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EVE General Discussion

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Next development cycle?

First post
Arthur Aihaken
#121 - 2017-01-31 14:20:13 UTC
For those still beating the PvP drum, just remember that PvE is what every new player starts with, what almost every player in EVE utilizes to some extent for income and what appeals most to casual players. The more players that flock to the EVE universe the more PvP opportunities there will be.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#122 - 2017-01-31 14:58:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

The list does not need to be exhaustive, 5-10 will do. You can append more later as they occur to you, or time allows for.
Also you are free to substantiate/elaborate on each individual proposal after stating it, or we may later ask for such substantiation/elaboration on them.

Oh, I can provide such a list. Yet some of its items are as complex as the sovereignty system in EVE, so they don't really make sense in a one-liner.

- add regularly more dungeons (get in, perform task, get reward)
- allow dedicated players access NPCs and obtain advantages specific and exclusive to die hard PvErs.
- add long-term PvE tasks which require many hours to complete but can be completed in short incremental batches of gameplay
- add purely cosmethic indestructable structures without effects on other players, either as rewards for PvE, Microtransactions or The Grind
- as general direction, don't remove the existing PvE content, just build on top or beside of it
- as general direction, if PvP provides a reward for a new opportunity, a similarly valuable reward should be obtainable for a new PvE opportunity
- as general direction, PvE should be viable as a perennial activity (endgame)

Bear in mind that I'm not stupid and I am aware of the complexity of some proposals, their potential backdraws and the solutions to those backdraws. You wanted a concise bulletpoint list and that is provided even if matters are a bit more complicated than what fits in a one-liner.
Salvos Rhoska
#123 - 2017-01-31 15:07:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

The list does not need to be exhaustive, 5-10 will do. You can append more later as they occur to you, or time allows for.
Also you are free to substantiate/elaborate on each individual proposal after stating it, or we may later ask for such substantiation/elaboration on them.

Bear in mind that I'm not stupid and I am aware of the complexity of some proposals, their potential backdraws and the solutions to those backdraws. You wanted a concise bulletpoint list and that is provided even if matters are a bit more complicated than what fits in a one-liner.

Did you not read where I said:
-"You can append more later as they occur to you, or time allows for.
Also you are free to substantiate/elaborate on each individual proposal after stating it"

I am aware a one-liner does not provide an explanation for the particulars of a proposal.

I also, am not stupid. That is why I specifically said what I did above.

Your "bear in mind" point is noted, but moot. as it has already, deliberately, been addressed and provided for above, earlier.

Thank you nonetheless for the list.
Salvos Rhoska
#124 - 2017-01-31 15:32:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Points numbered, bolded and underlined below.

-1) Add regularly more dungeons (get in, perform task, get reward)
I have nothing against this, in principle. However this can lead to item supply imbalances, and the abandonment of other PvE dungeons as obsolete (thus wasting the effort of their implementation (for example HS Drone Combat Signature sites are complete crap)). CCP also runs occasional PvE oriented events and limited duration dungeon systems (such as the Blood Harvest).

Noteably, daytripping into WHs also constitutes the form of a dungeon, albeit one beset with other players, that you enter with only with what you have. Get in, perform your task, take reward, get out. Arguably activities anywhere that are not secured, is a dungeon. There are untold riches there, but there may also be competitors for the same PvE content.

-2) Allow dedicated players access NPCs and obtain advantages specific and exclusive to die hard PvErs.

These currently exist as LP rewards/stores and the Standing boosts.
Heuristically, or "intuitively", if you prefer, CCP seems to be following a direction of more NPC dynamics as with mining fleets. I expect there will be more, especially regarding the importance of standing in how the NPC environment reacts to player action.

-3) Add long-term PvE tasks which require many hours to complete but can be completed in short incremental batches of gameplay
These currently exist as Escalations, Expeditions and the various storyline quests, such as COSMO and SOE.
Sure, why not add more, considering however the caveats in point 1.

