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The Bloody Gates of Tama [Lyrics again!]

#1 - 2017-03-08 20:21:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Claevyan
The Bloody Gates of Tama - rewritten lyrics for the Scottish classic Loch Lomond,
By Claevyan

--- The Bloody Gates of Tama ---

By yon bonnie docks and by yon bonnie gates,
Where the sun shines bright in Nourvukaiken,
Where me and my prowler will never dock again
For the bloody, bloody gates out in Tama.

O ye'll take the high route, and I'll take the low route,
And ye’ll be in Jita before me,
For me and my prowler will never dock again,
O’r the bloody, bloody gates out in Tama.

'Twas there that we parted, in yon bloody camp,
On the wrong, darned side o' Nourvukaiken,
Where in bursting hue, the bloom effects we view,
And me pod popping out in the gloaming.


The snuffle grunters sing and the cov hunters spring,
And in Black Rise the Cap ships are waiting.
But me broken heart it kens, for a hauler once again,
that the campers may cease off their griefing.


Vote for Claevyan, CSM 13: Low Class Wormholes, Alliance Bookmarks WHEN?!, and CCPlz candidate.