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[LOAN] 15B @ 5% - Uncollateralized

Kris Koen
Black Lantern Holdings
#1 - 2017-01-27 13:01:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Kris Koen
Hello again market folks, it is i the buyer of stupidly overpriced Bhaalgorns here once again.

Some of you will remember my first post in Market Discussion 5 weeks ago approx. I had made a rookie error with a decimal place and bought a Bhaalgorn for 3 Billion. After i told my story someone was kind enough to get in touch with a loan of 1 Billion ISK, which really helped me get back on my feet.

Having learned a lot from this mistake and now 60 days into my trading career, i have taken my net worth from approx 5B seed capital to just under 17 Billion ISK. Including the loss from the Bhaalgorn incident i have more than tripled my net worth in 60 days Lol

This is addictive, and the plan is working solidly. Currently it seems obvious that profit at this level of the game will scale well with capital to a certain extent. While i realise maintaining the same % profit with ever increasing capital has it's limits, i believe that now is a good time to seek an injection of funds to reduce the overall wait and be making more, faster.

I ask for 15B because that puts me over 30 Billion investment capital.

While i was repaying the 1 Billion loan from the Bhaalgorn incident i found i had no problem paying back 100-300 Million a week (sometimes 100M a day if profits were good) which is 40-120% a month on 1 Billion. It is therefor not a huge step to pay off 187.5M a week interest on 15B (5% monthly). On top of the interest repayments i would pile whatever extra i have in order to get the loan payed off ASAP.

So, in closing i realize everyone and their dog is on the Market forum these days with their hand out. I'm hoping some of the guys who know me a little might step in and help out. If there's any extra info anyone requires i'b be happy to provide details in private.

So.. here goes nothing.. Arrow

Minimum investment 5B please.
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2017-01-27 13:02:58 UTC
some proof ?

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Kris Koen
Black Lantern Holdings
#3 - 2017-01-27 13:06:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Kris Koen
What would you like proof of Ruvin?

[EDIT] - I could pull my market data charts off Or perhaps provide an API to a serious potential lender? I'm not looking to pull the wool over anyone's eyes and will provide any evidence that's necessary.

[EDIT 2] - Link to my 365 day EveTradeMaster net worth tracker. Shows only days since i started trading (under 60).
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#4 - 2017-01-27 15:37:33 UTC
What happens if you make another "rookie" mistake and lose the ability to pay back investors? How would I be getting my isk back then?
Why do you think it's a good idea to go from a 1b loan to a 15b one, which is close to being 100% of your worth?

What guarantee do I have that you won't decide to make a run for it, especially since doubling your money for 5 weeks of reputation seems like a great tradeoff....


People who put passwords on char bazaar Eveboards are the worst.

Kris Koen
Black Lantern Holdings
#5 - 2017-01-27 23:59:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Kris Koen
lanyaie wrote:
What happens if you make another "rookie" mistake and lose the ability to pay back investors? How would I be getting my isk back then?
Why do you think it's a good idea to go from a 1b loan to a 15b one, which is close to being 100% of your worth?

What guarantee do I have that you won't decide to make a run for it, especially since doubling your money for 5 weeks of reputation seems like a great tradeoff....

Well as i'm sure you gathered from the word "uncollateralized" there is no guarantee, something i hope is reflected part in the interest rate and also part in the fact 15B is not enough to retire on so to speak. My statistics will demonstrate i'm aware 15B isn't life changing and i am merely trying to shave a few months off a proven and demonstrable business model. I am happy to provide any evidence that a legitimate lender may require.

In truth i was aware the kind of reception i might recieve, however last time on these forums someone approached me to offer a loan without me even asking. You must forgive me for putting out the feelers, and i offer it purely as a business proposal. If it doesn't seem sure enough (and i realize it doesn't for the vast majority) then by all means do not make an agreement with me.

[EDIT] - The last rookie mistake set me back half my net worth and i still made 300% net growth in 60 days. I would suggest the added experience of said error makes me a more successful trader rather than the opposite.
EVE Museum
#6 - 2017-01-28 07:06:52 UTC
If I were you I would lower the size of the loan and offer 10%.
People can see you are making 100% profit per month for yourself and you offer 5% for those sticking their necks out.

My channel: "Signatures" -

Antec Enterprises
#7 - 2017-01-28 10:59:27 UTC
Cista2 wrote:
If I were you I would lower the size of the loan and offer 10%.
People can see you are making 100% profit per month for yourself and you offer 5% for those sticking their necks out.

That and get the person who gave you your first loan to post in here with some feedback. It's not much but every little helps.
Chelian Dendrotoxin
Mamaroneck Trading Company
#8 - 2017-01-28 16:42:03 UTC
would liek pledge 20b
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#9 - 2017-01-28 16:44:17 UTC
Kris Koen wrote:

Well as i'm sure you gathered from the word "uncollateralized" there is no guarantee, something i hope is reflected part in the interest rate and also part in the fact 15B is not enough to retire on so to speak.

In truth i was aware the kind of reception i might recieve, however last time on these forums someone approached me to offer a loan without me even asking.

[EDIT] - The last rookie mistake set me back half my net worth and i still made 300% net growth in 60 days. I would suggest the added experience of said error makes me a more successful trader rather than the opposite.

Once's guarantee is usually their reputation. You've indicated that you have previously loaned the sum of 1b after only being around on MD for 5 weeks - essentially, your reputation is worth just that - 5 weeks of time. 15B might not be something you can retire with, but I've seen people bail for less.

As for your previous loan, you keep using that to (or at least, I assume) legitimize this loan request. Yet you have provided no evidence of said loan being successfully completed, and it's still 1/15th of the amount you're currently asking for. You can understand that people are much more likely to loan out 1B compared to loaning out 15B.

The reason I have for referring to your previous mistake is quite simple: it serves to show that anything can happen.
You've indicated that your NAV is currently around 15b after 60 days. Let's assume you make the same mistake and you lose 50% of your nav. There's no incentive for you to grind another 60 days just to pay back a loan and make no profit. Your reputation of 5 weeks is shorter than the amount of time it previously took you to get 15b.

Now to actually make a suggestion to you: Have your previous investor confirm that he/she loaned you money and was repaid. Reduce this loan amount by a substantial amount, there's no reason to jump from 1b to 15b. I'm sure that since you've indicated you can prove your trading efforts so far, someone out there will be able to come with an agreement with you for a lesser amount.


People who put passwords on char bazaar Eveboards are the worst.

Dethmourne Silvermane
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#10 - 2017-01-29 21:17:20 UTC
5b is probably a more reasonable second loan given your situation - and if your complaint is "but 5b doesn't ratchet me up in a meaningful manner" than you don't need a loan for your business plan.

Interested Party (TM)