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VMG Video - What do you think about it ?

First post
From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#1 - 2017-02-19 09:00:05 UTC
Hey guys,

We've been working on this video for some time now and we would like to have your feedback ! All the content presented in the video is captured in EVE and all the fallen citadels are actually on our killboards.

Enjoy :)
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2017-02-19 10:25:45 UTC
Very nice. +1 for a great production job.

I especially like how it was scripted as News Reports. Sorta reminded me of the 'Starship Troopers' movies.

Would You Like To Know More ?

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#3 - 2017-02-19 10:31:33 UTC
Nice video. Totally enjoyed it.
Nicolai Serkanner
Brave Collective
#4 - 2017-02-19 13:20:01 UTC
Well done!
Glorious Domination CFO
#5 - 2017-02-19 13:43:27 UTC
Its quite good

Seems like a copy of a scope video.

Few points

1 Line feed at the bottom to fast
2 Natural should have scripted more. Lots of erm and eeeerrr. Kromius was good
3 More fight scenes could have been added. You showed a jf, kronos and a pod. Less citadel action. More pew
You've had way better kiils and punch ups
4 You explained how you squashed 2 alliances which tbh is quite irrelevant.

I think as highly rated VMG are some more action could have been added to show how really
Good they are. Large fleet fights etc.

Pretty good idea
Keno Skir
#6 - 2017-02-19 14:19:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Keno Skir
Very nice indeed. Bit Jelly over here Pirate

EDIT : Ok too jealous now, have made efforts to enquire about joining in the fun Pirate
From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#7 - 2017-02-19 21:41:34 UTC
Keno Skir wrote:
Very nice indeed. Bit Jelly over here Pirate

EDIT : Ok too jealous now, have made efforts to enquire about joining in the fun Pirate

Thanks alot :D
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-02-19 22:14:17 UTC
I'm not sure: is this advertisement of VMG? It looks like AD but too long and too broad for my taste. Freighters and pods die every hour so i would not put this into AD video.

Another funny moment: avatar with woman face talking using man voice. Yea, i know. But imagine what would you think seeing it in real news video Lol

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#9 - 2017-02-20 12:06:31 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
I'm not sure: is this advertisement of VMG? It looks like AD but too long and too broad for my taste. Freighters and pods die every hour so i would not put this into AD video.

Another funny moment: avatar with woman face talking using man voice. Yea, i know. But imagine what would you think seeing it in real news video Lol

Yeah the avatar thing is funny hahaha :) But it is what it is...

Thanks for your opinion. It will help us improve the quality of the videos in the future.

Countless ships die every hour in EVE. Stating the obvious is not the smartest way to prove your point. Catching a jumpfreighter is not an easy job and taking the scalp of a rival leader is always a mastercard moment :) Especially when the guy goes nust and starts trashing his implants :)))))))

Haterz gonna hate!
#10 - 2017-02-20 13:14:56 UTC
So how many different shots of "sitting outside a station" can you really get away with in a video?
ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#11 - 2017-02-20 13:20:04 UTC
Moved to My Eve.

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#12 - 2017-02-20 14:33:55 UTC
Vigirr wrote:
So how many different shots of "sitting outside a station" can you really get away with in a video?

Iz dat you Julius?
#13 - 2017-02-20 14:53:16 UTC

From Hisec with Love Holdings
From Hisec with Love Coalition
#14 - 2017-02-20 16:50:36 UTC
Yaosus wrote:
Vigirr wrote:
So how many different shots of "sitting outside a station" can you really get away with in a video?

Iz dat you Julius?

I must apologize, I did not answer your *cough* question.

There iZ no "sitting outside a station" shot in the entire video.