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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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From A P2P To F2P

Kaworu Ageron
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2017-02-04 02:26:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaworu Ageron
I used to play EVE a few years back and played on and off, and I didn't know it went F2P until today. I'm at a loss on what skills I should train, and looking it over I can't train some I want to - I was working for T2 Exhumers. I forgot a lot of what I once knew, too. Can someone help me get started again? What should I train now? What can I even do as a F2P?

I've got a load of questions, too, such as what happened with Aura's voice and if I can change the side bar back to not being transparent anymore; it seems all my windows are going 100% transparent when I'm not even clicking them, too. Will try going into the settings myself to fix some of this stuff.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#2 - 2017-02-04 02:55:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
It's not so much f2p as an unlimited trial period, as an alpha clone you're restricted as to which ships and skills you have access to, any skills you already have that fall outside of the restricted list aren't active nor will you be able to fly ships outside of the restrictions.

Activity wise you can do pretty much everything that a paying subscriber can do, mine, mission, PvP, spy etc.

If mining is your thing and you don't mind a little excitement/losing a Venture every now and then, ninja huffing gas in wormholes is very profitable, you'll need to do some reading first though, you get 15 minutes until the NPCs roll up, they're nasty btw; and the players who live in them don't like trespassers.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

#3 - 2017-02-04 03:31:59 UTC
The Alpha thing puts you in a position where you don't really have anything to lose, so you can get out there and cause some havoc that you wouldn't otherwise do when you've "got to" work towards getting the next big expenditure. The other big draw of alpha over the old trial accounts is that you can become a meaningful part of a corp. The tools to find a corp are still embarrassingly awful, but you've got time now to audition a few before you commit to one.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Wolfgang Jannesen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2017-02-04 15:27:57 UTC
You will only be able to fly your races frigates, destroyers and cruisers (plus the prospect) and your available skills will be cut down a lot. You won't have access to the grand majority of T2 modules.
Kousaka Otsu Shigure
#5 - 2017-02-04 18:31:57 UTC
Alpha skills list

Esc window > General Settings tab > Window appearance > transparency slider to the leftmost and tick off Enable Window Blur

Highest hull you can train is a Racial Cruiser, so Navy Issue racial cruiser is available to you. Gnosis being almost a skill-less prereq. ship is the only battlecruiser hull you can use.

All entry level skills are available, but not the problematic(abusable) ones like cyno, cloak, PI, etc..

Archiver, Software Developer and Data Slave

Current Project Status: What can I make with these minerals?

Kaworu Ageron
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2017-02-05 02:42:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaworu Ageron
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
If mining is your thing and you don't mind a little excitement/losing a Venture every now and then, ninja huffing gas in wormholes is very profitable, you'll need to do some reading first though, you get 15 minutes until the NPCs roll up, they're nasty btw; and the players who live in them don't like trespassers.

Don't think I've ever even been to a wormhole or even have any skills in gas mining. I'll have to look this up, thank you. Do you have any suggestions on fit/skills, and where/how to do it? I'm looking at mine now and I don't even have gas mining injected, and it's a hefty chunk of my current ISK.

mkint wrote:
The other big draw of alpha over the old trial accounts is that you can become a meaningful part of a corp. The tools to find a corp are still embarrassingly awful, but you've got time now to audition a few before you commit to one.

Never really been in a corp, tbh. It'll give me something to do at least.

Wolfgang Jannesen wrote:
You will only be able to fly your races frigates, destroyers and cruisers (plus the prospect) and your available skills will be cut down a lot. You won't have access to the grand majority of T2 modules.

I can use maybe two or three of my current ships. I can't even use ones that I was doing missions in, damn, but... hey, it's something at least.

Kousaka Otsu Shigure wrote:
Highest hull you can train is a Racial Cruiser, so Navy Issue racial cruiser is available to you. Gnosis being almost a skill-less prereq. ship is the only battlecruiser hull you can use.

All entry level skills are available, but not the problematic(abusable) ones like cyno, cloak, PI, etc..

Thank you for the skills list. I also did find that setting and it doesn't change the main sidebar and barely does anything to my chat window.

I'll look into it, thank you.

