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Can you make a profit station trading, i struggle too..............

Lucifer Saissore
House of Black Lanterns
#1 - 2017-01-06 10:58:04 UTC
Still attempting to station trade and finding it very hard to turn a decent profit especially in jita.
what i have noticed is that jita is the place to buy and sell quickly, but the hardest to turn a profit as an experiment for my own understanding i bought 36 targeting range scripts, sold 12 in jita almost immediately for a small profit, took 12 to rens they were selling at 48k each sold all 12 over a week took 12 to heimatar where they are/were selling for 146k still have 8 left after almost 2 weeks.
Then my buddy rubs salt in my wounds and says hey i made almost 12bil in 2 weeks trading this that and the other in rens so i decided to watch these items as they were out of my price range they were faction stuff and officer mods and most of the items were selling at double the buying price, however the movement of these items was slower than slow, so am not sure if the 12bil was just a little porkie to wind me up :)
So for now i am in jita struggling to make a living any useful tips would be appreciated.
Kaira Innovations
#2 - 2017-01-06 11:28:46 UTC
its not a porkie, its easily possible in fact he could of probably made more with a little more effort. The thing is though you need the isk to do it in the first place as well as the skills and standings especially if you are doing your trading in npc stations.

I would suggest looking at the T2 mods market for now until you build up more isk so that you can take more chances. Try to get profit margins around 100-200k per mod if possible.

When selling the mods, if you are doing so in jita ignore the selling prices in perimeter and only pay attention to those in the jita 4-4 station.

when buying the mods look at regional buy prices including perimeter.

if you are transferring your items to sell in rens or hek then make sure you check the total price of your hauling before setting out so that you dont paint a target on yourself when your jumping gate to gate, NEVER AFK travel with them either.
Lucifer Saissore
House of Black Lanterns
#3 - 2017-01-06 11:44:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucifer Saissore
OK that kind of makes sense to me, why ignore the prices in perimeter for selling but watch when buying, sorry if that sound quite lame but i am a total noob :)
also whats the best tool to watch and compare these prices or is the ingame market ui just as good as any out of game data?
Kaira Innovations
#4 - 2017-01-06 12:13:31 UTC
Lucifer Saissore wrote:
OK that kind of makes sense to me, why ignore the prices in perimeter for selling but watch when buying, sorry if that sound quite lame but i am a total noob :)
also whats the best tool to watch and compare these prices or is the ingame market ui just as good as any out of game data?

Jita 4-4 is the main trade hub for that area and regardless of what the selling price in perimeter is they will still sell in jita. Buying on the other hand you have to watch because a few of the traders are trading out of perimeter and doing it within a 1 jump radius of that location which is why you have to keep a eye on it regionally. In addition when you do your buy orders try to do them so that its based on that station so that you dont have to travel around to pick up the items which causes you to lose time that could be used to monitor the market.

The only tool worth using is one we were all born with and thats our eyes :P

but to make things a little easier is worth using to check sales pricing in other regions. Personally I would prefer to look myself as the pricing doesnt always work well on that site and still holds the price for certain items upto 10-15 hours even after they have sold so some of the items may be wrong.
Keno Skir
#5 - 2017-01-06 14:02:15 UTC
Your friend was talking bullsh*t. Not that it's not possible, people make way more than that station trading. None the less people always over inflate their income when they talk to new players (and old), it's just an e-peen thing. If he said 12 i think he might have made about 6 or 7, purely at a guess Blink

But aside from that, station trading is the most profitable thing you can do. If you are not making a profit it's because of your plan not because you were lied to when you were told it was good ISK.

What % profit did you walk out of your script trading test with?
Donna Dolore
Delirium Trigger Industries
#6 - 2017-01-06 14:08:22 UTC
you need decent amount of isk to start, and run far far away from jita..... ;)
Kousaka Otsu Shigure
#7 - 2017-01-06 14:08:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Kousaka Otsu Shigure
1. Increase your buy order range, to increase the possibility that someone will sell cheap to you. Set to within the nearest lowsec area in The Forge region.

Using dotlan, with the security status layout:

You will notice that the nearest lowsec is 8 jumps from Jita, so place a buy order within that range, (not 8! or the items will land in lowsec areas and picking them up will be a pain!)

2. I first read of the 'burger method' in the eve uni pages:

Seems to be a good index of how to study the rise and fall of prices in the item history.

3. For small item pickups, use fast warping ships. I use either a:

a. Leopard with a 10m3 cargohold and 20au/s warpspeed
b. Dramiel with a 130m3 cargohold and upto 13.04au/s warpspeed with T2 hyperspatial velocity optimizers
c. Daredevil with a 140m3 cargohold and upto 8.69au/s warpspeed and 1.86 alignspeed with T2 hyperspatial velocity optimizers and T2 inertial stabilizers

Of course, you manually fly these ships and no autopiloting ever. Set your pickup points, add more waypoints, optimize waypoints (all available in the Route info panel plus assets window) and zip along hisec.

