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Bondpocalypse Now - 10b, 3%, no collateral

Dethmourne Silvermane
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#1 - 2017-01-31 00:06:35 UTC
Dethmourne Silvermane presents:


A Silvermane Debt Instrument

I love the smell of ISK and napalm in the morning.

I'm continuing to expand my SP farming project, and have assessed that the character market is surprisingly soft and ripe for such a project. As such my opportunities have outstripped my liquid and I'm seeking an additional 10b in funding. This expansion will be the start of a disclaimer stating that I reserve the right to continue seeking expansion without the approval/advisement of existing investors moving forward (though it is my intent to continue to keep all investors apprised of the current situation regarding my debts, etc). Please do not invest if you are not comfortable with this clause.

This bond is a long-term project involving SP farming, BPO copying/research, manufacturing, and PI. The funds will be directed towards acquiring undervalued characters that can be extracted and used for the above activities. Interest is paid out on the first of each month, starting March 1st.

For this debt instrument I'd like to maintain 1b "chunks" so there are effective 10 separate bonds being sold here in 1b increments.

Existing debts:

5b @ 5%/month - Roedyn
5b @ 3%/month - Roedyn
10b @ 3%/month - Nouva MacGyver

For a total of 20b current outstanding debt.

Happy as always to answer questions, will reserve second post for Q&A and for listing bondholder(s) after funding is secured.

To reiterate, this debt instrument does not preclude further debt instruments from being offered in the future so please do not invest if you are uncomfortable with this prospect

Interested Party (TM)

Dethmourne Silvermane
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#2 - 2017-01-31 00:06:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Dethmourne Silvermane
Updated again: filled by Elizabeth Norn.

Interested Party (TM)

Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#3 - 2017-01-31 00:35:27 UTC
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#4 - 2017-01-31 00:44:12 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
You really like making new threads.

Well, the posting history is consistent at least.
Dethmourne Silvermane
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#5 - 2017-01-31 00:53:16 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
You really like making new threads.

Seems better to make a new thread rather than modify the OP in a prior thread. I am, however, not consistent in actually linking the previous threads and will endeavour to be better about that (rather than simply listing the current debts).

Interested Party (TM)

Goonswarm Federation
#6 - 2017-01-31 01:07:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Braondra
Supercarrier funding suddenly happened Sad
Dethmourne Silvermane
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#7 - 2017-01-31 01:08:08 UTC
Braondra wrote:
I'll fund the 10b.

Sold to the man in the red coat.

Interested Party (TM)

Luthor Ikkala
Snow Moon City
#8 - 2017-01-31 12:56:00 UTC
Braondra wrote:
I'll fund the 10b.

Well it didnt take long to get your hands on the bond market
Goonswarm Federation
#9 - 2017-01-31 14:38:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Braondra
Going to have to remove my offer from the bond. A large purchase came about 30 days earlier, and has tied my ISK up.
Dethmourne Silvermane
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#10 - 2017-01-31 23:41:18 UTC
Braondra advised in-game he's unexpectedly had expenses forcing him to back out of this arrangement, so the 10b funding is once again being searched for. I've asked him to update here reflecting that.


Interested Party (TM)

Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#11 - 2017-02-03 04:50:09 UTC
Luthor Ikkala
Snow Moon City
#12 - 2017-02-03 06:17:18 UTC
Hmm i really hope everything goes well. My personal experience is that, if you try to rush things and just make quick isk, the project will eventually fall. Good luck! May this project be worth it!
Dethmourne Silvermane
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#13 - 2017-02-03 07:27:42 UTC
Luthor Ikkala wrote:
Hmm i really hope everything goes well. My personal experience is that, if you try to rush things and just make quick isk, the project will eventually fall. Good luck! May this project be worth it!

This project is basically the opposite of rushing things :)

Interested Party (TM)

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#14 - 2017-02-05 13:14:52 UTC
Dethmourne Silvermane wrote:

Happy as always to answer questions

I have a question: do you need more money?
Garen Sobek
#15 - 2017-02-05 16:17:08 UTC
My question is why does it constantly seem like your in need for more money. From an outsiders perspective it might seem like you haven't ran the numbers correctly, otherwise you would of just asked for the entire combined amount from the start.
Dethmourne Silvermane
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#16 - 2017-02-05 22:56:57 UTC
Garen Sobek wrote:
My question is why does it constantly seem like your in need for more money. From an outsiders perspective it might seem like you haven't ran the numbers correctly, otherwise you would of just asked for the entire combined amount from the start.

My goal is to always limit my borrowing to the outlay I'm seeing in front of me so I don't end up with a bunch of capital lying around unused. For example, the purchases I was going to make with this particular run went away, so now I'm looking into alternate investments. Keep in mind I'm not doing a traditional "I'm going to station trade" bond here at this point (my first ask that Roedyn filled was that, but it has since transformed and he and I discussed that before I made the switch). I legitimately think my cap on this could be around 100b (before we hit "too much effort" land and I don't want to further expand) but I don't want to just go borrow 100b and then find out I don't have anywhere to spend it. Does that answer your question?

Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
I have a question: do you need more money?

That's a question I'm not sure I have the answer to at this moment - probably, as I want to get the existing characters cranking out some research lines but before I borrow more I want to figure out what BPOs to acquire.

Interested Party (TM)

Goonswarm Federation
#17 - 2017-02-06 15:52:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Braondra
Whoops, I commented on the wrong thread :D