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Acceleration time to Max Velocity

Liath Atruin
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2017-01-29 17:52:20 UTC
So I have been playing around with the formulas to calculate travel times. I know the alignment is the time to change direction and reach the 75% speed to enter warp. However, I cannot find the time it takes to go from full stop to Max Velocity. For instance, how long would it take me to reach a station when I drop out at the standard 15 km distance in my Reaper (which has a 433.33 m/sec max velocity)? I cannot seem to find the numbers, and I am at a loss as to how this would be calculated since I do not have an acceleration rate which I would use to find the information on. Has anyone else been able to calculate this?
Arthur Aihaken
#2 - 2017-01-29 17:57:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Arthur Aihaken
Once upon a time Fozzie (I believe) posted all the warp speed numbers on a spreadsheet somewhere, including acceleration. Ah, found it... Hope this helps.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Ice Fire Warriors
#3 - 2017-01-29 18:29:20 UTC
Keep in mind that ship mass (affected by some mods) and agility (also affected by some mods) will change the numbers.

With higher mass your align time will decrease.

With lower agility your align time will decrease.

Additionally, it will work in reverse too.
Higher mass and lower agility will make a ship slow down slower too.
Dark Lord Trump
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#4 - 2017-01-29 19:40:22 UTC
Multiply the align time by 4/3 to determine the time needed to accelerate to full speed.
Also, most stations drop you either at or much closer to the docking ring. Are you using autopilot? Don't be on autopilot.

I'm going to build a big wall that will keep the Gallente out, and they're going to pay for it!

#5 - 2017-01-30 04:38:05 UTC
Align time is based on what I call effective mass. Mass X agility modifier = effective mass. I don't know the calculation beyond that. Acceleration is faster than deceleration, which can make the align time from an undock impossible to predict, but it also lets you do some manual flying to improve your times. As far as actually calculating travel times, I wouldn't be too hopeful since the route information doesn't give you AU's. You'd have better luck running a few different long routes and figure out the median time per system. Also, don't autopilot. I feel like I shouldn't have to say that, but don't.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

#6 - 2017-01-30 05:15:28 UTC
Hmmmm, you go then you stop. Pretty much it there.
Liath Atruin
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2017-01-30 05:31:47 UTC
I am looking to calculate using auto pilot because I primarily want to know how long it will be for travelling if I am travelling from one system to another and need to click and forget.
Tisiphone Dira
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2017-01-30 07:59:30 UTC
*Jaws theme*

There once was a ganker named tisi

A stunningly beautiful missy

To gank a gross miner

There is nothing finer, cept when they get all pissy

#9 - 2017-01-30 08:25:05 UTC
Tisiphone Dira wrote:
*Jaws theme*

Leitmotif, please.
Trevor Dalech
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#10 - 2017-01-30 08:27:46 UTC
Dark Lord Trump wrote:
Multiply the align time by 4/3 to determine the time needed to accelerate to full speed.

The acceleration is not constant. In terms of physics, ships in EVE experience a drag force which is proportional to their velocity. This is why EVE is often referred to as a submarine simulator. This means that ships approach their max velocity exponentially, but will never actually reach it. So strictly speaking, the answer you're seeking is "infinitely long".

The math for acceleration times used to be on evelopedia somewhere I think, I have to go to work now though, so I don't have time to google all the references.

I'd guess that Dark Lord Trump's formula will give you a decent approximation to how long it takes to get to 95% of max velocity though.
Mr Mieyli
#11 - 2017-01-30 09:17:24 UTC
Here's the formula for time taken to reach speed V, where I is inertia and M is the mass of the ship.

Technically it does take infinite time to reach max speed, but it gets exponentially closer to max speed as time goes on.

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

3 R Corporation
#12 - 2017-01-30 21:27:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Ptraci
Mr Mieyli wrote:
Here's the formula for time taken to reach speed V, where I is inertia and M is the mass of the ship.

Technically it does take infinite time to reach max speed, but it gets exponentially closer to max speed as time goes on.

