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Blap The Drifter - [Lyrics]

#1 - 2017-03-07 20:53:49 UTC
Blap The Drifter - based off the rewritten lyrics of the song "Sink the Bismark"
By Claevyan

---Blap The Drifter---

The year of hundred seventeen, the search had just begun
The Drifters had the newest ships, that had the biggest guns
The Drifters were the weirdest **** that ever sailed the black
and they fired off a Doomsday when taking too much flak

Out of the dark eternal night came the PROZC fleet, the 1337!
And ev'ry PROZC pilot, prepared to overheat
They had to blap the Drifter, the terror of the black
that fired off a Doomsday when taking too much flak

We'll find that Drifter battleship that's makin' such a fuss
We gotta blap the Drifter, New Eden depends on us
Leave yer props a-runnin' boys and spin those guns around
When we find the Drifter we gotta cut her down

The 1337! found the Drifter and on that fatal day
The Drifter started firin' 200 clicks away
"We gotta blap the Drifter" was the battle sound
But when the smoke had cleared away, the mighty 1337! went down

For six long days and weary nights we stewed about our fate
Ericshaun told the people "Put ev'ry ship in space,
'Cause somewhere in the blackness I know she's gotta be
We gotta blap the Drifter and send the loot to me"

We'll find that Drifter battleship that's makin' such a fuss
We gotta blap the Drifter, New Eden depends on us
Leave yer props a-runnin' boys and spin those guns around
When we find the Drifter we gotta cut her down

The fleet was formed the seventh day at zero on the sun
Ten hours away from downtime the drifter made its run
The admiral of the PROZC fleet said "Turn those bows around
We found that Drifter battleship and we're gonna cut her down"

The PROZC guns were aimed and the reps were comin' fast
The first round hit the Drifter, we knew she couldn't last
That mighty Drifter battleship is just a looted wreck
"Blap the Drifter" was the battle cry that made us risk our necks

We found that Drifter battleship was makin' such a fuss
We had to blap the Drifter 'cause New Eden depends on us
We left our props a-runnin' and we spun those guns around
Yeah, we found the mighty Drifter and then we cut her down

Vote for Claevyan, CSM 13: Low Class Wormholes, Alliance Bookmarks WHEN?!, and CCPlz candidate.

#2 - 2017-03-07 21:01:03 UTC
Link to original song on youtube: Sink The Bismarck

Link to original appearance of these lyrics: PROZC Recruitment Thread

Hope you all enjoyed it!

Vote for Claevyan, CSM 13: Low Class Wormholes, Alliance Bookmarks WHEN?!, and CCPlz candidate.

#3 - 2017-03-08 02:53:36 UTC
Pretty good man. I liked it.

shameless plug of the recruitment thread though. Smile