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CSM 11 Summit 2 Minutes Have Been Released

First post
#21 - 2017-02-18 13:45:44 UTC
Mikhem wrote:
CCP then explained that they are working on deciding on what they want the next
expansion to be.

Above quote is from CSM meeting minutes.
Is it just me thinking why are they so late thinking about next expansion...(?)

I got the vibe that there was a lot of "we don't know how to do that" coming from CCP. As though they've just about hit their limits for what they can produce, and now are in a state where they are desperately just trying to keep the thing up and running. They seem to be always hiring but never really increasing their capabilities. Are they bleeding devs as fast as they are bleeding players?

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2017-02-18 14:54:16 UTC
We don't know what resources are consumed by "NDA stuff" or other CCP projects, but I also get the impression that EvE development atm lacks of skilled resources, in both areas, creativity and coding.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Jeremiah Saken
The Fall of Leviathan
#23 - 2017-02-21 07:21:32 UTC
From CZ
Nullification on T3Cs and combat ships was touched upon as well as the merits of static bubbles. It’s very much in flux, but there will be changes made there. I’m just gonna say that there are people that use T3Cs for high-tier explo content and gamestyle, and removing those options would be a huge disservice as there is nothing to realistically replace the options an explo T3C gives.


"I am tormented with an everlasting itch for things remote. I love to sail forbidden seas..." - Herman Melville

Tomoko Sunji
White Square.
#24 - 2017-02-21 11:08:11 UTC
CCP Logibro wrote:
Once again, CSM 11 visited CCP at our Reykjavik HQ for their second summit. This involved four days of meetings between CSM members and CCP developers. As part of the summit process, a set of meeting minutes are released. You can now view the meeting minutes here.

Please feel free to discuss the minutes and ask further questions to the members of the CSM in this thread.

Edit: Added the missing link. ISD Max Trix
Edit 2: Messed up the url Fixed now.

Is it possible to see the damage per weapon system graph ?
Circumstantial Evidence
#25 - 2017-03-26 21:48:39 UTC
CSM Minutes wrote:
Moon Mining and Drilling Platforms: The majority of this session was dedicated to discussion of the next planned Upwell structures. A dev blog covering this topic is being written and these parts of the minutes will be made public at a later date.
Now's the time :)
Black Pedro
#26 - 2017-03-27 09:31:05 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
CSM Minutes wrote:
Moon Mining and Drilling Platforms: The majority of this session was dedicated to discussion of the next planned Upwell structures. A dev blog covering this topic is being written and these parts of the minutes will be made public at a later date.
Now's the time :)

They already have:
Circumstantial Evidence
#27 - 2017-03-27 21:57:53 UTC
Thank you! I checked the link, but it looks no different :(
Twitter reply to CCP Fozzie wrote:
@NuclearHail Mar 26

@CCP_Fozzie: The version linked here still says " these parts of the minutes will be made public at a later date"
Black Pedro
#28 - 2017-03-28 06:13:53 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
Thank you! I checked the link, but it looks no different :(
Twitter reply to CCP Fozzie wrote:
@NuclearHail Mar 26

@CCP_Fozzie: The version linked here still says " these parts of the minutes will be made public at a later date"

It worked for me. Perhaps there is some caching issue? Maybe try from another browser or device?
Circumstantial Evidence
#29 - 2017-03-28 21:51:57 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
It worked for me. Perhaps there is some caching issue? Maybe try from another browser or device?
( If that should be the correct path, I see the same words on page 22-23, nothing new about moon mining, even if PDF is downloaded in a VM I had not used before. The @NuclearHail twitter quote is from someone else also not seeing what they hoped to see.
Black Pedro
#30 - 2017-03-29 06:34:52 UTC
Circumstantial Evidence wrote:
Black Pedro wrote:
It worked for me. Perhaps there is some caching issue? Maybe try from another browser or device?
( If that should be the correct path, I see the same words on page 22-23, nothing new about moon mining, even if PDF is downloaded in a VM I had not used before. The @NuclearHail twitter quote is from someone else also not seeing what they hoped to see.

So strange. It works for me at this URL:

The formatting isn't great, but I also copied the relevant section to a pastebin:
Circumstantial Evidence
#31 - 2017-03-29 07:10:42 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
The formatting isn't great, but I also copied the relevant section to a pastebin:
Thanks for that - I see the new words here; perhaps some odd upstream caching is occurring from my location.
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