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Alliance & Corporation Recruitment Center

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SWE NullSec PVP Corporation | Guristas Space ( Region Deklein )

Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#1 - 2017-02-12 13:50:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Vardant Everlasting
╔════════ Exul Consortio Inc. ════════╗
Small to Capital PVP. SWE Pilots wanted!
Merc Alliance, SOV & Huge Coalition
All-around Corporation
Daily PVP!

Recruitment status: OPEN

Introduction - We are a Swedish, Heavy PVP focused corporation living in North NullSec. Our corporation is 4 months old and working its way up the food chain. We work as a team, we play as a family. No one gets left out. We always hunt for kills, and we love blowing stuff up. Leadership roles are available for people looking into becoming FC's or what not.

We are a closely-knitted group of swedish RL mates that formed this corporation within our alliance. We have the Goal to become the biggest and most dangerous Swedish corporation out there. Come start something fresh and lets build a dangerous reputation together!

So far we have a couple of UK pilots with us, so UK pilots are welcome if you don't mind joining a Swedish corporation. You do have the whole alliance and coalition to interact with aswell.

We are doing small to medium scale PVP roams, hit 'n runs and attack squads with the corporation. 80% of the daily PVP content comes from our alliance and coalition. We may be small and new, but there's extreme amount of content out here. We have great FCs for everything, blops, roams, capital warfare.. You name it. And we are always looking for new leadership material.

Our alliance provides Full SRP, and have a vast amount of doctorine ships available. There is buyback programs for pretty much everything(PVE,INDY,PI etc). We do Large scale & capital warfare. And there's PVP content Daily!

When we are not quenching our PVP hunger, we do pretty much everything. Ratting, industrial work like manufacturing, mining and research. (Believe it or not)

We are looking for Senior Veterans & Newbros with a burning passion for PVP.

We are the new Space Vikings!

Attention Requirements Attention

• Swedish pilots! ( EU/US Pilots will be redirected to our alliance )
• No Alpha accounts.
• 5+ Mil Skillpoints.
• Decent KillBoard.
• Mature, and a sense of humor.
• Able to fly any type of our doctorine ships. (Goes all the way down to frigates)
• Null/Low sec experienced.
• TS3, Discord and a working Mic.

Exceptions cannot be made.

Our Recruitment is selective. Don't take it personally if you are not accepted into the corp.

Join our In-game public channel: EXUL Public

Killboard: EXUL KB Pirate
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#2 - 2017-02-13 16:55:36 UTC
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2017-02-15 19:41:36 UTC
Daily bump.
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#4 - 2017-02-19 12:28:57 UTC
Daily bump.
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#5 - 2017-02-23 13:50:31 UTC
Daily bump! Vart är ni svenskar! :D
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#6 - 2017-02-24 19:59:57 UTC
Daily bump
Nunc per Ludum
#7 - 2017-02-25 19:10:48 UTC
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#8 - 2017-03-01 16:46:23 UTC
Daily bump
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#9 - 2017-03-02 16:05:21 UTC
Daily bump !
Miko Wishwell
Eire Engineers
#10 - 2017-03-04 14:31:30 UTC
Shameless Bump
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#11 - 2017-03-06 16:12:59 UTC
daily bump
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#12 - 2017-03-07 19:24:52 UTC
daily bump
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#13 - 2017-03-10 12:32:04 UTC
daily bump
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#14 - 2017-03-11 12:36:53 UTC
daily bump
Nunc per Ludum
#15 - 2017-03-12 10:14:45 UTC
Get Out of my Swamp
#16 - 2017-03-12 12:23:40 UTC
Miko Wishwell
Eire Engineers
#17 - 2017-03-13 17:44:11 UTC
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#18 - 2017-03-17 08:15:55 UTC
daily bump
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#19 - 2017-03-17 17:44:06 UTC
daily hump
Vardant Everlasting
u.k militia forces
Pandemic Horde
#20 - 2017-03-18 12:14:45 UTC
daily dump
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