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How is Eve Online Trading similar to Day Trading or Stocks trading?

Dave VID
Nihil Ad Abyssi
#1 - 2017-03-01 04:29:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave VID
And what are your biggest or most profitable profits relating the market?
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#2 - 2017-03-01 12:22:01 UTC
The Eve market is more like a commodity exchange where you are trading the actual commodity rather than a contract for future delivery. Commodities are fungible - there is no difference between your unit of Tritanium or Vexor cruiser and anyone elses. Commodities are also cyclical - competition will drive the price down until no one is making money and people stop producing; the under valued supply dries up and the price snaps back - sometimes dramatically. You can make a lot of ISK if you are positioned to catch the bounce. It's short lived,producers will rush new product to market and the cycle begins anew.

There are other ways to play the cycle - as long as you buy in the bottom half and sell in the top half you will profit.

Also be aware that Eve markets are regional. Each trade hub can be at a different point in the cycle for the same commodity allowing you to buy low in one region and sell high in another.
Zanar Skwigelf
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#3 - 2017-03-01 17:08:43 UTC
1 big difference between eve online and IRL trading is that the markets have their own "behavior" if you will. For example, the S&P 500 generally has an upward bias to its movement, meaning that it is a higher percentage play to daytrade ES with a long bias instead of a short bias.

Different trading markets have their own behavior, from commodities that can be highly seasonal, or forex pairs that are based on political standing and general friendship of the 2 countries in question.

The EVE online markets have their own behavior completely independent from IRL markets (obviously), and upward and downward biases can vary from item to item.

Another main difference (as mentioned above) is that EVE online is a commodity exchange, instead of an option exchange. The quantity of items in an EVE market changes wildly all the time because of ship destruction and overproduction, something that doesn't happen with IRL stock.

Also, a lot of markets use First In, First Out order placement, meaning that while you can still cut in line by .01'ing, its more about how fast you can get your order in, and letting the price be what it is (depends on the strategy). 0.01'ing is similar to FIFO, but gives you far more control about where you are in line, whereas IRL you are generally blind to your placement in line.

Finally, and most importantly, is the speed at which daytrading moves. While daytrading can be any speed you want it to be, you will find that opportunities and buy prices will present themselves and disappear in an instant, whereas EVE (with the exception of maybe the PLEX market) moves at a much more manageable pace. I have never felt rushed while station trading in EVE (although I have very limited experience with it), but with daytrading I always need to be focused and quick acting.

Can you make money daytrading using EVE station trading techniques? yea, probably. But saying "this is easy, I station traded up to a billion isk in no time at all" and heading over to IRL trading with the assumption the market behaves like EVE is a fantastic way to lose money.