Did they completely remove all clones? If I get podded now will I lose any skills?
Chainsaw Plankton
#7 - 2017-02-05 03:00:38 UTC
Alphas are pretty limited, but gallente has a solid lineup that fits in the alpha restrictions. I'd suggest you run the career agents as they give a pretty good overview of things to do.

Gnosis is a very strong alpha ship as the bonuses are flat and don't require any training. Plus it gets drone and gun bonuses, and has extra fitting room compared to cruisers. the navy cruisers are nice but you are limited to cruiser 4 so you can't get the most out of them.

I set transparency to 0 and turned window blur off that makes my windows usable.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Chainsaw Plankton
#8 - 2017-02-05 03:02:20 UTC
Kaworu Ageron wrote:
Did they completely remove all clones? If I get podded now will I lose any skills?

yes! lose all the pods you want, no penalty at all Big smile

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Kaworu Ageron
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2017-02-05 04:59:08 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
Alphas are pretty limited, but gallente has a solid lineup that fits in the alpha restrictions. I'd suggest you run the career agents as they give a pretty good overview of things to do.

Gnosis is a very strong alpha ship as the bonuses are flat and don't require any training. Plus it gets drone and gun bonuses, and has extra fitting room compared to cruisers. the navy cruisers are nice but you are limited to cruiser 4 so you can't get the most out of them.

I set transparency to 0 and turned window blur off that makes my windows usable.

I looked into the ship and I think it'll be good for me once I do have the ISK to spare.

They've changed the options a little and messed around with some stuff that I'm just gonna have to get used to, ugh... Is there anything else different I should know about that's important? Very good to know about the clones/pods, though!
Kousaka Otsu Shigure
#10 - 2017-02-05 05:46:04 UTC
@window settings
Pin (or unpin) them windows, the button on the left of the minimize button (a circle with a dot inside).

@sp loss & clones
O wow, this sure brings back some memories of the clone names and prices.. I think I remember the posts going like "now people will undock their 200M SP chars".

@different stuff
They changed the location of the undock button, from lower right to upper right!
They changed the target locks from square to circles!
There's an anomaly/signal circle thingie in the main HP/Cap UI, that accidentally pops up whenever im mousing over my cap!
They changed the overview icons! They changed the neocom icons as well, the lack of color is missed by some..

etc etc...
Ah! Nobody linked this yet!

Archiver, Software Developer and Data Slave

Current Project Status: What can I make with these minerals?

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#11 - 2017-02-05 13:36:11 UTC
Kaworu Ageron wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
If mining is your thing and you don't mind a little excitement/losing a Venture every now and then, ninja huffing gas in wormholes is very profitable, you'll need to do some reading first though, you get 15 minutes until the NPCs roll up, they're nasty btw; and the players who live in them don't like trespassers.

Don't think I've ever even been to a wormhole or even have any skills in gas mining. I'll have to look this up, thank you. Do you have any suggestions on fit/skills, and where/how to do it? I'm looking at mine now and I don't even have gas mining injected, and it's a hefty chunk of my current ISK.

Here's a couple of links to get you started.
WH Gas huffing, a newbies guide.

Eve Uni's page on Gas Harvesting.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Kaworu Ageron
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2017-02-06 06:34:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaworu Ageron
Kousaka Otsu Shigure wrote:

etc etc...

Oh God, unpinning them makes them not as transparent anymore? I always have my windows pinned so that's a tough decision... I'm very glad that you don't lose skill points anymore if you get podded. I think I self destructed once just for the experience ( but I had clones to back me up ) and have been podded maybe twice before, still having stuff to back me up. It says that there's "a larger project," too; did they do anything else?

A few small changes, huh? Not too bad. I'll miss the square for locking. I haven't even undocked yet since I got back, I've just sat in Jita training skills, buying some small things here and there, asking people for some help in-chat, and am waiting to get a new mouse before anything else major: my current one is almost busted.

Thank you very much! I'll look into this! I assume "119.2" is "patch 119, version 2"?

Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Here's a couple of links to get you started.
WH Gas huffing, a newbies guide.

Eve Uni's page on Gas Harvesting.

Thank you! I'll look into these: a few people in-game linked me this page for Ventures, too. I can't get everything on an alpha clone, though, sadly, and have had to train a few skills.

