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Ncc 1709 for CSM XII

Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#1 - 2017-02-16 01:18:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Ncc 1709
Bit late to the party

I'm ceo of Fusion Enterprices Ltd, corporation formed in 2006.
We have had our fair share of time in various Nullsec alliances, Mostly Harmless, Morsus Mihi, NC. , Irc, Nulli secunda and presently in Badfellas.
I Started off as a highsec missioner, First reasonable taste PVP was a highsec war was agisnt Wrik Hoover who is now a ceo in PL. Since then ive tried providence back when you could day trip rat / mine without too many issues, to being in the biggest fights the game has seen (Uemon, 020, LXQ, MTO2 and others) i missed B-R due to hospitalisation...
Ive lost pretty much every ship in the game, Titan and nyx included. Killboard
I tend to not backdown from fights, unless its a trap.
Some people know me, others know of Fusion from past connections.

Ive had good communication with present csm, and im hoping to go further by stepping up my self.

Some items that I want to get addressed as CSM

Rorquals / Nullsec mining
Bubbles / Nullification
Citadel / ec deployment mechanics
Cloaky camping....
Moon goo
Change Ballistic control system back to BCU
and a few other items

If anyone has any questions, mailing me ingame is the fastest option.
Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#2 - 2017-02-16 01:19:08 UTC
Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#3 - 2017-02-17 18:10:28 UTC
I completely forgot about Fixing the Leviathan and Phoenix, making them viable ships again
Capri Sun KraftFoods
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#4 - 2017-02-17 21:41:58 UTC
The Phoenix is a tremendous vessel
Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#5 - 2017-02-18 00:31:15 UTC
Capri Sun KraftFoods wrote:
The Phoenix is a tremendous vessel

was... now you need 10 damage application mods to come close to the other dreads for hitting stuff...
Antar Logan
Tr0pa de elite.
#6 - 2017-02-18 00:55:32 UTC
+1 great guy, knows all things. has my vote!
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#7 - 2017-02-18 01:12:12 UTC


State War Academy
Caldari State
#8 - 2017-02-18 01:12:46 UTC

  • Not a meme candidate
  • has made Zarvox O-face on his stream
  • pretty sane
  • quality nullsec mining and ratting
  • well-established corp with a good backbone
  • Plenty of help afforded to newer players

Join FUSENPUBLIC for more info

Err... uhh... Vote for NCC
Khumaak Flying Circus
#9 - 2017-02-25 23:46:39 UTC
I was wondering if you would answer a couple of questions.

1. I get the impression you are an FC. What type of fleets do you like to take out?

2. Your alliance currently lives in Malpais. Do you do a lot of mining and industry?

3. You would like CCP to address moon goo. Is that from personal experience moon mining and/or running reaction farms, or due to something else?

4. What are the things about citadels that you would like to see changed?

5. Living in Malpais you are surrounded by the Brothers of Tangra, a rental alliance. What are your thoughts on rental empires?

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#10 - 2017-02-26 01:56:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Ncc 1709

1. I get the impression you are an FC. What type of fleets do you like to take out?

I can FC, but smaller groups. I prefer alpha boats, or rlml swarms at present. I much prefer to sit and wait for roams to come to me than go out looking for fights (you surprisingly get more fights some days :) )

2. Your alliance currently lives in Malpais. Do you do a lot of mining and industry?
Yes, Fusion has had a strong industrial past, but we have decent level of pvper to protect our industry. we used to do a lot of mining, but the rorqual changes have polarised many miners into its either rorqual or nothing, and with the speed wh gangs are rolling wh while hunting for rorquals, it has put a lot of miners off even bothering to undock.

3. You would like CCP to address moon goo. Is that from personal experience moon mining and/or running reaction farms, or due to something else?
In the past our corp has had money moons, at the peak, 11 tech moons when tech was 220k pu.... the problem with goo moons is, either you get them handed to you, or its not isk worth trying to take them from others. The usual fight over a goo tower will cost 20b+ in order to take the moon, which is multiple months roi, making it kinda pointless attacking it in the first place. if you have the towers, odds are, your not going to lose the income from them.
I would like to see goo moved off of moons, and moved to anomalies that spawn like data sites/ gas sites. in order to keep the present levels, you would need to have 2 or 3 sites per moon of goo spawn, with 3 or 4 days worth of goo to harvest. also having a site spawn elsewhere once one is deleted would remove the dowmtime rush. gas mining would make it more accessible to everyone. it would also help move some miners from ore to goo hunting, and it would encourage full use of all systems in regions with people looking for the goo sites.

4. What are the things about citadels that you would like to see changed?
Main thing would be the anchoring 'exploit' people are using at present inorder to get 21 days invul after first anchoring it.
second thing would be the ability to have an overview when viewing outside... if you presently stick your head out of some structures, you really cannot see anything smaller than a capital.

5. Living in Malpais you are surrounded by the Brothers of Tangra, a rental alliance. What are your thoughts on rental empires?
Rental empires are both good and bad.
they give the opportunity for small industrial/pve corps to try out null without joining a big bloc
downside is they fund the big alliances to get bigger, making it harder for new people to the scene to take space.
Error 404 - corp not fund
#11 - 2017-02-28 22:48:17 UTC
a couple of questions,

-Capital ships size are wrong, any fix for them? ( Force Auxiliary are too big, carriers are too small ).

-ship bumping mechanics are so weird, a frig can bump a titan, any change or modification?

-spanish language support?

good luck NCC 1709 o7
Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#12 - 2017-02-28 23:27:08 UTC
Language support, well that's in ccp's best interest to arrange for as many languages as possible. but unlike most other games, eve contains thousands of words, a large selection of which are not easily translatable to multiple languages.
What i would like to see integrated into the in-game chat's would be the option to translate a section of a chat window by highlighting and right click.

