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Fleet Staging point

Scan Stakan
#1 - 2017-02-11 15:39:51 UTC
I am living in Sansha region, it is quite ofthen i meet this ded complex.
It is useless today, because it's consists from three stages in different systems in the region.
No one use it.
So, simple idea - join parts together, in one system. Different parts will separate from each other with acceleration gates.

Why this needed? Because we have a piece of content, which have no usage today. So, probably time have come to make it usefull.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2017-02-12 03:11:25 UTC
Well, it would definitely be nice if complete escalations were able to be accessed without having to rely on RNG crap. Course if that was the case then the market would be flooded with Deadspace mods which would lower their price. Great for those who are buying those items while at the same time screwed for those who are selling those items.,_Site_2,_Site_3

Seems like a few ships in fleet should be able to complete those sites rather quickly. Since I've never run that exploration site I don't know how often it escalates to the 2nd stage or to the 3rd and final stage of that expedition. Obviously the 3rd stage is where the main loot drop is gained but if the first stage rarely escalates to allow you the chance to get to 3rd stage, then I'd just ignore the site and go for other ones that have a better chance of dropping loot..


Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2017-02-12 03:21:50 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Well, it would definitely be nice if complete escalations were able to be accessed without having to rely on RNG crap. Course if that was the case then the market would be flooded with Deadspace mods which would lower their price. Great for those who are buying those items while at the same time screwed for those who are selling those items.,_Site_2,_Site_3

Seems like a few ships in fleet should be able to complete those sites rather quickly. Since I've never run that exploration site I don't know how often it escalates to the 2nd stage or to the 3rd and final stage of that expedition. Obviously the 3rd stage is where the main loot drop is gained but if the first stage rarely escalates to allow you the chance to get to 3rd stage, then I'd just ignore the site and go for other ones that have a better chance of dropping loot..


If it's anything like the high sec 4/10 escalations I agree with op.
I get one escalation 20 jumps away, part 2 another 10 jumps away, part 3 another 10 jumps away, then a final one that can spawn in low sec if you even get that far. It's a pain having to fly all over.
I don't mind losing a bit of profit if it makes my life easier.
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#4 - 2017-02-12 06:43:27 UTC
Let's talk DED sites more generally because they fall into two different categories and it seems people overlook that these days.

First, let's clarify that we're not talking about unrated sites. Those are different. They have no guaranteed drop; all DED sites drop at least one OPE and unrated sites don't.. This category includes things like annexes, vigils, bases, etc. They escalate and have a chance at deadspace loot if they escalate all the way. Each escalation gets a role and yes, the travel can be rather long.

We're also not talking about anomalies. Anoms can of course escalate TO a DED site but are not themselves relevant here. We're talking only about sites that require probes.

Second, let's talk about "normal" DED sites. This includes every rated site except 9/10s, Angel 6/10, and Serpentis 6/10. These get threat ratings on warp in and don't include an escalation. They also lack tackle, which can be a great boon if you don't know what you're doing. Oh, and they're deadspace so gates will protect you from anyone coming in.

Finally, we have the pseudo-DED sites. They're just a bit odd. First, they definitely drop OPEs: 22nd for Fleet Staging Points and 19th for the Serpentis and Angel 6/10 replacements. This is in line with categorizing them along with rated sites. They also drop the appropriate modules (battleship and cruiser A-types respectively). However, they include guaranteed escalations (which, yes, can sometimes take you a distance). The first site in each chain is gated but the rest aren't. Well, they do include gates, but you'll see combat before you can take one. They also, you might have guessed, include NPC tackle, making them significantly more risky than normal DED sites.

Oh, they're also harder than they really ought to be based on rating progression. Serpentis is the most out of whack, with difficulty going something like 6 > 9 > 8 > 7 > 10 > 5, but in general 9/10s are considered harder than 10/10s.

So there's quite a bit required to bring things totally in line. One option, probably the easiest, would be to shorten the escalation distance, but that doesn't really address many of the inconsistencies. Another route might be to revamp the pseudo-DEDs entirely, though honestly I can't think of a reason to remove the sites we have per se. I suppose new and old could coexist.

My preferred option? Glad you asked, straw man!

What I'd really like to see happen is the following.

  1. Introduce replacements for existing pseudo-DED sites that are basically in line with the difficulty of other DED sites. Move current pseudo-DED loot tables to these sites.
  2. Introduce pseudo-DED sites at least from 6/10 - 9/10, but preferably to include all ratings. Make them hard. Make them escalate. Use existing pseudo-DED sites as a difficulty guide. Keep OPEs to distinguish them as DED sites.
  3. Introduce new deadspace modules for the loot table. Not everything has a blue version. Some of it would be useless (would anyone ever pay for a Pithum C-type shield recharger? No. Don't care.) Some of it would be glorious (armor tanked Widow with a full rack of X-type ECMs? Absolutely.)

Net effect? More sites for explorers. Supply on current modules doesn't change much (though maybe you'd get more Corelum A-types on market). New modules are somewhat harder to get, ensuring some modicum of scarcity in the short term.

Balance nightmare? Eh, sure. Worth it in my eyes? Yes.
Scan Stakan
#5 - 2017-02-12 09:32:08 UTC
Well, first of all i see nothing bad in increasing numbers of "blue" modules.
First positive aspect - their usage in PvP. Few years ago, when one X-Type armor repairer have they same price as a PLEX you was unable to see it in combat fits.
Today we have different picture. People have more options to use their imagination and bring more fun to the game.
I can not see something wrong here :)
Zhilia Mann
Tide Way Out Productions
#6 - 2017-02-13 04:53:04 UTC
PavlikX wrote:
Well, first of all i see nothing bad in increasing numbers of "blue" modules.

Shrug. I like to keep prices up. For me, I'd rather see a high payout from my exploration site (which results from scarcity) rather than everyone and their brother able to afford A and X type everything.

I see both sides, but I know where I come down.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#7 - 2017-02-13 16:49:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Zhilia Mann wrote:

Finally, we have the pseudo-DED sites. They're just a bit odd. First, they definitely drop OPEs: 22nd for Fleet Staging Points and 19th for the Serpentis and Angel 6/10 replacements. This is in line with categorizing them along with rated sites.

They are not Psuedo sites, they are DED sites.

Back in 2011 CCP said they were adding 50 new DED sites inclduing the much awaited DED 9/10s for null sec. I was stoked.

Come to find out that all they did was take several previously unrated multi-escalation sites (including the 5 racial versions of Fleet Staging Point) and modified them to potentially drop racial A-Type loot and to always drop 22nd tier OPs from the Overseer structure in Fleet Staging Point 3. And they gave them a pop up that saus "DED 9'/10". And that's it.

Unlike unrated sites , these modified (but still multi escalation) sites are designed to never fail to escalate to Stage 3 ( a flaw that allowed Angel and Blood Fleet Staging Points to fail to escalate to stage 3 was patched in 2013).

I've had a few dissapointments with CCP over the years, but them taking unrated multi-stage dungeons, changing a few things then claiming to have added 'new sites' remains my biggest disappointment with them.

Edit: Found the thread talking about it.

CCp said "we are adding 50 NEW DED sites". Finally they had to admit that they'd only added 3 new sites, the other 47 (like all 5 Fleet Staging points) were "redone".