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High Sec Citadel Question

Kana Ordos
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2017-01-17 13:07:36 UTC
Hello. I have recently returned to the game, and was considering building an Astrahus in high sec somewhere. Now, I fully understand that I am likely to lose it, but I have the disposable income, and would like to try anyway. However, I would at least like to get it online before it is taken down, which brings me to my actual question:

I understand that after the 24 hour on-line timer, there is a 15 minute period where it is vulnerable, and only has its structure HP. Does this mean that if no one wardecs me within the first 15 minutes of putting it down, I will at least get it fully online without incident?

Again, I understand that I will probably lose it at some point, but what else am I going to do with my ISK?
Mr Mieyli
#2 - 2017-01-17 13:09:25 UTC
Well since you fully expect to lose it why not save the time and hassle, and forward the isk for the citadel to me? Big smile

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

Kana Ordos
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2017-01-17 13:10:39 UTC
Mr Mieyli wrote:
Well since you fully expect to lose it why not save the time and hassle, and forward the isk for the citadel to me? Big smile

I knew someone would say this... lol.
Mr Mieyli
#4 - 2017-01-17 13:12:22 UTC
Kana Ordos wrote:
Mr Mieyli wrote:
Well since you fully expect to lose it why not save the time and hassle, and forward the isk for the citadel to me? Big smile

I knew someone would say this... lol.

Welcome back, and good luck with your plans. I'm sure someone will be able to answer with specifics about timers for you.

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#5 - 2017-01-17 13:14:14 UTC
The answer to the OP is yes. If you are not war decced in that time frame it will online and start the repping cycle and then will online fully with whatever timer setting you have as the first vulnerable timer.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Kana Ordos
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2017-01-17 13:17:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Kana Ordos
Eternus8lux8lucis wrote:
The answer to the OP is yes. If you are not war decced in that time frame it will online and start the repping cycle and then will online fully with whatever timer setting you have as the first vulnerable timer.

Thank you. That is what I thought, but I figured I had better ask first in the event I was completely missing something.

What do you think are the odds of an Astrahus surviving in high-sec for any extended period of time? Are they being popped left and right, or has the novelty worn off?
#7 - 2017-01-17 13:21:48 UTC
There are literally crap tons of citadels all over high sec space, most of these owned by small corporations. While the assumption that someone is gonna come blow it up is not completely invalid, you under estimate the ass pain involved in taking down a citadel, even an Astrahus. I'd say you are reasonably safe if you just set an invulnerability timer for late at night or mid day during the work week.

I had a citadel in a wormhole for several months, I was never even there for the invulnerability timer, no one touched it.
Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#8 - 2017-01-17 13:22:36 UTC
Kana Ordos wrote:
Eternus8lux8lucis wrote:
The answer to the OP is yes. If you are not war decced in that time frame it will online and start the repping cycle and then will online fully with whatever timer setting you have as the first vulnerable timer.

Thank you. That is what I thought, but I figured I had better ask first in the event I was completely missing something.

What do you think are the odds of an Astrahus surviving in high-sec for any extended period of time? Are they being popped left and right, or has the novelty worn off?

Unless you make enemies that want your citadel out of their hairs it should be fine... unless you make a point of building the thing right under the nose of everyone at the door of a trade hub, mission hub, mining hub or along a trade pipe.

I see plenty of citadels all over the place that never got attacked.
#9 - 2017-01-17 13:24:00 UTC
Yeah, most citadels (especially highsec) are quite safe, cause they are a PITA to take down and yields very little for the effort.
Kana Ordos
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2017-01-17 13:24:22 UTC
Thank you for the answers. This is what I suspected, but again... it's been a while. Never hurts to ask.

Thanks again.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#11 - 2017-01-17 13:27:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Kana Ordos wrote:

What do you think are the odds of an Astrahus surviving in high-sec for any extended period of time? Are they being popped left and right, or has the novelty worn off?