Ship sizes have been off for many years. the most obvious example of this is the macherial. I believe it is still in the original size scale of most ships before their re-render size reduction.

it would be nice to see them all re-sized relative to their 'list size', which would cause most ships to be reduced in size rather than increased.

bumping, that's a different kettle of fish.
the mass ratio of capitals relative to their size is too low.
if a capital has speed, it should shrug off a bump from a lower mass ship with ease, but due to the squiffy mass equations used, the capital ships tend to react to the bump when the bump should be a smear on the windscreen.
while it would be nice to see some effort put into fixing this, i dont see it making much difference to bumping within eve its self. if it requires more people to bumps, them more people will be used.
If collision damage is added, then the odds are it would be abused in some unforseen way. but i would still like to see collision mechanics fixed

Sp4wn Moliko
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2017-03-01 21:18:31 UTC
+1 from me


How would you like to see PVP balanced ? ( broad question i know but still )
Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#14 - 2017-03-01 21:30:27 UTC
Broad indeed, theres too many different types of pvp in eve to answer that easily.

you have the 'pvper' who goes out looking for easy gank's(hulks) then spams the crap out of local when you fight back / camp him in

you have the pvper's that will come and wait while you form up a fleet to fight them, which is the gf type of fights i like.

you have the N+1 type of fighting, which usually take hours of soul crushing lag to get through.

you have the were leet pvper's who spend 2b per ship and cannot be countered without a blob

and finally you have the brute force supercaps are us group.

yes theres also station games , highsec wars, lowsec brawls, logoff traps, npsi fleets, gatecamps, stream roams, blops, wh's and troll fleets.

so if you can be a little more specific, i will try to answer, but it will all come down to trying to maintain the balance between all types of combat without making one particular ship (svipul, orthrus) the only ship to use
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2017-03-02 09:24:37 UTC

My question - what is your viewpoint regarding Faction standings and as a CSM member, what changes will you propose to CCP pertaining to game mechanics for Faction standings ?

Good luck to you in the upcoming CSM election.

Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#16 - 2017-03-02 11:48:39 UTC
Faction standings for me are pretty much a moot point.
I have +9.3 with Amarr empire, 9.1 with Ammatar, 7.4 with Caldari State, yet they dont provide me with any benefits
You dont even need good standings to deploy citadels anymore.

The size of the population the negative standings actually affect, could probably be counted on your hands

if you live in lowsec, nullsec, or wh space, they have no affect on you.

Since i am a nullsec person, suggesting fix's for them is not something i should be doing.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2017-03-02 12:14:26 UTC
Ncc 1709 wrote:
Faction standings for me are pretty much a moot point.
I have +9.3 with Amarr empire, 9.1 with Ammatar, 7.4 with Caldari State, yet they dont provide me with any benefits
You dont even need good standings to deploy citadels anymore.

The size of the population the negative standings actually affect, could probably be counted on your hands

if you live in lowsec, nullsec, or wh space, they have no affect on you.

Since i am a nullsec person, suggesting fix's for them is not something i should be doing.

Thanks for the reply.

As for negative Faction standings not affecting very many players, I have to disagree and can attest to the fact that it does indeed affect lot's of players. I know because I'm the author of the 'Faction Standing Repair Plan' which I created back in 2010.

Since you have high Faction standings with Amarr, Ammatar and Caldari, it's reasonable safe to say you have negative Faction standings with Gallente and Minmatar which more than likely has cut out access to almost half of Empire space.. Granted you're a Null sec player who probably only deals with the Jita Market hub but players in w-space face problems getting to market if their hole doesn't open in a Faction friendly system.

Anyway, thanks again for the reply and good luck in the upcoming election.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2017-03-02 16:16:09 UTC

Glad to see you running for the position. It would really be a great asset to the CSM to have somebody with your knowledge and understanding of the game on board.

You have perfect knowledge of how smaller groups can operate and survive within nullsec, thats both isk-wise, politics and long-term.

I've experienced this first hand, and can only hope you succed!

Fly safe!
Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#19 - 2017-03-02 16:46:05 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Ncc 1709 wrote:
Faction standings for me are pretty much a moot point.
I have +9.3 with Amarr empire, 9.1 with Ammatar, 7.4 with Caldari State, yet they dont provide me with any benefits
You dont even need good standings to deploy citadels anymore.

The size of the population the negative standings actually affect, could probably be counted on your hands

if you live in lowsec, nullsec, or wh space, they have no affect on you.

Since i am a nullsec person, suggesting fix's for them is not something i should be doing.

Thanks for the reply.

As for negative Faction standings not affecting very many players, I have to disagree and can attest to the fact that it does indeed affect lot's of players. I know because I'm the author of the 'Faction Standing Repair Plan' which I created back in 2010.

Since you have high Faction standings with Amarr, Ammatar and Caldari, it's reasonable safe to say you have negative Faction standings with Gallente and Minmatar which more than likely has cut out access to almost half of Empire space.. Granted you're a Null sec player who probably only deals with the Jita Market hub but players in w-space face problems getting to market if their hole doesn't open in a Faction friendly system.

Anyway, thanks again for the reply and good luck in the upcoming election.


actually, my standings with others are not as bad as they can be,
you can do missions for groups that have positive standings with all factions to keep your standings from dropping too low.
yes i have -3 to gallente and -4 to minmatar, it is still possible to improve them without directly using their agents. i beleve its SoE that can improve standings with all areas.

Thank you chigy :)
Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#20 - 2017-03-05 00:42:54 UTC
I also want Supercap spinning in keepstars!

and bigger kill marks for all ships... you know, so you can actually see them....
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