4. For bigger hauls, try to outsource your hauling thru Red Frog, Push and the Haulers Channel. This will open up time for you to study the markets and updating orders.

5. Watch eve-central for cheap items in the sell orders. You'll immediately see its on sale because of differences in price range (eg. I bought my Dramiel for 40M in the sell orders which was normally at 42~44M in my region Buy, and 50+M in Sell)

6. Seed neighboring regions with alts for quick buys and checking regionwide prices. Make more accounts/characters and even train some of their trade skills while you're at it. The alpha limitation of one client only is managable because you can log on all your accounts up till character selection, but not full into the game.

7. Watch out for patches, read the forums and log into SiSi. Sometimes changes in the game makes previous cheap items shoot up in prices (eg. Elite Drone Ai). If you can maneuver yourself into a good stockpile early, then you'll be good.

8. Read read and

Archiver, Software Developer and Data Slave

Current Project Status: What can I make with these minerals?

Kaira Innovations
#8 - 2017-01-06 14:32:16 UTC
Keno Skir wrote:
Your friend was talking bullsh*t. Not that it's not possible, people make way more than that station trading. None the less people always over inflate their income when they talk to new players (and old), it's just an e-peen thing. If he said 12 i think he might have made about 6 or 7, purely at a guess Blink

depends on what he was trading, when i used to do more aggressive trading compared to what i do today i was easily pulling in 1-2bil a day and that was just from sitting in jita and that isnt my e-peen waving either. few months ago I spoke to a few other people who were doing similar but making a lot more than me because they moved some of those products around to other locations. This is why i think what his friend said is most likely true, though the possibility of him exaggerating is still there.
Rurounitoto Solette
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2017-01-06 15:08:23 UTC
First of all, Jita is not a good place to do station trading, i'd totally recommend to place your buy orders in Jita and engage in regional trading, outsource your hauling to one of the big hauling corps, keep in mind hauling cost when you do the math. Check Eve-central, read patch notes and SiSi for potential changes (like stated by Sci0gon).

Also, i'd suggest you get one spreadsheet to keep a track of your work, that's the best tool a trader can get, you can use some other tools out there like eve trade master and NEAT (I use Evernus along with my spreadsheet).

Keep that in mind and you'll be good!
Keno Skir
#10 - 2017-01-13 22:09:23 UTC
sci0gon wrote:
Keno Skir wrote:
Your friend was talking bullsh*t. Not that it's not possible, people make way more than that station trading. None the less people always over inflate their income when they talk to new players (and old), it's just an e-peen thing. If he said 12 i think he might have made about 6 or 7, purely at a guess Blink

depends on what he was trading, when i used to do more aggressive trading compared to what i do today i was easily pulling in 1-2bil a day and that was just from sitting in jita and that isnt my e-peen waving either. few months ago I spoke to a few other people who were doing similar but making a lot more than me because they moved some of those products around to other locations. This is why i think what his friend said is most likely true, though the possibility of him exaggerating is still there.

I totally agree with you, billions an hour is possible. The issue is with the location, because he didn't say it was done in Jita Blink
Lugh Crow-Slave
#11 - 2017-01-20 14:52:32 UTC
Last three or four years I have made all my isk station trading in jita. Though I have a good deal of capital that let's me do this with plex. Normally there are ~2 regular times to buy and 2 too sell then you have irregular spikes and dips you can capitalise on further if you are watching.

Overall do to the nature of plex it is extremely predictable and so long as you have a basic understanding of buy low sell high there is little risk. Then as you get better at reading markets you can start making alot off it
Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2017-01-20 16:07:09 UTC
Wonder how many orders you "billions per hour" traders and how many alts you manage in parallel? Personally I find it tedious to supervise more than 5 products in parallel ... and buy orders are a special pain playing the 0.01 ISK game, hence I avoid them.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Zaha Koto
State War Academy
Caldari State
#13 - 2017-01-20 18:16:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Zaha Koto
I made 100b in a few months....In fact I'm prolly still in top 100 on Eve Mogul...not on this character ofcBig smile

My previous character had a nervous breakdown and had to be biomassed Big smile

I think a lot stuff got melted down with him but he did manage to transfer 75b or so to another of my characters.

I tend to get banned a lot by CCP because I have various mental health problems and sometimes have spectacular blow ups with ISDs Big smile

I always have the ways and means to get back on the forums tho Big smile
Lena Crews
Corporate Navy Police Force
Sleep Reapers
#14 - 2017-01-20 18:48:36 UTC
I never did the station trading thing before but I tried it with an alt and a 400 million isk starting postion supplied by my main (not in Jita though) when I came back.

Over a month an a half or so of semi-active trading (updating orders on my alt account between missions or other dead time on my main account), I've got my wallet to 1.1 billion with another 700 million or so in buy and sell orders. I've pretty much restricted myself to blatantly obvious items (100% return from buy price to sell price)... but not with the fastest of turnover. I've made some mistakes but able to escape with at worst a break even result (even with taxes and such).

I realize that I "should" ramp up the orders and get more isk turning over... but it feels like that would require more attention than I want to give it right now. A few hundred million extra each month from a relatively hands-off approach with much less downside than working with smaller margins seems safer to me.