Considering that ln(0) is undefined, that is kind of a dangerous formula to put in a computer program "as is". They must use some approximation to it.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#13 - 2017-01-30 23:00:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Liath Atruin wrote:
So I have been playing around with the formulas to calculate travel times. I know the alignment is the time to change direction and reach the 75% speed to enter warp. However, I cannot find the time it takes to go from full stop to Max Velocity. For instance, how long would it take me to reach a station when I drop out at the standard 15 km distance in my Reaper (which has a 433.33 m/sec max velocity)? I cannot seem to find the numbers, and I am at a loss as to how this would be calculated since I do not have an acceleration rate which I would use to find the information on. Has anyone else been able to calculate this?

For what it is worth, my experience is that max velocity matters more than acceleration, as 15 km - 2.5 km = 12.5 km is plenty for most any ship to reach max velocity.

Example: The Charon is the slowest freighter, but AFK it is faster than an Orca which accelerates faster.

The time to go from full stop to any velocity:

Should you want to look at a MWD calculation, which is even stranger:

365 m/s Rifter Base Velocity * (1 + Navigation 5 * 5%) * (1 + 500% MWD bonus * (1 + Acceleration Control 5 * 5%) * (1500000 MWD thrust / (1067000 kg ship mass + 500000 kg module mass))) = 3185.8886 m/s
Mr Mieyli
#14 - 2017-01-30 23:14:55 UTC
Ptraci wrote:
Mr Mieyli wrote:
Here's the formula for time taken to reach speed V, where I is inertia and M is the mass of the ship.

Technically it does take infinite time to reach max speed, but it gets exponentially closer to max speed as time goes on.

Considering that ln(0) is undefined, that is kind of a dangerous formula to put in a computer program "as is". They must use some approximation to it.

It's only dangerous if you're exactly at your max speed, but instead you only ever get exponentially closer. You maybe right though that there's some special case for that scenario where a ln(0) comes up.

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#15 - 2017-01-30 23:19:25 UTC

It takes roughly 10 minutes for any ship to come to a complete stop after the velocity reads 0.0 m/s. When that happens, the ship model tends to "flip", because the client doesn't know what direction to point it.
Generic Corp Name
#16 - 2017-01-30 23:32:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Rawketsled
Ptraci wrote:
Mr Mieyli wrote:
Here's the formula for time taken to reach speed V, where I is inertia and M is the mass of the ship.

Technically it does take infinite time to reach max speed, but it gets exponentially closer to max speed as time goes on.

Considering that ln(0) is undefined, that is kind of a dangerous formula to put in a computer program "as is". They must use some approximation to it.

That formula probably doesn't actually exist in-game. Because the game needs to know all of the intermediate velocities between stationary and 0.75V, it has to exist reforumated into some iterative version of the following;

v(t) = v_max * (1 - exp(-t/k))    (k = I * M * 10^-6)

[EDIT] Had some terms in the wrong order.
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2017-01-30 23:48:54 UTC  |  Edited by: nezroy
A long time ago I napkin math'd this with a stopwatch and some cryptic comments from Fozzie for a web tool I wrote. I no longer remember the exact math, but you can see the resulting JS lib with pretty extensive commentary here:

In particular check out the flightTime (and the comments right before it about the mathematical basis), rawFlightTime, flightDistance, rawFlightDistance, tauFlightDistance, accelTime, and rawAccelTime for the stuff directly related to accelerating to max speed. There's also warp acceleration/distance/time stuff in there too...

EDIT: In particular, the equations I assumed (or found?) for sublight travel were
* Linear motion is fluid drag.
* K = agility * mass / 10^6
* V(t) = Vm*(1 - e^(-t/K))
* S(t) = Vm*t - Vm*K*(1 - e^(-t/K))
and I just hacked up the derivations from there.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#18 - 2017-01-31 21:14:42 UTC
Tau Cabalander wrote:

It takes roughly 10 minutes for any ship to come to a complete stop after the velocity reads 0.0 m/s. When that happens, the ship model tends to "flip", because the client doesn't know what direction to point it.

What the **** CCP????

How can you have so many different case for rounding numbers in the same software?