Iirc, NPC Mssions also escalate into a storyline mission with special rewards after completing a set number (was it every tenth?), thus requiring you to grind incrementally through the others to get to that.

The essentially PvE careers of research, manufacture and PI (and trading) also constitute this, as requiring many hours, but the progression of value is achieved incrementally. If you are sourcing your own materials, that too takes hours of incremental playtime.

-4) Add purely cosmethic indestructable structures without effects on other players, either as rewards for PvE, Microtransactions or The Grind
Can you elaborate on some examples of what you mean as "cosmetic indestructible structures"?

-5) As general direction, don't remove the existing PvE content, just build on top or beside of it
I dont see that this general direction has been violated. What PvE content was removed? The hacking can loot minigame? I think Ghost sites where removed from HS during my absence (can anyone confirm?). This was detrimental to my profits and made my dedicated hull useless for that, but Im not all that mad. I just focused on other tasks instead.

-6) As general direction, if PvP provides a reward for a new opportunity, a similarly valuable reward should be obtainable for a new PvE opportunity
I dont see how this general direction has been violated. There have been several resource ships released (Porpoise) alongside combat ships (which are also used for PvE). Citadels are implemented along EC, for use by industrialists.

In rebuttal, I would further point out that PvP is for its overwhelming majority, not profitable. There are any number of arguably PvE activities which far outstrip isk/hr of PvP. The "reward" from PvP, is largely in defeating/denying the enemy, thrill of combat vs humans etc. There is usually very little actual concrete reward.

Furthermore, any and all materials won (or destroyed) in PvP, are ultimately sourced from PvE.
With the exception of CCP gifts/awards, everything in EVE originates from PvE.
PvP does not generate any items as rewards, it only destroys them or exchanges their owners.
Thus all material reward from PvP, is linked to PvE rewards, not the other way around.
PvE sources and provides materials.
PvP destroys them and facilitates their exchange of owners (either by looting or trading).
Thus the more PvP destruction there is, the higher the value of PvE sourced materials, and vice versa.

Ergo: PvP defines the value, in reward, from PvE.
Now re-read and reconsider formulation of your 6) above.

-7) As general direction, PvE should be viable as a perennial activity (endgame)

Incursions comprise this general direction, as does on a smaller scale advancement into L4 missions, and then to Burner missions. Carrier or even Titan ratting is an enormously lucrative PvE endgame that takes aaages to skill into.

Combat PvE is gated in this fashion. You can only earn a certain amount in a certain ship class, in a certain sector of space. If you want to earn more, you must fly larger ships in sectors with more demanding content.

As to industry related PvE, acquiring the skills, resources and safety to provide for construction of the largest and most expensive items in EVE, is certainly a very distant and demanding endgame.

As to trading, the endgame is eventually becoming an investor/banker dealing in x billions.
House Amamake
#125 - 2017-01-31 16:58:23 UTC
CCP Falcon wrote:
There'll be more information post CSM summit, plus additional stuff in the run up to Fanfest.

We've been closely monitoring Ascension and the transition to Alpha/Omega over the holidays before we dive into work for 2017.

Big smile

Last year you just spoiled the whole Fanfest doing that. The keynote was boring af cause we already know about the major "features" you announced there.

Just open the door and it will be fine.

Loyal servent to Mother Amamake. @EVE_Tetsel

Another Bittervet Please Ignore

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#126 - 2017-01-31 17:03:49 UTC
EVE is not like WoW where you have to give crowd every expansion some more powerful armor and abilities and new dungeons. for them to be entertained and to feel a kind of purpose to log in. Those people would play WoW already anyway. Or some clone of it.

I can only imagine EVE PvE like its modelling for people who dont want to have stuff on shelves. You spend a lot of time to make a lot of ISK and when you have it you buy nice looking ship and upgrade it with shiny modules and SKIN. When its ready you put it in hangar, and go do another round of missions to make another and put this in hangar. When you have enough ISK you buy PLEX and can do a bit of exploration in low sec to change environment, advance in difficulty and feel this risk factor, while still saying to yourself "Oh gosh, I need that cloaked ship to fly in low sec, this one will be my money maker to buy me some more new shiny stuff".
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#127 - 2017-01-31 17:06:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
Tetsel wrote:
CCP Falcon wrote:
There'll be more information post CSM summit, plus additional stuff in the run up to Fanfest.