I probably started from a similar point as you did... I just focused more on margin and less on frequency of the trades. If I get a 100% markup and you get a 10% markup (after taxes and fees)... I only need my stuff to turn over once for every 7 times your stuff turns over to get the same result.
The Fukuzawa
New Eden Trade Group
#15 - 2017-01-21 08:43:46 UTC  |  Edited by: The Fukuzawa
If you think outside the box and have capital, its easy to make a billion isk an hour in the market, the smartest traders probably make as much as 5 billion an hour.

i have made as much as 2 billion isk an hour a number of times, however, there are many hours spent laying the ground work for such a trade operation. once it is set up though the upkeep is easy.

! ! ! New Eden Trade Group is paying monthly interest to investors, contact me if interested ! ! !

If you already assume we are scammers without looking at what we offer objectively, go ahead and F*** off.

Thank you, that is all.

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2017-01-21 11:14:00 UTC
The Fukuzawa wrote:
If you think outside the box and have capital, its easy to make a billion isk an hour in the market, the smartest traders probably make as much as 5 billion an hour.

i have made as much as 2 billion isk an hour a number of times, however, there are many hours spent laying the ground work for such a trade operation. once it is set up though the upkeep is easy.

Peak performance is worthless info, and the per account ratio is missing. I made 1.5B in 40min yesterday because my daily production stack all sold in that time. This is not sustainable every hour/day.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#17 - 2017-01-21 11:34:53 UTC
If you are starting small, with limited capital you need to plan your trades. Study the market history of products you are interested in. Eve is a cyclical commodity market - you need to understand the cycle and the volume. The time to buy is in the low half of the cycle and relist in the top half. Eve markets have a tendency to fall gradually as traders play the .01 game and then spike up when they get tired of losing money so don't plan to catch the turn - place your sell order while the market is low and let it come to you. This will require patience and trust that the market will behave rationally. In the long run it will but, to quote John Maynard Keynes "The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent"!
The Fukuzawa
New Eden Trade Group
#18 - 2017-01-21 12:01:35 UTC
Tipa Riot wrote:
The Fukuzawa wrote:
If you think outside the box and have capital, its easy to make a billion isk an hour in the market, the smartest traders probably make as much as 5 billion an hour.

i have made as much as 2 billion isk an hour a number of times, however, there are many hours spent laying the ground work for such a trade operation. once it is set up though the upkeep is easy.

Peak performance is worthless info, and the per account ratio is missing. I made 1.5B in 40min yesterday because my daily production stack all sold in that time. This is not sustainable every hour/day.

multiple accounts and not sustainable for hours on end. I get the most out of the first hour of each day, after that the return is less and less.

! ! ! New Eden Trade Group is paying monthly interest to investors, contact me if interested ! ! !

If you already assume we are scammers without looking at what we offer objectively, go ahead and F*** off.

Thank you, that is all.

Project Fruit House
#19 - 2017-01-24 04:20:50 UTC
1. XXX ISK per hour is not very meaningful metric. Let's say I place a buy order for a JF at 6b, and it gets bought within 1 minute of my buy order placement, and I sell it for 7b within 1 minute of placing a sell order. I made 1b in 2 minutes, which equates to 30b ISK an hour. lol?

If you want to really calculate per hour income, you have to include the entire time included in certain period, i.e, if you made 100b in one month, your hourly income should be calculated as 100b / 30 (days) / 24 (hours). This is how you calculate per hour income of production too. People don't calculate based on how many minutes/hours they put into clicing production queues, but the actual time it takes from BPC making to invention to end product.

2. Here's a true story. I had an item listed in Perimeter for 1,250m ish, while Jita 4-4 price was well over 1,300m. My stuff in perimeter for 1,250m just wasn't selling, while I could tell that Jita stocks were being bought and the sell price was going up consequently. Eventually I canceled my sell order of the stuff in perimeter and moved them to Jita 4-4, and sold a few units within an hour.

People really like the one-stop shop idea. Except for a really young pilot where a few mil ISK is a big deal, people don't fly much (even 1 jump) to save a few mil (in general), especially those who are buying stuff that are worth billions. Only way Perimeter (or anywhere else) can become a new 'hub' is to be seeded successfully and be able to act as a one-stop shop, otherwise it will always be just a fee saving haven, with some very niche/limited trade items (like PLEX).

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Bentley Goodfriend
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2017-01-24 08:11:12 UTC
Kousaka Otsu Shigure wrote:
1. Increase your buy order range, to increase the possibility that someone will sell cheap to you. Set to within the nearest lowsec area in The Forge region.

Using dotlan, with the security status layout:

You will notice that the nearest lowsec is 8 jumps from Jita, so place a buy order within that range, (not 8! or the items will land in lowsec areas and picking them up will be a pain!)

This is really not a problem as his character start to learn various mechanics to stay safe in low and null. And secondly there is always the option to dump items onto a competitor at an opportune moment if you don't want the hassle.