Not long after the introduction of Citadels, CCP published the survival rates:

Since then, Citadels have continued to be anchored but the rate of death hasn't increased. The total numbers destroyed last year for all Citadels in highsec can be seen in these figures:

So the chance of survival is well above the 90% that it previously was for an Astrahus. Exact figure we don't have, but likely to be >95% chance it'll survive unless you are an arse or somehow **** someone off.
Mai Khumm
#12 - 2017-01-17 13:30:03 UTC
It also depends on what you're going to be using it for.

If it's just for lolz, then whatever your ISK. As NPC stations are not going away!

If it's for industry, it's say stick to Engineering Complexes. Especially if it's Highsec, as no one is going to spend the time to remove it for the 700 Mil killmail...

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#13 - 2017-01-17 13:30:36 UTC
Starrakatt wrote:
Kana Ordos wrote:
Eternus8lux8lucis wrote:
The answer to the OP is yes. If you are not war decced in that time frame it will online and start the repping cycle and then will online fully with whatever timer setting you have as the first vulnerable timer.

Thank you. That is what I thought, but I figured I had better ask first in the event I was completely missing something.

What do you think are the odds of an Astrahus surviving in high-sec for any extended period of time? Are they being popped left and right, or has the novelty worn off?

Unless you make enemies that want your citadel out of their hairs it should be fine... unless you make a point of building the thing right under the nose of everyone at the door of a trade hub, mission hub, mining hub or along a trade pipe.

I see plenty of citadels all over the place that never got attacked.

Confirming, if it's out of the way it's probably going to be ignored.
While they're easy enough to take down , it's a bit of a pain in the arse to do so.
Someone would need to be fairly motivated to bother killing it.

Good example of this would be that mercenaries charge extra for the service.
Kana Ordos
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2017-01-17 14:13:12 UTC
This was exactly the kind of information I was looking for.

Much appreciated.
Salvos Rhoska
#15 - 2017-01-17 16:57:35 UTC
1) Asset safety means nobody will bother unless paid to do so. Unless you pissed them off, personally.
2) Why bother paying to do so, when HS is increasingly filled with "competing" Citadels.

I think the proliferation of Citadels in HS will eventually become a problem in terms of why are there so many facilities in every system, with little to no reason to blow them up.
Salvos Rhoska
#16 - 2017-01-17 17:20:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
As to Citadels in NS, the situation is even worse. They basically fortify a system and create a lengthy, arduous process of removing them inorder to capture space.

Ive never understood what CCPs long term plans with them are. Not only did they throw POS out the window for no reason, they then instituted Citadels which will just proliferate in ever larger amounts and more powerful versions, and none of which provide profit to an attacker (except in j-space).

The whole impetus of Citadels seems half-baked to me.

From where Im standing, all I see is massive amounts of Citadels in HS with no reason to kiill them, and massive amounts of Citadels in NS that just make space there even more static. The removal of POS, and lack of asset safety, is a serious problem for j-space dwellers next to stronger neighbors, and even WH daytrippers whom may stay in the hole to loot the entirety of the Citadels assets.

None of it makes sense to me.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#17 - 2017-01-17 17:24:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
1) Asset safety means nobody will bother unless paid to do so. Unless you pissed them off, personally.
2) Why bother paying to do so, when HS is increasingly filled with "competing" Citadels.

I think the proliferation of Citadels in HS will eventually become a problem in terms of why are there so many facilities in every system, with little to no reason to blow them up.

The Holy Romi Inquisitionâ„¢ would like to remind residants at this point that citadel's not owned by the The Devils Warrior Alliance
in Romi will be burned at the space stake.

We run a clean and Holy ship and we'll not have any auld dirty shacks in our staging system.

Seriously , pick a system and cleanse it, it's surprisingly gratifying.
Salvos Rhoska
#18 - 2017-01-17 17:32:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
Seriously , pick a system and cleanse it, it's surprisingly gratifying.

I get what you mean, but how long is that going to be interesting, when there is essentially no reward for it.
New Citadels will just pop up, and the grind begins again, for very little profit or advantage.

Atleast POCOS are planet specific.

If EVE lasted another hundred years, there will be a hundred Citadels in every HS and NS system.

I dont see what CCP is trying to achieve with this.
From my perspective, it just means Citadel spam in HS, and further concretion/fortification of NS.
LS may have some interest in this, but the profits from a Citadel are so tiny, why bother destroying them. Just camp/kill the players.
J-space got properly shafted, as the only sector without asset safety mechanics.

Im not seeing how this is a good direction, for any sector or any purpose.

HS/LS doesnt care. So what if there is 1 or 100 Citadels in your home system.
J-Space is proper fked by this. If its destroyed, they stand to lose everything. No more small operations. If you have a larger neighbor, you WILL lose your Citadel and assets.

The only sector of space I see as benefiting from this, as conjoined to the removal of POS, is NS.
It now becomes even more an issue of who can field a larger fleet, and for how long, so as to grind through the Citadels in a system. Frontiers can be fortified with any number of Citadels, all on their own timers, making invasion and capture of an NS system take weeks if not months in total of constant attention. Even if you destroy the Citadel, the assets will be moved out due to asset safety, so all you have cost your opponent is the cost of the Citadel (which is usually tiny compared to its total contained assets)

Once a border system has 5-10 Keepstars in it, what alliance has the determination to grind through them all?
People just wont bother anymore.

Its the equivalent of WWI style trench warfare. You will suffer billions in losses, just to advance past one Citadel/trench in a system, and gain no profit from it as its assets are moved by asset safety past your reach.

I dont get the logic or idea behind this.
Salvos Rhoska
#19 - 2017-01-17 18:46:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
In the Keepstar M-0EE8 incident, afaik, the aggressor suffered the majority of casualties.

The balance of attrition was thus against the individual participant aggressors, as weighed against the defending alliances investment in the Keepstar itself, and loss of individual defender assets during the engagement (whom eventually disengaged and gave up).

Though it is an economic victory against the costs to the alliance defender (largely due to the Keepstars own value), the price of that was paid largely by individual aggressing participants, not their alliance. SRP are not comprehensive.

I dont think this will remain sustainable in the long run. Players are eventually going to figure out that participating in these Citadel removal projects, repeatedly, for hours on end, is likely to cost themselves more than they are paid out, and that the actual profit from occupancy of that system (once they have grinded through all the Citadels) as successful completion, will go to the Corp and Alliance leadership, not to them.

Its a dead end system.
The rank players earn nothing from the engagement, or its results.
They only lose.

Players that participate in these Citadel destruction missions stand to lose far more than they gain, interms of both time and isk invested. Its fiscally stupid to even bother to participate in such an action, when the profits from the result (if successful) go to someone elses pocket, whilst you personally pay the price for it.
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#20 - 2017-01-17 19:02:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
I don't understand why people get so upset at them in hisec, you can remove them from your overview.

I wanted one because it was my place in space, but it offered me the ability to switch clones easily for what I wanted to do, that has real value, also I intend to do some indy ones at some point. However as I (cough) have made enemies on the forums, any I put up won't last long unless I smoother a damn system with loads of them. But in reality you get annoyed because you can see them, there are quite a few that you don't see, people who do not make them usable for public view and put them way off the grid. You have to scan them down, would you be upset at them? You can't see them on your overview you know that.

I get more annoyed with the Mobile depots around gates then Citadels to be honest.

The un-anchoring is a pain and in fact means that you might as well just make or buy another one rather than scoop it, I have one contact who has ninja scooped 8 Astrahus, so if I put one down it stays there period until someone comes along and blows it up, if they could improve that un-anchoring a bit then you might see less of them.

Romi marked off of my list of possible locations, Big smile in fact I noticed you guys there and I have also noticed that you killed one in Domain, nice fleet setup by the way...

EDIT: About null sec, they are actually creating interesting battles, but a more powerful alliance plonking them all over the place will suffer from overreach, what it does require is a certain amount of supers...

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

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