We've been closely monitoring Ascension and the transition to Alpha/Omega over the holidays before we dive into work for 2017.

Big smile

Last year you just spoiled the whole Fanfest doing that. The keynote was boring af cause we already know about the major "features" you announced there.

Just open the door and it will be fine.

You mean they should keep all the news to fanfest presentation? Well, That would have some impact to see it for first time on fanfest, what they want to do further along the timeline.
Salvos Rhoska
#128 - 2017-01-31 17:23:06 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:

This is not entirely accurate.

There is a very real SP gate regarding access to many forms of PvE content across different space sectors.
There is also much larger risk.
And most importantly, whether you have a supporting corp, or not.

Some players truly just dont have the SP yet to step into that content.
Some players truly dont have the wealth to risk it.
And most importantly, some players dont have the corp to support them.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#129 - 2017-01-31 17:26:38 UTC
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Malcanis wrote:

You've been banging this drum for 8 years. EVE is still here and, mysteriously, so are you.

I'm here because it's free. All the fun for no sum! Blink

PS: it's been more like 5 years, since Incarnageddon.

There are oodles of F2P and B2P PvE focused games. Why is EVE, a game you claim greviously disappoints you, and which you apparently believe hates you back, worth your time? Go play Elite, why not? I discinctly recall that you delcared you would, albeit only until Star Citizen launches. So why not play a game which is PvE focued and pvP is strictly optional - it even has spaceships and direct control.

Realtalk: you've been threatening to quit over these quixotic windmills for half a decade. Why not ask yourself if you actually do like EVE, with all it's ganky, blobby, unfair, cruel risks, and worst of all, it's indifference to Fazmarai-demands, and maybe start engaging with it as it is?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#130 - 2017-01-31 17:29:23 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
For those still beating the PvP drum, just remember that PvE is what every new player starts with...

That's a design flaw, because just about every (OK, a large majority of) new player starts because of the Player interaction stories they've heard about. They want to get into the PvP, but many of them don't. That's a design flaw, and a problem with the corp tools available, and the nature of a game which is founded on alt character play. It says very little about he desires of the new players.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Salvos Rhoska
#131 - 2017-01-31 17:44:21 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
For those still beating the PvP drum, just remember that PvE is what every new player starts with...

That's a design flaw, because just about every (OK, a large majority of) new player starts because of the Player interaction stories they've heard about. They want to get into the PvP, but many of them don't. That's a design flaw, and a problem with the corp tools available, and the nature of a game which is founded on alt character play. It says very little about he desires of the new players.

You are both wrong.

Some players want PvP.
Some players want PvE.
Some want a bit of both.

There is no design flaw.
PvP is dependent on PvE, and vice versa.
PvP determines the value of PvE, and PvE provides the means for PvP.
They are two sides of the same coin.
Arthur Aihaken
#132 - 2017-01-31 18:08:02 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
That's a design flaw, because just about every (OK, a large majority of) new player starts because of the Player interaction stories they've heard about. They want to get into the PvP, but many of them don't. That's a design flaw, and a problem with the corp tools available, and the nature of a game which is founded on alt character play. It says very little about he desires of the new players.

Design flaw or not, it's what exists at present.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Orin Solette
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#133 - 2017-01-31 18:18:34 UTC
Currently PVP is the only reason anything has value or purpose in this game. Indirectly, anything that attracts more players to PVP also helps the bottom line in PVE. So I don't blame CCP for focusing on that.

