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Returning player with a plan for dank iskies - Lookin for investor

Slave Driv3r
#1 - 2017-02-26 14:55:43 UTC
Hello gentlemen,

Returning player here been gone from the game around 2years or so. Unfortunately after not actually learning no one quits eve I on my last night of playing EvE fueled by a whisky based generosity urge decided to give everything away in jita.

This included the guts of my Combat Booster operation which i used to run outa a c3 at the time.

Ive updated my spreadsheets and it seems the market is booming especially with the highsec legality changes and i would like to get back into the business again.

I would ask the community if there is any possible way someone would consider an uncollat loan to get my enterprise started again Id be more than happy to offer over the odds ROI seeing as !!!RISK!!!

If i can get the capital together I plan to do 28day reaction cycles with returns paid out on a cycle basis.

My proposal is

6bil to fund Large Dickstar POS / Fuel / Cyto for a month of reacting.I already have an unocuppied WH seeded with a scout.This would also cover associated bpc costs.

I will be moving product mostly in pvp centric hubs.

Margins are based on buying cyto direct from sell orders and hedging with buys and personal venture mining when the chain allows.

In terms of ROI i would like to negotiate this with any potential interested parties but I do know the risks involved with uncollat - So would be willing to go higher than average i see on here.

My oh **** its all gone **** up plan and someones shot the POS and ive lost everyones isk would be to sneak a pixel visa injection past the missus.

In before the pitchforks gents!!


EVE Museum
#2 - 2017-02-26 17:14:33 UTC
I am afraid you are on a bit of a mission impossible.
I am not an investor, but I can tell you they will not appreciate your previous quitting and giving everything in your wallets to random strangers. They will suspect you to quit again within the 28 days.

Apart from that there are all the usual problems, no collateral etc.

My channel: "Signatures" -

Slave Driv3r
#3 - 2017-02-26 20:58:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Slave Driv3r
Completely fair point but i assure anyone whos reading i wouldn't be making that mistake again :)

Edit - For what its worth i quit last time after 14months of reaction farming and not much else - Good old burnout, I will diversify my time a bit more this go around to avoid these issues.

As for the giving stuff away I legit thought EvE wouldn't get her claws back into me,ah well live and learn :)
Syds Sinclair
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2017-02-27 05:53:04 UTC
..I won't give you an ISK loan, but I will give you some direction with a deferred payment. PM me in game.
Slave Driv3r
#5 - 2017-02-27 06:10:36 UTC
Hey mate - I must say I don't entirely follow what you mean in your post - sounds sinister :) hahah

Ill give you a poke in game shortly :)

Slave Driv3r
#6 - 2017-02-28 03:32:00 UTC
Spoke to Syds in game - Some very valuable advice but no investor yet - Still looking chaps
Lighting Build
#7 - 2017-02-28 06:42:24 UTC
Slave Driv3r
#8 - 2017-02-28 07:19:44 UTC
I dont get it :(

Syds Sinclair
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2017-03-01 04:44:36 UTC
Slave Driv3r wrote:
Spoke to Syds in game - Some very valuable advice but no investor yet - Still looking chaps

Slave Driv3r
#10 - 2017-03-01 10:55:24 UTC
Loan filled drug pos up :)
Syds Sinclair
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2017-03-02 04:56:40 UTC
Slave Driv3r wrote:
Loan filled drug pos up :)

..Nice! Hope you and your investor make lots of ISK, and drugs!