to CCP Lebowski yesterday and he said that he would pass it along that I do like what they have started and would want them to continue with them.

The idea is that we don't have any "useless" modules in the "meta drops" anymore.

And just for anyone who doesn't know, whenever you shoot an NPC like Blood Raider, Serpentis, Guristas Pirates and the like, the remains may contain one or more of said "meta modules".

With that out of the way, let me talk about the modules that have gotten the "modulecide treatment" and start with a few basics to refresh your memory.

With the "modulecide" came a renaming of modules with mixed reactions but the naming of them is important for this and there are keywords to look out for.
Modules with those keywords have the same purpose, so I list them here.

Modules with a

- "Compact-" in them all have better fitting requirements than the other meta modules, meaning they require less CPU or powergrid or both.

- "Scoped-" in them will have more range than the other meta modules

- "Enduring-" in them will require less capacitor when operating them

- "Restrained-" will have one attribute which positively impact the operation of the ship as a whole

Let me give an example with the most important modules you can fit - propulsion.

I will only talk about microwarpdrives here but you will get the idea:

- 5 / 50 / 500 mn "Compact Microwarpdrives" have the better fitting requirements I talked about earlier giving them use for when your ship won't care about the other attributes as much but still needs to be positioned

- 5 / 50 / 500 mn "Enduring Microwarpdrives" will use less capacitor than the other meta modules, meaning you can burn for a little longer with them. It is probably the most used of the bunch.

- 5 / 50 / 500 mn "Quad Lif Restrained Microwarpdrives" have this tiny but important feature which will pair really nicely with interceptors, interdictors, HACs and certain sleeper cruiser subsystem, nobody ever uses anyway.

Those shipclasses have the same role bonus, a reduction in signature radius per level.

For those who don't know, EVE is not a simulation but an M$ Excell sheet and our clients just put those database entries into a cool looking spaceship game.
For this database our ships are nothing more than a "bubble" with a direction and when your "bubble" (signature radius) is smaller, it makes it more difficult for turrets, drones and missile to hit this "bubble".

Now what am I saying? When you fly an interceptor or just got one or you are planning on getting one, go dock at your home and open the fitting screen, then on the left go to the new simulator and choose one interceptor that speaks to you and do look at the signature radius attribute on the right in the "navigation" tab.
Now go to the left and put a 5mn Enduring Microwarpdrive on and see that your signature increases but not as much as other frigates because you have the bonus.
Unfit the "Enduring" mwd and fit the "Quad Lif Restrained" one instead and see that your signature radius even with a mwd on will be smaller.

If you are unsure what is what, use the "compare" tool, which you find on most modules in the "variations" tab on the bottom.

If all goes well, we will someday have only useful meta modules like this one.

Happy fitting!

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever

Zansha Expansion
#19 - 2017-03-12 19:34:08 UTC  |  Edited by: elitatwo
Here are some numbers for avid logistic pilots. Those numbers are the maximum values you can squeeze out of logistic ships and the t1 cruisers and frigates.

- What does 1 or 2 mean? it means meta or t2

- what does 4x1 or 3x2 mean? In a fleet setup you go for maximum effect you fit 3x rep and 2x cap on the t1 ones and 4 reps and 2x cap for the t2 cruisers.

- all values are in HP or capacitor per second but I don't know how much dps you are tanking or repping.

- all values are without heat because those values are only temporary, so be careful with heat.

tech one cruiser-------------------------------------

Exequror 1 = 182 + 70 = 252
Exequror 2 = 208 + 70 = 278

Augoror fleet 1 = 182 armor + 129.6 cap
Augoror fleet 2 = 208 armor + 140.4 cap

Osprey fleet 1 = 183 shield + 129.6 cap
Osprey fleet 2 = 207.375 shield + 140.4 cap

scythe 1 = 182,8125 + 64.8 = 247,6125 shield
scythe 2 = 207,1875 + 64.8 = 271,9875 shield

Logistic cruiser-------------------------------------

Basilisk 4x1 = 300 shield + 36 shield + 129.6 cap
Basilisk 4x2 = 340 shield + 36 shield + 140.4 cap

Guardian 4x1 = 298.66 armor + 129.6 cap
Guardian 4x2 = 341.33 armor + 140.4 cap

scimitar 1 = 300 shield + 64.8 = 364.8 shield
scimitar 2 = 340 shield + 64.8 = 404.8 shield

Oneiros 4x2 = 341.33 + 70 = 411.33 armor
Oneiros 4x1 = 298.66 + 70 = 368.66 armor

Basilisk / Guardian drones = 36 shield / 35 armor / 17.5 hull
Exequror / Oneiros drones = 72 shield / 70 armor / 40 hull (can be used for hull-tanked ships but since you will be flying by yourself I suggest using some defensive drones like 2x flights of light drones in the bay instead)

Logistic frigates-----------------------------------------

Deacon t2 = 125.22

Thalia t2 = 125.22

Kirin t2 = 128

scalpel = sorry, don't fly minmatar, but the values should not differ much from the Kirin

Just an advice for avid logi pilots, put a light combat drone in that bay and assign it to the tackle. That way you can whore on the kills - logi op Smile

tech one frigates------------------------------------------

Bantam base 1 = 84.75
Bantam base 2 = 96

I left the other t1 frigates out but you can safely assume that the remote repair values are similar. Feel free to ask questions as long as the thread is open.

Edit 1: I corrected the values for the scythe and they should be accurate now

Eve Minions is recruiting.

This is the law of ship progression!

Aura sound-clips: Aura forever