But I know that they can do better on the PVE front. The NPE is ALL PVE. It's very difficult to get into PVP until you get some isk flowing and learn to fly a ship properly. That alone should be reason enough to focus on making PVE just as fun, dynamic, dangerous, and rewarding as other content in the game without having to rely on gankers to make it so.
Salvos Rhoska
#134 - 2017-01-31 18:29:23 UTC
Orin Solette wrote:
Currently PVP is the only reason anything has value or purpose in this game. Indirectly, anything that attracts more players to PVP also helps the bottom line in PVE. So I don't blame CCP for focusing on that..

There is also the inverse.
Without sufficient PvE, PvP will become increasingly expensive and unsustainable, leading to more PvE behavior to sustain losses.

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#135 - 2017-01-31 19:21:25 UTC
Excuse me if i intervened. Just wanted to point some things.

Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Indahmawar Fazmarai wrote:
Points numbered, bolded and underlined below.

-1) Add regularly more dungeons (get in, perform task, get reward)
I have nothing against this, in principle. However this can lead to item supply imbalances, and the abandonment of other PvE dungeons as obsolete (thus wasting the effort of their implementation (for example HS Drone Combat Signature sites are complete crap)).
Noteably, daytripping into WHs also constitutes the form of a dungeon, albeit one beset with other players, that you enter with only with what you have. Get in, perform your task, take reward, get out. Arguably activities anywhere that are not secured, is a dungeon. There are untold riches there, but there may also be competitors for the same PvE content.

Adding new regular missions does not lead to 'oversupply' and such stuff. You simply do this mission or another one.
New anomalies made 'similar to already existing ones' won't hurt at all.
HS rogue drone signatures are dead because of alloys.

Daytripping to WHs are mostly PvP activity. You can prepare to kill sleepers but most of all you should prepare to deal with players. I would not call it "PVE".

Salvos Rhoska wrote:

-2) Allow dedicated players access NPCs and obtain advantages specific and exclusive to die hard PvErs.

These currently exist as LP rewards/stores and the Standing boosts.

Thanks to FW most of High-sec LP shops are dead.
Standings are mostly dead these days too. Actually i cannot give examples of what good standings with NPC corps/factions do these days Shocked

Salvos Rhoska wrote:

-3) Add long-term PvE tasks which require many hours to complete but can be completed in short incremental batches of gameplay
These currently exist as Escalations, Expeditions and the various storyline quests, such as COSMO and SOE.
Sure, why not add more, considering however the caveats in point 1.

Take note that most of these have pretty limited time to complete (Escalations need to be finished in 24 hours for example, most missions won't wait you to return from 2 week-long vacation).

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#136 - 2017-01-31 20:43:41 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
That's a design flaw, because just about every (OK, a large majority of) new player starts because of the Player interaction stories they've heard about. They want to get into the PvP, but many of them don't. That's a design flaw, and a problem with the corp tools available, and the nature of a game which is founded on alt character play. It says very little about he desires of the new players.

Design flaw or not, it's what exists at present.

Thanks, Major Tautology. No **** it's "what exists at present". But it's worthless for diagnosing the preference of new players.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#137 - 2017-01-31 20:51:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Myself I've gone from 5 to 3 and soon to be just 1 paid account over the past year. The lack of PvE content is primarily the reason for me.

Every system and most wormholes have asteroids to shoot. The belts and gates provide rats to shoot. There are mission agents all across empire space, anomolies, combat signatures, relic and data sites, incursions, etc..

The amount of PVE content available in the game has been on an increasing path for a while now, at least since the introduction of the drifter story.

It's possible in most systems to undock and find PVE content almost instantaneously.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#138 - 2017-01-31 21:35:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai

(On second thought, I better answer tomorrow)
#139 - 2017-01-31 23:58:31 UTC
Epic armor and legendary gear.
Arthur Aihaken
#140 - 2017-02-01 00:18:26 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Thanks, Major Tautology. No **** it's "what exists at present". But it's worthless for diagnosing the preference of new players.

Trying to figure out the preference of new players is a WAG - I simply stated that they start out with PvE. The opinion of whether this is a design flaw is moot (for all you know this is intended).

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.