Talking with people in chat, too, I've made a jump clone and am currently trying to buy new implants. Any suggestions for a miner? I have about 80M left. Will also be looking stuff up. I also know that awhile back they were changing how everyone could fly ships: even if I was subscribed, I wouldn't be able to fly my Vindicator or my Armageddon Navy Issue. Why is that? I used to be able to.

My game also doesn't start full-screened in windowed mode, so I think I'll have to put a support ticket in about that. Huh. So many little things...
#13 - 2017-02-07 15:05:08 UTC
Kaworu Ageron wrote:
Any suggestions for a miner?

Only to keep in mind that mining is probably one of the least worthwhile experiences you can have in EVE. If you enjoy doing it, fine, but it's not going to be the thing that you tell your friends about afterwards, and it's not going to finance your adventures very well.


I also know that awhile back they were changing how everyone could fly ships: even if I was subscribed, I wouldn't be able to fly my Vindicator or my Armageddon Navy Issue. Why is that? I used to be able to.

Don't think so. Not counting the Alpha locks, most access restrictions have only been loosened over the years, rather than tightened.


My game also doesn't start full-screened in windowed mode, so I think I'll have to put a support ticket in about that. Huh. So many little things...

You're looking for "fixed window." That was one of those things where EVE was right on the ground floor in implementing, so ended up with a different name than the standard "windowed full screen".

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Kaworu Ageron
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2017-02-08 00:57:42 UTC
Only to keep in mind that mining is probably one of the least worthwhile experiences you can have in EVE. If you enjoy doing it, fine, but it's not going to be the thing that you tell your friends about afterwards, and it's not going to finance your adventures very well.

I do know that mining gives weak ISK compared to other things, but, I do enjoy it to an extent.

Don't think so. Not counting the Alpha locks, most access restrictions have only been loosened over the years, rather than tightened.

What do you mean by this?

You're looking for "fixed window." That was one of those things where EVE was right on the ground floor in implementing, so ended up with a different name than the standard "windowed full screen".

Nah, it wasn't fixed window. I doubt that I'm going to actually be able to find a 'fix' for what I'm having now. I also can't find a setting to make my character on my skill sheet not animated anymore; I swear he wasn't before I messed around with them, but now he is again. I know you can minimize it, but it just... well, minimizes it.
#15 - 2017-02-08 04:03:15 UTC
Kaworu Ageron wrote:
Only to keep in mind that mining is probably one of the least worthwhile experiences you can have in EVE. If you enjoy doing it, fine, but it's not going to be the thing that you tell your friends about afterwards, and it's not going to finance your adventures very well.

I do know that mining gives weak ISK compared to other things, but, I do enjoy it to an extent.

It can be enjoyable on its own, I agree. But consider it from an investment/reward scenario. You aren't investing $ into the game, so instead you have to invest time. The rewards worth pursuing are the ones that are unique to EVE. isk on its own is not a reward to pursue in EVE, because an imaginary currency in an imaginary universe is pretty much pointless. What ships and other assets you can accumulate are limited because Alpha. The best thing you can really accumulate in EVE are interesting stories. The opportunities for interesting stories to come from a mining career are extremely limited. And mining tends to foster a mindset that interesting stories (which again, is really the entire point of an Alpha account) are bad. Hang on to your venture, sure, but use it as a tool to mine for stories rather than ore.

Don't think so. Not counting the Alpha locks, most access restrictions have only been loosened over the years, rather than tightened.

What do you mean by this?

Skill requirements for a lot of things were lowered over the past few years. Not sure how long you've been away. The rare few times a skill requirement has been increased, they've almost always made sure you don't lose access to what you can already use, except with even rarer exceptions where there wasn't a better solution. That's not counting stuff that's locked behind the Alpha/Omega wall of course.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#16 - 2017-02-08 04:32:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
mkint wrote:
The best thing you can really accumulate in EVE are interesting stories. The opportunities for interesting stories to come from a mining career are extremely limited. And mining tends to foster a mindset that interesting stories (which again, is really the entire point of an Alpha account) are bad.
The other thing that comes with interesting stories is the interesting people, and their corpses, that you come across while accumulating them; friend and foe alike.

Hang on to your venture, sure, but use it as a tool to mine for stories rather than ore.
Indeed, a Venture has many more uses than just mining in highsec, and it's surprisingly effective at some of them.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack