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The Like and Get Likes Thread, Renewed

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Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#11501 - 2017-02-02 08:15:32 UTC

It was pretty funny when he came into work and I was straight up wearing it. Guy is a good bit taller than I am, but the hoodie still fit somehow, with the excpetion of the hood itself. Was a bit of a wtf moment for him.
Yiole Gionglao
#11502 - 2017-02-02 14:32:12 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
Yiole Gionglao wrote:

WTF! Shocked

(Is that a real game? Maybe an Asian one?)

This is the child of Funcom. My theory is that they had to do something to push the nudity to completely other dimension in relation to Age of Conan, to be relevant in game industry.

On a side note, these floppy dongs look really cute.

Oh, so it's related to Age of Conan. AoC was the second MMO I played, had some nice boobs. Lol

Actually one of my fondest moments was getting some money from other characters by making my girl dance, first in her armor, then in the "bikini" from the start of the game, then topless. A weird and fun time, but the game itself didn't ticked with me. Level-gated maps sucked a lot, and also I found out a tad late that my favorite style was tank, not DPS, so my top-DPS character was horribly weak and unsatisfying to play. I took her to level 42 or 43 and began experimenting, but each time had to run the NPE and was godawful, I ended tired and sick of Tortage Island. Then AoC went F2P and I lost track of the game.

I wonder if they'll go for saggy, wiggling boobs to compensate. Then it would be a thing to behold, everybody dancing, with swinging sausages and wiggling watermelons all over the place... Lol

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#11503 - 2017-02-02 14:59:23 UTC
Yiole Gionglao wrote:
Nana Skalski wrote:
Yiole Gionglao wrote:

WTF! Shocked

(Is that a real game? Maybe an Asian one?)

This is the child of Funcom. My theory is that they had to do something to push the nudity to completely other dimension in relation to Age of Conan, to be relevant in game industry.

On a side note, these floppy dongs look really cute.

Oh, so it's related to Age of Conan. AoC was the second MMO I played, had some nice boobs. Lol

Actually one of my fondest moments was getting some money from other characters by making my girl dance, first in her armor, then in the "bikini" from the start of the game, then topless. A weird and fun time, but the game itself didn't ticked with me. Level-gated maps sucked a lot, and also I found out a tad late that my favorite style was tank, not DPS, so my top-DPS character was horribly weak and unsatisfying to play. I took her to level 42 or 43 and began experimenting, but each time had to run the NPE and was godawful, I ended tired and sick of Tortage Island. Then AoC went F2P and I lost track of the game.

I wonder if they'll go for saggy, wiggling boobs to compensate. Then it would be a thing to behold, everybody dancing, with swinging sausages and wiggling watermelons all over the place... Lol

AoC felt like a game really, EVE felt more real with spaceships and a lot of upcoming Incarna stuff, so I now fly in EVE. I will really look at Star Citizen when it will be ready, or Elite dangerous when it will get avatars.

BTW, I think some scammers moved from EVE to Elite already.
Taishoku Mayaki
Feeling Cute Today
#11504 - 2017-02-02 17:03:42 UTC
I like Age of Conan, but my PC was pretty bad at running it back then. Then when I got one that was good enough to run it at top graphics the game had already aged horribly in comparison to others and everyone was in dank gear and would explode you. I did love bearshaman's though.

"Right-O, lets get undocked and see what falls off the ship"

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#11505 - 2017-02-02 23:01:10 UTC
Yiole Gionglao
#11506 - 2017-02-02 23:05:05 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:

Ooohhh yummy! Smile

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Yiole Gionglao
#11507 - 2017-02-02 23:35:13 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
Yiole Gionglao wrote:
Nana Skalski wrote:
Yiole Gionglao wrote:

WTF! Shocked

(Is that a real game? Maybe an Asian one?)

This is the child of Funcom. My theory is that they had to do something to push the nudity to completely other dimension in relation to Age of Conan, to be relevant in game industry.

On a side note, these floppy dongs look really cute.

Oh, so it's related to Age of Conan. AoC was the second MMO I played, had some nice boobs. Lol

Actually one of my fondest moments was getting some money from other characters by making my girl dance, first in her armor, then in the "bikini" from the start of the game, then topless. A weird and fun time, but the game itself didn't ticked with me. Level-gated maps sucked a lot, and also I found out a tad late that my favorite style was tank, not DPS, so my top-DPS character was horribly weak and unsatisfying to play. I took her to level 42 or 43 and began experimenting, but each time had to run the NPE and was godawful, I ended tired and sick of Tortage Island. Then AoC went F2P and I lost track of the game.

I wonder if they'll go for saggy, wiggling boobs to compensate. Then it would be a thing to behold, everybody dancing, with swinging sausages and wiggling watermelons all over the place... Lol

AoC felt like a game really, EVE felt more real with spaceships and a lot of upcoming Incarna stuff, so I now fly in EVE. I will really look at Star Citizen when it will be ready, or Elite dangerous when it will get avatars.

BTW, I think some scammers moved from EVE to Elite already.

I think I've never explained my first attempt at playing EVE... It was in 2006 and I had no idea of what MMOs were supposed to be, and also had only a vague idea that EVE Online was a online videogame about spaceships. Since I already had some Google-Fu by then, I did what was my usual approach: look for the manual and read it. Cool

Of course, turned that EVE had no manual, but I found a page with plenty of information on the game. It was in English, of course, yet I don't remember which one it was. I started reading about lasers, and found out that there were different laser types, and then there were also crystals which had different attributes based on their wavelength thus they caused different amounts of thermal and electromagnetic damage. I was puzzled with that prolix accont on lasers but thought that well, if lasers were the weapon of the game, they had been carefully modeled. then I read about missiles, and something called blasters, so tun rned that lasers were only one weapon system of many... after 2 hours reading, I had the disctinct imrpession that such reading could go forever, and I wasn't really learning anything on how to play the bloody game. Since it was a subscription game, I thought it would be silly to mess with such a complex thing without a manual and with all that pile of uselessly detailed information. And this is how I dismissed EVE Online in 2006 and looked for other games to play online. Lol

Those were Pirates of the Burning Sea, which I played for a few months until seeing that it was headed for doom, and then I moved on to AoC because the graphics loooked cool and I never had bothered with Conan so it was a mostly unknown fictional universe for me. Music was gorgeous, characters looked amazing, so I read about it, got useful information, thought that Herald of Whatever was my appropiate class and created a burning hot brown skinned brunette with nice yet realistic boobs. Lol

Unfortunately AoC was kinda mediocre as a game, despite the music and graphics, and it teached me that I don't like themeparks, which is coherent with all the time I've spent playing sandboxey games and how my favorite toy as a child was a construction set. I've never enjoyed toys given to me as they are, rather building stuff to play with it grew strong into me. In that sense, EVE was for me the greatest videogame I ever played... until it turned that sandbox notwithstanding, I liked the wrong blocks and was using them in the wrong way because !!CCP!!. *sigh*

Nighties lovelies!

Also: construction sets, everybody loves'em!

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Matar Ronin
#11508 - 2017-02-03 05:18:21 UTC
Greetings LAGLeers, I hope all had or are having a profitable day in the New Eden Cluster.

‘Vain flame burns fast/and its lick is light/Modest flame lasts long/and burns to the bone.’

" We lost a war we chose not to fight." Without a doubt this is the best way to lose any war and the worst excuse to explain the beating afterwards.

Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#11509 - 2017-02-03 05:31:07 UTC
I wish...
Ministerstvo na otbranata
#11510 - 2017-02-03 05:33:45 UTC
...I could sleep a little longer, but New Eden was awaiting for me. Big smile
Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#11511 - 2017-02-03 05:35:52 UTC
u3pog wrote:
...I could sleep a little longer, but New Eden was awaiting for me. Big smile

Come to Borovets, bring laptop :(
Rudi Gaterau
Stromberg Erze GmbH
#11512 - 2017-02-03 06:07:54 UTC
Good morning guys, I hope all had or have a lovely day in the New Eden Cluster Big smileBig smileBig smile

Morgen gibts Freibier :)

Stromberg Erze GmbH

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#11513 - 2017-02-03 08:05:04 UTC
Hello everyone,

Usually I get into a big debate on CODE threads, most of the time it ends up being a Forum Flame War.

However it seems this time Nana Skalski stepped up to the plate and tackled the job straight on. Thread was basically someone saying thanks to CODE for blowing up their Mining Barges. The thread says they started doing production of Mining Ships and have tripled their ISK investment.

Anyway, creds to Nana Skalski for not losing control and keeping it cool.


Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#11514 - 2017-02-03 08:40:01 UTC
Timezone o/

DeMichael Crimson wrote:

Anyway, creds to Nana Skalski for not losing control and keeping it cool.



Thank you. But they seem to not catch so much fire recently, maybe they were more bothered warming themselves with spiced wine or something, its cold outside. Big smile

Ria Nieyli wrote:
Come to Borovets

Borovets looks like a nice place.Lol
Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#11515 - 2017-02-03 09:22:51 UTC
It's a ski resort, honest.
Taishoku Mayaki
Feeling Cute Today
#11516 - 2017-02-03 12:37:26 UTC
Nice rabbit.

"Right-O, lets get undocked and see what falls off the ship"

Faulker Gath'nor
The Gold Angels
Sixth Empire
#11517 - 2017-02-03 12:55:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Faulker Gath'nor
ISD Fractal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#11518 - 2017-02-03 13:10:56 UTC

ISD Fractal


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Taishoku Mayaki
Feeling Cute Today
#11519 - 2017-02-03 13:33:42 UTC

"Right-O, lets get undocked and see what falls off the ship"

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#11520 - 2017-02-03 14:03:06 UTC
I am so hungry today. Too much thinking about food. About too much tasty food. My willpower is on critically low level right now...

Nice rabbit.

... I see it with butter and garlic...